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02-27-2007, 06:11 AM
I've been stuck at home with Mono for a little over three weeks now. Has anyone else here had Mono in there 30s (I’m 35). If so, how long is this supposed to last because my doctor keeps giving me different fucking answers, and I’m about ready to go out of my mind.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


02-27-2007, 02:34 PM

02-27-2007, 07:07 PM
I had it when I was 30 (20 yrs ago). I recall it lasted around 2- 2.5 months and it took a few more months before I felt 100%. All the doc did was a weekly bloodtest to monitor progress.
Eat well, take vitamins, plenty of fresh fruit and veggies and DO NOT push yourself. If you drink(alcohol) cut way back. Sleep as much as you can. Getting exhausted (easy to do) will cause a relapse....I pushed and relapsed.
I feel for you dude...its a bitch and now you probably feel mortal. Only thing you can do is ride it out. In a year you'll be fine but will always remember you are mortal.

02-27-2007, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the feedback, vincidog. It's much appreciated. Two to two and a half months to recovery? Ouch!


02-27-2007, 08:03 PM
sorry to hear buddy, i can tell ur not ok since u spelled their as there;)

LMAO..... Thanks, J. They say it all starts with the incorrect usage of "there," and then it's all down hill from their. Fortunately, I've been pretty asymptomatic so far and haven't felt tired in the least. I have, however, had constant fevers and swollen glands. The end result: wayyyy too much time online, even for someone who works online at all hours like me.


02-27-2007, 08:09 PM
My high school daughter just got over it and it took her about 2 months. It's somewhat insidious in that you don't really feel ill, just tired. So as soon as you feel a little less tired, you go back to school or work. That's when you relapse. So my advise, is just stay in bed as much as you can for as long as your doctor tells you and don't push yourself.

02-28-2007, 12:22 AM

Too bad Quinn, sorry to hear it. stay close to the puter and give WMC some shit!

02-28-2007, 12:25 AM
Sorry Quinn...

All I know is that I got mono from driving a tractor.

02-28-2007, 12:36 AM

Too bad Quinn, sorry to hear it. stay close to the puter and give WMC some shit!

Thanks, K. I was thinking the same thing myself. If I have a slow trading day, it's a given – though from what I can see everyone's favorite factually challenged bullshitter has been handily dispatched by the ever-brilliant Trish (not to mention Thombergeron and few others). Two words: pure hilarity.


Sounds like more good advice. It's appreciated.


02-28-2007, 01:39 AM
Sorry to hear Quinn. Hope you dont feel to much indisposition and that your fever aint to high. Is even your spleen swollen?
Take it easy and get well soon.

02-28-2007, 02:04 AM
Sorry Quinn...

All I know is that I got mono from driving a tractor.

Don't you mean from pulling a tractor? :peanutbutter :lol:

02-28-2007, 02:06 AM

Too bad Quinn, sorry to hear it. stay close to the puter and give WMC some shit!

Thanks, K. I was thinking the same thing myself. If I have a slow trading day, it's a given – though from what I can see everyone's favorite factually challenged bullshitter has been handily dispatched by the ever-brilliant Trish (not to mention Thombergeron and few others). Two words: pure hilarity.


Sounds like more good advice. It's appreciated.


You should try Emergen C and Cara oranges. That combination kicks ass on all diseases, domestic and foreign. Gets me well real quick.


02-28-2007, 02:19 AM
Thanks Chef and Scorp. Tfan, If I can find them, I'll give the cara oranges a shot instead of the usual oranges. thx.


02-28-2007, 02:45 AM
Sorry Quinn...

All I know is that I got mono from driving a tractor.

Don't you mean from pulling a tractor? :peanutbutter :lol:

That was a Seinfeld reference, TFool.

Or isn't that on your list of jerry falwell approved viewing, TFarce?

You remain, as always....irrelevant.