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02-08-2007, 07:54 PM
At some point do you want to have children?

If you are in a LTR with a t-girl, or would like
to have one, how would that work out?

Do you want to be a 'baby daddy'? :shrug


Smog Boy
02-08-2007, 07:57 PM

02-08-2007, 08:15 PM
I dn't want any more, but I already have three; two are adults and my youngest is a teenager.

02-08-2007, 08:57 PM

02-08-2007, 10:32 PM
BTDT, will somebody please hire him and get him off the line at IHOP!

02-08-2007, 10:48 PM

02-08-2007, 11:59 PM
no, im not the fatherly type....ill just spoil my nephew....I dated a couple ts girls that wanted to adopt...I am under a lot of family pressure to have kids but I live my life for me....If I met the right person im sure I would be open to reconsider...dating ts has no bearing on my decisions....ive never been one of those people that ever wanted children...

02-09-2007, 12:05 AM
Um ... Yes







... Whew. I'm glad I was able to come to a decision on that issue.

02-09-2007, 12:08 AM
I love children and would probably be a good father but I doubt I could deal with the responsibility. I´m still a child myself. A child in this world would only suffer.

02-09-2007, 01:07 AM
:frustrated :smh


02-09-2007, 01:07 AM
85% of this board is young enough to be my kid....that's enough :lol:

02-09-2007, 01:19 AM
:frustrated :smh


That kid needs a PWN1ng.

02-09-2007, 01:22 AM
Forced to answer YES, as I already have a daughter, and wife and I are planning to go for #2 (hopefully a son this time)

Regardless, I always wanted children for what could possibly be construed as selfish reasons...
1) perpetuate my genetics (either boy or girl)
2) perpetuate my last name. (more applicable to boys, but I've known women who've kept their last name after marriage)

02-09-2007, 01:27 AM
I neither want, nor care for kids, at all. I feel the majority of them are rude, unruley and dirrespectful / And their parents should have their asses kicked for allowing them to be that way. And, I say to you now, if YOUR kids are that way with me, I will be more than happy to take it out on you! :2cent

02-09-2007, 02:52 AM
I have two children, a daughter 22 and a son 15, who is autistic. Once they are here you can’t help but love them. I have never felt closer to anyone than I did when my daughter was a toddler. I would hold her for hours as we watched tv and played. And my son is precious too despite his disability.

But they cost a lot of money too. My daughter, who is ‘grown and gone’ has cost me as much money being on her own as she was when she was here. But I’ll admit that she has helped me in a couple emergencies too.

Every parent could write a book, but I’ll say this one thing. If you hear parents say that they could not imagine life without their children, that’s a lie. Every single one of us imagines what life would have been like if we weren’t tied down like having to pay for 20,000 meals raising a child to an adult. Maybe I’d be living in NYC playing jazz in the Village, for example.

So either way, you play the hand life deals you. But never forget to listen to your heart, each one has two side in it.

02-09-2007, 02:56 AM
At some point do you want to have children?

If you are in a LTR with a t-girl, or would like
to have one, how would that work out?

Do you want to be a 'baby daddy'? :shrug


I had a t-girl who I would have totally come out with and adopted and raised a family with. But she was younger, into hotter muscle men and partying.........never got it to work out. SHame.

I would totally love to adopt if I had a transexual girl and do my part to teach the world some decency and tolerance.

02-09-2007, 03:20 AM
No,i don`t have the need to have children.

Do you have children?

02-09-2007, 04:07 AM
At some time in my life yes.

02-09-2007, 06:03 AM
Nope, none for me.

Besides, why bring another person into THIS world? :P

02-09-2007, 06:18 AM
no, im not the fatherly type....ill just spoil my nephew....I dated a couple ts girls that wanted to adopt...I am under a lot of family pressure to have kids but I live my life for me....If I met the right person im sure I would be open to reconsider...dating ts has no bearing on my decisions....ive never been one of those people that ever wanted children...

im kinda in the same boat as you man. my mom and dad have been pressuring me for a while now to find a girl and have kids, but im just not the fatherly type. i dont see myself having kids at all

02-09-2007, 06:22 AM
The way I feel right now no, but im only 26 so who knows how my outlook on this will change in the future.

02-09-2007, 07:17 AM
One of the things that attracts me to TS women, isn't so much a particular woman's passable, sexy, feminine appearance, but how much that woman comports to that appearance. That is, how much of a woman is she really? I think one of the reasons I am so turned on by post-ops is that they have made the ultimate no-return commitment in proving to the world that they are the woman they claim to be. A new turn-on for me of late is seeing that some TS women actually want to be mothers. Now that completes the transition like I never considered before, and spawns new fantasies like nothing else. Imagine coming home to your dream TS -- a beautiful woman unique as no other on the planet -- who is a woman that every man in the neighborhood envies you having, and -- AND -- is not only your wife, but is also helping you raise your children? Imagine being one of the few -- in the entire world -- coming home to that kind of fantasy ? That leggy post-op (Mila in this case) bending over there near the dryer is not only my wife, but the mother of my children. Yeehaw !!!

Anyone else have a similar fantasy involving TS women and children ?


02-09-2007, 07:17 AM
No I don't want kids. I'm just too selfish and I like my freedom so I'd be a shit part time dad. The only reason to have kids would be to make my parents happy, give them some grandchildren but I can't or won't provide the "normal", stable upbringing that is best for a child.

02-09-2007, 06:33 PM
One of the things that attracts me to TS women, isn't so much a particular woman's passable, sexy, feminine appearance, but how much that woman comports to that appearance. That is, how much of a woman is she really? I think one of the reasons I am so turned on by post-ops is that they have made the ultimate no-return commitment in proving to the world that they are the woman they claim to be. A new turn-on for me of late is seeing that some TS women actually want to be mothers. Now that completes the transition like I never considered before, and spawns new fantasies like nothing else. Imagine coming home to your dream TS -- a beautiful woman unique as no other on the planet -- who is a woman that every man in the neighborhood envies you having, and -- AND -- is not only your wife, but is also helping you raise your children? Imagine being one of the few -- in the entire world -- coming home to that kind of fantasy ? That leggy post-op (Mila in this case) bending over there near the dryer is not only my wife, but the mother of my children. Yeehaw !!!

Anyone else have a similar fantasy involving TS women and children ?


I do understand your logic about wanting to be involved with
a transwoman, who truly wants to be a woman, and comports
herself as such.

Which is not to say that a non op woman is any less of a woman
than a post op woman..

A caveat though on your fantasy of coming home to a post op
with children; a fantasy is a sexually arousing thought or mental

Oftentimes once a fantasy becomes reality, it loses it ability to turn
us on, it loses it 'sexual kick'.

The reality of having a child and a wife is that you will be doing the
things that regular couples do, with all the attendant highs and lows
of that. Which is perfectly fine as long as you realize that is what
will happen.

Of course if you both work at it, you can keep the magic in your relationship.

But a committed LTR, particularly with a child will in all reality lose
it's fantasy elements.

02-09-2007, 08:40 PM

Spot on. Yes, fantasies, or trying to live a fantasy, can leave one hung out to dry if we aren't careful. On the other hand, what kind of a world would we each reside in bereft of our dreams, turn-ons, fantasies, and imagination? All I was trying to convey was a turn-on of mine, and why it turned me on. :)

02-09-2007, 09:23 PM
I have 2, and working on #3! Kids are alot of work though! ALOT!

02-09-2007, 09:29 PM

02-09-2007, 10:13 PM
I've got 3 and I love them to death. It's the wife that's the pain in the ass.

02-10-2007, 01:04 AM
[/quote] Wombat

I had a t-girl who I would have totally come out with and adopted and raised a family with. But she was younger, into hotter muscle men and partying.........never got it to work out. SHame.


Sound like the classic young girl love story and not nescessarily a TS story either. But I have a couple of questions, if you care to answer.
First, where did meet her (I'll bet she was beautiful)? Secondly, did change after you met? Was it that you were blind to the faults she had at first? Or was it just things you found out during the relationship ( such as infidelity). I realize that these things can be painful and you might not want to talk about it.

As for the topic of the thread, I used to fantasize about having a relationship with a TS where would be regular members of the greater community, but have our little secret.

02-10-2007, 03:39 AM
I do NOT want any kids, EVER. I can't stand little kids/babies you name it. Also, it takes away from the fucking time and call me superficial but the woman almost always goes fat on you once she has kids, not to mention those fucking horribly ugly stretch marks! Yuck!! I either want a LTR with a tranny or a bitch who doesn't want any kids ever.


02-10-2007, 05:49 PM

I had a t-girl who I would have totally come out with and adopted and raised a family with. But she was younger, into hotter muscle men and partying.........never got it to work out. SHame.


Sound like the classic young girl love story and not nescessarily a TS story either. But I have a couple of questions, if you care to answer.
First, where did meet her (I'll bet she was beautiful)? Secondly, did change after you met? Was it that you were blind to the faults she had at first? Or was it just things you found out during the relationship ( such as infidelity). I realize that these things can be painful and you might not want to talk about it.

As for the topic of the thread, I used to fantasize about having a relationship with a TS where would be regular members of the greater community, but have our little secret.[/quote]

Hey Yoda,

I met het while photographing two models for a project. I could tell she was TS, and yes, a really pretty one. Not into "The Scene" much at all, no magazines, did not escort, and just wanted to have fun.

Can't say I was blind to it. Just that I did not see it coming until it was there. SHe wanted a hot dark skinned body with ahuge cock. I was even open to letting her have it when she wanted it. SHe was really nice, just honest.

02-10-2007, 08:35 PM

a very big definite NO

[soapbox mode]
I lost about 4 or 5 relationships cause of this; because I made it very clear that no matter what kind of relationship i got into with girlfriend 'x' kids were -and still are- a no-go-show. sort of nuked those relations from day #1.
2 of those i loved more than anything, it took me years to live the pain down.

still, despite being single most of the time and lonelyness isn't exactly a good companion I can look myself straight in the eye and say:
"of all the stupid, bad and sad mistakes I made in my life so far, saying NO to making kids myself isn't one of them".

and I got a zillion reasons for this:
nr1: I don't like small kids. I like teenagers just fine, and I work with em in a professional way, but little children, no, I don't like them much.

2: babies are positively revolting IMO. I really hate, abhor, reject babies. tiny smelling pink attentionsucking maggots. yuk. bah, blerghgk.

3: I like animals and nature a lot better than I like humans. I do like certain individuals a LOT, but as a whole I don't like and/or respect 'people' very much. and the older I get the stronger and more righteous this feeling gets. yeah, I'm a cynic. so what?

4: 6,5 billion is enough, folks! this beautiful world is going to the dogs, filled with greedy business slime, evil politicians and crazy religious people; and egoitically producing more walking meat to satisfy my own primeaval urges to proliferate isn't helping one bit.

5: I'm not exactly Mr Perfect. I went through Hell to grow up and as a result I can't guarantee that I wouldn't ever loose my patience with my potential own kids and hence "pass on the abuse and violence" that I've been through. I've seen it far too often, and the results of such 'passing on'. incest, alcohol, violence....and then the next generation gets the same shite heaped on them. fuck. no. fucking. way. playing 'god' and creating my own little humans and then going bad on them.....I would NEVER EVER forgive myself such a thing. too much bad shit in my heart/head. it stops right here, no passing to the next generation, no way. uh uh.

5: I like my freedom! I will eat mountains of shit to keep my ounces of freedom. noone can't take that from me. I love it. I'm my own man and nobody tells me what to do in my house in my time. no tnx :P
[/soapbox mode]

LG out ;-)

02-10-2007, 08:51 PM

a very big definite NO

[soapbox mode]
I lost about 4 or 5 relationships cause of this; because I made it very clear that no matter what kind of relationship i got into with girlfriend 'x' kids were -and still are- a no-go-show. sort of nuked those relations from day #1.
2 of those i loved more than anything, it took me years to live the pain down.

still, despite being single most of the time and lonelyness isn't exactly a good companion I can look myself straight in the eye and say:
"of all the stupid, bad and sad mistakes I made in my life so far, saying NO to making kids myself isn't one of them".

and I got a zillion reasons for this:
nr1: I don't like small kids. I like teenagers just fine, and I work with em in a professional way, but little children, no, I don't like them much.

2: babies are positively revolting IMO. I really hate, abhor, reject babies. tiny smelling pink attentionsucking maggots. yuk. bah, blerghgk.

3: I like animals and nature a lot better than I like humans. I do like certain individuals a LOT, but as a whole I don't like and/or respect 'people' very much. and the older I get the stronger and more righteous this feeling gets. yeah, I'm a cynic. so what?

4: 6,5 billion is enough, folks! this beautiful world is going to the dogs, filled with greedy business slime, evil politicians and crazy religious people; and egoitically producing more walking meat to satisfy my own primeaval urges to proliferate isn't helping one bit.

5: I'm not exactly Mr Perfect. I went through Hell to grow up and as a result I can't guarantee that I wouldn't ever loose my patience with my potential own kids and hence "pass on the abuse and violence" that I've been through. I've seen it far too often, and the results of such 'passing on'. incest, alcohol, violence....and then the next generation gets the same shite heaped on them. fuck. no. fucking. way. playing 'god' and creating my own little humans and then going bad on them.....I would NEVER EVER forgive myself such a thing. too much bad shit in my heart/head. it stops right here, no passing to the next generation, no way. uh uh.

5: I like my freedom! I will eat mountains of shit to keep my ounces of freedom. noone can't take that from me. I love it. I'm my own man and nobody tells me what to do in my house in my time. no tnx :P
[/soapbox mode]

LG out ;-)

:claps :mrgreen: :peanutbutter :rock2

02-11-2007, 06:53 AM

a very big definite NO

[soapbox mode]
I lost about 4 or 5 relationships cause of this; because I made it very clear that no matter what kind of relationship i got into with girlfriend 'x' kids were -and still are- a no-go-show. sort of nuked those relations from day #1.
2 of those i loved more than anything, it took me years to live the pain down.

still, despite being single most of the time and lonelyness isn't exactly a good companion I can look myself straight in the eye and say:
"of all the stupid, bad and sad mistakes I made in my life so far, saying NO to making kids myself isn't one of them".

and I got a zillion reasons for this:
nr1: I don't like small kids. I like teenagers just fine, and I work with em in a professional way, but little children, no, I don't like them much.

2: babies are positively revolting IMO. I really hate, abhor, reject babies. tiny smelling pink attentionsucking maggots. yuk. bah, blerghgk.

3: I like animals and nature a lot better than I like humans. I do like certain individuals a LOT, but as a whole I don't like and/or respect 'people' very much. and the older I get the stronger and more righteous this feeling gets. yeah, I'm a cynic. so what?

4: 6,5 billion is enough, folks! this beautiful world is going to the dogs, filled with greedy business slime, evil politicians and crazy religious people; and egoitically producing more walking meat to satisfy my own primeaval urges to proliferate isn't helping one bit.

5: I'm not exactly Mr Perfect. I went through Hell to grow up and as a result I can't guarantee that I wouldn't ever loose my patience with my potential own kids and hence "pass on the abuse and violence" that I've been through. I've seen it far too often, and the results of such 'passing on'. incest, alcohol, violence....and then the next generation gets the same shite heaped on them. fuck. no. fucking. way. playing 'god' and creating my own little humans and then going bad on them.....I would NEVER EVER forgive myself such a thing. too much bad shit in my heart/head. it stops right here, no passing to the next generation, no way. uh uh.

5: I like my freedom! I will eat mountains of shit to keep my ounces of freedom. noone can't take that from me. I love it. I'm my own man and nobody tells me what to do in my house in my time. no tnx :P
[/soapbox mode]

LG out ;-)

Wow! That's so weird! That's exactly how I feel about things. However, I never even got any chances to bring up having kids so I don't know how it'll go for me but probably the same as you.


02-11-2007, 07:38 AM

a very big definite NO

[soapbox mode]
I lost about 4 or 5 relationships cause of this; because I made it very clear that no matter what kind of relationship i got into with girlfriend 'x' kids were -and still are- a no-go-show. sort of nuked those relations from day #1.
2 of those i loved more than anything, it took me years to live the pain down.

still, despite being single most of the time and lonelyness isn't exactly a good companion I can look myself straight in the eye and say:
"of all the stupid, bad and sad mistakes I made in my life so far, saying NO to making kids myself isn't one of them".

and I got a zillion reasons for this:
nr1: I don't like small kids. I like teenagers just fine, and I work with em in a professional way, but little children, no, I don't like them much.

2: babies are positively revolting IMO. I really hate, abhor, reject babies. tiny smelling pink attentionsucking maggots. yuk. bah, blerghgk.

3: I like animals and nature a lot better than I like humans. I do like certain individuals a LOT, but as a whole I don't like and/or respect 'people' very much. and the older I get the stronger and more righteous this feeling gets. yeah, I'm a cynic. so what?

4: 6,5 billion is enough, folks! this beautiful world is going to the dogs, filled with greedy business slime, evil politicians and crazy religious people; and egoitically producing more walking meat to satisfy my own primeaval urges to proliferate isn't helping one bit.

5: I'm not exactly Mr Perfect. I went through Hell to grow up and as a result I can't guarantee that I wouldn't ever loose my patience with my potential own kids and hence "pass on the abuse and violence" that I've been through. I've seen it far too often, and the results of such 'passing on'. incest, alcohol, violence....and then the next generation gets the same shite heaped on them. fuck. no. fucking. way. playing 'god' and creating my own little humans and then going bad on them.....I would NEVER EVER forgive myself such a thing. too much bad shit in my heart/head. it stops right here, no passing to the next generation, no way. uh uh.

5: I like my freedom! I will eat mountains of shit to keep my ounces of freedom. noone can't take that from me. I love it. I'm my own man and nobody tells me what to do in my house in my time. no tnx :P
[/soapbox mode]

LG out ;-)

If you are truly serious about these opinions (which I doubt) and are not exaggerating, then I'm going to say a prayer for you tonight....And I don't even believe in God.

02-11-2007, 08:48 AM
I have 5 kids. 3 genetically & 2 by proxy. But I have 5 kids that call me DAD! I love being a dad.

Being a dad is the only thing that kept (keeps) me from becoming a full time crossdresser and transitioning myself. I love shaving, dressing, making myself up etc... If I did not have kids I would probably be living full time as a woman in San Fran, Ft. Lauderdale or New York. Where ever I could get away with it.

It is just as well I had kids first because if not I would probably be dead. I'm 45. Had my first child in 89. If I had transitioned/xdressed more earlier I would probably have gotten AIDS and died. In 1986 (before I met my first wife) HIV was an automatic death sentence. 5 years, that was it. So having kids saved my life. But I still want to shave my body, were womens underwear, and whore around. Can't though. I'm 'Married with Children'.... So it goes.

02-11-2007, 12:49 PM
If you are truly serious about these opinions (which I doubt) and are not exaggerating, then I'm going to say a prayer for you tonight....And I don't even believe in God

feel free to do whatever you like; I'm not religious either into the 'god' thing (I DO believe but in who is my own very private affair*).

however; I didn't lie or exaggerate one bit.

why should I? it's my own personal opinion/experience/life whatever.

I can lie with a straight face, sell you the sky and tell you it's green, but why should I do that on a forum? nah
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, baby :wink:

*not to mention the fact that discussing religions on forums almost always turns into a trolling/flaming/insult contest of the worst kind. bad can 'o' worms, savvy? :lol:

02-11-2007, 05:43 PM
Well, I certainly believe those things that I quoted last night. Having kids is like being in hell.


02-11-2007, 06:05 PM
Do i want my legacy to continue, of course.

ow would I if I were dating or married to a transsexual? Asides from surroration I don't think it's possible

02-11-2007, 06:34 PM
Nothing like having a little piece of you in this world. I want at least 2 kids eventually. If I was with a tgirl one could be by her and the other by me. =D *wink*