View Full Version : Should a post that hijack's a thread be deleted?

01-29-2007, 04:40 AM
Have you noticed that almost in EVERY single post made here- someone comes along and starts an argument about something?

Why do people feel the need to be critical to the pictures that depict a taste of another poster- and turn the thread into an all out argument- and completely drive the post to another topic?

Do post that hijack's a thread be deleted?

What do you think?

01-29-2007, 04:44 AM
Have you noticed that almost in EVERY single post made here- someone comes along and starts an argument about something?

Why do people feel the need to be critical to the pictures that depict a taste of another poster- and turn the thread into an all out argument- and completely drive the post to another topic?

Do post that high jack a thread be deleted?

What do you think? jealousy, bitterness and boredom. Also it's easy to say something online most people argue online out of boredom because they have no LIVES :) :lol:

01-29-2007, 04:47 AM
What in the world? Thread hijacking is inevitable.

It derails "Am I Gay" into. .. .well, something else.

I'm highly in favor of hijacking threads that begin to race towards the bottom.

You know what I'm talking about.


01-29-2007, 04:48 AM
true, thank god i'm not one of them

01-29-2007, 04:48 AM
Yes it should.
I've stated this for years on this site - it should run as a fan site of "Hung Angels" and hopefully some of the angels will be here also. If a poster wants to show his type of model/girl and is looking for others into the same type, then leave them to it - if it's not your type, don't click on it and don't waste time being negative - just leave them to it and create your own thread on something you like.
Some individuals just enjoy hijacking threads.

01-29-2007, 04:50 AM
I hijack threads regularily, and I always do it for the good of the forum. That's how you beat the the trolls.

I'm just saying.

01-29-2007, 05:07 AM
I think if it started off as a positive thread than only the negative should be deleted.

Like Seanchai said just because you dont agree with anothers taste why the need to ruin that persons thread with stupid and ugly comments.

Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean its appropriate to voice it at a time when its not called for.


01-29-2007, 05:37 AM
I think if it started off as a positive thread than only the negative should be deleted.

Like Seanchai said just because you dont agree with anothers taste why the need to ruin that persons thread with stupid and ugly comments.

Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean its appropriate to voice it at a time when its not called for.


I tend to agree with Wendy on this in the sense that we can
disagree without being disagreeable.

If you don't like something or someone, or have something
to contribute to the thread, then perhaps you may not want
to respond to that to that thread.

Which isn't to say that you have to agree with everything that is being
said in that thread, but you can disagree without going off into
name calling, and attacks on the person.

However this appears
to be the approach one
needs to take most times.

01-29-2007, 05:38 AM
there are so many negative posts in many threads deleted on a daily basis, most of the time you only see the mild ones that slipped by..........

same goes for some threads, no one ever says "thanks" for those [new user 1st post] negative threads that suddenly appear around 4am to 6am EST, they get deleted ASAP

01-29-2007, 05:49 AM
Have you noticed that almost in EVERY single post made here- someone comes along and starts an argument about something?

Why do people feel the need to be critical to the pictures that depict a taste of another poster- and turn the thread into an all out argument- and completely drive the post to another topic?

Do post that hijack's a thread be deleted?

What do you think?

Yes. And when they go totally off topic they should also be deleted.

01-29-2007, 05:54 AM
Well I know that the moderators ALL OF them have taken up for me and other ladies when the lines were clearly crossed and or when all involved new where it was heading or directed and for that I do say thankyou!

Im not naive to know that moderators cant be on here 24-7 and sometimes an opinion is called for and shouldnt be deleted however certain people on this board like to stir the pot and thats there only objective here. But thats why we have moderators to choose what crosses the line!

01-29-2007, 06:12 AM
I think that if the reply is cute and adorable (like the ones I leave >_> ) they should stay if they steal the OP's thunder......otherwise yeah if they're mean they should go....

01-29-2007, 06:19 AM
Have you noticed that almost in EVERY single post made here- someone comes along and starts an argument about something?

Why do people feel the need to be critical to the pictures that depict a taste of another poster- and turn the thread into an all out argument- and completely drive the post to another topic?

Do post that hijack's a thread be deleted?

What do you think?

Absolutely!!!! Firmer Moderation is really needed. This thread has already attracted "deletable" replies.

01-29-2007, 07:02 AM
Nah, don't delete them. Instead, switch them to the Buy Sell and Trade Forum. The confusion would be hilarious. :D

Vicki Richter
01-29-2007, 07:12 AM
What if a post is moronic drivel to begin with. Like gay cross dressers trying to call out true TS's for example.

01-29-2007, 07:57 AM
Threads that devolve into arguements should be transfered to "religion and politics" then ignored by moderators from then on.

01-29-2007, 08:13 AM
(I can't help get the sense that this is directed at yours truly for my comments on the Buffy thread, so ... )

It depends. Hijack to me -- TO ME -- connotes a deliberate intent to stray from the topic at hand, malicious or otherwise. A different view or opinion with relevancy, no matter how some might view it, and particularly -- PARTICULARLY -- when the subjective topic heading practically begs for commentary, is not hijacking as long as it stays on topic, in my opinion. Posting pictures or comments which have absolutely NOTHING with the topic at hand can be construed as hijacking, but it still depends on the intent. If, for example, someone posts a full picture of an attractive woman with the focus of her being her cock (there's something new,huh?), and someone follows by quipping, Yeah, and look at those sexy thighs and feminine knees also..., Is that hijacking? It seems to me that some of you are blurring hijacking with preferences, and those two are two totally different things.
To me, an example of hijacking a thread would be to come into a thread and maliciously start posting things about said woman's family, or to touch on the fact that she once had an acne problem and then proceed to post three gross pictures of some teenagers with bad acne problems, etc. That's throwing a sulfur bomb onto the disco floor, folks.

... If a poster really feels strongly about some part of a particular woman's appearance, be it her ass or acne, then nothing should come between that attraction, particularly what another might think. For example, I think the late Camilla De Castro was one of the most beautiful women anywhere period, TS or GG, and nothing -- NOTHING -- any poster posts in here will ever convince me otherwise.

One more thing: The Colts WILL WIN the Super Bowl. Now. Now. You have to agree with me or keep your mouth shut. Someone might construe your dissenting opinion as the "hijacking" of this thread.


01-29-2007, 08:53 AM
Here's a stab toward some reasonable criteria for this: If the post is way off topic, or just plain imflamatory...why not just reset it as a new thread and see if anybody cares?

On of the major reasons people hi-jack threads is to attract attention to themselves, so they "takeover" a popular thread. Sometimes this actually makes the thread even more interesting. More often it just causes well intentioned folks to throw their hands up in the hair, slap themselves on the forehead and mutter, "WTF?" If the post were the start of a new thread, it would continue, birthed, as it were, from the mother thread. If not, well maybe it could be harvested for stem cells.


01-29-2007, 09:19 AM
Ahem ...


I think some in here seem to think that a difference of opinion, ANY difference of opinion no matter how large or slight is inflammatory, even when it is on topic.

... Why not leave all the guesswork out of it and simply ask anyone commencing a thread from now on to post in like fashion, Exclusively For Vanity Fans Only,...Only Big Tit Fans Allowed,...No Dissenting Opinions Allowed On This Girl!...Got A Problem With This Woman, Don't Post! ? Make sense? After all, what's a forum if it isn't groupthink, right?


01-29-2007, 09:41 AM
Ahem ...


I think some in here seem to think that a difference of opinion, ANY difference of opinion no matter how large or slight is inflammatory, even when it is on topic.

... Why not leave all the guesswork out of it and simply ask anyone commencing a thread from now on to post in like fashion, Exclusively For Vanity Fans Only,...Only Big Tit Fans Allowed,...No Dissenting Opinions Allowed On This Girl!...Got A Problem With This Woman, Don't Post! ? Make sense? After all, what's a forum if it isn't groupthink, right?


I think your being both pedantic and obtuse here. Obviously, a forum discussion would go in different directions, through discourse and reasonable argument.
What we're talking about is people obviously flaming or taking a topic off-thread just for the hell of it.
ie; a guy posts about his like of seeing tgirls covered in chocolate and sombody starts saying how fucking disgusting it is, blah blah - they could have just clicked onto another thread, their opinion was not asked for, it was an appreciation thread of for to find others with similar interests.

Felicia Katt
01-29-2007, 10:11 AM
am i wrong or did this thread about hijacked threads get hijacked? LOL

I think there should be a distinction between a hijacked thread and a roadblocked one. If a thread is hijacked ie taken in an unintended direction, it should be severed and set up as new thread with that new subject matter.

A roadblocked thread is where someone just tries to stop or even reverse the discussion. if its a thread about a girl someone finds attractive, it will start as someone else saying she is not or even worse, saying she is ugly, and the thread will devolve from there. In those cases, maybe the post should be removed if all it is doing is truly blocking or detouring the discussion.

I always say, Speak your mind, but mind your speech. Discuss, don't disgust.


01-29-2007, 05:30 PM
there are so many negative posts in many threads deleted on a daily basis, most of the time you only see the mild ones that slipped by..........

same goes for some threads, no one ever says "thanks" for those [new user 1st post] negative threads that suddenly appear around 4am to 6am EST, they get deleted ASAP
Then allow me to say "Thanks!" JWBL! Of course, most of time (unless you actually live for this board--heaven help ya) you delete those offending posts before we even know they went up, so we don't know to thank 'e for doing so.

I like the distinction that Felicia makes between hijacked and roadblocked threads: if a thread biforcates into a new topic, split that thread into a new topic. If it roadblocks the topic, then delete it. As Billy, Seanchai, and others have said, a firm hand is needed (but as I noted above, perhaps we just don't see how much of a firm hand may already be in play). That said, by its very nature HA is going to be rather more freewheeling than most TS forums, but while that may allow a wide range of topics and very active posting, it needn't devolve into bitter flamewars and the like.

01-31-2007, 01:36 AM

It was neither pedantic or obtuse. It was an attempt at sarcasm, and it was predominantly aimed at those who claimed I hijacked their Buffy thread, which was the farthest thing from my mind at the time of my posting, and for which I resent being accused of since I stayed on topic -- her ass. I just hated being made a scapegoat in this case for something that goes on here EVERYDAY, particularly when someone makes the claim that a girl has the best this, or the best that. A claim is an assertion open to challenge, and anytime one is going to claim that a woman posted in here has the best (insert your physical attribute here), and there is nothing posted to keep different views out, it's open for discussion as I see it, and it always has been as long as I've been here. If I'm sorry for anything it's for treating this place as a forum, and not a place where everyone has to play footsies with one another.

Felicia, Ecstatic:

What none of you have addressed is the elephant in the room: the subjectivity involved of what actually constitutes a hijack or major disruption. There are those which are painfully obvious, but there are those which obviously aren't. What criteria determines that? Are we just going to label anyone we disagree with in a thread a hijacker based on the accuser's subjectivity because he or she didn't like what was said? Is someone simply quipping, Oh, I don't think she's so hot, now a hijacker? It seems to me you are addressing the cures before really diagnosing the ailment. Get my drift?


01-31-2007, 02:00 AM
Felicia, Ecstatic:

What none of you have addressed is the elephant in the room: the subjectivity involved of what actually constitutes a hijack or major disruption. There are those which are painfully obvious, but there are those which obviously aren't. What criteria determines that? Are we just going to label anyone we disagree with in a thread a hijacker based on the accuser's subjectivity because he or she didn't like what was said? Is someone simply quipping, Oh, I don't think she's so hot, now a hijacker? It seems to me you are addressing the cures before really diagnosing the ailment. Get my drift?

Sorry, but I thought (and think) that Felicia and I both made that abundantly clear. And I posted a related concept in JWBL's thread about what is fake or phoney on HA:

Fake or phoney to me are those who pretend to be what they are not. Of course, the range is pretty wide, since we all to some degree adopt different online characteristics compared to our "real" lives, but I mean those who are extreme in their fakery.
Same thing applies here: yes, it's subjective, and yes it's hard if not impossible to draw a hard and fast line, but the trend is quite clear.

01-31-2007, 02:16 AM

I think part of the misunderstanding here is that we're addressing two different things here. You are talking about negativity, phoniness, etc, and all that those things might constitute. I simply want to know what constitutes a hijack in a thread where some, for example, are fawning and others are criticizing the very same woman, issue, topic. I simply don't want or like to be criticized for something that to me has always been par for the course here.

... Have I ever struck you as one who maliciously goes into threads with the intent to "hijack" or disrupt a thread?

01-31-2007, 02:28 AM
I have a kickass recipe for jambalaya i'd like to share. It's easy.
you chip up an entire celery bundle, a bell pepper and a yellow onion. Set it to simmering in olive oil and crush an entire garlic bulb and add that. Open up a few big cans of peeled crushed tomatoes. Add them after the vegetables have cooked down. Add three bay leaves. While that cooks, debone a rotisserie chicken. Fry up some andouille sausages, After they're brown, put 'em on a cutting board and slice 'em into bite-sized chunks. Oh yeah - add a few tablespoons of Chef Paul Prudhomme's seafood magic to the big pot - as hot as you like. Now peel a pound of medium shrimp. Toss in the three meats, and serve over rice. Even better the next day. MMMMMboy.

Felicia Katt
01-31-2007, 04:04 AM
I have a kickass recipe for jambalaya i'd like to share. It's easy.
you chip up an entire celery bundle, a bell pepper and a yellow onion. Set it to simmering in olive oil and crush an entire garlic bulb and add that. Open up a few big cans of peeled crushed tomatoes. Add them after the vegetables have cooked down. Add three bay leaves. While that cooks, debone a rotisserie chicken. Fry up some andouille sausages, After they're brown, put 'em on a cutting board and slice 'em into bite-sized chunks. Oh yeah - add a few tablespoons of Chef Paul Prudhomme's seafood magic to the big pot - as hot as you like. Now peel a pound of medium shrimp. Toss in the three meats, and serve over rice. Even better the next day. MMMMMboy.

the part about three meats should have gone into the who's the biggest thread, the part about rice belongs in your favorite Asian thread, and the parts about vegetables belong in the Bush bashing thread on the politics forum :)


01-31-2007, 07:53 AM

I think part of the misunderstanding here is that we're addressing two different things here. You are talking about negativity, phoniness, etc, and all that those things might constitute. I simply want to know what constitutes a hijack in a thread where some, for example, are fawning and others are criticizing the very same woman, issue, topic. I simply don't want or like to be criticized for something that to me has always been par for the course here.

... Have I ever struck you as one who maliciously goes into threads with the intent to "hijack" or disrupt a thread?
No, I simply referred to the issues of negativity and phoniness as examples of how subjective any topic can be, and therefore how difficult it is to draw a hard and fast line as to what is [negative][phony][hijacked][roadblocked]. However, I think common to any of these is a certain degree of violation: the more extreme the [phoniness][hijack] the more appropriate it would be to [delete][split topic]. And no, I don't think of you as one who hijacks topics, but then I've never looked at that.

As for jambalaya, I dunno, I'm from New England, but I've got a killer recipe for clam chowder....

01-31-2007, 08:07 AM
I missed the Buffy threat - but hear what your saying.
If someone asks a question or statement along the lines of "Is this the best XXX ever" that's one thing - but where I disagree with is if someone puts up a Miss X appreciation thread, or a tgirls wearing cowboy boots thread - and someone jumps in saying how disgusting cowboy boots are, then it's needless and uncalled for.

02-10-2007, 02:08 AM
Why are so few girls posting?
Why have some left the forum?

The answer is not difficult to find.It`s the hijackers and haters who make this forum unatractive for a lot of girls.

Delete hijacking posts,warn the hijacker and way more girls gonna post on this altogether great forum.