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View Full Version : PRINCESA, the movie

11-09-2004, 03:26 PM
yea, thats a pretty good movie.....i thought, and the other one you mentioned is that the english title...is it an itallian film, Brazilian? and where might i get a hold of it.....i cant confirm, but i believe the t girl in the starring role, was a first time actress, who committed suicide before the films completion, dont rember where i heard or read that, but i think it might be true...maybe there is someone else out here theat would know....

11-09-2004, 05:26 PM
J - Today's sign that the hobbyists here have no heart: You see a heart wrenching story about the emotional challenges of transgenders and all you can think about is whether the actress is a provider! I will admit she was a babe, but I'll show my softer side here. I think that movie should be required viewing for anyone who aspires to really understand transsexuals and the complex and maddening emotions that they experience. For the person who likes to visit Brasil, its also a fascinating look at the brasilian transsexual culture.

dajuicy - All About My Mother was a spanish film that came out about 5 years ago, released under that name in the US.

11-09-2004, 09:10 PM
It was a great movie. Did a write up about it a couple of months back

11-10-2004, 01:15 AM
J - I didn't intend any offense, hope none was taken. Just sorta making a joke. Actually, to be honest, I'm on my way to Brasil soon and just to see the lead girl in the movie was making me a lil horny!

11-10-2004, 01:21 AM
NYCe - Great write up, BTW.

For someone who has traveled extensively and had the schizophrenic client/boyfriend issue front and center, I also thought the plot line of "tudo os Italianos sao clientes" (all italians are clients) to be very real.

11-10-2004, 08:19 AM
Princesa was a really good one , though the subtitles tend to
me nuts .

You may also want to check out another ts-related movie
called SOLDIER GIRL ( which stars Tony Garrity from 'Barbershop')

it's based on a military soldier who falls in love with a
transexual dance performer despite harsh hatred & discrimination
from his fellow soldier mates .

11-16-2004, 07:38 AM

I wasn't able to find much about the actress but the author of the book the movie was based on died by her own hand before the movie began shooting.

11-16-2004, 10:56 AM
Princesa was a very good movie...

Check out "Ma Vie en Rose" and "Different for Girls"

05-01-2006, 03:55 AM
Princesa was a very good movie...

Check out "Ma Vie en Rose" and "Different for Girls"

also check out " WILD SIDE " ( released in 2005)


Directed by: Sebastien Lifshitz, Sébastien Lifshitz
Produced by: Gilles Sandoz

05-01-2006, 08:19 PM
Princesa was a very good movie...

Check out "Ma Vie en Rose" and "Different for Girls"

also check out " WILD SIDE " (just recently released in 2005)


Directed by: Sebastien Lifshitz, Sébastien Lifshitz
Produced by: Gilles Sandoz

Saw all those films. Ma vie en Rose was great, Different for Girls, pretty good. Wild Side is beautifully shot. Looks like they only used soft natural light in most scenes. Casting naturally striking faces helped too. (Anybody see the foreign films Transfixion and Tiresias? I'm looking for them.)

05-01-2006, 11:52 PM
I really enjoyed it. I actually just rented it with my boyfriend maybe two weeks ago... I found it funny that she was in Italy, her name is Princesa and her boyfriend's name was Gianni, all strikingly familiar things to me! Princessa Gianna is my name and I am from Italy. What's even funnier is that I didn't know the movie existed until a few weeks ago.

As far as other TG movies, I just watched Soldier's Girl with my boyfriend... I used to be on the message boards for TS/TG girls ONLY at calperniaaddams.com and I remember discussing the movie but never seeing it. It made me cry of course...

Ma Vie En Rose has to be one of my most favorite movies, it really brought me back to my childhood where I believed for certain I was a girl, because I didn't know the difference of what was between the legs ;-)

05-02-2006, 03:24 AM
Saw all those films. Ma vie en Rose was great, Different for Girls, pretty good. Wild Side is beautifully shot. Looks like they only used soft natural light in most scenes. Casting naturally striking faces helped too. (Anybody see the foreign films ' Transfixion' and " Tiresias' ?
I'm looking for them.)

thanks , i've never heard of the two latter titles but i'll definitely
keep a look out for them and keep them on my list.

i'm currently waiting on
" TRANSAMERICA " to come out on DVD release soon.
( due sometime in May)


i've only just recently got a hold of " BREAKFAST ON PLUTO "
on rental since i've heard a lot about it as well.
but i haven't seen it yet.
