View Full Version : What YouTube has taught me

03-02-2007, 09:23 PM
There's a reason that girls seem to be able to dance their asses off right from the first high school prom. Apparently they practice their moves with their friends in their room. Can you imagine teen boys doing that, or even caring?
Well, who knows nowadays. Still, I thought females were just born with the ability to dance. I'm serious, it never occurred to me before that girls did this...or touched each other when showering, etc. No wonder so many fool around with lesbianism. Hell, if I were a woman I'd go nuts with that stuff! I grew up never seeing anyone else's junk other than my own, including my brother and dad, I certainly never touched anybody in the locker room, and most def did not dance around in my room.

03-03-2007, 05:16 AM
It's not only the girls.

Down here on Long Island, I used to see plenty of Joeys (local slang for young italian mafia-wannabe's) practicing their dance moves for one another.

Now, understand, I'm not referring to the ones you'd see dancing in front of a mirror at a night club. I expect people to dance at a night club (although, not necessarily alone in front of a mirror)
I'm talking about in parking lots, and other typical teen hangout spots.

03-03-2007, 08:18 AM
There's a reason that girls seem to be able to dance their asses off

Girls are built for dancing, men look shit when dancing, they are all angles, men always look shit but they draw attention to it when dancing . Girls always look great(after 3 hours in front of the mirror) and so draw attention to this by 'shakin' it'. I have realised that with the exception of choreographed routines, girls always dance the same, whatever the music, even tempo doesn't seem to affect the pre-programmed wiggle and step.

03-03-2007, 08:31 AM
There's a reason that girls seem to be able to dance their asses off right from the first high school prom. Apparently they practice their moves with their friends in their room. Can you imagine teen boys doing that, or even caring?
Well, who knows nowadays. Still, I thought females were just born with the ability to dance. I'm serious, it never occurred to me before that girls did this...or touched each other when showering, etc. No wonder so many fool around with lesbianism. Hell, if I were a woman I'd go nuts with that stuff! I grew up never seeing anyone else's junk other than my own, including my brother and dad, I certainly never touched anybody in the locker room, and most def did not dance around in my room.

"Females" born with the ability to dance? Have you ever seen a roomful of female scandinavians dancing the Polka in Minnesota?

If not you'd change your tune pretty quickly.

03-03-2007, 01:28 PM
It's not only the girls.

Down here on Long Island, I used to see plenty of Joeys (local slang for young italian mafia-wannabe's) practicing their dance moves for one another.

WTF? I was cool with the dago's when they were busting a cap on Uncle Paulie, but dancing?


We men need to go back to the good ole days of bashing a motherfucker in the head with a garden pick and burying him in the landfill!

gummi baer
03-03-2007, 04:54 PM
Betty Page was a terrible dancer, but that smile could get you every time.

03-04-2007, 07:36 AM
Don't fool yourself any halfway decent dancing guy has spent some alone time in his bedroom dancing. That shit doesn't just come from nowhere.

As a dancer myself, I know that I much of my afternoons after school in high school and college included a lot of cranked up music and dancing.