View Full Version : what tg's have u been with?

03-04-2007, 11:04 PM
title says it all...
we are blessed to have these angels here with us.. so what angels have u gotten a chance to meet or be with?


03-04-2007, 11:17 PM
j i think you all will be happy for me..

Or possibly we won't give a shit...


Sorry for the snide remark, but you brought in on yourself with a previous post.

As spedius would say:

Have a nice day :D :D :D :D :D

03-04-2007, 11:19 PM
now worries.
what did i say to bother you?

i know your big time on the message boards and all, but....

arc angel
03-04-2007, 11:21 PM
Maybe some of us where with them before you....................

03-04-2007, 11:22 PM
now worries.
what did i say to bother you?

i know your big time on the message boards and all, but....

I think it was to do with you saying that post-op vaginas were gross.

Nothing personal mate, but that post really got me going...

I don't think you're a bad guy after all.

03-04-2007, 11:25 PM
i figured it was the gross scoment that bothered you aswell as others, thats why i pondered the fact that i should just erase or edit my ignorance. my appology.

03-04-2007, 11:30 PM
i figured it was the gross scoment that bothered you aswell as others, thats why i pondered the fact that i should just erase or edit my ignorance. my appology.

I accept it, but it ain't me you should be apologizing to mate. But I notice you have edited your comment.

Anyway, I can't be mad for too long...so welcome aboard and just try and be a little more sensitive and empathic in the future.

03-04-2007, 11:30 PM
i shall follow in the jedi's footsteps... thank you sean.

03-04-2007, 11:39 PM
lol, welcome to the board...........................

03-04-2007, 11:40 PM
welcome....and please make us jealous :shock:

03-05-2007, 12:06 AM
hollywood buckstrap.. ive always enjoyed the photo you use for yourself... big ol' ass!

03-05-2007, 12:16 AM
ive got lots of love for the onion booty....cant be afraid to swim in the deep end :wink:

03-05-2007, 12:20 AM

i wouldnt like to see it get done ever...

v3.6 wrote:
fugggin gross mate!

a chick without dick... nothin for me

now worries.
what did i say to bother you?

i know your big time on the message boards and all, but....

I think it was to do with you saying that post-op vaginas were gross.

Nothing personal mate, but that post really got me going...

I don't think you're a bad guy after all.

I'm agent Harrity of the International Post Op Womens Association.

Is there a problem here?



03-05-2007, 12:27 AM
laughing out loud.

hello miss peggygee...

im wesG... you can call me v3.6 though.

are you a real life secret agent of the woman who cut their penis's off... dang girl you should start a cult too.

but naahhhh, not a problem here.. you?

im lovin the pic of the lady lookin through the window..."" hey whats goin on here""

arc angel
03-05-2007, 12:34 AM
v3. you seem like a good guy . sorry for the poke all the rookies get them. Glad to have ya here enjoy !!!

03-05-2007, 12:38 AM
laughing out loud.

are you a real life secret agent of the woman who cut their penis's off... dang girl you should start a cult too.

but naahhhh, not a problem here.. you?

im lovin the pic of the lady lookin through the window..."" hey whats goin on here""

Wes your thread is about to be momentarily hi-jacked while we
discuss the logistics of gender reassignment surgery:


03-05-2007, 12:50 AM
Okay but i dont care about a post op woman having sex with a shemale or using a dildo to do her vagina. I want to see if if a neo vagina can really have sex with a real dick and if so, would it be like any other heterosexual intercourse? I dont hate porn , but i just dont want people to think i am getting off of watching it, i want to see it to see if it really works normally.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus :D

As the proud owner of a fully functioning 'neo-vagina', I can attest that it functions in all respects, as if it were 'factory installed'. 8)

I am able to lubricate, have orgasm, both clitoral and vaginal, though more of the former. I do require an adequate amount of stimulation to reach that point but I am fully capable of the 'big O'.

Your mileage may vary, should you decide to pursue GRS, and I would suggest that you do a great deal of research on the matter, as it is a :D very serious decision

As to pornography, no the vast amount of it isn't partucularly transfriendly, and rarely depicts the postop in a good light. I base this on viewing copious amounts of pornography of various genres, and again some is better than others.

We still got a long way to go baby :cry:

03-05-2007, 12:53 AM
Whats with all the post op requests. remember this site is called hungangels for those of you who are dumb the hung bit refers to cock.
I myself have no interest in post op ts as in my eyes they r merely impersonators of women. if i want to fuck vagina ill fuck a genetic girl which i often do. a pre op transsexual is not an impersonator of a women because the fact that she has a cock gives her own identity and thats what makes her so special. for me its simple i find women attractive and not men but am comfortable enough with myself to admit i like cock and thats why i joined this site. if you dont agree at least my reasons for joining Hungangels are valid what about yours?

Dear Sir,

As the Duly Elected President :king of the International Post Operative Womens Association (IPOWA), I can say that we have given your concern much thought and examination.

We have submitted the matter to the rank and file, and we have been in many meetings, summits, and tele-conferences with our members through-out the world. :soapbox

After many weeks of careful deliberation, we are able to state to you and to others with viewpoints devoid of merit, that :

1. We aren't doing this to please y'all.

2. A womens body, belongs to her, and she has ultimate say-so over it, in all matters, including to but not not limited to:

A. Who with,and when they will have sex.

B. Her rights to GID decisions, cosmetic surgeries, and GRS.

C. Reproductive rights, abortion, surrogacy, etc.

Finally the Sisters from 'da hood' as well as the 'burbs', asked me to convey this to you and your like minded brethren :censor fuc...:censor ..kiss my funky...:censor ... we hope your limp d... falls of.. :censor ...get a clue you ignor....pie.. ....:censor ..:censor

As, I am a classy broad, I am not at liberty to repeat such utterances, but I will say :moon

Peggy Gee
President Elect (IPOWA)
Never Under Estimate The Power Of Women

03-05-2007, 12:56 AM
here it is

Where are the scars? I don't think that's a TS. All the one's I have seen need pubes to hide the scars.
Dina Delicious

Joined: 07 Jun 2005
Posts: 106

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:01 pm Post subject:


and in older techniques it is true about the scarring
but this is what a top notch surgeon good health and proper aftercare can give you scarring is very minimal and well hidden
all the results i have seen on this board are not representative of current srs procedures

Dina Marie

My vagina has a minimum of scar tissue as well.

Most likely due to a variety of factors:

1. My surgery was performed by Thai surgeons, who in my opinion have pretty much mastered the art. Though there are many, many great surgeons out there.

2. After the surgery, I took great care to minimize scarring. I utilized Vitamin E oil on the scar, along with cocoa butter, hydoquinone cream (bleaching cream 3%, prescribed, not over the counter), I also applied anti scarring creams, etc.

3. Internally, I use, Premarin vaginal cream,. This makes the walls of the vagina very smooth, supplements your estrogen needs, and aids in lubrication. Though you may still lubricate to some extent without it.

4. Also as a scar grows old, the tissue may regenerate, or at a minimum fat folds diminish the scar area.

5. I do have two small scars, that I notice, but that no one else has ever commented on . And, I have undergone some pretty, up close inspection, in the light of day :oops: , as well as by doctors. For these I do tend to allow my pubic hair to cover them somewhat.

As has been pointed out, GRS has come a long way. Perhaps the women whose vaginas you have seen were truly 'neo-vaginas', thus the scar tissue, but as the vagina heals it tends to heal very well aesthetically.

As a Black woman I am very prone to scarring, in the form of keloids.

Whenever I go under the knife I share that concern with my surgeons.

But, with good aftercare, and a competent surgeon, a woman should be just fine.

I have no complaints. 8)

And, I have, had, NO, complaints :peanutbutter

03-05-2007, 12:57 AM
i hate when threads are hijacked
that pic has nothing to do with this thread
that looks horrible and i find nothing funny in any way about that


How can the pic I post have nothing to do this this thread??

Anyone got pictures from a perfect man made pussy?

pwnage asked for a perfect man made pussy and I posted a pic of one. There will never be a perfect man made pussy until medical science comes up with some way to hide the huge scar associated with gender reasignment surgery.

I removed the pic anyway, if its that offensive.

At least once a week, we go through this with the people
who are anti post op, or anti 'pussy'.

If you do not like pussy, I would suggest, you do not eat it,
fuck it, smell it, look at it, or read posts about it.

Actually how many post ops have 'YOU' been with,
or perfomed surgery on that you are such on expert on
the subject.

Until you have more familiarity with the subject matter than
something you have seen either on a site where people are
purposefully, and perhaps needlessly mutilating their bodies,
or on a porn site, then perhaps you may not know wherof you

Again, my friend I have lived full time as woman, most likely
longer than you have been alive (30 years), again to point of
redundancy 10 of those have been as a post op.

In the course of those ten years, neither the doctors who have
examined me, nor people who I have been intimate with, nor
my own self examinations, have been indicative of "the major
scarring you allude to".

Finally my knowledge of the subject is not limited to just my own
pesonal experience, but extensive academic research and study
on the matter, as well as knowing other post ops, and having seen
their results firsthand.

03-05-2007, 01:03 AM
are you a real life secret agent of the woman who cut their penis's off... dang girl you should start a cult too.

but naahhhh, not a problem here.. you?

im lovin the pic of the lady lookin through the window..."" hey whats goin on here""

So, my friend I am not just a member of INTERNATIONAL
the President - Elect.


The primary objective of the International Association Of Post Operative Women (IOAPOW) is education and advocacy on issues related to post operative transgendered women.


Providing information to the general public, government entities, academia, and our members at large.

Said information shall consist of, but not be limited to issues of Law, Employment, Health, and Technology.

We will coordinate effective and efficient strategies, and policies through continuity, communication, and collaboration.

Finally, we will not remain mute, to statements that are libelous, slanderous, or derogatory in nature, that are made to, or about women in general, and, transgendered and post operative women specifically.

03-05-2007, 01:06 AM
are you a real life secret agent of the woman who cut their penis's off... dang girl you should start a cult too.

And finally the penis is not cut/chopped off as some may think,
but rather the penile tissue is inverted to form the lining of the
vagina. The scrotal tissue is used to form the labia majora. And
the head of the penis is used to form the clitoris.

03-05-2007, 01:06 AM
I've been with them all baby, pimp mama here 8) :lol:

03-05-2007, 01:09 AM

Flame off.

Please feel free to resume the thread.

And perhaps we can continue this discussion another time.

arc angel
03-05-2007, 01:30 AM
Pegg, thats too funny..............FLAME ONN GIRL !!!!!

03-05-2007, 02:27 AM
Pegg, thats too funny..............FLAME ONN GIRL !!!!!

Thanks arc angel. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/bowdown_192.gif

03-05-2007, 10:49 AM
oh daaaanng!

get down with your bad self.
