View Full Version : Any psychologist in the building?

03-09-2007, 12:31 AM
i 've always wondered why i'm so fascinated with shemales or why men in general are?

do we have any shrink?

03-09-2007, 12:39 AM
any of the CTE's should be able to help you!

03-09-2007, 12:49 AM
any of the CTE's should be able to help you!

what does the Coefficient of thermal expansion gotz to do with anything?

arc angel
03-09-2007, 12:54 AM
YO !!! Grab a number the line starts down the street.........

03-09-2007, 12:58 AM
Damn...Now you got me thinkin bro....

Does it mean im gay if I like transsexuals?

03-09-2007, 01:00 AM
This calls for Chefmike.......he's handled many posts like this one. :P

03-09-2007, 01:01 AM
Damn...Now you got me thinkin bro....

Does it mean im gay if I like transsexuals?

fuck no!! i know i'm not ...i gag at the thought of me kissing a muscular hairy face man. :D

03-09-2007, 01:06 AM
i 've always wondered why i'm so fascinated with shemales or why men in general are?

do we have any shrink?

03-09-2007, 01:11 AM
dr. phil can kiss my ass.

03-09-2007, 01:25 AM
Rookie Poster

Joined: 03 Mar 2007
Posts: 30

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:09 pm Post subject:


trannys are built 4 sex! Simple.

trannys are built 4 sex! :twisted:

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:10 pm

it is rude to say that is gross but the fact of the matter is that it is gross. But tgirl are not here for our sexual desire , they are built for sex but they are not here to provide services to horny men. The whole point of "tgirlism" is to become a girl in the first place they do it for themself not for us....cutting of the dick is the final frontier.

they cut off their dicks and make a open wound thats their choice. the reason i was attracted to you in the first place was because i wanted a girl with a dick and if i wanted a girl with a pussy , why not go for the real thing. huh?

Joined: 03 Mar 2007
Posts: 32

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:15 pm Post subject:


u ever been with with a jamaican rude bwoy before?

Guess what rude bwoy, you're about to get a lot of help, you've made the list.


03-09-2007, 01:25 AM
dr. phil can kiss my ass.

So you don't mind a hairy face man kissing *you*?

03-09-2007, 01:30 AM
wtf is the shit list? i cant see. it cant help me if i cant see it. make it bigger dammit, i like them big.

03-09-2007, 01:31 AM
dr. phil can kiss my ass.

So you don't mind a hairy face man kissing *you*?
like i said dr. phil can kiss my ass.

03-09-2007, 01:58 AM
i think there are really no set indicators that apply to anyone that completely show why we like what we like. that being said there are some common traits
some people are just curious and way more open minded sexualy and dont limit themselves to having sex with just one gender or gender type . the other is just that animals in nature have homosexual tendencies show up all over the place so its natural to begin with. some people are just not prepared to try it full blown ie having sex with another "man" they prefer to seeing themselves having sex with a woman or as close as they can skirt the boundary. there is also gender confusion. or maybe its just the fetish of the person. there are many aspects that make up why you like something. and the only true way your going to find out is if you look into yourself and find the truth.

wish we'd all stop limiting people by their gender and race.

03-09-2007, 02:01 AM
any of the CTE's should be able to help you!

what does the Coefficient of thermal expansion gotz to do with anything?
Ignorance expands in direct relation to the heat of the moment.

Tranny 411
03-09-2007, 03:16 AM
Attraction to a TS is a natural extention of your attraction to sex in general. Some of you are more adventurous than others. Sex is not an organ based response. It's basis begins in the brain. Men have an inate ability to visualize sex without any direct involvement. On the other hand, men also will seek more opportunities to expand their sexuality albeit hidden and discrete. This is your grace due to the sexual oppression of women over the centuries.

I'm not going to go any deeper than I have. You either get it or you don't. The sooner you release women from oppression in your own mind, the sooner you will understand why men are attracted to Transsexuals.

They are women. What you do with your "woman" behind closed doors is simply called "your preference". To read anymore into it only complicates your life and the life of your partner. Treat them as equals and there is no longer an issue.

Good luck.

03-09-2007, 03:45 AM
any of the CTE's should be able to help you!

what does the Coefficient of thermal expansion gotz to do with anything?
Ignorance expands in direct relation to the heat of the moment.

um shut up, you suck, you are no fun!

03-09-2007, 03:52 AM
Attraction to a TS is a natural extention of your attraction to sex in general. Some of you are more adventurous than others. Sex is not an organ based response. It's basis begins in the brain. Men have an inate ability to visualize sex without any direct involvement. On the other hand, men also will seek more opportunities to expand their sexuality albeit hidden and discrete. This is your grace due to the sexual oppression of women over the centuries.

I'm not going to go any deeper than I have. You either get it or you don't. The sooner you release women from oppression in your own mind, the sooner you will understand why men are attracted to Transsexuals.

They are women. What you do with your "woman" behind closed doors is simply called "your preference". To read anymore into it only complicates your life and the life of your partner. Treat them as equals and there is no longer an issue.

Good luck.


03-09-2007, 07:00 AM
You may not like this, but if you are male and have a sexual attraction to male-to-female pre-op transsexuals, then you are bisexual.

Bollocks, Bollocks, Bollocks. Let's flog that dead horse a bit more. No, I don't like that statement. I really don't care what anyone labels me as, be they across the atlantic or living next door BUT I do have a problem when my girlfriend is labelled as this or that. It's just disrespectful and I can't tolerate it in any form, not ever. If anyone is going to disrespect her it's me. When you say that I am bisexual, you are effectively calling my girlfriend a man. Get it? It's not about pretending or denial, I see her 100% as a woman, not 'genetically' female or whatever but she is a woman, lives 100% as a woman and expects to be treated as such, with respect. You wouldn't persistantly refer to her as 'He' in a social setting so why do it here?
And don't just throw up a load of links to wikipedia, a site which allows anyone to edit the content. I could log on there right now and alter those pages with MY narrow, unresearched viewpoint. One time I saw some questionable remarks on a TS pornstar's wikipedia listing, before I could chivalrously edit it, someone else had gone in and removed the offending snide comments. Wikipedia can have some good info, mainly links to more verifiable sources of info, but it's the facility for any (t)fool to edit the content that allows all kind of misinformation/propaganda/bullshit.

You have been warned, I'm serious, Do NOT call my girlfriend a man!
AND!!!!! You have MISQUOTED the Mighty QUINN in your signiture!!!!! He was not talking about T-FOOL, he was referring to WhiteMaleCanada!!!!!!


Is your ass sore now?

03-09-2007, 08:34 AM
I am a student of human behavior. I am one of those who thinks that the vast majority of people are bisexual. But most people think that that the term means liking males and females equally, but it does not. Say a man sleeps with 999 women, but he had a affair with a male for three days back in his high school years. One could say that he is 99.9% heterosexual, but he is still bisexual.

I believe that people could be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, but there still be some 'bisexuality' involved. For example a women loves a masculine man, but she also loves his sensitive nurturing side, or any trait that is typically feminine. Many men might be attracted to a female who has a little boyish quality to them. That is bisexuality.

I believe that anyone attracted to transexuals is bisexual, though they may be predominately heterosexual. I think that everyone is bisexual, because there are potentially some circumstance that a person would have some sexual contact with someone of the same birth gender. A long prison sentence is just one scenario.

When a person says that they are heterosexual, they actually mean, predominantly heterosexual. Most people have to catergorize everything into a black-white, straight or gay just to simplify our complex world.

03-09-2007, 08:36 AM
projecting much?

03-09-2007, 08:57 AM
mmmmmmm kelly is one....

Pegeyeeeeeeeee might be one......

o and the little kiddie whos majoring in psychology.........

03-09-2007, 09:00 AM
goddamn that is one scary avatar i hate that goddamn clown!

03-09-2007, 09:37 AM
It's different for different people.

For me, it's because they're (often times) extremely feminine - more feminine than a lot of genetic females.

03-09-2007, 10:48 AM
goddamn that is one scary avatar i hate that goddamn clown!

o man when the movie IT came out, and i watched it, i was like 6 or 7 dont remember really, but i swear i had nightmares for like 2 years from it :P

03-09-2007, 07:28 PM
Whoo boy...haven't we been through all this before?

I don't believe that putting labels on everything helps. If you like transexuals does that mean you're gay? Well, I don't think so personally, because gay guys are into other guys. Does it make you bisexual? Not in my opinion, but who knows? And, honestly, who the fuck cares?

vamxcore, I'm guessing you're really new to this whole thing, because, as peggy has noted, your posts suggest you're not too enlightened. You seem to view tgirls as sex objects and claim that they are "built for sex". With time, you might learn to respect the girls. It's okay- we were all new to this once.

And I admit that I was pretty confused too, when I realised I was attracted to tgirls. At first it was mainly a sexual attraction. I'm not attracted to men, but the sight of a penis on a girl turned me on no end. Knowing that the girl could actually use this blew my mind.

But now I see the girls for what they are and have learnt to recognise their struggle to physically become what they always knew they were deep inside.

I'm no shrink, but I think that part of the attraction is the fascination with the penis. Men are as interested in penises as women are. Mostly we make do with our own but if we can see, touch and feel a penis in an environment we can consider heterosexual and non-threatening to our sexuality then that is something we want to try out. I have gay and lesbian friends and support same-sex marriages, but I would still run like hell if a naked guy with a hard on walked up to me, though I'd let Vicki or Allanah have their way with me anytime. Weird, huh?

And becuase some of these girls are so beautiful (and not just physically), the attraction will always be there, regardless of their plumbing.

As for tgirls being more feminine, I would say that many make an effort to become more feminine, to the extent they are almost over-feminine, almost to the point of caricature. Allanah's jaw-droppingly amazing curves come to mind, as do the faces of many of these girls.

I have learnt to love and respect these girls and what they are trying to do with their lives. It is no longer just a sexual fascination, although the attraction is as strong as ever. I hope that in time you will feel the same.

03-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Yeah i guess yall are right, its simple .... bisexually. because i came across i site called gaylikegirl.com are and those doodz are sexy as fuck. theyre not shemale just crossdresser . so i guess idk maybe i'd fuck a cd if he shaved his ass and his face.

03-10-2007, 04:28 AM
I found this interesting site by Renee Reyes

I thinkit may answer some question many people might have about attarction to TS women.

03-10-2007, 04:40 AM
Ultimately though, the question you might ask yourself is, are you attracted by a T-girl's femininity or their cock? If it's both, which is more important to you?

IMHO, I'd have to say that those admirers who seemed overly fixated on the penis and being only topped by a t-girl might consider the fact that they are more than like walking more on the gay side of the line (not that there is anything wrong with that) but they are afraid to admit that to themselves.

However, if you find the femininity of a t-girl the most appealing aspect then, you are attracted to their feminine nature and are probably a pan-sexual.

It seems to me that most t-girls really view themselves as girls and want to be treated as such in a classic/romantic way. In other words most are probably in their personal lives not looking to "top" their men, but they'd prefer the men in their lives to be men.

03-10-2007, 11:25 AM
You may not like this, but if you are male and have a sexual attraction to male-to-female pre-op transsexuals, then you are bisexual. According to scientific studies, the great majority of people are bisexual to a certain degree. Categories YOU may fall into include: bi-curious, bi-passive or bi-active. It all depends on your strength of attraction, how you feel about it, and what you do about it. Only you can answer these questions. Most men with an attraction to transsexuals tend not to confront their real sexuality, and assume/pretend they are completely heterosexual. The following links may be helpful to you:


I believe that almost all humans are bisexual, but most people have to expand thier sexual defintions. Kinsey broke sexuality into a seven point scale, and I say that you could make a scale with 1000 being complete heterosexuality and 0 being completely gay. Nobody who likes transexuals is going to score 1000. Nor could they be a 'zero' because a zero would only like masculine men with no feminine qualities. People define themselves as heterosexual, but there are degrees of that category that most people are afraid to address.

Numbers aside, the bottom line is just accept your sexual feelings what ever they may be. You have a choice of whether to act on those feelings or not. Nobody is attracted to just one person on earth, yet people choose to have monogamus relationships. Then most people who not monogamus are still not trying to have sex with every person they find attractive. Accept your feelings without guilt, but then make decisions about what actions you will do.

03-10-2007, 05:52 PM
d I apologise if I have caused you offence.

My bad really, not your fault, literally everything offends me. Righteous indignation is this season's colour. Must admit, this 'angry guy' routine is tireing me out, I'm knackered from meticulously discecting everyone's posts and punctuation. I wish J would come back so I can go back to gurning over cock-pics.

03-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Attraction to a TS is a natural extention of your attraction to sex in general. Some of you are more adventurous than others. Sex is not an organ based response. It's basis begins in the brain. Men have an inate ability to visualize sex without any direct involvement. On the other hand, men also will seek more opportunities to expand their sexuality albeit hidden and discrete. This is your grace due to the sexual oppression of women over the centuries.

I'm not going to go any deeper than I have. You either get it or you don't. The sooner you release women from oppression in your own mind, the sooner you will understand why men are attracted to Transsexuals.

They are women. What you do with your "woman" behind closed doors is simply called "your preference". To read anymore into it only complicates your life and the life of your partner. Treat them as equals and there is no longer an issue.

Good luck.

That's one of the most insightful posts I've seen on here. wow. It blew me away. So true.

03-10-2007, 09:04 PM
I am not fascisnated with shemales like a lot of people in the forums, in other words, I dislike cock.

The reason why I am fascinated is because they are women and two of them where my girlfriends in differents periods of my life, now I am single and I want to have more luck the next time with my girlfriend and if she is a genetic female I will accept her, the same if she is a tgirl.

Men donīt fall in love with pussies or cocks, we fall in love with the feminity of the women that we love.