View Full Version : Let's hear from Kelly Shore

01-30-2007, 01:39 AM
I pm'd kelly with some questions today, with the option of changing the format to a public posting. It's easy to discern that she's getting hit on by lots 'o boys publicly and privately. For the record, Kelly, I'm too old and too far away for you and know it! I'm just curious to hear about what it's like for an ordinary girl in a conservative town. Now I know Louisville is hardly a one stoplight town. But I'm from the south myself...and besides, there are conservatives anywhere you want to look. That being said, here are the things I'd like to know.
Do your peers treat you like anyone else? (For that matter...do many know about the tg thing?)
Do you have a shortage of guys locally that are interested?
How do you deal with telling them?
How long have you been living as a girl?
How does your family treat you?
And so on...I don't mean to be Mr. 20 questions. I picked you to ask because you're new and from the South and seem approachable.

01-30-2007, 01:46 AM
I pm'd kelly with some questions today, with the option of changing the format to a public posting. It's easy to discern that she's getting hit on by lots 'o boys publicly and privately. For the record, Kelly, I'm too old and too far away for you and know it! I'm just curious to hear about what it's like for an ordinary girl in a conservative town. Now I know Louisville is hardly a one stoplight town. But I'm from the south myself...and besides, there are conservatives anywhere you want to look. That being said, here are the things I'd like to know.
Do your peers treat you like anyone else? (For that matter...do many know about the tg thing?)
Do you have a shortage of guys locally that are interested?
How do you deal with telling them?
How long have you been living as a girl?
How does your family treat you?
And so on...I don't mean to be Mr. 20 questions. I picked you to ask because you're new and from the South and seem approachable. It's okay

I just moved to Louisville at the end of July from St. Petersburg Florida where I was the Secretary of St. Pete PRIDE and was very open about being a ts there I was in the newspapers yadda but before I lived in Florida I lived in Illinois a small town of 2500 (El Paso, Illinois) Where I attended high school and became a cheerleader and served as my schools homecoming queen no I am not lying you may google me if you type in Kelly Shore St. Pete PRIDE So to answer your question I've been living as a girl since age twelve and no I live stealth I don't have a deep voice. I have been dating the same guy now since March we just recently started having issues with one another about the whole transexual deal he is worried someone may find ot and think him to be well gay lol so I am dealing with that I've always dated guys that were okay with me and well I knew he wasn't from the beginning but I fell hard for him so I kind f broke my rules on that. My family is wonderful with me my mom is a child psychologist and my dad is a business worker for Caterpillar both love me dearly and accept me for who I am. They have never treated me as a transexual but as their daughter. Shortage of guys no never really had an issue of finding a guy just finding a guy that will be there for everything like I want him to be.

I used to pageants and shows before I met Matt and be more into advocasy for rights but since I been with Matt I've been a lot less present on that but I still believe in my views. But you can't always help how the heart feels so thats probably why I've done the things I have done in the past year.

Does that answer your questions lol

01-30-2007, 02:04 AM
Thanks, Kelly, very kind of you to answer, and fascinating. I'm so glad your folks are cool to you. personally, my dad was never very cool to any of us and it was a relief when he passed away when I was a teenager, sorry to say.
So, it sounds like you knew very young. Good for you for being a positive voice for your sisters. Don't guilt trip yourself about being an activist - I did animal rights for years, but eventually got tired of fighting. Now I donate and occasionally collect clothes for portland's homeless. Not much, but life ebbs and flows, you know?
Okay, nice to talk to you!

01-30-2007, 02:05 AM
Thanks, Kelly, very kind of you to answer, and fascinating. I'm so glad your folks are cool to you. personally, my dad was never very cool to any of us and it was a relief when he passed away when I was a teenager, sorry to say.
So, it sounds like you knew very young. Good for you for being a positive voice for your sisters. Don't guilt trip yourself about being an activist - I did animal rights for years, but eventually got tired of fighting. Now I donate and occasionally collect clothes for portland's homeless. Not much, but life ebbs and flows, you know?
Okay, nice to talk to you! I don't try to guilt myself but right back at you lol

01-30-2007, 06:39 AM
your with a guy whose afraid people will find out that your a TS and think hes gay, I dont wanna sound like a ballbuster, but...yeah, your definitley a girl if your sticking with a guy like that.

01-30-2007, 07:22 AM
Kelly, I want to thank you for being so open and sharing. I hope you have been keeping a diary. Someday you will write a fine biography. Of course, you will need killer photos in that book. Allow me to offer my services, should you ever visit Silicon Valley or San Francisco. And I bet I am not the last snap-shooter to offer here - you are model material! Tru that

01-30-2007, 08:19 AM
So does Kelly have other pics? I'd like to see more pics of her

arc angel
01-30-2007, 09:43 AM

01-30-2007, 05:12 PM
I have a question about Kelly that doesn't seem to have been asked.

Are you are a pre-op or a post-op? I'm thinking post-op, esp. in regards to being the prom queen at school and such.


01-30-2007, 05:19 PM
I have a question about Kelly that doesn't seem to have been asked.

Are you are a pre-op or a post-op? I'm thinking post-op, esp. in regards to being the prom queen at school and such.

AGT58 I'm preop

01-30-2007, 05:41 PM
Wow that's great! Do you plan on staying a preop?


01-30-2007, 06:21 PM
Wow that's great! Do you plan on staying a preop?


01-30-2007, 06:40 PM
Well, I for one am not buying it. Nice pic, but it looks more like someone doing a poor impression of Daisy Duke. Where are your other pics?
You are doing a great job of self promotion and complain when people try to contact you.
I, for one think that you are either a phony or are stealing someone's identity. If I am wrong, then I will apologize.
At your suggestion I googled you name and here is what I found: a whole thread of people who also think your dishonest
I also found a piece from a local paper which had the information you seemed to quote as to your past:

"Volunteer coordinator and board secretary Kelly Shore is a transgendered. Not only is she helping bring her community into the mainstream, she successfully attended high school as a female and performed as a cheerleader, even serving as her school’s homecoming queen."

If you are who you say you are, then I think photos or contact with some of the people here mght be in order. Mayube that si why you are afraid of pms.

There is also a site for a hair removal firm that apparently caters to a trangender population which lists a Kelly SHore who is apparently has a BS in Physcology. Where did you go to school?

I hope I am wrong, but till then..................

01-30-2007, 06:42 PM
Well, I for one am not buying it. Nice pic, but it looks more like someone doing a poor impression of Daisy Duke. Where are your other pics?
You are doing a great job of self promotion and complain when people try to contact you.
I, for one think that you are either a phony or are stealing someone's identity. If I am wrong, then I will apologize.
At your suggestion I googled you name and here is what I found: a whole thread of people who also think your dishonest
I also found a piece from a local paper which had the information you seemed to quote as to your past:

"Volunteer coordinator and board secretary Kelly Shore is a transgendered. Not only is she helping bring her community into the mainstream, she successfully attended high school as a female and performed as a cheerleader, even serving as her school’s homecoming queen."

If you are who you say you are, then I think photos or contact with some of the people here mght be in order. Mayube that si why you are afraid of pms.

There is also a site for a hair removal firm that apparently caters to a trangender population which lists a Kelly SHore who is apparently has a BS in Physcology. Where did you go to school?

I hope I am wrong, but till then.................. I don't know about the youbeenx forum but the last two are me and Ecstatic and others know I am who I am and no I am not afraid of private messages I just think it's unessecary and rude to private message with out first asking you only read what you wanted to read in the post. People that like to creat drama tend to do that - turn it around to negativity for drama.

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 08:07 PM

You were posting over there apparently as the other guy says. It seems the same MO. The homecoming queen thing and parade are the same references that have used here:




There are also references that you made there to you being post-op vs here a pre-op. That is an understandable lie in my opinion. Perhaps a white lie at best considering the circumstances and how you were being treated. I think backed into a corner, in the wrong environment, almost any TS would make that lie.

My opinion of Kelly is this: She is the girl in the pictures, but her pictures are low res, photoshopped, and not the best quality. There is a bunch of drama about the girl in a web cam thing not looking like the girl in the pictures. To that I say, big deal. She's been beaten down over there on that site which is fucked up. I went through that same harassment when I told some of the guys in my UT2k4 clan I was a TS. Before that I was Vexation or "Sexy Vexy" as they would call me... after that it was a whole different thing. It's really not fun to suddenly lose cyber-buddies because you are different.

So... I don't know how dramatic the difference is between reality and the photos... but it probably isn't that drastic IMHO. Plus I really dig the lip liner, still think she's hot, and the room is as girlie as they come.


01-30-2007, 09:07 PM
After reading that other message board, i believe she's a fake too. plus ive seen her using pics of a brunette before which doesn't look like the girl in the pics she's using now. Also, she seems to spend a lot of time on this board for someone who's supposed to have a job......i think it's a 45 year old crossdresser in his wife's panties living vivaciously thru fake pics like irish_rose.

01-30-2007, 09:11 PM
I don't know about the youbeenx forum but the last two are me and Ecstatic and others know I am who I am and no I am not afraid of private messages I just think it's unessecary and rude to private message with out first asking you only read what you wanted to read in the post. People that like to creat drama tend to do that - turn it around to negativity for drama.
While I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Kelly in person, I have known her online for over a year, and I've seen lots of evidence to verify that she is, indeed, who she says she is. Those posts on youbeenx are only a month old, so I'm not sure what Kelly means by her response to that. Maybe she's just denying the accusations made there?

I vouch for Kelly as much as I can for someone I haven't met in person but have known for a year or more online. We've exchanged PMs several times, and I've tried to help her with some of her photos (but you're right, Vicki, they are low res and look like they've been oversharpened in Photoshop: Kelly, you've got to get a decent digital camera, lol).

01-30-2007, 09:13 PM
Way to go Kelly Shore, they all think I am a fake too!

01-30-2007, 09:18 PM
YBX have in question they were comparing them to my blonde photos I just went blonde

01-30-2007, 09:20 PM
Are you trying to say those other pics are you? They're not even the same person as the one in your pics!

01-30-2007, 09:20 PM
and these

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 09:21 PM
Way to go Kelly Shore, they all think I am a fake too!

You're a whole different thing Irish... You just post naked pictures of some red headed woman (all from the same photo set) with a photoshop attached penis.

It is so easy on these forums just to hold up a stupid sign saying, "Hey Kelly the redhead wishes she was a shemale on HA".

That is easy right?

01-30-2007, 09:22 PM
Are you trying to say those other pics are you? They're not even the same person as the one in your pics! they are me if you look at my facial structure and I am wearing hair extensions and my hair is brown you are comparing the pics to webcam photos with blonde hair

01-30-2007, 09:23 PM
YBX have in question they were comparing them to my blonde photos I just went blonde in the second photo thats me Eric Jennifer my boss in Florida and ws the female co-chair of st pete pride who is a post op and I was the secretary

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 09:24 PM
OK... They did a screen cap of Kelly on the other site during a web cam thingy. Clearly not the same person as the brunette. Some of those pix are her, others are not. The person on the left is who she was claiming to be on the site and who she sometimes claims to be in her pix here.

What is odd is the webcam girl is obviously cute so I don't understand the need to steal photos and fake.

01-30-2007, 09:25 PM
What happened to the first pic you took off? Realized it didn't look anything like "you"?

01-30-2007, 09:26 PM
Oh shit, Vicki blew up her spot!

01-30-2007, 09:29 PM
and these all through out the years with different make up and different eyebrows

01-30-2007, 09:31 PM
OK... They did a screen cap of Kelly on the other site during a web cam thingy. Clearly not the same person as the brunette. Some of those pix are her, others are not. The person on the left is who she was claiming to be on the site and who she sometimes claims to be in her pix here.

What is odd is the webcam girl is obviously cute so I don't understand the need to steal photos and fake. those photos were taken at different times she used that picture from forever ago and I wearing a hairpiece or wig in the digital pic that made my hair thicker and it's been photoshopped to clear the nose area up not to mention they are from different angle webcam lighting and different angles of how I am smiling

01-30-2007, 09:33 PM
What happened to the first pic you took off? Realized it didn't look anything like "you"? the first pic is from the side and I'm making a kiss face and making my nose smaller by squinting it

01-30-2007, 09:43 PM
Vicki, I think you did a nice job of outing her (although I am sure it is not something you treasure).
If you look at alot of the pics thre are different jaw lines (the avitar is low with a strong chin and others high jaw line an pointy chin.) Then one or two have a different nose. Dont try to tell me it is makeup.
I think you haev tried to hard to promote yourself and have alot of pics of someone who looks more like a very very hot drag queen! (are you related to someone named Karla?)
I am kind of ashamed that I have takn so much time on this, but when someone is so into self promotion.
Give me a call, if you are what you say you are, I will be your biggest advertiser.

P.s, Vivki, you still make me weak :crazy

01-30-2007, 09:45 PM
Vicki, I think you did a nice job of outing her (although I am sure it is not something you treasure).
If you look at alot of the pics thre are different jaw lines (the avitar is low with a strong chin and others high jaw line an pointy chin.) Then one or two have a different nose. Dont try to tell me it is makeup.
I think you haev tried to hard to promote yourself and have alot of pics of someone who looks more like a very very hot drag queen! (are you related to someone named Karla?)
I am kind of ashamed that I have takn so much time on this, but when someone is so into self promotion.
Give me a call, if you are what you say you are, I will be your biggest advertiser.

P.s, Vivki, you still make me weak :crazy lol you're hilarious I really don't care what you all think those pics are mine you haven't seen me in person you can't judge -- and I 've had a work done on the face in the years and I am making different faces in pics lawdy and now I'm a hot drag queen lol hilarious THOSE PICS ARE ALL OVER THE YEARS SOME ARE WAY BACK IN 2000 some are recent it's over a seven year span of time and he webcam pic she was using wasn't a right then screenshot it was 2 years previous to that post this is why it was making me laugh

Frank Z
01-30-2007, 09:46 PM
How about giving her a break...c'mon everybody !

I think everyone has had at least one encounter with a fake from the net. Hell I even had one where the guy pretended to be a disabled, mute girl in a wheelchair.
The whole point is...."not guilty as long as it is proven that she or he is guilty"....

Different camera angles, hairstyles and makeup can make a whole other person of someone. Maybe there was a weight change too....

I hope you are for real Kelly, because I am pretty awestruck by your story.

01-30-2007, 09:48 PM
How about giving her a break...c'mon everybody !

I think everyone has had at least one encounter with a fake from the net. Hell I even had one where the guy pretended to be a disabled, mute girl in a wheelchair.
The whole point is...."not guilty as long as it is proven that she or he is guilty"....

Different camera angles, hairstyles and makeup can make a whole other person of someone. Maybe there was a weight change too....

I hope you are for real Kelly, because I am pretty awestruck by your story. I am real those pics are over a seven year span and I have lost weight and gained weight and muscle etc it's just hilarious

01-30-2007, 09:54 PM
If you had work done, why were you asking about getting silicone injections in your face?

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 09:54 PM
This is the craziest thread of all time. I see photos of clearly 2 or 3 different people being posted here and it makes me feel I am in the twilight zone. All the Kelly pix are clearly not this full faced brunette.

Kelly - let me be clear. You are attractive, and the guys here would go crazy over the real you. Why are you posting these obviously fake pictures of completely different people? It's very odd behavior. You are among friends here. Why the front.


Not you


Not you

And that screen cap with the web cam clearly shows the pic on the left is not you either. I don't care if you have gained or lost weight.

Frank Z
01-30-2007, 09:55 PM
I am real those pics are over a seven year span and I have lost weight and gained weight and muscle etc it's just hilarious

Which should be totally enough as an explaination. I am pretty sure that most people have made a change in appearence over the years.
That doesn't even count in that you changed more then most people ever will....

01-30-2007, 09:56 PM
Well. considering you posted three pics all with different hair, noses and jawlines, not to mention eyes............ I doubt you have that much surgery.
And you are correct I ( nor anyone else) has met you (which is unusual in itself in the forum). I will volunteer to meet you and report back to everyone. If you are what and who you say you are I will carry your banner.
Deal? :wink:

Frank Z
01-30-2007, 10:01 PM
This is the craziest thread of all time. I see photos of clearly 2 or 3 different people being posted here and it makes me feel I am in the twilight zone. All the Kelly pix are clearly not this full faced brunette.

Kelly - let me be clear. You are attractive, and the guys here would go crazy over the real you. Why are you posting these obviously fake pictures of completely different people? It's very odd behavior. You are among friends here. Why the front.


Not you


Not you

And that screen cap with the web cam clearly shows the pic on the left is not you either. I don't care if you have gained or lost weight.

I am not sure about the first one.....the mouth and lips look like her in my opinion...

Vicki, I don't want to be impolite, but even you look very different in some of your pictures. Your avatar picture for example looks very different from some of your other pics.

Hope I didn't offend you....

01-30-2007, 10:01 PM
Well. considering you posted three pics all with different hair, noses and jawlines, not to mention eyes............ I doubt you have that much surgery.
And you are correct I ( nor anyone else) has met you (which is unusual in itself in the forum). I will volunteer to meet you and report back to everyone. If you are what and who you say you are I will carry your banner.
Deal? :wink: my myspae has over 500 comments from people that know me in person and i have pics with them together I am me

01-30-2007, 10:08 PM
who is she?

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 10:09 PM
I am saying that this blonde girl is most likely her, but highly editted. But the brown haired GG on the left in this other photo is not her... That is my whole point. Two totally different people.

If you go through the thread on the other site, you will see she was posting some photos of a swimsuit model as well and admitted to posting some fake pictures of a model and claiming they were her.

I am not saying Kelly is fake... I am saying Kelly has some wierd issues of claiming to be people she isn't.

These might even be 3 different people. Who knows.

01-30-2007, 10:14 PM
Damn...a guy can't get any sleep or he misses out! Why would Kelly bother faking out a bunch of strangers? I tend to want to believe her. On the other hand, Vicki is no fool, and I trust her.
Your cell phone takes pictures, obviously Kelly...or your man's does. I'm sure you could send up a photo here with a HA note....but you've been nice here so far, and it's not as though you're claiming to be Cleopatra's reincarnation or anything. Personally, I'm not sure what anyone would have to gain by pretending to be Kelly Shore, TS hottie from Louisville. Those photos Vicki put up....damn it's tough to call. They don't look like you at all.
But I've had people staring at group photos I'm in and say, which one is you?
I'm like, are you blind? Right there in the center!

Vicki Richter
01-30-2007, 10:16 PM
I am not sure about the first one.....the mouth and lips look like her in my opinion...

Vicki, I don't want to be impolite, but even you look very different in some of your pictures. Your avatar picture for example looks very different from some of your other pics.

Hope I didn't offend you

hehe... Touche... The difference is I have had a lot of surgery over the years. If you watch Trans Beauty Queens 15 or Rogue Adventures 15 and then watch Shemale Supersluts or Up Close and Virtual you might have a hard time believing I am the same person. However, the transition is definitely easy to follow if you goto my web site or Yahoo Group. If you goto my web site, you will see all my recent pix look pretty similar.

I think the differences here are much more obvious... If she looked like the brunette, she would not have spent money on surgery to say, look like the blonde girl. She would already have been perfect. 2+2 does not equal 5. We have surgery to evolve and look more feminine, not look more artificial.

Frank Z
01-30-2007, 10:30 PM
I am not sure about the first one.....the mouth and lips look like her in my opinion...

Vicki, I don't want to be impolite, but even you look very different in some of your pictures. Your avatar picture for example looks very different from some of your other pics.

Hope I didn't offend you

hehe... Touche... The difference is I have had a lot of surgery over the years. If you watch Trans Beauty Queens 15 or Rogue Adventures 15 and then watch Shemale Supersluts or Up Close and Virtual you might have a hard time believing I am the same person. However, the transition is definitely easy to follow if you goto my web site or Yahoo Group. If you goto my web site, you will see all my recent pix look pretty similar.

I think the differences here are much more obvious... If she looked like the brunette, she would not have spent money on surgery to say, look like the blonde girl. She would already have been perfect. 2+2 does not equal 5. We have surgery to evolve and look more feminine, not look more artificial.

Thanks for not being offended Vicki....
That would be totally heartbreaking to me as I adore you and your work. Btw. your avatar picture is by far the most beautiful pic of you at least in my humble opinion.

I am just saying everybody should give her a break, being confronted as a "possible" fake, true or not ( and I certainly want to belive her ) puts a lot of stress on somebody even if it's all "only" virtual.

01-30-2007, 11:16 PM
Oh I’ve missed all of this. So let me catch up. There's a new super hot girl posting here who has lots of guys drooling all over her (understandably). And now people are saying she is not real, or some of her pics are fake or something. Who knows all I can say is I checked out her gallery and all the pics there as far as I can see are the same person, and the same fucking gorgeous person as that. Is the world becoming a more paranoid place or is it just internet forums. I’m not saying that she definitely did not post a couple of pics they may not be her. But things are pretty bad when the only way someone can convince people they are genuine is to set up meeting's with people in person as evidence, that's just fucked up and unfair on the person in question. I claim to be a 26 year old male from the UK, maybe im an alien from some intergalactic planet but oh yeah, IM NOT.......... . As far as I can see she has shown us many pics of her which is more than what 90% of people here do, and I hope she keeps on posting them and does not become another girl who is driven away by another hungangels witchhunt. I want to believe in her and not just because she is fucking hot but my faith in human nature tells me to.
Maybe ill be proven wrong but I would rather that than persecuting someone falsely.

I’ve got your back Kelly, keep posting and whatever you do don't run away.

Buddy Wood
01-30-2007, 11:48 PM
There's really only one way to solve this controversy. Kelly may have to take a trip to Buddy Wood's Neighborhood. I promise to document her visit so there will be absolutely no question as to what she truly looks like or who she is. All the pics I see are of hot girls so I could care less if 1, 2 or 3 versions of her show up.



01-30-2007, 11:57 PM
I'm not concerned about it lol

01-31-2007, 12:08 AM
Oh come on people, does Allanah Starr look the same as she did 3 years ago? You'd think they weren't even the same person. She had brown eyes then, and blue eyes now, bigger boobs, more facial work, etcetera, etcetera.

Does it matter if Kelly Shore is a fake? She seems nice. And so what if she is (I'm not judging) she isn't mean about herself or to anyone else.


01-31-2007, 12:19 AM
I vote for Buddy's solution. :D

Of course, you all know why. :wink:

Alison Faraday
01-31-2007, 12:27 AM
The issue here comes as Kelly claims to be in-stealth, yet she's here???

We know where her father works, what her mother does, what Kelly does, where she went to college, and almost her whole life story.

Sorry Kelly, but this does not reflect the mindset of a transsexual in stealth, who's lived through transition, and fought for their very existance. And it's because of that which is why I wondered to myself a few days ago. Now it's being discussed I'll say something.

If you truly are in stealth then you may as well stop posting now. As it only takes some guy in the warehouse to land all of these threads on every noticeboard throughout the building and that's your stealth which you've worked so hard for over. I've seen it happen. I'm suspicious.

And your avatar is annoyingly huge.

Aside from all that I think you're great ((((hugs)))).

01-31-2007, 12:30 AM
The issue here comes as Kelly claims to be in-stealth, yet she's here???

We know where her father works, what her mother does, what Kelly does, where she went to college, and almost her whole life story.

Sorry Kelly, but this does not reflect the mindset of a transsexual in stealth, who's lived through transition, and fought for their very existance. And it's because of that which is why I wondered to myself a few days ago. Now it's being discussed I'll say something.

If you truly are in stealth then you may as well stop posting now. As it only takes some guy in the warehouse to land all of these threads on every noticeboard throughout the building and that's your stealth which you've worked so hard for over. I've seen it happen. I'm suspicious.

And your avatar is annoyingly huge.

Aside from all that I think you're great ((((hugs)))). I just started talking on TS forums again I was gone forever you can ask ecstatic Matt and my relationship has gone to crap so I'm doing what I want

01-31-2007, 12:31 AM
There's really only one way to solve this controversy. Kelly may have to take a trip to Buddy Wood's Neighborhood. I promise to document her visit so there will be absolutely no question as to what she truly looks like or who she is. All the pics I see are of hot girls so I could care less if 1, 2 or 3 versions of her show up.



Now you're talkin'...

A jolly good idea.

Alison Faraday
01-31-2007, 12:43 AM
I just started talking on TS forums again I was gone forever you can ask ecstatic Matt and my relationship has gone to crap so I'm doing what I want

Including breaking your stealth??

Sorry I think you have issues, as a transsexual in stealth would not behave in this manner. Relationship or not. We all sign up knowing that we may never have a relationship ever again.

Now if you want to be ripped to bits I'll go right ahead..

Your avatar picture is from someone called kellylicious. Whom I may add I've spoken to in the past on yahoo with the catchphrase of "I'm so georgeous I piss glitter."

Yet your yahoo ID listed on here is; Femalemodelbutaguy

I strongly suspect that you're a fake, and have linked to the pictures on kellicious's photobucket web space.

Furthermore. You don't even know what stealth is or it's importance. Only a transsexual would understand that.

You're a fake buddy boy.

01-31-2007, 12:46 AM
Well said Alison

01-31-2007, 01:03 AM
I just started talking on TS forums again I was gone forever you can ask ecstatic Matt and my relationship has gone to crap so I'm doing what I want

Including breaking your stealth??

Sorry I think you have issues, as a transsexual in stealth would not behave in this manner. Relationship or not. We all sign up knowing that we may never have a relationship ever again.

Now if you want to be ripped to bits I'll go right ahead..

Your avatar picture is from someone called kellylicious. Whom I may add I've spoken to in the past on yahoo with the catchphrase of "I'm so georgeous I piss glitter."

Yet your yahoo ID listed on here is; Femalemodelbutaguy

I strongly suspect that you're a fake, and have linked to the pictures on kellicious's photobucket web space.

Furthermore. You don't even know what stealth is or it's importance. Only a transsexual would understand that.

You're a fake buddy boy. Darling you can im me on kellylicious82 which I suspect what you talked to me under -- I was only stealth while with Matt I have never been stealth before I have no clue what you are getting at I promise you I am not fake I am still in Nashville when I get back to Louisville I will be more than happy to get on cam for you.

01-31-2007, 01:17 AM
Well, this has gone straight to hell.

01-31-2007, 01:36 AM
This is the craziest thread of all time. I see photos of clearly 2 or 3 different people being posted here and it makes me feel I am in the twilight zone. All the Kelly pix are clearly not this full faced brunette.

Kelly - let me be clear. You are attractive, and the guys here would go crazy over the real you. Why are you posting these obviously fake pictures of completely different people? It's very odd behavior. You are among friends here. Why the front.


Not you


Not you

And that screen cap with the web cam clearly shows the pic on the left is not you either. I don't care if you have gained or lost weight.
Vicki, I don't understand why you're so into this--it's beneath you. You know I have great respect for your sleuthing skills, but you're just wrong on this cound. Kelly is Kelly, she is real, and those pics are pics of her. The evidence is in her facial details: line of her nose, cheeks, chin, it's all there, over a 7-year period. Vicki, you've changed a whole lot more over the past seven years than Kelly has, really.

01-31-2007, 01:41 AM
This is the craziest thread of all time. I see photos of clearly 2 or 3 different people being posted here and it makes me feel I am in the twilight zone. All the Kelly pix are clearly not this full faced brunette.

Kelly - let me be clear. You are attractive, and the guys here would go crazy over the real you. Why are you posting these obviously fake pictures of completely different people? It's very odd behavior. You are among friends here. Why the front.


Not you


Not you

And that screen cap with the web cam clearly shows the pic on the left is not you either. I don't care if you have gained or lost weight.
Vicki, I don't understand why you're so into this--it's beneath you. You know I have great respect for your sleuthing skills, but you're just wrong on this cound. Kelly is Kelly, she is real, and those pics are pics of her. The evidence is in her facial details: line of her nose, cheeks, chin, it's all there, over a 7-year period. Vicki, you've changed a whole lot more over the past seven years than Kelly has, really. thank you ecstatic

01-31-2007, 01:50 AM
Including breaking your stealth??

Sorry I think you have issues, as a transsexual in stealth would not behave in this manner. Relationship or not. We all sign up knowing that we may never have a relationship ever again.
Stealth?! Alison, come on! Living stealth as regards how a girl presents herself in her community is quite different from interacting on a TS forum. You're applying a single standard of "stealth" (which sounds like hiding your "secret" from everyone 100% of the time) when it doesn't apply that way for all. By all appearances, Kelly's sense of "stealth" is scarcely wound that tight.

Your avatar picture is from someone called kellylicious. Whom I may add I've spoken to in the past on yahoo with the catchphrase of "I'm so georgeous I piss glitter."
Kelly is kellylicious, a username she has used elsewhere (and extensively). There's no mystery there.

Furthermore. You don't even know what stealth is or it's importance. Only a transsexual would understand that.

You're a fake buddy boy.
See above: you're assuming that "stealth" means the same thing to all girls all the time. It doesn't. That's ridiculously simplistic.

It seems a positive turn on HA can never last long before some feel compelled to drive it down. Sheesh.

thank you ecstatic
Any time, Kelly. I know you don't need me to rise to your defense--you're quite capable of that yourself, as you've demonstrated over and over--but I just can sit by and watch this bashing. These guys and gals should find a real topic to sink their teeth into.

01-31-2007, 01:59 AM
ok so there maybe 2 or 3 kelly but THERE IS ONLY ONE VICKI RICHTER. :)

sorry bout that, had to break up the tennsion.

look im not sure who is kelly and who isnt. but why would kelly post pics of someone she isnt? thats so childish to 'lie' on a computer fourm. i dont know. i think its foolish to be some one you not.

01-31-2007, 02:00 AM
Including breaking your stealth??

Sorry I think you have issues, as a transsexual in stealth would not behave in this manner. Relationship or not. We all sign up knowing that we may never have a relationship ever again.
Stealth?! Alison, come on! Living stealth as regards how a girl presents herself in her community is quite different from interacting on a TS forum. You're applying a single standard of "stealth" (which sounds like hiding your "secret" from everyone 100% of the time) when it doesn't apply that way for all. By all appearances, Kelly's sense of "stealth" is scarcely wound that tight.

Your avatar picture is from someone called kellylicious. Whom I may add I've spoken to in the past on yahoo with the catchphrase of "I'm so georgeous I piss glitter."
Kelly is kellylicious, a username she has used elsewhere (and extensively). There's no mystery there.

Furthermore. You don't even know what stealth is or it's importance. Only a transsexual would understand that.

You're a fake buddy boy.
See above: you're assuming that "stealth" means the same thing to all girls all the time. It doesn't. That's ridiculously simplistic.

It seems a positive turn on HA can never last long before some feel compelled to drive it down. Sheesh.

thank you ecstatic
Any time, Kelly. I know you don't need me to rise to your defense--you're quite capable of that yourself, as you've demonstrated over and over--but I just can sit by and watch this bashing. These guys and gals should find a real topic to sink their teeth into. I feel you on that it's okay I understand

01-31-2007, 02:02 AM
ok so there maybe 2 or 3 kelly but THERE IS ONLY ONE VICKI RICHTER. :)

sorry bout that, had to break up the tennsion.

look im not sure who is kelly and who isnt. but why would kelly post pics of someone she isnt? thats so childish to 'lie' on a computer fourm. i dont know. i think its foolish to be some one you not. I'm not lying lol

01-31-2007, 02:07 AM
Wait a sec...

I think I missed something.

Am I no longer the President of the "We hate Matt" club? :shock:

They're in, they're out, they're here, they're gone. Jeez, relationships are like paychecks, they last for so short a time. :roll:

01-31-2007, 02:08 AM
Wait a sec...

I think I missed something.

Am I no longer the President of the "We hate Matt" club? :shock:

They're in, they're out, they're here, they're gone. Jeez, relationships are like paychecks, they last for so short a time. :roll: Matt and I have been dating since March we have decided to take a break from the relationship due to him being uncomfortable with the fact if someone finds out

01-31-2007, 02:16 AM
One of Vicki's superpowers...she's a master detective.

01-31-2007, 02:23 AM
One of Vicki's superpowers...she's a master detective. actually she is reaching a lot with me lol

Vicki Richter
01-31-2007, 02:53 AM
It's finally happened. Ecstatic has become a crack monkey. It's not beneath me, I am right, as usual. Funny you have never met her, but you think these pix which are clearly of different people, are her. I am not saying the funky photoshop pix aren't her. I am saying the brunette pix are not. It is like putting a pic of Demi Moore next to a picture of Pam Anderson and insisting they are the same, they are that night and day different.

Go through the thread on that other site. You will see that anyone who did the web cam thing with her said, "not the same person" and of course she had excuses as to why that was.

She apparently was going to Dr Alter for surgery last year. If so great. She came out nicely, as the blonde photoshopped girl. However, those brunette pix were posted on the forums long before that. Essentially you are telling me that she went to doctor alter to get a more square jaw, cheek bones removed, cleft added... It would be irrational.

Frankly Ecstatic... I am surprised at you for being so gullible.

01-31-2007, 03:01 AM
It's finally happened. Ecstatic has become a crack monkey. It's not beneath me, I am right, as usual. Funny you have never met her, but you think these pix which are clearly of different people, are her. I am not saying the funky photoshop pix aren't her. I am saying the brunette pix are not. It is like putting a pic of Demi Moore next to a picture of Pam Anderson and insisting they are the same, they are that night and day different.

Go through the thread on that other site. You will see that anyone who did the web cam thing with her said, "not the same person" and of course she had excuses as to why that was.

She apparently was going to Dr Alter for surgery last year. If so great. She came out nicely, as the blonde photoshopped girl. However, those brunette pix were posted on the forums long before that. Essentially you are telling me that she went to doctor alter to get a more square jaw, cheek bones removed, cleft added... It would be irrational.

Frankly Ecstatic... I am surprised at you for being so gullible. Frankly Vicki I think you are way out of line and I do not have cleft in my chin that you are speaking of you are just imagining things and reaching sorry to be so well lets FRANK :)

01-31-2007, 03:02 AM
I agree with whatever Inspector Richter said. You don't mess with the shemale detective.

I haven't been really following this myself, but I do know one thing. Here is a picture of a real girl and I know she is beautiful.

That's all I got for tonight.

arc angel
01-31-2007, 03:05 AM

01-31-2007, 04:12 AM
ok so there maybe 2 or 3 kelly but THERE IS ONLY ONE VICKI RICHTER. :)

sorry bout that, had to break up the tennsion.

look im not sure who is kelly and who isnt. but why would kelly post pics of someone she isnt? thats so childish to 'lie' on a computer fourm. i dont know. i think its foolish to be some one you not. I'm not lying lol

im not saying your lying but the pics of that brunette and the pic of you look totally different. both pretty girls but different. i have to agree with vicki on that

01-31-2007, 07:44 AM
Let me get this straight... does any one have a light... I got here late... so sorry, I can come back tomorrow .....but there's something that's been bugging me....never mind it's probably nothing.... but Kelly....by the way that's a lovely name... I had a daughter named Kelly by a previous wife.........no matter.....it's probably nothing....but what I can't understand is..................

Oh shit, I've forgotten....I'll be back tomorrow, sorry to take your time....good night...I'll show myself out......

I was just thinking.....you got anything to eat?

01-31-2007, 07:47 AM
It's finally happened. Ecstatic has become a crack monkey. It's not beneath me, I am right, as usual. Funny you have never met her, but you think these pix which are clearly of different people, are her. I am not saying the funky photoshop pix aren't her. I am saying the brunette pix are not. It is like putting a pic of Demi Moore next to a picture of Pam Anderson and insisting they are the same, they are that night and day different.

Go through the thread on that other site. You will see that anyone who did the web cam thing with her said, "not the same person" and of course she had excuses as to why that was.

She apparently was going to Dr Alter for surgery last year. If so great. She came out nicely, as the blonde photoshopped girl. However, those brunette pix were posted on the forums long before that. Essentially you are telling me that she went to doctor alter to get a more square jaw, cheek bones removed, cleft added... It would be irrational.

Frankly Ecstatic... I am surprised at you for being so gullible.
Whoa, way over the top here, Vicki. Crack monkey?! For speaking my mind to defend someone I consider an online friend, who I have corresponded with in forums and PMs for quite some time now and whose photos I have seen many, many times? And you are "right, as usual"? Because you say so? Vicki, I'm surprised. I give you more credit than that--and I still do. I'm not sure why you're compelled to drive the drama here (other than the obvious, it's fun to drive the drama and you have always enjoyed doing so).

Unless you are privy to inside information that, as far as I know, only Kelly is privy to, you are the one making unfounded assumptions. Your so-called "crack detective" work is flimsy at the very best in this "case"--and I would think so even if I did not know Kelly online for quite a long while now. I find it hard to believe that you actually believe your own sloppy "analysis" of most of these photos (excempting the ones which are several years old; there are a few here I haven't seen before, and I do not make any claims about those). Several of those brunette photos I know in fact to be hers; I even did some photoshopping for her once upon a time when she had brown hair.

Anyway, I'm baffled as to why you even care. I care because I consider Kelly a friend (yes, an online friend I have not met in person--and I consider you the same, as we have never met but we've exchanged notes for several years in this forum, your Yahoo Group, and your own forum).

Crack monkey! Huh. First time I've ever been called that.

01-31-2007, 04:17 PM
It always amazes me that one someone new comes to town so manyof my brothers let the blood rush fromtheir brain to their dick and cannot think straight!
There is not doubt that there are several different people in the pictures. Different noses , different hairliens and different eyes. This is not something that surgery or lighting fixes. Whenyou haev a high jawline line the kissy pic (for lack of a better indentifier) then you dont change it to the jowl like proportions in her grossly obease avitar.
It is amazint that none of the guys defending her have ever spoken to her or seen her in person or on cam. She just avoids the issue and a very simple solution. Enough is enough, Allanah and other did nto have that much of a radical change to that you cannot recognize them.
As for having spoken to 500 people on myspace, give that a rest. There are people with 1000s of friends there. They know 2 or 3 personally, LOL.
Sometimes simple solutions are too obvious for simple minds. I think this is a big joke being played upon the room by someone we know, or maybe used to know.

01-31-2007, 08:30 PM
I don't get it. What's the point? Sigh. I gotta go to work.
Bottom line for me: the 'net is a dubious place to meet a woman unless I've got $200 in my hand.
Must shower....there's real people where I work. :x

02-01-2007, 05:23 PM
Kelly's a fake? Damn, I missed out on all this heated debate!

Shame on you, Kelly, you faker! I believe Irish rose is for real though.

Do you think a faker would have gone to all that trouble? Sure, it looks like it's the same photos over and over posted by her but if it's done professionally, (which it looks like it was) it costs money so I doubt she's going to post a new pic just for you all. I may be wrong, I feel stupid if we find out she's fake but it looks like she isn't. It seems Kelly Shore is a faker.


02-01-2007, 05:49 PM
Kelly's a fake? Damn, I missed out on all this heated debate!

Shame on you, Kelly, you faker!

If you read the posts carefully you will see that Kelly her self is not fake she is a real TS who posts here. It now seems that she may have posted some pics in the past of other people and said they were her which is maybe a little strange but hardly a hanging offence. The girl in her avatar is her that's been virtually proven by the pics of her holding the hungangels sign. And the pre op, post op thing has been solved there's a picture of her naked somewhere here in a thread and she clearly has a cock (and a cute one at that). So OK she may of used some pics that were not her in the past for whatever reason but that does not mean she does not exist or lives in some parallel universe, it just means she posted some pics they may not of been her. If it was up to some of the people here she would be heading to the gallows as we talk, which is a little far fetched for something that’s essentially in the grand scheme of things quite harmless.

02-01-2007, 10:03 PM
You mean this pic?

The one that you can barely make out "KELLY" in? Plus that person doesn't look like her avatar.

Where is the naked pic? I want to see it. I just looked through all 8 pages again and I didn't see one.

Can it be posted here?


02-01-2007, 10:09 PM
You mean this pic?

The one that you can barely make out "KELLY" in? Plus that person doesn't look like her avatar.

Where is the naked pic? I want to see it. I just looked through all 8 pages again and I didn't see one.

Can it be posted here?

AGTFB EXACTLY doesn't look like me does it? But it is me just with different hair and a different look this is what I've been trying to say for the past few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is the sign pic I made

02-01-2007, 10:12 PM
Kelly do you have a life? A job? You're logged into this message board 24/7 and already have nearly 300 posts. That's a whole lot of posts for someone who hasn't even been a member for a week. Just wondering?

02-01-2007, 10:15 PM
Kelly do you have a life? A job? You're logged into this message board 24/7 and already have nearly 300 posts. That's a whole lot of posts for someone who hasn't even been a member for a week. Just wondering? yes I do -- and I just logged in at 1 something today --- and I was in Nashville on vacation with not much to do not thats it's any of your business and I had ten hundred thank yous to reply to I try to be nice to everyone when they give a compliment

02-01-2007, 10:19 PM
Because there are a lot of thirsty dudes on this board.

02-01-2007, 10:21 PM
Because there are a lot of thirsty dudes on this board. it's okay at least we have admirers and someone to accept it in the moment ha ha

02-02-2007, 01:31 AM
Ok, my apologies, Kelly. It would appear that you are for real. That's good to know.

Anyway, I'm only askin this because you're in the KY/TN area and it seems you go to Nashville every now and then (from what I can surmise) do you like country/western music? I can't find one transexual anywhere that does.


09-21-2013, 09:44 PM
It's okay

I just moved to Louisville at the end of July from St. Petersburg Florida where I was the Secretary of St. Pete PRIDE and was very open about being a ts there I was in the newspapers yadda but before I lived in Florida I lived in Illinois a small town of 2500 (El Paso, Illinois) Where I attended high school and became a cheerleader and served as my schools homecoming queen...
I think Kelly was probably the first TS homecoming queen in the U.S.

Rusty Eldora
09-22-2013, 07:45 AM
I've been on HA now for nearly a year, Kelly has been a steady poster with really great input this whole time. So she decides to do straight hair, curly hair, brunette, etc. She's a woman and likes to change things up. I think she is very cool myself.

09-22-2013, 03:32 PM
Kelly is class!