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View Full Version : Detroit Piston Fans Suck Arse!

11-20-2004, 06:48 AM
I just wanted to let that out. Those guys should be ashamed of themselves and thank God that Indiana's athletes didn't react more.

11-20-2004, 07:58 PM
if we were to divide humanity into two sub categories: Intellects and Athletes, you'd just as well kiss the world as we know it goodbye. I used to think like you until I stopped putting too much into it. We will never understand the why's and why not's of it all. Why do athletes make millions, the same reason actresses and actors make millions, the same reason great writers make millions, the same reason great artist make millions...it's all subjective. Why do podiatrist get paid more than police officers? Why do lawyers get paid more than 1st grade teachers...modern society tends to have us believe that one is far more significant and important than the other when it reality, it's only as important as long as its signifance is relavent to you.

11-20-2004, 09:23 PM
i love the fights. it was hood you feel me. oneal caught a nice blow across the losers face. i dont even like either team but it was entertaining wacthing the fight the the team play. artest is a mjor hot head, i hope his cd go platinum

11-20-2004, 09:42 PM
link to the fight

worst than the vibe awards, these guys make too much money for bullshit like this

11-21-2004, 07:25 AM
Larry Bird must be so proud of his team right now.

11-23-2004, 01:32 AM
why do athletes make millions? because in the whole fuckin world there are 300 guys who can make it...its all supply and demand...i dont get what ur aiming for...

----For an intelligent guy, you often seem to overlook the understated. Sports is global. Since the beginning of human civiliation, sports, athletics, and gifted physical human ability have always been at the forefront of any society, even societies built on intellectual prowess.

lawyers get paid more than teachers because its 7 years of school and to be good u have to have a decent head on ur shoulders...while teaching is admirable its not exactly demanding in qualifications..

----Your dissent for the working middle class absolutely illustrates why those "red" states and "blue" states can't get along...elitist attitudes don't are just as worse as racist attitudes. Furthermore, it lets me know that you haven't researched this topic very well. On average, most teachers hold more advanced degrees than any other profession. In most cases continuing education is required and paid for as a part of the bennefits package. For you to say that "teachers" don't earn there pay lets me know that once again, you've overlooked the understated...who teaches lawyers to be lawyers? or are they hatched from a legal nursery somewhere?

..i dont know about u, but every teacher i ever had in my life was marginal, barely knew their shit and were losers...

----It's unfortunate, this aweful experience of yours.

there are a handful of winners, mostly losers and since not a million people tune in to watch u teach, there isnt the advertising money to make it as profitable as actors and athletes...

-----why hate the athlete because he/she has a marketable skill? I mean for crying out loud, do you think your boss would pay you as much as I presume an intelligent man like yourself were making if in fact, you didn't have a marketable skill?

and regarding sports and intellect..if u line up all ur friends from smartest to dumbest i thnk youlle find that the stupider they get the bigger sports fans they are...

----you reached really hard on this one. I'll just say this, I graduated from a prestigious Ivy league school a four year letterman, NCAA champion, and 4.15 GPA...

tune in to any all sportsradio show and its embarressing...after a while, anyone that can discuss or listen to the same stupid shit all the time is a moron, bottom line!!!

----Funny, someone could make the same argument of those who argue over wits on a transsexual message board...bottomline!

OH..and the simpler and less demanding (intellectually) the sport is, the bigger idiots their fans are..YES...poll the IQ at a raceway and im sure youlle find a hundred thousand barely average intelligent men...oh, and they sure love jesus at that daytona 500...coincidence?:)

-----Really, well that says a lot of Gofl and Tennis...and i'll just leave that at that.

11-23-2004, 05:30 AM
Thuggish, J does make some good points although I do not agree with every one. Sports does have a place in society and can teach us about competitiveness, teamwork, and leadership. However, we have been conditioned by SportsCenter to disregard most of those values. Emphasis is placed on the flashy play. Me first and be a showoff. It sells hundred dollar shoes. I have friends that compute ballhog points in basketball and man Kobe is on a tear. But you wouldn't know it by watching SportsCenter. Kobe is a superstar.

In terms of teachers, I have a friend that teaches in the inner city and it is sad. Last year, he did not have enough desks and books to start the year. How do you earn someones respect when on the first day you don't have the basic materials.

11-23-2004, 11:52 AM
Hey I know Ron Artest & he's an asshole.
I just think his fucked up attitude is rubbing off on the rest of the pacers.

Honestly J. O'Neal & Artest got off crazy easy. If I was Stern I would have booted both Artest & O'Neal for 3 full seasons! No matter what happens you can't just go around slugging people. Now everyone in those stands are going to file lawsuits.

If this happened in a NYC club they all would have been in Central Booking.


11-24-2004, 06:31 PM
thuggish thuggish my child, u never cease to amaze me...such silly responses cloaked in semi articulate language to disguise their real emptiness..u have an incredible skill for saying alot yet not saying anything, note however that all my comments are quick responses to ur posts and not researched comments;)

Sure buddy...what you said