View Full Version : Absolute Shade Conspiracy Theory

Vicki Richter
11-01-2004, 01:45 AM

H.A. staff gave Absolute Shade the "Hot Hungangel" designation out of the blue which is really odd. I've seen a bunch of other people come on here saying they were TS and without knowing who they are, they would NEVER typically do that. However, this individual received it within 24 hours without any validation. Soooo... My assumption is the Hung Angels moderators know this person personally and are enjoying/encouraging the rhetoric.


Anyone with that many pictures of a model, hyping the person's website, trying to sell them for the cover of a magazine, etc... are very likely to be that person... I've never seen another real shemale/transsexual collect pictures of other girls or subscribe to a girls adult web site. As an example, I am super good friends with Danielle, but I don't have pictures of her from a dozen photo shoots laying around. So it isn't even really normal to post your friends pictures. I mean if the person isn't Miriam, they definitely are infatuated with her.


About 6-10 brand new posters in the forums over the past few days... The only people who can see IP's and tell if the people are the same are the moderators who we (I) already suspect are in cahoots with the perpetrators.

OK so what does everyone else think? Am I totally overthinking this? I definitely don't think so. I love a good mystery.

11-01-2004, 01:57 AM
Ah Vicki the conspiracy theorist! I know you like to run traceroute and check IP addresses when you can, so it's probably frustrating to see this development and not be able to do so. I'm a webmaster and run forums myself, so I've been thinking along the same lines and wishing I could tracert some of these new posters. Here's how I see your points:

#1 Definitely the mods are in on the game, whatever it is. I'm naive enough to believe that it could be true and suspicious enough to think that it's a scam. I saw how quickly the Hot Hung Angel designation came up!

#2 Hmm, this could be conspiracy theory only, or it could be real. I haven't made my mind up on that. If I believe Shady, I'm as naive as I often can be, but if I think she's Miriam, well, maybe I'm just too cynical. I don't know. Does look very suspicious to me, though.

#3 I also initially raised a quizzical eyebrow at how Shady started posting by digging up all those two-year-old posts: made me wonder if it wasn't a mod running the game to stir things up (I've been known to do this on the forums I run--but totally different industry).

11-01-2004, 02:04 AM
I'm down with something along these lines also but the moderators I've has interaction with have had too much respect for the models, for the members, for themselves and for the integrity of this website so allow such postings - I'm wondering what would the point be?
If it is the individual in question then I find it pretty sad she has to go through those sorts of postings to promote herself, many of use this board for personal or website promotion but subtlety, tact and respect for the members (most of them) and girls is key.
If it's mega (where is he and why isn't he posting!) then it's just to rile you all up and he's being his usual twatty self just to rock the boat - although I would have expected him to slap Shady hard?

11-01-2004, 02:10 AM
I might have some answers by just reading the forum.

For #1, see http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=163&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=16
that gives an identity.

Not sure on #2, maybe they are friends.

I hope everybody who I forced a flyer on checks out the site.

Vicki Richter
11-01-2004, 02:10 AM
That's an excellent point Seanchi... And Ecstatic has excellent comments as well.

Mega is good friends with Skylene and has been mysteriously silent. The anonymous poster wrote exactly like Gregg, probably intentionally, but claimed to be a bottom. At least we agree it is a conspiracy.

Also, please note it all started after I insulted Ru Paul's hair. Thuggish Intellect has backed off a bit since and may be involved in some sneaky underhanded way. Everyone is a suspect.

Excellent... Excellent... The truth is coming together.

<wrings hands together quizically in a mad scientist sort of way>

Vicki Richter
11-01-2004, 02:14 AM
I might have some answers by just reading the forum.

For #1, see http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=163&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=16
that gives an identity.


I just read through that link and I can't figure out what you mean. Work with me here.

11-01-2004, 02:15 AM
I know how Miriam writes and that is not Miriam.

I was also wondering about Absolute Shade. I have a couple of theories, but I really think it's a friend of Miriam's.

But I looked and read through the old pages when I first found this site, too, so I can see how some of the old posts are being dragged up.

By the way, Vicky, that closeup of your face is a great picture.

11-01-2004, 02:16 AM
Lets see your picture Absolute S. <snicker>
Hey "Absolute Shade" you are being called out. :lol:
:D In due time.......
Then she procedes to post pictures of Skylene, so I am asuming that is her.

Vicki Richter
11-01-2004, 02:19 AM
So you think Absolute Shade is actually Skylene???

11-01-2004, 02:20 AM
I'm sure either Megabody or NYCe could confirm that.

11-01-2004, 02:22 AM
vicki who cares. show your cock

Vicki Richter
11-01-2004, 02:22 AM
I was also wondering about Absolute Shade. I have a couple of theories, but I really think it's a friend of Miriam's.

However, I found it interesting how she was acting offended at the shemale postings of the Victoria self. It was as if she really hated those pictures and what they represented. Why would Miriam's friend even care that there were shemale porn pictures posted of her? Do you know if Miriam has any stalker friends?

11-01-2004, 02:25 AM
vicki show your shecock. i love your pics.

11-01-2004, 02:53 AM
Lets see your picture Absolute S. <snicker>
Hey "Absolute Shade" you are being called out. :lol:
:D In due time.......
Then she procedes to post pictures of Skylene, so I am asuming that is her.

why would skylene insult skylene? self-hating skylene?

11-01-2004, 03:04 AM

First of Vicki...your a complete mess..All this drama because I thought certain girls were pretty and passable. I guess u got really offended..Huh?

I never said I was Miriam...I'm not Skylene either.

I'm just someone that knows Miriam..That's it!

Stalker? LOL...Far from it....I'm just someone that can appreciate a friend's beauty!

I'm not one of those envious trannies.

Miriam isn't just involved in the SHEMALE PORN WORLD where PERVS know her. She is very well know transsexual in other realms.

Vicki..u can keep kissing these "clients" asses because I know it has to do with your career and everything. You need them to buy your movies..join your website..etc..etc..

but between me and you...we BOTH know what the WE think of all these type of GUYS. (I know you are going break it down now..how you don't see them like that and etc...but don't even bother if I'm so wrong)

11-01-2004, 03:08 AM
well the site is obviously behind it considering the title an avatar they gave her. pretty Bush league if you ask me, unless of course they want to drive people away from their site. :roll:

one of them is Mega i'm pretty sure, types in all caps and uses the same grammar as him. if he wasn't involved he would hav been all over that post Absolute Shade started about Miriam.

wonder if the site is getting some $$$ for all this pimping of miriam.

11-01-2004, 03:13 AM
well the site is obviously behind it considering the title an avatar they gave her. pretty Bush league if you ask me, unless of course they want to drive people away from their site. :roll:

one of them is Mega i'm pretty sure, types in all caps and uses the same grammar as him. if he wasn't involved he would hav been all over that post Absolute Shade started about Miriam.

wonder if the site is getting some $$$ for all this pimping of miriam.

Papi....No one gave me this avator..I sent it myself..That's how avators work.

I'm sorry I'm not PORN STAR that has to promote myself with my pix as my avator.

The same way you guys like to be discrete...is the same way I chose to be discrete.

Most of other TS women here....are involved in the adult industry..So this chat board is promotion for them.

11-01-2004, 03:19 AM
well the site is obviously behind it considering the title an avatar they gave her. pretty Bush league if you ask me, unless of course they want to drive people away from their site. :roll:

one of them is Mega i'm pretty sure, types in all caps and uses the same grammar as him. if he wasn't involved he would hav been all over that post Absolute Shade started about Miriam.

wonder if the site is getting some $$$ for all this pimping of miriam.

Papi....No one gave me this avator..I sent it myself..That's how avators work.

I'm sorry I'm not PORN STAR that has to promote myself with my pix as my avator.

The same way you guys like to be discrete...is the same way I chose to be discrete.

Most of other TS women here....are involved in the adult industry..So this chat board is promotion for them.

ive never seen vicki, danielle or allanah post thread after thread with pics of themself, and bullshit posts asking if they should be on the cover of FHM.

11-01-2004, 03:37 AM
You are an idiot...LOL

Are you slow or something?

I'm not Miriam...I just happen to believe that is one of the most beautiful transsexual out there!

Far be it from me...to express that... and see if you guys that are "obsessed with SHE MALES" would sign the petition.

I put up all those pixs of Miriam because someone put all these horrible pixs of her...so I thought it would be nice to put better ones...

then Vicki said they were airbrushed...so I found a pix of her the ESCORT REVIEW site from one those trannie porn shoots and posted it to show when she wasnt airbrushed.

Everyone is reading into all this too much!!!

Vicki...is just fustrated because I didnt consider to be one of the best looking girls up for that award show.

That made her analyze everything.

Then the whole Skylene thing:

I just cringed how guys thought she was so pretty and passable...when in reality..They just like her because she has a big penis.

Alot of guys that like TRANSSEXUALS...usually just care about PENIS SIZE.

The transsexuals on this forum..know deep inside their head know what I'm saying...They just can't come out and say it for BUSINESS reason.

Felicia Katt
11-01-2004, 03:51 AM
However, I found it interesting how she was acting offended at the shemale postings of the Victoria self. It was as if she really hated those pictures and what they represented. Why would Miriam's friend even care that there were shemale porn pictures posted of her? Do you know if Miriam has any stalker friends?

I seem to recall reading an interview a while back that Miriam gave where she denied any sort of adult entertainment/escorting background. if you read her official site, she certainly omits any reference to it, except to claim to have worked briefly as a stripper. Maybe thats the explanation?

11-01-2004, 03:52 AM
when you come on the board posting pic after pic after pic of miriam and bashing the other girls in nearly every post, I dont see why its so idiotic of me to make an assumption like that.

11-01-2004, 04:00 AM
Bashing every girl???


You should read my post...I stated who I thought was pretty and passable. Not just Miriam...there were other girls I think that of.

If u look at the original post..u will see...I didnt original put a picture on there. I put a link to her site. Then some guy put all those porn pixs of her. Then I put regular pixs of her and he put more porn pixs of her,.

Get your facts str8!

11-01-2004, 04:03 AM
However, I found it interesting how she was acting offended at the shemale postings of the Victoria self. It was as if she really hated those pictures and what they represented. Why would Miriam's friend even care that there were shemale porn pictures posted of her? Do you know if Miriam has any stalker friends?

I seem to recall reading an interview a while back that Miriam gave where she denied any sort of adult entertainment/escorting background. if you read her official site, she certainly omits any reference to it, except to claim to have worked briefly as a stripper. Maybe thats the explanation?

Maybe not everybody is proud of that!

I know alot of girls that regret posing for sites, doing movies and the only reason they escorted was to get their surgeries.

I myself escorted...and I got what I wanted. Now I don't have to do this.

The only reason I found about this site is because my friend sent me a link to pictures of Allanah's party since she was there.

and I read a couple of comments..and decided to put my 25 cents in.

11-01-2004, 04:23 AM
Why is everyone freaking out on Shade?

I think there are a lot of sexy TS who chat on here, some who are involved in this discussion. And I don't have beef with any of you. But I agree with 99% of what Shade says. I bet a lot of other men on here do too. It's probably the way she came off at first, but hey - that's how some of us are here in NYC. Guilty here, too.

I think it breaks down like this: there are some men who like TS because they see a beautiful female, and a beautiful TS registers to them the same way a beautiful woman does. Those men have no interest in dick. And then there are the closet gays who are mitigating their homosexuality by being with 'women' who have a dick. Those are the men who are real defensive about shit like this, and those are the ones who are always talking about how much they 'like the cock on that chick'. LOL - I can admire a beautiful TS like I can admire a beautiful woman, but that's one thing you'll never hear me say.

Whoever Shade is, I don't know. But like I said, I agree with most of what she says. And I'll bet she's a hottie, she knows her shit. She knows that Stefanie is a Milan, not Xtravaganza - so that should tell some of you something. That tells you at least what circles she runs in.

Follow me now.

11-01-2004, 04:43 AM
Thank you Toro!!!

Let me find out I probadly know you........

You know the "GANZA" girls?

11-01-2004, 04:46 AM

11-01-2004, 04:51 AM
Shade - I know a couple Xtravaganza girls, some better than others ;)

Something tells me you are one. Am I right?

11-01-2004, 05:03 AM
No..I'm not a GANZA...not really into the ballroom scene...Just most of my girlfriends are GANZA.

11-01-2004, 05:06 AM


11-01-2004, 05:12 AM

11-01-2004, 05:15 AM
LOL - you just made me crack a smile. No - I have never met Liza, but I was going to reply to your post earlier about 'beautiful TS' and tell you she belonged on that list.

I don't want to talk too much shit - I only know about that scene because a girl I dated recently was connected to it and is in that House.

11-01-2004, 05:19 AM
Who did you date?

I'm curious now......

11-01-2004, 05:20 AM

11-01-2004, 05:23 AM
LOL - you just made me crack a smile. No - I have never met Liza, but I was going to reply to your post earlier about 'beautiful TS' and tell you she belonged on that list.

I don't want to talk too much shit - I only know about that scene because a girl I dated recently was connected to it and is in that House.

Liza is beautiful..I was going to put her pix on there..but I didnt think her EROS ad did her any justice.

11-01-2004, 05:27 AM
Who did you date?

I'm curious now......

I don't want to blow up her spot on this board. It's a story. I'll tell you if I know you. And I think I know who you are :) How tall are you?

11-01-2004, 06:14 AM
This is a wild ride! I replied to Vicki's conspiracy theory post and come back maybe 3 hours later and look at the action here! Shady, since I have no real idea who you are, I reserve judgement, but I think it's pretty wild that you've just joined the forum yesterday and have logged 60 posts already. Your first posts were all dredging up threads dating back two years--I have to wonder why? I certainly don't think your Miriam, your writing style isn't at all like what I've read by her (assuming what I've read by her on her site actually was written by her). Lots of guys here post multiple pics of their favorite girls, but Vicki has a point that the girls don't tend to do that. But so what? I like your argument about who is a beautiful and passable TS and who isn't (though I might disagree on some specific examples). Unfortunately in this cyberworld you could be anybody. Given the "in due time" comment, I wonder if this ride is going to run awhile and then all will be revealed? If there is no conspiracy at all, then why not post a pic of yourself? A facial shot like Vicki's (love that portrait, Vicki) would be nice. Ah well, let's see how the dice tumbles....

11-01-2004, 08:36 AM
I won't post my pix in here because I have nothing 2 prove to a "trick" or "anyone" in here.

I came on here and gave my opinion: I didn't state I was the most beautiful or most passable TS...I stated who I thought were and weren't.

The same way u remain discrete..is the same way..I'll remain discrete!

and once again..I only posted the pixs of Miriam after someone posted some horrible porn pixs of her!!! In the beginning..I put a link to her website! That's it.

Toro: Do you go to Cheetah?

11-01-2004, 09:39 AM
Did I miss the part about the grassy knoll ?


11-01-2004, 11:37 AM
im starting to think that "magic9inch" might be MEGA.

11-01-2004, 04:40 PM
The same way u remain discrete..is the same way..I'll remain discrete!
Well, no one has been clamouring for my pic (I doubt anyone would want to see it). But back to the conspiracy theory...Vicki, check this out...http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=1469: Shady says this is her last post, just after Mega makes his first post in two days. Shady started posting by dredging up Anonymous Coward posts from two years ago, which look to me like Mega posts before Mega registered with the forum (I don't know, and I only joined less than a year ago myself). This seems to be a really strange coincidence.

Was there a second shooter?

11-01-2004, 06:55 PM
Sorry to burst any bubbles but there's no "Conspiracy". No hidden oil reserves here, no Karl Rovelike behind the scene string pulling or anything of that nature (even though if there was a "Conspiracy", I'd be expected to make a reply like this :-? )

Absolute Shade passed the "snuff" test to get the hot hungangel status. It's just a status, it can be turned on or off. No biggie.

Do I know her personally? No. Could it be Peaches? I'm pretty certain it's not. What does the IP address show? That 40% of our members use AOL so they share common IP addresses.

As far as planting her to drum up site traffic, I as well as the other Mods have way too much respect for the members of this site to stoop to such methods to get attention.

and that's that.

11-01-2004, 08:51 PM
Well, I guess I have to throw my 2 cents in ;).

U can tell by the way Shade writes that she is an NYC girl, if you know the lingo, the life here, it is gals who talk and write like that- guys don't write like that.

Anyhow, everyone is so up and arms about what she said- but every guy here has a prefference about the girl they like, or who is ugly, who is this, who is that- you guys do the same stuff all the time so come on. You know who you are too.

If she is hiding behind an ip address she is exactly like most men on here who are private etc- if you all want her to post her pic, the same argument could be used in the reverse. Let us see all the guys pics on here. Hell, lets us rate you like you rate us all the time.
Clearly it is very easy to say, this tranny is ugly, this tranny is fat, this trannies tits are lop sided- and well that maybe be a cop out on her part, it is the same thing most of you guys do.

As far as Miriam, she may have a junk personality but she is lovely.
You can't take that from her. & you cant take her succes in other realms away from her either. And yes her pictures might be touched up, but every picture in every magazine has tons of touching up. If you are a proffesional, you are trying to sell am image of perfection. Who wants reality? Do you really want to see someones pimple's. stretch marks, etc? (Something we all have)If you want a real pic you take snap shots and put them up at home. Granted, some people might not like air brushed photographs but that is what fashion is all about, glamour, and illusion, and a fantasy.

I myself have been called ugly, fat, and over airbrushed many times.
I can say I have been ugly, I habe been fat, and I have been over airbrushed on occasion.

11-01-2004, 09:10 PM
if you all want her to post her pic, the same argument could be used in the reverse. Let us see all the guys pics on here. Hell, lets us rate you like you rate us all the time.
OK, Allanah, just for you, here's my pic. I suppose I could regret this, but what the hey. (FWIW, this photo was taken in 2002.)

11-01-2004, 10:43 PM
sheeit, my secret's out! Damn, now what'll I do?!

11-01-2004, 11:25 PM
Maaaan...I stop paying attention to the board for a couple weeks thanks to my midterms, I come back and see I missed all the fun crazyness.

Ah well. Maybe next time. :lol:

11-01-2004, 11:54 PM
I'm lost and I work here. Sheesh.

11-02-2004, 12:49 AM
OK shade, you got ecstatic posting pictures of himself. You gotta come clean, who are you? I bet you know Mega cause it sounds like you know Mandi and Sky.

11-02-2004, 01:16 AM
Trannies dont care about your face. they just want your money. tricks have the word who they want to do by there faces

11-02-2004, 01:50 AM
Shade - I just sent you a private message...let me know if you get it.

And Allanah, you are so smart. And pretty. I think you are right on the money.

By the way, Ecstatic looks like the uncle that's not allowed around the kids at family get togethers. But that took balls, lol.

11-02-2004, 02:11 AM

11-02-2004, 02:29 AM
hey what is jocelyn doing here?
actually she looks nothing like that in person.
they always print the worst pictures of her.

well i gotta give it to mr. ecstatic
for having the balls to do it.
if that is you, well, bravo!
you called my bluff and did it, which is more than can i say for a lot of you nit pickers on here. who are always reading.
hell. some of you are worse than the girls.
next time you think you are criticize and anyone well then post your pic first- let everyone see you. let us judge you as well on your appearance.

11-02-2004, 02:58 AM
hey what is jocelyn doing here?
actually she looks nothing like that in person.
they always print the worst pictures of her.


11-02-2004, 03:52 AM
well i gotta give it to mr. ecstatic
for having the balls to do it.
if that is you, well, bravo!
you called my bluff and did it, which is more than can i say for a lot of you nit pickers on here. who are always reading.
hell. some of you are worse than the girls.
next time you think you are criticize and anyone well then post your pic first- let everyone see you. let us judge you as well on your appearance.
Hey thanks, Allanah. My pleasure. It was just because you asked. Next time I make it to one of your parties maybe you'll recognize me! Yes, that is me: Oct 2002, age 50 (I'll be 53 this December). Not too shabby I trust. A few weeks ago I was actually carded! Dinner at TGIFridays, and the waitress said they card everyone who looks under 40. Oh, and though you can't really tell since I'm wearing a hat in that pic, but my hair is as full and brown in color as it was when I was 20. Clean living, nyuk-nyuk.

11-02-2004, 06:04 AM
ecstatic, these kids don't know "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" and "My Favorite Martian". you have to be late forties, early fifties.

11-02-2004, 06:18 AM
That's right, flabby. What's more, I remember Sky King, Howdy Dowdy, and all those perfect family life in the suburbs sitcoms of the 50s--and not from reruns. I was born in 1951. (Maybe I can get a special status Dirty Old Man? Everyone over 50 qualifies....)

11-02-2004, 07:58 AM
i vote nefertiti for president

11-05-2004, 08:09 PM
I'm in love with Neffi!

11-05-2004, 08:23 PM
More Nef...

11-06-2004, 06:13 AM
Honestly, is it that big of an issue? A damn good point was made up though. SO many people judge these girls, but the guys on the other end are free from criticism because they dont expose their image out there like that. So I guess if you dont post your own pic, then you really dont have a right to even demand to see what one person looks like?

11-06-2004, 06:51 AM
Hey, good on you, LBCDO. So another one comes clean. I'm guessing from that pic that you're a young whippersnapper :lol: So are we the only ones to take Allanah's challenge?

11-06-2004, 09:09 PM
nefertiti has such a strong cock.

11-10-2004, 12:07 AM
Hey, good on you, LBCDO. So another one comes clean. I'm guessing from that pic that you're a young whippersnapper :lol: So are we the only ones to take Allanah's challenge?

Young, but trust me, im cleating drinkin age ;) The truth is online people make these images like they are gods gift to women and are the most unknown, quiet, and homebodied person never to even have 1 experience with a TS. The interenet makes everyone a romeo, I tell ya...

11-10-2004, 01:06 AM
So you think Absolute Shade is actually Skylene???

I'm gunna say nope .. not her. I'll ask her, but I still say NOPE.

11-10-2004, 01:26 AM
Who's high pitch?

11-10-2004, 02:16 PM
LBCDO wrote:

The internet makes everyone a romeo

HEY!! I'm romeo :lol:

08-20-2009, 02:15 AM

08-20-2009, 03:05 AM
holy shit, a 5 year bump for "wow"...

08-20-2009, 03:45 AM
holy shit, a 5 year bump for "wow"...


El Nino
08-20-2009, 06:43 AM

08-20-2009, 08:17 AM
jeeez it was Isabella Del Rio for the 2 people still wondering who it was...it was confirmed by me years ago

09-10-2009, 08:53 AM
Post pictures of Isabella Del Rio. Is she a cross dresser?