View Full Version : ZEUS FOUND!!!

02-27-2007, 07:06 PM
what are you talking about? Most atheists and agonistics historians do not deny that Jesus existed.

The real dispute is if Jesus was the son of God, and was he the son of Virgin Mary.

The fact that they think Jesus married a prostitute and has a child with her go against what is said in the bible, not to mention that his bodies are supposed to be resurrected to heaven and no bones or DNA trace of Jesus are left on earth.

I just realize maybe you were being sarcastic. Meh.

02-27-2007, 07:17 PM
U know they are gonna be selling those necklaces with pieces of the fragment on late night TV...just like when they found Jesus tomb and were selling the Jesus stones from the brick :anon

02-27-2007, 07:36 PM
J, the St Bernard is coming with a fifth of Ruby for you .. hehe

02-27-2007, 07:38 PM
nah not me... :wink:

Felicia Katt
02-27-2007, 08:12 PM
Religiious people are probably more upset about James Cameron's upcoming documentary than anyone. The cornerstone of mystic Christianity is that Jesus was the son of God and ascended to heaven to become an incorporeal part of the holy trinity.

Most people don't know that Christianity wasn't always so exclusively mystic. There used to be an entire branch of Gnostic Christian, who viewed Christ as a teacher and philosopher, but a man, and who revered his philosophy, about loving others as yourself. The Gnostic gospels were not included in the Bible, and Gnostic Christians were purged or driven away and their viewpoint is basically unrepresented in most of Christianity today. Its a lot easier to worship the symbol of Christ, than it is to follow his example.

If the remains turn out to be Jesus (and there appears to be as much archeological uproar as religious over this) then Christ was flesh and blood and remained so, and only his teachings are immortal.

That kind of earth shaking revelation could knock a lot of modern Churches right of their foundations.


02-27-2007, 08:20 PM
how are they supposed to distiguish if they are his or not? ---I mean actually his --or Joe Schmo"s --

02-28-2007, 06:48 AM
wow im so excited, this finally quiets down the non believers and makes my lifelong spiritual devotion to the great god of thunder and king of the gods meaningful...

for those out of the loop, scientists have uncovered bones which are believed to be, wait no, which are certain to be, those of the great god of the sky zeus...next to this great find is a few fragments of bone which are obviously those of his wife hera and perhaps some of his pet poodle snowball...

romans across the world are eating crow as the search for jupiter has come up empty as were many digs for his etruscan counterpart tinia...finally this settles some heretic's assertions that zeus was but a mythological entity...even skeptical scientists conceded the authenticity of the find when the cave the bones were discovered in were marked with lightning bolts and other religious holy symbols unique to the great warrior god....

i cant wait for allanahs party at the pantheon...

J......Did they determine his cock was all it was cracked up to be?

02-28-2007, 06:52 AM
I sort of imagined Jesus to be taller!

Felicia Katt
02-28-2007, 07:28 AM
nothing wil shake kitty;)
It is very difficult to reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into.
Rich Rodriguez

I think I'm being reasonable :) You should read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson some time. Its a great read and it touches on how religions start out as rational and then devolve into something more viral. Its easier to infect people through early indoctrination and to propagate through ritual than it is to reach them through reason and to spread by good example. Its a lot like people who want to ban burning the flag. its easier to embrace they symbol than to live up to the principle it symbolizes. They revere Christ as the son of God, and forget what he taught as a man. I think Christ was real but I don't think he was divine. I think his philosophy is good, but its message was hijacked a long time ago and remains so. I know you are not a big Gandhi fan, but I am, at least of his words:

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.


03-01-2007, 01:03 AM
Religiious people are probably more upset about James Cameron's upcoming documentary than anyone. The cornerstone of mystic Christianity is that Jesus was the son of God and ascended to heaven to become an incorporeal part of the holy trinity.

Most people don't know that Christianity wasn't always so exclusively mystic. There used to be an entire branch of Gnostic Christian, who viewed Christ as a teacher and philosopher, but a man, and who revered his philosophy, about loving others as yourself. The Gnostic gospels were not included in the Bible, and Gnostic Christians were purged or driven away and their viewpoint is basically unrepresented in most of Christianity today. Its a lot easier to worship the symbol of Christ, than it is to follow his example.

If the remains turn out to be Jesus (and there appears to be as much archeological uproar as religious over this) then Christ was flesh and blood and remained so, and only his teachings are immortal.

That kind of earth shaking revelation could knock a lot of modern Churches right of their foundations.


Nice post, but you usually have something interesting to say anyway so I'm not surprised.

03-01-2007, 01:13 AM
and perhaps some of his pet poodle snowball...


03-01-2007, 03:10 AM
Religiious people are probably more upset about James Cameron's upcoming documentary than anyone. The cornerstone of mystic Christianity is that Jesus was the son of God and ascended to heaven to become an incorporeal part of the holy trinity.

Most people don't know that Christianity wasn't always so exclusively mystic. There used to be an entire branch of Gnostic Christian, who viewed Christ as a teacher and philosopher, but a man, and who revered his philosophy, about loving others as yourself. The Gnostic gospels were not included in the Bible, and Gnostic Christians were purged or driven away and their viewpoint is basically unrepresented in most of Christianity today. Its a lot easier to worship the symbol of Christ, than it is to follow his example.

If the remains turn out to be Jesus (and there appears to be as much archeological uproar as religious over this) then Christ was flesh and blood and remained so, and only his teachings are immortal.

That kind of earth shaking revelation could knock a lot of modern Churches right of their foundations.


A little common sense please!!!

When I saw this news item first I had to check the calendar to make sure i did not lose a month and it was April 1st.

Seriously, this is no more than a publicity stunt by a hollywood director who is short on credibility.

How in Christs name are they supposed to know it is the body of Jesus?????????????????????

I thought you had a bit more cop on than that :wink:

03-01-2007, 04:26 AM
The clincher is that the gravesite also contains the remains of Zeus' son, Herakles, as well as his brother Posiedon, and his father and mother, Khronos and Rhea.

03-01-2007, 04:45 AM
J the renowned scholar has caught me in a transliterary slip: indeed, I should have given Zeus' son's original name, Alcides. That very confusion lead scholars twenty years ago to denounce the ossuary when first unearthed because they were holding to the more common name ("Glory of Hera") rather than to the original.

As restitution I shall immediately set about cleaning the stables....

03-01-2007, 04:53 AM
Felicia recommends,
I think I'm being reasonable You should read Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson some time. Its a great read...

just want to co-sign that recommendation and mention his Cyptonomicon as well.

Felicia Katt
03-01-2007, 05:15 AM
How in Christs name are they supposed to know it is the body of Jesus?????????????????????
I thought you had a bit more cop on than that :wink:
well, for example if the DNA of Jesus and Mary was identical, that would be evidence of parthogenesis. Or, if you are more skeptical, if the DNA of Joseph, did not match with Jesus, that would be evidence that someone else was the father. If the siblings shared the DNA with the father, and only partially with their brother, that would be be another supportive inference, when adultery was punishable by death.

Judgment is mine, says the Lord. Reserve yours until you actually see the show and its evidence. Unlike your point of view, they don't want you to take anything on faith. :)