View Full Version : Life after marriage???

02-14-2007, 07:15 PM
1 the marrige did not change my sex life, if you married a girl who you can share your fantasies or make some of them true, it gets easier and nastier to sahre your depravities with th girl you love not a girl you dont care about...i mean it much more hot to see your wife sucking another cock or a girl than a friend, mmmmm, it makes it dirtier to me. Now kids do change your life, and of course the oportunities to have treesomes or so also change the time in wich you can have sex but its nice cause yoou have to rush when your free like having sex in your parents houses, anywqy you have to keep weekends and days for you and your girl. mmm again

02-14-2007, 10:17 PM
What advice about marriage would you give?

Never, EVER, get married.

02-14-2007, 10:18 PM
The only change since I got married is that I have a very sweet ring on my finger and we get to file joint taxes. Oh yes, through getting married, though it wasn't the reason we did, I now have permanent work status here in your beautiful United States. Thankyou.

Our sex life is as good as ever, but I think it's very important to keep it fresh and for both people to feel safe and secure in expressing their needs and fantasies. If you can't tell your spouse what makes you hot then I think there is a problem. This is the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with.


02-15-2007, 09:22 AM
Each marriage is unique as each person is unique.
Everyone changes over time whether they are married or not.
There is no telling if the couple will change in the same directions or not.
I have been married for a long time and I am miserable with no way out at this time.
But I don't dream of being single, I dream of being married to the right person.
So even in a bad marriage there are some good things that make you want more of it.
Divorce can be a terrible thing to go through so I hear.
But most people who divorce, remarry.
My wife used to ask me "if I die would you remarry?"
I would say "I don't know", but I would be thinking, " Hell, I already got your replacement picked out."

tweny dollars

02-15-2007, 02:12 PM
Feel free to answer any # of these questions.

How has your life changed after getting married?

She died. That's how it changed my life. I was weak, I should have insisted on her seeing a doctor. I de facto killed her. 31 months into the marriage and she died.

Does the fire in the relationship die down after tying the knot ?

Not if you love her. Definitely not.

What advice about marriage would you give?

Have full health scans. Whether you think you are blue or red, American or less, straight or whatever, love her or whatever. When you're prepared to say "I Do". Get full health scans.

Anything else you want to rant and rave about welcomed 8)

Health scans. I carry this shit with me. It weights me like hell. Save her life and your future. Insist on every test at every turn.

02-15-2007, 03:42 PM
I love being married!

02-15-2007, 05:18 PM
So is the old stereotype of:

The woman becomes fat
You don't screw anymore after being married
You don't have anymore fun with friends or otherwise
She always talks with her mom/her parents come to visit

TRUE or is it false?

Also, did anyone ever get tired of the "inlaws" and tell them to fuck off or not?


02-15-2007, 07:00 PM
First there is lust, then rust, and then dust.

02-15-2007, 10:54 PM
In laws do not have to be a problem at all. All you have to do is be nice to them and pay them some attention, like you would a client, whose business you want. And the mother-in law is potentially your greatest asset. You have to court her too, do nice things for her, like you would your own mother. Talk to her alone. Older women understand that a woman needs to try and please a man, not just ask him to provide everything, but take no part in decision making. She will understand her child’s faults and come to your aid if you go to her for counsel. Even it mother in-law has had poor relationships with men; you can be a new shining example that she wished she had in her youth. Put her on your team and you can’t lose.

By the way, unless you are independently wealthy and your in-laws are dirt poor, never tell them to fuck off. You could tell them some place nicer to go thna being with you. Make them dream of visiting those far off places.

Have fun with friends, she'll want you to be happy, just don't go over board and neglect her. Come back home, give her some attention and tell her some fun stories and she won't mind.

02-16-2007, 04:57 AM
Feel free to answer any # of these questions.

How has your life changed after getting married?

Does the fire in the relationship die down after tying the knot ?

What advice about marriage would you give?

Anything else you want to rant and rave about welcomed



there IS no life after marriage.