View Full Version : Important ! Confused About Friday's Party

10-28-2004, 12:35 PM
Unless I'm missing something, it would appear that there are 2 separate parties scheduled for 10/29 (this Friday) at Club Shelter.

I have received both an email invite and hard copy invitation to the Smack-Fetish Party which clearly states that their party is also at Club Shelter this Friday. I know hundreds of people that are going to it..many of whom have already purchased their tickets. It appears to me that there exists the potential for a nightmare of evening, with two totally different and distinct groups of people all planning on attending a party at the same venue on the same night.


I'm hoping that somebody here can clarify this for the benefit of everyone. I called the club tonight but only got a recording.

10-28-2004, 03:03 PM
Because of a scheduling conflict error on the part of Club Shelter.
We have to share the building that evening.
We will have our own area, this has been before with us.
Unfortunately, I had no choice in the matter since it was
sprung upon me the last minute.

Your post is rather dramatic dear, it is not the like the the fetish party is going to be a hip hop party. I dont think there the goths and trannies will in a rumble that night.

The situation is not what I would like it to be, but it is the best I was given at a last minutes notice by the night club.

10-28-2004, 03:27 PM
Thanks for clearing things up. I wasn't trying to be histrionic at all. It's just that I have been to your events before at Shelter and they get very crowded. Likewise, I have been to several Smack events too and theirs are also crowded. In fact, their last one was during the NYC Fetish Marathon and filled up the entire Octagon.

It's really a shame that the club allowed this to happen, considering you're holding monthly events at their venue. As far as the demographic compositon of the two events, like yourself, I don't see that as a problem at all. I just imagine how crowded it's going to be. They have 4 DJs scheduled, the group "The Genitortures" are playing and there are supposed to be numerous fetish performances. Having been to Shelter on numerous occasions, I just can't imagine how it's all going to work.

Are there going to be different door people? Does admission fee entitle one to attend both events?? Or are they going to be roped off?

10-28-2004, 03:37 PM
I'm wondering if we are still going to get three floors, or would we have to give one of them up for the other party. I think there are two sets of stair cases, so it might be able to avoid mixing, but if there is some, I wonder if we would end up making a bunch of them tranny chasers before the night is over.

10-28-2004, 03:55 PM
I'm sure quite a few are already tranniechasers...LOL.

As far as the number of floors, the Smack invitation says the party is on "4 Ghoulish Floors"....who knows? Looks like some people are going to be in for a surprise. :P

10-28-2004, 04:01 PM
we will have our own entrance
and we will have our own area
however we will not have three floors
believe you me i am extremely upset about all of this
but there is nothing i can do
if i had the time i would have moved the party-
but i just found out about this when i got back from paris sunday night
it is ridiculous the club made this mistake but they did

10-28-2004, 05:59 PM
Club Shelter has fucked us again, but its not that bad. We actually had the party once at the same time as a hip-hop party in the same building and it was completely without incident.

10-28-2004, 06:05 PM
So can you tell me how will we get in and will we still hear the music from the other party, and will we see the people from that party. Could we get a discount on the event now that i's not three(3) floors.

10-28-2004, 06:16 PM
The doorman/bouncer will inform you of the party you are entering. Club Shelter is big enough that you won't be running into people from the other parties, nor hear their music. As far as reducing the price, that's up to Allanah but there's no real reason for that since the admission price is still great for the amount of entertainment one gets on one floor alone.

10-28-2004, 06:58 PM
Thank you guys for your support.

We have had this before and there is no problem.
Shelter is a huge space and we will have different rooms.
Parties will be sectioned.

I would love to discount admission to this party but I simply cant given the amount of money I have spent
on everything.

Remember this happened LAST minute.
I have had NO time to make provisions.

I will give everyone @ the door 2 $15 discount coupon off the next admission of my next party & that is the best that I can do given this situation.

10-28-2004, 08:24 PM
so what will be missing? the lap dance room(s)? the dance area? the show area?

what is the new setup that we are paying admission for?

have you ever heard of a contract?

10-28-2004, 08:27 PM
Phungu...and the rest of you.
Go or don't go - thsat's your choice but I think Allanah has explained it well enough that you can make your decision and she's re-stated that the party will have all it's themes.

"Have you ever heard of a contract"

I'm sure that Alannah has heard of a contract. Have you ever heard of a 10 inch heel on a big busted, Cuban tranny going through your eyeball?

10-28-2004, 09:21 PM

boys will be bitches.

that place does get packed but being the pathetic fool i am i'll be there following my cock around. the lap dances suck anyways.

i'm sure there are plenty people here would like to be trampled by the big A.

10-28-2004, 09:22 PM

The party will have all the entertainment and girls and everything else advertised minus one floor.
That is what you are paying for.

What will be missing from the party is YOU Phungu.
Dont bother showing up. Too bad I dont know what you look like so I cant throw you out personally, but please don't be A pussy

Have you ever heard the word ASSHOLE?
now tattoo it on your forhead.

10-28-2004, 11:14 PM

Have you ever heard the word ASSHOLE?
now tattoo it on your forhead.

this is how you answer a guests question?

asking a question is now "talking shit"?

the question is legitimate. your response is uncalled for.

10-28-2004, 11:51 PM
dont try to pass off your snooty comments as a simple question

10-28-2004, 11:58 PM
hahahha yeah lets not be snooty lets just let it out.

allanah when i get drunk and stupid will you throw me out with your foot in my ass wiht danielle foxx choking me to an inch of my life? please!?!? (insert heavy breathing here)

there are no legitimate questions here. only the benign and absurd.

10-29-2004, 02:31 AM
What kind of bullshit are some of you eating. $50.....come on guys, it's fucking NYC and $50 can't hardly buy you a hot dog and a coke in Times Square let alone go to a kick ass party. I ahve never been to one of these but they look like fun and I am going to try it out.

I dont like the other party thing but who gives a shit. I guarantee that you guys that think this is steep have no concept about what good entertainment costs. You are the ones who will be taking pictures like kids in candy stores so you can go home and have some free jack material to hold you over for the next month. I'll tell you what, if none of the TG's at the party will let you suck them off.......you can blow me.


10-29-2004, 08:14 AM
Give Allanah a break for fu@ks sake !!! She is at the mercy of the greedy NYC clubs when she plans these events....I was at the last 2 amazing parties and I guarantee that this party will be great!!! I find it amazing that she goes ALL out with every party...themes, incredible decorations,stars, giveaways, photo shoots, after party photos on this free sight ( she owns her own website..she could make it MEMBERS only) .... None of the other TS party promoters in NYC treated these events with 1/4 of the effort!!! My compliements to Allanah for making her parties fun, sexy and classy......Show up tonight, I promise you won`t regret it!!

10-29-2004, 02:28 PM

The party will have all the entertainment and girls and everything else advertised minus one floor.
That is what you are paying for.

What will be missing from the party is YOU Phungu.
Dont bother showing up. Too bad I dont know what you look like so I cant throw you out personally, but please don't be A pussy

Have you ever heard the word ASSHOLE?
now tattoo it on your forhead.

Allanah, I truly love you.