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03-02-2007, 08:43 PM
Looks like I'm getting dragged to see Zodiac tomarrow, against my will. I have a feeling it's gonna suck.

I wanted to check out "300" just because the previews make it look so Over The Top melodramatic that it might be amusing. The script almost seems like it was written in ALL CAPs.

And no, that's not a jab at Megabody or anyone else. Unless the "300" script writer is in fact a member of this forum. If so, not every spoken line needs to be shouted.

SPARTA :!: :!:

Anyone else see anything good lately?

Mista Bone
03-02-2007, 08:46 PM
I dont really go to the movies...I just wait till the dvd comes out...unless it looks really really good...like 300...I wanna check that out.

03-02-2007, 08:48 PM
I saw Ghost Rider...that kinda stunk...but i do wanna see either Reno 911 or Black Snake Moan

Mista Bone
03-02-2007, 08:49 PM
I forgot about Reno 911...that looks funny as hell

03-02-2007, 08:53 PM
I saw The Number 23 and lemme tell ya....you couldnt come up with a bigger pile of crap even if you dined exclusively at a NYC Taco Bell.

03-02-2007, 08:56 PM
yeah you could...go see Man of the Year...ugh.

03-02-2007, 08:57 PM
I saw Ghost Rider...that kinda stunk...

Bugger and i was looking foreward to seing that as well...

The last real eye opening film I saw was 'Irreversable' - Its hard to watch but one hell of a ride....

03-02-2007, 09:00 PM
go rent the departed or the prestige...or wait until borat and casino royale come out on dvd...the 4 best movies of last year.

03-02-2007, 09:03 PM
I saw Babel recently and really liked it. The characters were wonderfully developed and the story line was pretty good.

03-02-2007, 10:17 PM
Ok, so Ghost Rider, Number 23 and Man Of The Year all suck.

I still say (I posted about this awhile ago) that Children Of Men is the number one, most kick ass movie of the year. I'd probably put it in my all time top ten (if I had one). Oh, and I agree, Reno 911 looks pretty damn funny.

Be prepared for a Zodiac review later this weekend (I'm betting=suck).

03-02-2007, 10:33 PM
I agree Children of Men was kick ass & thoroughly enjoyable. But, kind of stupid with lots of loose ends.

03-02-2007, 10:36 PM
Ok, so Ghost Rider, Number 23 and Man Of The Year all suck.

I still say (I posted about this awhile ago) that Children Of Men is the number one, most kick ass movie of the year. I'd probably put it in my all time top ten (if I had one).

I seem to be in the minority on this movie as I found it to be a movie w/ alot of potential and they dropped the ball at every chance.Found it dull,not to mention that SO much was never explained.

03-02-2007, 11:57 PM
Ok, so Ghost Rider, Number 23 and Man Of The Year all suck.

I still say (I posted about this awhile ago) that Children Of Men is the number one, most kick ass movie of the year. I'd probably put it in my all time top ten (if I had one).

I seem to be in the minority on this movie as I found it to be a movie w/ alot of potential and they dropped the ball at every chance.Found it dull,not to mention that SO much was never explained.

I agree that the first part of it was pretty dull, but it started to kick ass after about 15 minutes or so. I mostly liked it from a "film mechanics" perspective. The last sequence comes off like a crazy ass action sequence, with TONS of shit going on from all directions, and it appears to have been shot hand held and without any cuts. That seems to me to be almost impossible.

I'll have to see it again, but that sequence alone got me hooked.

Give it another try some time, maybe pick up the dvd. I really do think it's an amazing movie.

03-03-2007, 12:02 AM
The last movie I saw at the theater was The Pursuit of Happyness, which was excellent.

Last night I saw Donnie Darko on Showtime which was very interesting. Wish I had seen it sooner. I love books/movies centered around time travel and mystery.

03-03-2007, 12:23 AM
Blood diamonds. I have to say its a totally inspiring, shocking and captivating movie. Leo is a very very good actor and of course very hot with his African accent. The whole movie taught me that I don’t want no diamonds ever.

03-03-2007, 02:32 AM
Great films to see if you haven't seen them:

The Last King Of Scotland

The Queen

Blood Diamond



Hot Fuzz

The Good German]

Black Book (Probably the best of the lot)

I thought The Good Shepard was very disappointing.

03-03-2007, 02:37 AM
Going to see Pan's Labrynth tommorrow.

Black Snake Moan will be next

Followed by 300.

The last movie I saw was Smokin Aces. Took me a while to remember I saw it. But now I can't get Alicia Keys out of my head.

03-03-2007, 02:42 AM
The newest James Bond "casino royal" rekomendable.

03-03-2007, 05:05 AM
saw ghost rider today, was neat, not my type of movie but it was still good

03-03-2007, 09:28 AM
When (and if) they start making good movies again, I plan to go.

03-03-2007, 09:42 AM
Blades of Glory looks funny...

03-03-2007, 01:31 PM
The Departed. If you haven't seen this movie, I hope you die.

03-03-2007, 04:11 PM
The newest James Bond "casino royal" rekomendable.

No doubt, they really did a good job with that movie, which was a total shock to me because Bond movies usually suck. If you like Daniel Craig in that move, try and catch a movie called "Layer Cake" that came out in 2004. Great movie......


03-03-2007, 05:07 PM
I was dragged to see "Rocky Balboa". It was your typical sports movie. Very predictable. Quite a yawner.

I would like to see "300", but based on the previews I am afraid that sitting through that movie in a darkened theater with the actors constantly yelling and the over the top visuals might cause some permanent brain damage.

-Linsey :)

03-03-2007, 05:57 PM
just picture sin city in SPARTA!

its awesome i have the book

03-04-2007, 12:46 AM
I still say (I posted about this awhile ago) that Children Of Men is the number one, most kick ass movie of the year. I'd probably put it in my all time top ten (if I had one).

It was an amazing movie and while the story left many questions they didn't need answering. There was no time for backstory, which is fine if the rest of the movie carries it. It begged for analysis much like one might do in a college Lit course.

Think of Blade Runner--barely any backstory and you didn't need it. It did poorly at the theaters, yet is one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, if not one of the top 100 of all time.

Unlike a Spielberg or Cameron attempt, Alfonso Cuarón's cinematography and effects took a backseat to his direction. The director didn't need them to make a great film. Maybe we've become slaves to Michael Bay's crap. Eventually, we'll all be numb to it and go looking for something better.

The episode at the farmhouse was disturbing. I can't put my finger on it, but it was the same setup as in '28 Days', another of my favorites.

03-04-2007, 06:22 AM
Clerks two was pretty funny especially the donkey show bit. I thought I would be disappointed as most sequels are a let down. But it was a good follow up to a cult classic. :)

03-04-2007, 07:50 AM
Well I'm not really into films but.......

SPUN - At times hilarious tale of everyday existance for a group of suburban Meth-amphetamine addicts. Great use of camera tricks to simulate the distorted perceptions that result from 9-day meth binges

TRAINSPOTTING - Nuff said, Heroin not Meth. Set in rainy scotland.

NOTHING - Obscure surreal Canadian buddy comedy about the nature of freindships and inherent competiton and one-upmanship that destroys all the best dynamic duos. Seriously watch this one girls. ':wink:' You don't know what you got til it's gone. EXCELLENT MOVIE. If you see one film ever , MAKE IT THIS ONE!

NIGHT ON EARTH - Possibly directed by Jim Jarmoush? Very funny and involing film.Five tales of Taxi drivers in different cities, New York, Paris, Stockholm, Italy, I forget the other. Features the amazingly sexy french actress Beatrice Dalle and an exemplary 'broken carnival' soundtrack by Tom Waits.

DELICATESSEN - Similar vibes but a story of a french hotelier/butcher shop owner, I think you can guess where this is heading. Subtitled but incredibly reliant on visual jokes so you wont get bored.

THE YES MEN - Documentary about anti-consumerist media subversive web aggitators/educators/performance artists. They parody Bush, Big business and with expert ironic cruelty, old MuckDonald. Chefmike you will love this! ':rock2'

LOOSE CHANGE - I have probably said too much already.':|'

GRASS - Wake up and smell the sativa! Top notch historical doumentary about conspiracy to criminalise marajauna in the United States and eventually the planet. Narrated by king size doobie afficianado Woody Harrelson. ':smoking'

PI - Pronounced "pie", I don't have the symbol to hand but it refers to the mathematical formula. In this film a gifted, PI obsessed mathematics student stumbles upon some equations and is pursued by everyone from sinister investment multinationals to orthadox jewish groups seeking to utilise his theories. Fine distorted drum'n'bass soundtrack, possibly by squarepusher?

BRAZIL - Documentary about modern life in red-tape surveillance obsessed U.S dependant island police state called Britain in 2007. (directed by Monty python animator terry gilliam)

THX1138 - see above. (First and best film by Geoge Lucas)

DEATH RACE 2000 - Early appearance for both Sly Stallone('Machine-gun Joe Viturbo') and David Carradine(Leather Gimp costumed 'Frankenstien')
Ridiculous future dystopia where the national pastime/sport is 'the races' where characitured contestants win points for pulverising pedestrians. rollerball meets wacky races. Drenched in 1970's LSD technicolour(this is possibly due to my 12th generation vhs copy)

SHAOLIN SOCCER - One for EZED? well it's totally f*ck!n absurd. Korean I think. Bunch of losers, cripples and misfits enter into soccer tournament utilising thier secret shaolin skills to triumph over adversity and the ruthless corrupt local 'moneybags'. Anyone into martial arts films AND has a sense of humour must see this, preferably VERY wasted.

HOW HIGH - Predictable lobotomised sub porkys bud buddy humour featuring Method man and Redman. Smokin blunts grown in their dead buddies ashes causes him to appear in white suit ala 'randall & hopkirk-deceased' enabling him to help them score with girls, steal exam answers. etc. Sample quote "Thats jus' more cush'n for tha push'n". Well I liked it? I can still enjoy stupid shit. ':shrug'


WEEKEND - Early 1960's French surrealism by Jon Luc Goddard. Bourgeuos playboy and his mistress struggle through post apocalyptic countryside littered with broken down angular cars with yellow headlamps and split windscreens. Laced with militant class struggle undercurrents. another one for the Chef?

LES AMANTS DE PONT NUEF - High grade french arthouse. Slow, atmospheric, subtitled in english but it's all about the visuals with this trip. Best enjoyed on a break-up, suffering a massive hangover.

KOYAANASQUATSI - Wordless visual journey through alienating post-industrial metropolitan prison-scape as fast edits of global deprivation and intensive factory farming stab at your psyche. Cut to 3 full minutes of a homeless woman repeatedly trying in vain to work a disposable lighter, Then bang! off on the white knuckle ride again through NY at 200MPH. Hypnotically repetetive orchestral soundtrack by Phillip Glass. some coppola link. Do not watch if you have to commute to work the next day. Can put you on a bit of downer. See also BARAKA -various parts

03-04-2007, 09:23 AM
Best film of 2007 so far?

The Zodiac, 300 is looking to take that spot next week.

Top 5 films of 2006?

The Fountain
Children of Men
The Departed
Pan's Labrynth
The Prestige

Movies I've re-watched recently that are favorites?

Man on Fire
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Blade Runner
A Scanner Darkly
Eternal Sunshine
Seven Samurai
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Happy Accidents
Shaun of the Dead
Mean Streets
American Splendor
American Psycho
Mullholland Drive
Life as a House
Donnie Darko
Cool Hand Luke
Fight Club

Being a recent college grad on the job hunt that has time to watch a shitload of movies?


03-04-2007, 08:25 PM
Lots of good movies showing up in this thread, and a few bad ones to avoid. Thanks for the input so far, these movie related threads to dissapear all too often.

As far as Zodiac goes, I'd say "sucks". It's well made, well cast and the acting is great, but it just pretty much takes around three hours to go nowhere. Basically it's "Let's shoot a fairly disturbing murder scene at the the beginning, set to the song 'Hurdy Gurdy Man'. . . and then. . . well, that's all I got. . .let's just figure something out later."

It meanders around, nothing get's solved (which most people know going into this thing anyways), and a bunch of people get way caught up in pursuing an under achieveing serial killer who writes puzzles and make creepy phone calls.

And then they play Hurdy Gurdy Man again at the end.

Sorry, but I was greatly dissapointed. I might have to finally go see Casino Royale tomarrow just to recover from this movie.

03-04-2007, 08:58 PM
yeah dude Casino Royale was awesome...i love everything about it...even Chris Cornell's song for the movie was great.