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Danielle Foxxx
11-08-2004, 07:11 PM
Hello everyone, I attended the Queen Of The Universe Pageant last night, it was long borning and ofcorse like every TS pageant - FIXED! LOL
Here are some pictures of me, Lucy, Anna, and Julia, my TS friends from San Francisco. And by the way, my new spread is going up on Bob's Tgirls in the next week or so.

11-08-2004, 07:27 PM
Danielle, I find it incredible that anyone who has slept with you wouldn't want to engage in some snuggling and 'small talk'. That's half the fun as far as I'm concerned! Found a picture of you a few weeks ago, you were younger and less developed as a girl, but it was great and interesting to see. Also read a post where someone said you sang a song at some pageant or show near the Great Lakes area. You sang a song called 'I Wish I Wasn't' if I remember. They said you were great and cried while you sang. I wrote a letter to you after that, one of my usual novels, but my yahoo account deleted it when I tried to spellcheck it, and I let it go for the moment. I got to say that you are one of the most femme ts's I've ever seen, and proof that some of you 'girls' were probably born with the wrong gender...but who knows, I liked that post titled 'tgirls are the new 3rd gender' or whatever it was...I love that you have a cock. Who needs a vagina when there's a very close relative right next door! If gg's had cocks we'd all be used to that...and we'd always know when we made our lovers feel good.

11-08-2004, 08:27 PM
Four beautiful girls, Danielle! Wow! All three of your friends are absolutely gorgeous, just my type. That closeup of
Ana and you, mmm-mmm. You can tell her for me that she is stunning.

I am kicking myself because I remember you visiting Boston I think last Spring and I didn't call you. My loss, I can see that now.
Maybe someday you'll come back this way?

Anyway, all I can say after looking at those pics is it's a good thing I work at home; if I stood up in the
office right now, I'd probably be embarassed. :lol:

11-09-2004, 01:47 AM
Great pics of you beautiful girls.

Where was the pageant held?

11-09-2004, 02:45 AM
i'm in tears. you have the cutest cheeks. just adorable.

11-09-2004, 06:32 AM
regarding seed's post, i honestly think some guys dont get or dont care about how girls view guys..for debatable reasons, no TS like's chasers..[snip]..but we all know that cuddling aside, every girl, for the most part, shares shady's sentiments and think "u tricks are all the same" and its precisely the soft side of some of us that gets played for huge advantage by some girls...
I hope you're not just trying to comandeer Danielle's thread, J, but you do raise some valid points...to a point. I only know a few girls, and I don't know the NYC scene at all (one of Allanah's parties and one lovely girl I love and respect highly is all I know of that scene), but I think there's a lot of truth here. I suspect that girls--or at least those who escort--may tend to think this way about tranny chasers; but I think we guys set ourselves up for this attitude if we come off only as tranny chasers. Now some of us could care less--those who want shecock and don't care what the girls might think--but others do. If you really do care about a lot more than 6 - 8 inches of steel, then you need to show that. It comes down to Aretha's song: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Yes, J, you may be right that many girls will laugh at you behind your back and to one another, but I absolutely don't believe that's true of all girls by a long shot, and that if you give a girl respect, you'll get it back. It may take some effort, and may not be worth it for an hour's session, but if you want to get past that, you've got to make the effort.

11-09-2004, 08:33 AM
I get what you're saying. I felt it was warranted in this case. Danielle showed her softer side in a freakin' porno for god's sake; you think that didn't take guts? It was so unexpected in a 'Shemale Strokers' video. of course, I've also seen her enthusiastically deepthroating Vicki in that "Suck My Tranny Cock" preview. Which is one of the reasons we love transexuals. They're capable of being the dogs we are too! Do I think Danielle might decide to adopt me and be my girlfriend because I have a sensitive side? No. But I wanted to tell her that, as hot as I think she is, I see her as more than a piece of meat. The 'hooker with a heart of gold' is an old cliche. But if I had to place my bet on who I think might just be that, it'd be her. And if we guys can engage in sex for hire and still see ourselves as capable of intimacy, why can't escorts and porno actresses?
I've had exactly three experiences on the other side of the fence now, and the first two didn't really count! On the other hand, I've been with about fifty women over the past 15 years. I don't consider myself a tranny chaser. But when I'm looking for something different, tgirls will always be there. Make of that what you will. Am I a 'Brad Pitt' (still trying to figure that one out!), a trick, a tranny chaser, GAY? I don't think I am, although I realize I've got an interest here that many guys don't. Faggy acting guys gross me out; always have. I don't understand why a sexual interest has to dictate your whole personality. But I digress. I want to conclude by recalling that line from "Adaptation". You're what you love; you're not what loves you. If Danielle thinks I'm a fool for being touched by her, then shame on her. But I'd like to think she's glad someone appreciates her a little for more than her lovely face and body.
And hey, Danielle -- nice cock! :D

11-09-2004, 09:50 AM
thanks for the kind words j...yeah, I'm a big boy and can handle the game...tell you what my problem is tho, no lie. I am SUCH a sucker for beautiful women. i know I'd get more tail if I could talk to the real lookers w/out my tail practically wagging the whole time. Women generally like me, I'm friendly and not horrible looking, and I'm sure you folks are starting to realize I've got the gift of gab. But I'm so bad at playing it cool, and that's something I know women like (and ftr I'm talking about gg's here; to my knowledge I've never met a ts while out and about). I've really got to work on that. But it's like when I'm at work and a beautiful girl comes in - I'm thinking "Holy Jumpin Jesus in a sidecar, would you look at that!!!", and with the exception of this other guy from England who also shares my appreciation for the ladies, the other guys I work with don't bat an eye. I read somewhere that when men look at women they find attractive, it causes endorphins to flood their brain, and I believe it! That's one reason I think guys have more fun than girls. we're visually oriented, we are completely capable of enjoying casual sex, and we can always count on an orgasm. I have a hard time believing women take as much pleasure from men as we do from them. (Transexuals excepted.) One final thought (I promise.) The really beautiful women I've dated have often told me that i make them feel pretty like no other man they've been with. I guess a lot of guys are just jaded. I'm glad that beauty moves me that much - it's one of my greatest pleasures. Now if I could just find a way to keep infatuation from turning into irritation when it comes to long term relationships...

11-09-2004, 10:58 PM
lovely photos of you and your 3 friends. love that skimpy top/jeans look. do you have names of QOTU winner and finalists please? I'd like to post them on a few pageant websites.
thanks, George