View Full Version : Where to go in Queens?

02-18-2007, 02:01 AM
Alright, I've heard a few guys say how there are places to meet the girls in Queens ( esp. along the Woodside/JH vicinity). Anyone care to be more specific? I live not too far from there & am wondering if it is worth checking out some places instead of trooping off to Manhattan all the time.
Also what is the crowd/atmosphere like: all Latin, gay disco, Asian, black, older white, etc... I'm assuming mostly different flavors of Latin but let us know.

02-18-2007, 05:22 AM
Alright, I've heard a few guys say how there are places to meet the girls in Queens ( esp. along the Woodside/JH vicinity). Anyone care to be more specific? I live not too far from there & am wondering if it is worth checking out some places instead of trooping off to Manhattan all the time.
Also what is the crowd/atmosphere like: all Latin, gay disco, Asian, black, older white, etc... I'm assuming mostly different flavors of Latin but let us know.

if you live close to the locations mentioned I suggest you do something I've heard many fellows say they practice on other adult forums, get in your car drive down the strip and stop when you see some of the [girls]

there's about 4 places you can go, I don't mean to keep info concealed, I just think it's best if you find it yourself, rather than go somewhere someone recommended on any forum and when you get in the place have a bad time

What I can tell you are the best days for Queens

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

try to keep a low profile on the last day and the middle day of the month (LE's quota time)

02-18-2007, 06:53 PM
Thanks for the info, esp. the quota tip. I'm a true city dweller & don't have a car tho, whereabouts should I walk on foot: the 60s, 90s...?

02-18-2007, 06:59 PM
60's & 70's

02-18-2007, 07:49 PM
Thanks much. To add a little personal aside, in the early 90s, while I was still living in DC but coming to NYC 1-2 weekends a month I met a mature (my age) TG woman somewhere & as we talked she mentioned she owned, or tended bar - it's a long time ago, can't remember- in this neighborhood JH/WS, I never would've considered I would be living there 10 years later. She mentioned a drag show on the weekend, Sunday I think, & a pretty low key mostly gay clientele. She had a full time job with the city.
But I realized when she mentioned her name that I had met her a few times 20-25 years earlier- when we were both thinner & prettier! I had a bit of a crush on her then, but not only was I too young & scared to act on it, in fact I lived in the Midwest & only got to NYC once a year.
The hard fact is that because neither of us was involved in the bar/club scene back at that time is probably why we are alive today.
C'est la vie!