View Full Version : Semen for lovely hair(Times.NZ)

02-12-2007, 02:12 AM
I recall laughing about this before 8)

Semen for lovely hair or is it a load of bull?
An upmarket London beauty salon's claims that bull semen can give hair the ultimate shine is likely to go untried in the Waikato.

Hari's, in hoity toity Chelsea, offers a 45-minute Aberdeen Organic Hair treatment involving massaging a protein-rich mixture of bull semen and a plant root into the client's hair.

But Julie May, who owns The Salon, in Garden Place, Hamilton, is not keen to try it in her establishment.

"I would not want it on my hair. I know what the reaction from customers would be here and I know what my staff would say," she said.

"It's pretty weird."

Hari Salem tried hundreds of products –- including wild avocados and truffle oil –- before hitting on bull semen as the elusive element in a formula for making hair look gorgeous.

"The semen is refrigerated before use and doesn't smell," Mr Salem said. "It leaves your hair looking wonderfully soft and thick."

Peter Gatley, LIC's general manager of genetics at Ruakura, assumed the semen came from European bulls since the best on offer by his company was worth $120,000 a litre.

"Does it say on the bottle `use sparingly'?

"I'm not sure how suitable it would be for blondes, but we have a very impressive line-up of Jersey sires here."

Mr Gatley said it was unlikely LIC would start supplying salons.