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Smog Boy
01-30-2007, 09:52 PM
I was looking at a DVD box set of the original Munsters today and have a question about this:

Herman Munster was ... well Herman

Lily and Grandpa were vampires

The blond one was normal

So why was Eddie Munster a werewolf?

Now, I never realized that Eddie had a lycanthrope issue, so does anyone know were that came from?

Did Lily have a fling with the wolfman?

01-31-2007, 06:00 AM
I was looking at a DVD box set of the original Munsters today and have a question about this:

Herman Munster was ... well Herman

Lily and Grandpa were vampires

The blond one was normal

So why was Eddie Munster a werewolf?

Now, I never realized that Eddie had a lycanthrope issue, so does anyone know were that came from?

Did Lily have a fling with the wolfman?

Lilly was a go getter, and Herman wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree.

01-31-2007, 06:12 AM
I logged in once again.

Was Eddie Munster actually a werewolf? I never really got into the Munsters. Interesting question.

Great, now I'm gonna think about this all night.


01-31-2007, 07:29 AM
yes Eddie was a werewolf. Lilly must have done Spot, under the stairs one night!

Brighest bulb on the tree?????????? Einstein.......... :roll:

01-31-2007, 07:34 AM
Lily was a hoe, you know wolfman was hittin that, by the time Herman got his frankenwalkin ass up those stairs with those boots he nutted up in her 2 times doggiestyle

01-31-2007, 08:12 AM
Unless vampires or Frankensteins have lycanthropy as a recessive gene. Who knows where Herman got all his various parts from....they never addressed the specifics of it, so I'm sure we can all use our imaginations to think about that :P

01-31-2007, 05:32 PM
I just looked it up, and Eddie was indeed a werewolf.

Well, according to Wikipedia.

01-31-2007, 08:18 PM
Was 'My Cousin Vinny' Herman's last movie?

01-31-2007, 08:19 PM
Unless vampires or Frankensteins have lycanthropy as a recessive gene. Who knows where Herman got all his various parts from....they never addressed the specifics of it, so I'm sure we can all use our imaginations to think about that :P

I don't see how lycathropy could be part of Hermans re-animated dna. To cure a werewolf, it would have to be killed by silver, and then revert back to human form.

It does make sense that Eddie would be adopted by the Munsters. He either had werewolf parentage or his parents were careless enough to allow him to be bitten at some point. Who better to adopt a wolf boy then the Munsters?

The real question is what was up with Granpa? Seemed like there was some disturbing back story going on there.

01-31-2007, 08:27 PM
I always preferred The Addams Family over The Munsters. The Munsters had nothing or no one to equal the characters of Cousin It, or the butler, Lurch. Yes, Grandpa had his moments, but give me the Addams Family everytime.

01-31-2007, 08:35 PM
The Addams family was indeed the original, with a finer pedigree in its creator Charles Addams.

01-31-2007, 09:31 PM
I always preferred The Addams Family over The Munsters. The Munsters had nothing or no one to equal the characters of Cousin It, or the butler, Lurch. Yes, Grandpa had his moments, but give me the Addams Family everytime.

Same here, I prefer the Addams Family, pity the movies fucked up the continuity. :P

*snaps fingers*

01-31-2007, 10:48 PM
Was 'My Cousin Vinny' Herman's last movie?

His last film appearance, though he did some voice-over narration on at least one other TV project just before he died.

Smog Boy
02-01-2007, 01:42 AM
Didn't Addams Family and Munsters both premier at roughly the same time, I read something about it at IMDb.

02-01-2007, 01:45 AM
Yes, and they both ended about the same time.

The laugh tracks were also better cued on The Addams Family.

Smog Boy
02-01-2007, 01:54 AM
Yes, and they both ended about the same time.

The laugh tracks were also better cued on The Addams Family.

**shudder** I hate laugh tracks, it's like some asshole telling you when to laugh. I prefer Munsters over Addams Family.

Looks like the people behind Scary Movie and Little Man are making a Munsters movie.... :roll:

02-01-2007, 02:02 AM
Well, there are laugh tracks and there are laugh tracks. The best example of an overdone abuse of laugh tracks were those utilized in the old Ozzie and Harriet show. Ozzie would do something as bland as opening the refrigerator door and get a big laugh for it. What was that all about?


Smog Boy
02-01-2007, 02:07 AM
I was checking out the DVD for 80's TV show, Sledge Hammer and there's a reference that in the pilot episode a laugh track was added because Americans didn't know if they were supposed to laugh or take it seriously!

MASH, the TV show, on the other hand is much better without a laugh track, but jeez, the shows were someone opens a door the LT kicks in is like WTF?

02-01-2007, 02:27 AM
The MASH laugh track was hysterical. There were the generic group laugh fests, and every once in awhile they would slip in this amazingly bizarre single voice that had the weirdest "Uhahaha" chortle type thing going on.

It was classic in of itself.

02-01-2007, 05:39 AM
how come Herman was able to have a regular job with Mr Gates and all the people at the office didn't get freaked out?
it seems that every time Herman met one of Marilyn's boyfriends at the house, they would run away in terror.

02-01-2007, 05:53 AM
btw ,the blond "normal"daughter's name was Marylin

Smog Boy
02-01-2007, 02:35 PM
btw ,the blond "normal"daughter's name was Marylin

I thought she was a niece :lol:

02-02-2007, 03:11 AM
how come Herman was able to have a regular job with Mr Gates and all the people at the office didn't get freaked out?
it seems that every time Herman met one of Marilyn's boyfriends at the house, they would run away in terror.

Hmm. . . I would say the most likely explanation was that either Mr. Gates orchestrated the construction of Herman as some sort of Work Golem, or he was purchased by the company in that capacity.

I'm not sure what business Herman Munster was involved in, but prior to his employment the staff most certainly was briefed on his status as a reanimated collection of various body parts.

Apparently none of Marilyn's dates were present at the meeting.


02-02-2007, 03:19 AM
I always preferred The Addams Family over The Munsters. The Munsters had nothing or no one to equal the characters of Cousin It, or the butler, Lurch. Yes, Grandpa had his moments, but give me the Addams Family everytime.

Yeah the Adams Family definetely had better characters, and
in my opinion was funnier, spookier, and had better plots.

And the chemistry between Morticia and Gomez was muy caliente,
very hot 8)