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View Full Version : Several questions about transexuals from an upcoming TG

02-17-2007, 04:43 AM
Edit 2/18/07: I, AGTFB am asking these because I am working on becoming a transexual and I need information for my transition so if anyone could take this seriously and give me some info, I would much appreciate it. More info at my 4th post on this thread.

This is a followup to my thread about Transexuals who like/use their dicks.

1. Hormones. In my previous thread, it was mentioned that a balanced dose of hormones allows transexuals to remain functional. Could someone elaborate on this? Where do they get hormones from anyway?

2. Can a TG take hormones for a year or so to develop breasts and such then stop? What happens? Does the penis start working again or are you sterile? Does it shrink while taking hormones? Does it go back to it's original size after ceasing hormone intake?

3. Do you stay the same after ceasing taking hormones or do you lose your curves and such? I know breasts are permanent but what about other feminine attributes like a round butt, smoother skin and such?

4. What do most TG's do about body hair? (IE: Chest/face/butt) Electrolsis, laser removal, waxing or just shaving?

5. I know most TG's are attracted to men but how many are attracted to GG's?

6. How many GG's (lesbian or otherwise) like transexual women?

7. Do lesbian women accept TG's who are into GG's?

8. Do any TG's find other TG's sexually attractive?

I know, it's a lot of questions but I keep wondering and I never found any answers online or otherwise.


02-17-2007, 05:02 AM
1. hormones, estrogen and progesterone, can make you sterile after only 4-6 months. It may be rebersible after 4 months with another regimine perscribed by an endocrinologist. If a girls thinks a conservitive regimine is safer it may only decrease the benifits and still cause sterility.

Note, Do not self medicate. Its expensive but you get high quality and less medical problems later. Mine costs about $1000 every 3 or 4 months.

2.I dont know, thats a long time and who would want to stop then.
I am sure there are girls who have experienced that though. Hopefully they will respond.

3. Some effects are more permanent but I have heard girls complain about their skin looking worse after running low on hormones for a few months.

4.Laser and or electrolisys is a must. Yes, thats thousands of dollars!

5 thru 8. Everyone is different. Just be yourself. Thats a part of our struggle, to be ourself despite going against a negitive culture.


02-17-2007, 06:30 AM
Thank you very much for the answers.

I was just wondering in a sense in regards to question #2 was if a TG only wanted to get breasts and such then quit in order to regain functionality.

Are there any narcotic like effects of taking hormones? I am wondering because of your note "Who would want to stop?"?


02-17-2007, 06:41 AM
I accually was able to go from 0 sperm count in my semen to 7 million in 3 weeks by taking two perscription drugs given to me by my endo MD.
Yes, I had it tested by the sperm bank chryolab.

This news is probbably going to get me inundated with emails for the name of the drugs. However I am wary about saying. I will give you the name of my MD in LA area if you wish. I dont want anyone self medicating. Although I highly doubt you would be able to get them without a perscription.

Keep in mind it was very early on in my treatment and may not work for everyone.


02-17-2007, 08:46 PM
I am wondering, what are the "feel good" effects of taking estrogen? Are there any? What is the big danger with non perscription hormones?


02-18-2007, 10:03 AM
I have my lead research assistant working on some
additional input, and our findings should be imminent.

Stay tuned......

02-18-2007, 04:07 PM
Well Nadia, from the looks of things your money was well spent...very nice indeed :wink:

02-19-2007, 06:45 AM
Ok, I'll admit, the real reason I'm asking all these is not because I'm a nosy person but because I am going to become a transexual and I need some info to start my transition.

Here are a few more questions:

1. How can one obtain estrogen? Does health insurance cover it? If not, how much? I'm short on cash so I might have to end up going through the non perscription route. Any tips? How much for them as well?

2. Since I'm becoming a TS, is there a way to get "A hot hung angel" under my username? Can I change my username without creating a new account? I'd like something different than AGTFB.

3. I would prefer to keep my penis working, is there a way to take hormones to gain femininity yet keep my functionality? Or is being functional overrated and it's better to be "limp"?

4. Do hormones have a "feel good" effect and you start to feel bad if you go off of them?

5. Do TS's LEGALLY change their name/legal documents? How does this process work?

6. Probably a stupid question, but does estrogen effect whom you are attracted to? I am currently not attracted to men, only GG's and TG's, thus the lesbian questions.

7. Not so much of a question but more of a comment, I do not desire srs so I do not require any info on it, thank you!

8. What does a TG do about body hair who's short on cash? I'm thinking of going with waxing. I certainly can't afford electrolosis or laser hair removal.

9. How much for a cheap, good enough wig? I unforunately always got buzzcuts before I decided to become a TS, (I've been debating it for a few years now and have decided to go with it) so my hair is quite short. How long does it take to grow your hair out? At least to an acceptably female length.

10. What do I do about a male voice?

11. Another comment, yes, I will be posting some pics for the people interested in a few months. And no, I'm not doing this to get attention, but because I am tired of living life as a male and wish to move on.

Thanks a buch everyone

AGTFB to soon to be transexual

02-19-2007, 07:01 AM
You need a counsler and or Licenced psychologist to get your letter for the hormones at the endochronologist. Many gay and lesbian centers have free help for just your situation including name change.

First of all Do Not Take Premerin or oral estrogen unless you want to do the most harm to yourself.

Second, if you want results you will have to take enough estrogen and progesterone and Spironolatone to effect your sterility.

Third, Your mind will change and later your voice if you are lucky.

Fourth, estrogen is somewhat calming but not Euphoric.

Also, you dont need to take hormones right away especially if you have done no laser or electroysys.

Also, hair is critical. Wigs are good for your transition but do not try to pass as a woman with it.

Sorry for the reality but its not magic. Its a hard struggle though transition. Usually we have no money or support . Then to help further we look awkward in the in between stage and deal with regection from everyone.

Some girls make it and some people I know Bail out after triyng it.

Again , you need professional advice. Go to the free resources in your city.


02-19-2007, 07:06 AM
So you do have to have counciling to get hormones? I thought that was only if you wanted srs. How long does this process take?

What kind of harm does oral estrogen do exactly? I don't care about sterillity as I don't want any kids, thanks for the warning though.

How does your voice change exactly? I thought hormones couldn't change the male voice to a female one.

In regards to hair, so what do I do then? Just sit at home for several months then or something until it's long?

Thanks for the info.

Well, it seems the only good thing I have going now is that my body is already pretty feminine. And yes it is, if anyone doubts it, I can post pics.


02-19-2007, 07:23 AM
I think you underestimate the time you will need to transition.

You need a few sessions with a counsler to get a note for HRT. Hormone Replacement Therapy.

It is a very powerful chemical change. the wrong perscription can lead to organ failure or Dementia.

The voice is a crap shoot.

Even the most agressive regimine will barey show reults before 3 or 4 months. At 6 to 9 you will just start notice subtle changes like skin and muscle softing and little nipple growth.

Your screwed with the hair but I assure you that since you have no electrolisis it may not matter unless you have an asian hairless face.

If you have little money you should think in terms of a few years to passing.

Start with the electrolisis or laser on your face as a priority. That will take months if not a year or more alone. Take this time to grow your hair.

Talk to your counsler but I sugest you live as a boy as long as you can while prioritzing everything. Keep your job and make as much money as you can before you look too in between. I you are in sales or something you will lose business. Especially if you take hormones and grow boobs before you remove your 5 oclock shadow.

Felicia Katt
02-19-2007, 07:32 AM
How about a dress rehearsal before you try to open on Broadway? Try expressing your gender identity through less drastic means like dressing and makeup and wigs and going out and interacting with people in the community instead of jumping right in with hormones and drugs alone. It takes a lot more to be be a woman than just altering your hormone levels.


02-19-2007, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the tips, girls.

I am going to go with waxing for the hair problem, at least temporarily. I currently do not have a job so I can start the small steps right away. How long does it last? I keep reading 6-8 weeks but I don't think that it would last that long (waxing).

Ok, I got it, thanks again.

I've always been fem, I have shaved my legs, armpits, chest and butt for years, I've been yearning to become a woman but kept debating it, now I feel like it's the next step for me. GG's always thought I was gay (which I'm not, I don't find men attractive, I guess that makes me a lesbian!) and I was never into the things that men were into.

How much does full electrolosis for the face run?

How do you hide your penis in pants/underwear? Skirts would hide it but I want to if there are any other tricks. Or do you just twist it backwards or something? What if it gets hard?

I hated sounding hasty but I've been debating all of this for years and have wished that would have started all of this years ago.


02-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Your initial questions and your present questions were taken
very seriously by me, however then as now I was overwhelmed
by the volume of them.

Interestingly from your various posts in the past I never got a
sense that you would be a person interested in transioning, thus
I have a few question for you, if I may:

1. When did this feeling first manifest?

2. What steps have you taken in the furtherance of your quest.

3. Have you sought counselling or therapy as regards this issue.
Ideally you would seek out the counsel of a therapist versed in
the treatment of gender identity disorder (GID).

Further basic information such as age, height weight, any underlying
or pre-existing health issues will effect your course of action.

Transitioning is a very challenging matter, and one that should not be
entered into lightly.

I will peruse some of my previous posts on your questions and try to
respond as quickly as possible with addional material.

Perhaps though, to facilitate getting the answers you seek you might
consider entering your questions as seperate posts or in groups
of manageable questions.

If you are sincere about this endeavour I would be willing to answer
many of your questions.

02-19-2007, 11:33 PM
As promised my talented staff is prepared to share some
of their findings.


Side effects of HRT:


Benjamin Standards Of Care For Gender Identity Disorder
This is the criteria octors and therapists utilize in the
threatment of GID.


Orchiectomy considerations:


02-20-2007, 07:29 AM
Your initial questions and your present questions were taken
very seriously by me, however then as now I was overwhelmed
by the volume of them.

Interestingly from your various posts in the past I never got a
sense that you would be a person interested in transioning, thus
I have a few question for you, if I may:

1. When did this feeling first manifest?

2. What steps have you taken in the furtherance of your quest.

3. Have you sought counselling or therapy as regards this issue.
Ideally you would seek out the counsel of a therapist versed in
the treatment of gender identity disorder (GID).

Further basic information such as age, height weight, any underlying
or pre-existing health issues will effect your course of action.

Transitioning is a very challenging matter, and one that should not be
entered into lightly.

I will peruse some of my previous posts on your questions and try to
respond as quickly as possible with addional material.

Perhaps though, to facilitate getting the answers you seek you might
consider entering your questions as seperate posts or in groups
of manageable questions.

If you are sincere about this endeavour I would be willing to answer
many of your questions.

Many thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to Peggy. Here are my answers:

1. I first started to feel like I wasn't a man around the time I was 11 or 12 (18 now), I felt like I wasn't "one of the guys" and everyone always thought I was gay. So after a year or 2, I just didn't talk about my feelings or anything like that, I cried a lot when I was sad which is something boys don't do. Then about 2 years ago, I decided to try and become a man, getting shorter haircuts, wearing manly clothes and such, it was just a front, inside, I felt like a woman, so I just decided to stop all of that pretending and just embrace my true, female self. All my posts were under the front of masculanity, except for the ones where I admitted to wanting to be topped by TG's, those might hint it.

2. Around, the home, I wear women's clothing, outside, I wear men's, although that will change soon. Heck, I wore a skirt in the summertime when I went out to check the garden (I live out of town where nobody would be watching anyone) and I painted my nails. As I said previously, I've been shaving myself and such for several years now.

I don't quite know if this belongs as an answer to #1 or #2 but women always felt like I was gay as I said above, when I asked them out** (yes, I find women attractive, not men) they would always make up excuses and give me weird looks I could feel that they were secretly thinking "GAY GAY GAY!!"

**=I only asked women out as a last resort, I personally feel inside that approaching a woman is wrong and that I should wait for one to approach me, yeah, I know that's not how it works, thus the feeling of being a girl wanting a guy to approach her except the guy would be a girl in my case. I wanted a woman who would work a job and I wanted to be the housewife type, as you would expect, I have had next to no relations with any woman at all. I've only kissed a woman twice and that is it for me. I like the things women like as I said above, I sew, do laundry by hand (and enjoy it) and do the things that women normally do. I like music that women would normally like (the touchy, feely songs) that men hate. Various things like that, I could go on and on and on... I connected better with my mom than the others in my family did and I was and still am her shopping companion (something that girls usually do). My mom wants to help me out with becoming a transexual, she was in disbelief at first, but she started to believe me.

3. I never had any counciling in regards to gender identity, although, my parents sent me to a phsycaitrist when I was 13 because of my so called "odd behaviors" (which were me just not getting along with the other kids because of the reasons I mentioned above) so I kind of had a bad experience with those types of things. I went to 3 different doctors and all of them said I was fine mentally. I never had any gender identity counciling. Would you say it is a prerequisite of sorts or can I just skip it and get going by other means?

Thanks for the information on HRT, GID and orchiectomy. I don't think I'll be getting my balls removed though, lol! As I've never had sex with anyone (yes, I admit it, I'm a virgin unfortunately), I want to keep my genitals incase the opportunity presents itself, if I don't like it, I'll consider the orchiectomy, no srs though ever regardless. Although, I do enjoy penetration moreso, but that's another story.

However, in order to be more feminine, how does one stop masturbating without taking estrogen? I feel the need to do it but I want to be a woman at the same time.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration with me.


02-22-2007, 05:50 AM
These sites may be useful to you.






02-22-2007, 06:15 AM
Hi there,

So many questions and every single one is debatable. The thing is, every girl chooses a different path.

I can't give you definitive answers on any of these questions (well maybe some, but there were so many I stopped reading), but I can say what worked for me.

I was 20 when I started to transistion. At the time I was living in Boston working full time as an editor/web developer for a radical political magazine. I had health insurance and a good salary. I went to see an endocrinologist, who of course demanded that I meet the benjamin standards. At the age of 20 the idea of waiting a year or two through therapy and feeling as fucked up in my skin as I did, seemed ludicrous. My health insurance refused to pay for the visit, and I stopped going the legal route.

I came out to my employers and lost my job (not as cut and dry as it sounds, I was pretty messed up at the time) and my insurance. Soon thereafter I ordered premarin online from a company in the UK. After a month or two of taking premarin I went to a friend of mine who was a doctor (and I'm not advising this, but it will work most likely) and said "hey I'm taking some really nasty hormones illegally and doing some major damage to my body, why don't you give me a script for something better?" It worked and I got a script for Estradiol (stroheckers will provide it at around 30 bucks for a six month supply, its probably the best injectible hormone you will find) and one for progesterin (I forget what it was called).

A couple months later I heard through the grapevine (the grapevine being the wonderful world of dykes, ftm's and lesbian mtf's) that there was a doctor in Washington state performing low cost orchiectomies. I hitched a ride out to Portland where the health care system is friendly to trannies, quickly saw 2 shrinks, got my letters, ba da boom, bada bing, scheduled my orchie. Got castrated in a barn in rural washington and 25 hours of electrolysis for about a grand (yay DIY health care). At the time this was exactly what I wanted. After the surgery it was no problem getting my name change and gender change (which was paid for by a nonprofit in Portland) and from there the hardest part was finding employment without outing myself. So... I mostly lived on odd jobs that friends in the queer community could hook me up with, lived on communes, farms, etc... and was broke for a long time.

I have found many dykes, lesbians, and bi-ladies to be really great (as lovers and as friends) and I've found some of them to be awful. I think it all boils down to letting people be into what they are into and not expecting more.

As for work, well you can only go so long with no money and no prospect of employment. So I turned to the sex industry (which overall has treated me really well). All of a sudden I wished I had gotten a tit job instead of an orchiectomy. Don't get me wrong, I love my tits, they are small but amazingly sensitive. But after the orchie, though I can get hard and have multiple orgasms, I can't ejaculate. And that is a rather large drawback when working as a TS in the sex trade.

My point of all this, is that you should think long and hard about the ramifications of the way you alter your body because some of the changes you will never be able to take back.

Good luck, there are a plethora of sites on the internet to help you with your decision.


02-22-2007, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the links. I guess I got some reading to do!

Sorry for the overwhelming questions but that's just me. lol.

Anyway, sorry but I got one more. How does one go about wearing women's underwear and take the penis into account? Is there a special type of underwear, a size smaller/larger? I've tried before but my penis always ends up flopping out.


02-22-2007, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the links. I guess I got some reading to do!

Sorry for the overwhelming questions but that's just me. lol.

Anyway, sorry but I got one more. How does one go about wearing women's underwear and take the penis into account? Is there a special type of underwear, a size smaller/larger? I've tried before but my penis always ends up flopping out.


There is some underwear you can get that is catered to girls with male parts like a gaff.

Usually you can find underwear at any normal store that fits though (may have to be a size larger like you said), just be sure it has a lot of material in the front. Bathing suit bottoms work especially well for this, including if you want to tuck.

02-22-2007, 05:16 PM
Ok, thanks. I'll try out a few different sizes and post back sometime next week.


02-22-2007, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the links. I guess I got some reading to do!

Sorry for the overwhelming questions but that's just me. lol.

Anyway, sorry but I got one more. How does one go about wearing women's underwear and take the penis into account? Is there a special type of underwear, a size smaller/larger? I've tried before but my penis always ends up flopping out.


As to the reading, I like to teach peaople to fish, rather than handing
out fish sandwiches. :)

Material on transsexualism is voluminous, this way you are able to take
in the material you need at your own pace.

Your question about concealing your penis, refers to 'tucking'. There
are many techniques. you may want to do a search here, or one of
the lovely ladies can also answer, or you may avail yourself of

Some women may use a smaller panty, a light panty girdle or purchase
or make their own gaffs. Some even resort to taping, but I think that
is a bit much.

That you are 'falling out' can be both good and bad. Good in the sense
that if you were considering SRS, the length of your penis would
determine the interior or your vagina, however you have stated that
you are not desirous of SRS, so that is a moot point.

You may find that HRT and or an orchiechtomy will make concealing
your penis easier.

02-22-2007, 05:47 PM
Well, thanks. I actually like a good read!


03-03-2007, 08:53 PM
* Deleted *

03-03-2007, 08:59 PM
i think the voice does change but that is because the mind change. If you feel more like a girl, you talk more like one.

Its really hard to stop hormones once you started. Well, you don't want to stop anyways.

Alison Faraday
03-03-2007, 09:46 PM
Just to add to this thread regarding voice (and a few other things if I think of them).

No matter what any Male to Female transsexual does, their voice will NOT change as a result of hormones. Once the voice has broken and the cartalidge has been laid down, that's it, that's your voice. BUT...

As Signup mentioned, you can change it mentally. It's very similar to what cartoon voice overs and impressionists do. There is a significant amount of control that the brain has over different parts of the body, just that in everyday life people don't realise it. These deep water swimmers for example, they learn how to hold and regulate their breath for what is something crazy like 4 or 5 minutes. And it's just the same with your voice. You are learning how to control a controllable part of your body.

It is my firm belief that fear is a good motivator for this. Personally here, I'm scared silly of being read (or I was) and as a result of that I developed my natural voice. It's not put on or falsetto. It's just what I developed over time out of fear. You can have voice therapy every week, but unless you're actually out there doing it, and fearing people, then no amount of therapy is going to change things.

There's also the voice op, but that's risky. It's the dream of confused MtF's that think without any extensive voice therapy that they're going to suddenly sound like Julie Andrews. They won't. All it does is to restrict your vocal range and it's risky. Once you've lost your voice then you're set for life with a pen and notepad writing in large letters, I Can't Talk. The other outcome is that rather than restricting the lower range, it restricts the upper range. "ELLO DARLIN."

On the subject of hormones and greatest effect. If you want the greatest effect then get your balls off asap. It takes a total of 7-years for the body to replace all of it's cells, and the sooner you rid yourself of testosterone the better. Even when you have them off there is testosterone produced and still in the body. Fat cells store testosterone for example.

There are Androcur and Spirolactone although these are both quite nasty really. Androcur can cause depression and tiredness, while Spiro is potassium sparing which means you have to be careful about what you eat.

It is the minority of cases where things actually go wrong but the risks are huge. There is one TS I actually know locally, who is in a wheelchair and that's a bit of a dream stopper that's for sure.

If you're looking for the best advice I can give, then it would be this. Get your eating under control, fruit and vegtables from now on, lots of water. Lose weight asap, literally to the extreme. Get yourself to the gym doing lots of high heart rate low muscle intensity workouts. And then once you've been on hormones for about a year, slowly start putting the weight back on again.

This afterall is a body thing isn't it! Formula 1/NASCAR cars aren't built out of junk are they..

5-years ago I was pretty close to 17-stones. After I had my TS diagnosis and started HRT I lost 6-stones in 6-months, finally stopping at about 9.5-stones. I'm now hovering around 10 to 10.5 stones. At 9.5 stones I was mostly bone. And while I felt as light as a feather and bouncy, I apparantly looked ill. I mean, I loved it, and I'm trying to get back there..

All of this only discusses the voice and body, not the mind, or all of the other things you'll have to deal with.

I don't do minds. Sorry. That's between you and your phych. You learn not to get involved in other people's issues. It's a danger to your well being. I cannot emphasize this more. DO NOT get involved or nurse people that are trying to work out if they're transsexual. Everyone has to figure it out for themselves. And telling these people the screaming bloody obvious can attract attention from said transsexual's transvestite friends, who in all honesty are applying a male mindset to the situation.

You need professional advice, mainly as they generally won't lie to you. As also if you look like Rocky Horror they'll tell you, and seeing as they're professionals, any former TV friends who are supportive of you will get a visit from the Police when they start sending death threats to the advice giver.

Now onto transition. Well. Big ocean. Can't swim. Dropped in it. There!!

I hope this all helps someone while doing what they do.

The whole thing is risky, both medically and socially. So don't kid yourself otherwise. At some point you have to move away from the safety of the TG world and into the real world. Remember that too. That's something a recent number of UK transsexuals have found. They cannot operate in the real world as women.

I'm not sure if I've said all of that right. I know that if I said it on the UK forums that I'd be ripped to bits. But thankfully I'm saying it here where the transsexuals are balanced (or just shrug their shoulders) and where the admirers are curious. Hard hitting though isn't it! I've got news for you. IT IS! It's not to be dabbled with on a whim.

It's a bit like starting smoking when you're 16. Easy to start. Difficult to give up.

Aly x

03-04-2007, 01:43 AM
Very thoughtful post Allison. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom. My GF is going through some of these issues right now. It is helpful to hear about other TS's experiences.

BTW, for anyone not familiar, a stone is 14 pounds.

Alison Faraday
03-04-2007, 02:09 AM
Very thoughtful post Allison. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom. My GF is going through some of these issues right now. It is helpful to hear about other TS's experiences.

BTW, for anyone not familiar, a stone is 14 pounds.

She'll be ok really (((hugs))).

I haven't undergone an emotional bypass just yet though. ;) In some ways what I said was a bit harsh and blunt, but it's so rare that it does get said when it needs to be.

Hope you're both ok. :)

03-04-2007, 04:36 AM
Thanks for reviving this thread and giving me tips! I'll be reading that roadmap site.


03-04-2007, 07:46 AM
Nice post on the voice thing Allison. I'm not a TS but I'm radio announcer. I've got a natural voice and accent that sounds like cross between Barry White and Jethro Bodine? A rumble with a twang that I've had to bring up and clean up.

Here's what you do. Get a tape deck/digital voice recorder and start recording your natural voice saying various stock phrases so you'll have a baseline to work from. Then say the same phrases trying to get the voice you want .Practice and record daily until you get the phrases down in a voice that suits you. Then start using the voice general conversation,say on the phone if your shy about going out dressed,or with friends who are supportive. You'll want to keep recording and practicing in this phase but it gets much easier to stay in voice.

You're not going to go from Barry White to Jennifer Tilly,but you can go from Barry to Kathleen Turner/Lauren Bacall w/o much effort? It just takes practice. Once you start to get it down it's amazing how fast that "new" voice becomes your "natural" voice?

BTW,my relatives make nine kinds of fun of my "radio" voice when come back for a visit and the folks who've known me from work howl when I get ticked at someone in the office and that country growl comes rolling out.

Good luck.