View Full Version : help id yoghurt girl?

02-23-2007, 07:01 PM
Can anyone help me with this? It was a vid I saw ages ago, but it was one of the best I've ever seen. I have no pics so I'll just describe it as best I can.
Okay the scene takes place in a house. The girl has blonde curly hair, hispanic looking, small tits, real hard cock. A guy starts off by spooning yoghurt onto her cock and then sucking it off, getting her real excited. She then lowers herself onto his cock slowly and begins jumping up and down in a sitting position. In the end she comes without hardly touching herself at all.
gold stars to any detectives out there who can solve this case!

02-23-2007, 08:07 PM
Well if no-one here knows, guess im never gonna find out :cry: