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01-30-2007, 04:54 AM
Whisper, in an ear; to wonderful quite of a night full of fun, and parties.
The quite hum of the radio on the back sing that sweet song you longed for a night.
Racing in your mind, racing fast for that thought of that person, that person so far across the floor.
You would wish just one wish that once upon your life time a person would come, that one, o how you would long of it; to make a complete, make you whole, the twinkle of her eye, that flash of skin, ever so sexy.-sassy Yet a whisper of a song that is sing on which you longed for that night. You stand there looking at the people you came with knowing that non of them would fit the bill.

So you dance the night to a song that sings whispers of a dream that a wish upon a night would come.