View Full Version : Any girls that don't base themselves on sex????

01-26-2007, 01:57 AM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale. I'm just wondering if there are any real people out there that actually are NICE and beautiful. By that I mean not everything is based on your cock and mine. Sex should be part of a wonderful relationship based on friendship....not the basis for one. Just wondering..... :)

01-26-2007, 02:06 AM
No offense to anyone out there, but haven't you noticed geek that most people who end up becoming transsexuals because of their own choice end up doing porn stuff as well?

Also, there's more to a trans-chick than her silicone and dick. Most of them are pretty nice if you ever get to speak to them.

And in case you're wondering, they're all real. MOST haven't been photoshopped.

01-26-2007, 02:08 AM

Hi :O)


01-26-2007, 02:10 AM

Hi :O)




Yah, I've noticed this one lurking in the shadows. :)

01-26-2007, 02:12 AM
You talkin' about me?

Oh, and uh, hi Jennifer English.

I'm guessing you're from GB?

01-26-2007, 02:17 AM
LOL BeardedOne

oooo i'll have to watch you demmie.. your sharp :lol:

Nice to meet you :)


01-26-2007, 02:20 AM
I have off days.

I never really introduced myself on here.

I just kinda....came.

So, I play football, here in the states known as soccer, do you?

You know, being English and all, with pros like Wayne Rooney and Joe Cole...

01-26-2007, 02:30 AM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale. I'm just wondering if there are any real people out there that actually are NICE and beautiful. By that I mean not everything is based on your cock and mine. Sex should be part of a wonderful relationship based on friendship....not the basis for one. Just wondering..... :)

To answer your question, yes. There's plenty of them here. :wink:

Alison Faraday
01-26-2007, 02:36 AM
Hi geekman33 && demmie,

Most do adult work out of necessity. As in most quarters the moment someone 'transitions' that's their job prospects out of the window in an instant.

Certainly from my perspective I had a good job working for bank and am also a graduate. The moment I transitioned that all changed. For me it's not about sex at all, but there is an element of fun and risque there also. :)

If I had a choice, of giving all of this up and working again as I was before, and on the money with security as I was on before I'd seize it in an instant. What actually happened was that I confided in someone that I was a transsexual, and within days it had gone right round an open plan office of 200-people. Everything changed overnight, people stopped talking to me and there was a sense in the air. A few days days later I was called into HR and sacked on 3-points including using company computers to send personal email. There was no legal comeback. They stitched me up royally.

The outcome of all of that is that I have no past history, certainly for the last 8-years which can be checked. The company in question decline references, I do not exist and that was the solution to their apparent problem. Any moral dilemmas certain staff had were brushed under the carpet, "do you want to go too?"

So. Why put yourself through the hassle of getting a job with people who have prejudices. When you can do adult work and meet people who admire you without any ill feeling.

There is ALOT, actually, LOADS, of prejudice still out there amongst what we would call 'normal' fine and upstanding citizens. Ironically those same normal citizens that join our websites and enquire about escorting. You would be very surprised about some of the people we have met. Get them on their own and they're lovely genuine people. Get them in a large social group and they join the pack. Make a law to protect your rights in the workplace, and you're avoided like the plague so they don't have to deal with it.

World's a funny old place. Behind closed doors.

That's the reality of it all. ;)

01-26-2007, 03:26 AM
Hi geekman33 && demmie,

Most do adult work out of necessity. As in most quarters the moment someone 'transitions' that's their job prospects out of the window in an instant.

That is so true Alison. I myself am no expert with the whole transexual world or the issues that a transexual woman faces when she transitions. But I have dated a few Transexual women, three to be exact, and I don't mean I met them in a club and fucked them. I mean I dated them for a long time and had great realationships with them. The first girl I dated was a sucessfull contractor, a graduate, nice house that she owned as well as her own business. Once she decided to transition, she had to tell all of her clients (for obvious reasons). One by one they all left her and she ended up going out of business and had to sell her house for lack of funds to make the mortgage payments. she had a great house that she had designed herself and it cost her a ton of money to build it as well. Although she did not enter into the adult entertainment world, she just gets by on odd contracting jobs that she gets here and there. I'm sure she will never again be able to have what she once had and thats a damn shame.

Another girl that I dated was also very well educated. She had double Masters Degrees in the sciences and she was even on a US Olympic team. Of course once she decided to transition all of that just went out the window. I have not talked to her in a couple years so I have no idea what she is doing now. But the last time i spoke with her a couple of years ago, she was doing volunteer work at a GLBT center and doing a little tutoring on the side for some college students. I mean its cool to do volunteer work at the GLBT center, but it's hardly what she would be doing had she not transitioned. The last job that she had as a man was a scientific programmer for some pharmacutical company making six figures a year.

The girl that I am dating now is a little better off, only because she transitioned very early in life and she is totally passable. All of the people that knew her as a guy live thousands of miles away so she is safe to lead her life as a woman without fear of being noticed by someone that she knew many years ago. She was in the sex business when she was a young woman, but only because at the time it was the only way she knew how to make money. She now runs a little school here as well as a few other jobs. She will never be rich, but at least she is happy and I am happy to have such a great girl.

So, as you can see, there still is a lot of prejudice out there in the world by so called normal people. However, I did hear an intersting stat the other day and that is that the younger generation of people, meaning the kids that are still in high school and college, are supposedly the most open minded as far as the GLBT community is concerned. It will be intersting to see how that pans out over the next 20 years or so. Maybe there will be a time when people will be considered for what they can do and not what their sexual preference is or what their genetic disposition was at birth. Only time will tell.

Anyway, I'm sure that this is way to long for a lot of the guys here to take the time to read it. But hopefully some will. LOL

01-26-2007, 07:22 AM
I don't base myself on sex- my career is partly based on sex but it is my career not my entire life, or being.

Believe it or not- I am, and a lot of girls who are adult entertainers, are real people, with opinions and ideas, and are much more than the fantasy we project.

I think a lof of people equate transexual=sex business, because we are the most visible. However, there are a lot of stealth transsexuals out there and others who have non sex industry careers that are not so visible.

01-26-2007, 08:46 AM
I had an experience very similar to Alison Faraday. I had a very good job as director of a program integrating the arts, recreation and therapies at a rehabilitation centre for children with disabilities. After I told my co-director (who I considered a close friend) of my intention to transition. She told the administration and as soon as my contract was up for renewal there was a new evaluation process (which I had never had to undergo in my previous 13yrs working at this place) and I was dismissed after having a positive evaluation the previous fall at the end of my previous contract term.
I did not let this stop me though. I continued to apply for work in my area of expertise and ended up as arts specialist for a children's summer camp run out of the GLBT Centre in the city where I lived. When I came to NYC I initially applied for work again in my area of expertise but because I did not possess a masters degree and therefore didn't have an existing work visa the places I applied to (and often got to 2nd and 3rd interviews) could choose between me, where they would have to become involved in my work visa application process, or they could hire an American whom they could hire immediately. Eventually I needed money because I was supporting my parter as she did her masters here in NYC and took a job as a waitress in a restaurant. Quite a step down from my earlier job. I worked hard and am now general manager of the restaurant and the owner wants me to go in with him as partner in a new venture.
The point is that in truth I believe that there are always options if one is prepared to be open to them. Almost no-one is truly forced by circumstance to work in the sex industry. There is work as house cleaner or envelope stuffer available if it comes to that. My second point though is that I really don't think that people working in the adult industry should ever have to defend their choice. Defending your position means that you feel like it needs defending, which it doesn't.

01-26-2007, 10:42 PM
Well geekman, you seem to have started a nice post.

I have yet to actually bring up a moral issue.

But it's coming.

Nice to meet you all too.

Vicki Richter
01-26-2007, 11:09 PM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale. I'm just wondering if there are any real people out there that actually are NICE and beautiful. By that I mean not everything is based on your cock and mine. Sex should be part of a wonderful relationship based on friendship....not the basis for one. Just wondering..... :)

Most transsexuals abhor this type of medium and forums and would never consider coming here. I say most and I mean most. The adult industry is a very small part of the transsexual community. Here you have sex workers or people with something to sell relating to sex. The real world just isn't that way.

Most young TS, who don't have family financial support, probably end up in the sex industry. However, a lot of TS transition a bit later than teens and some have established careers. You wouldn't see girls like that in here. There are TS lawyers, doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc... Not likely to see them on Hung Angels.


01-28-2007, 06:05 PM
and yet amazingly there ARE some of us on here.

"You wouldn't see girls like that in here. There are TS lawyers, doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc... Not likely to see them on Hung Angels. "

01-28-2007, 06:08 PM
No offense to anyone out there, but haven't you noticed geek that most people who end up becoming transsexuals because of their own choice end up doing porn stuff as well?

That's really not true at all and a bad geeralization too. There are plenty of transgedered women who are NOT in the porn industry, Just trying to live a "regular" life.

I miss TsnTX i.e. Jen

01-28-2007, 09:31 PM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale. I'm just wondering if there are any real people out there that actually are NICE and beautiful. By that I mean not everything is based on your cock and mine. Sex should be part of a wonderful relationship based on friendship....not the basis for one. Just wondering..... :)

"I get my kicks above the waistline, Sunshine" :roll:

Seriously, as:

I don't base myself on sex- my career is partly based on sex but it is my career not my entire life, or being.

Believe it or not- I am, and a lot of girls who are adult entertainers, are real people, with opinions and ideas, and are much more than the fantasy we project.

I think a lof of people equate transexual=sex business, because we are the most visible. However, there are a lot of stealth transsexuals out there and others who have non sex industry careers that are not so visible.


"Most transsexuals abhor this type of medium and forums and would never consider coming here. I say most and I mean most. The adult industry is a very small part of the transsexual community. Here you have sex workers or people with something to sell relating to sex. The real world just isn't that way.

Most young TS, who don't have family financial support, probably end up in the sex industry. However, a lot of TS transition a bit later than teens and some have established careers. You wouldn't see girls like that in here. There are TS lawyers, doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc... Not likely to see them on Hung Angels.

As well as:

My second point though is that I really don't think that people working in the adult industry should ever have to defend their choice. Defending your position means that you feel like it needs defending, which it doesn't.

It has been theorized that perhaps 33% of transsexuals are in the
adult entertainment industry. Admittedly that is a fairly high percentage
for this group.

Yet that would leave 67% who are not engaged in this line of work. Many
in society are under the mistaken assumption that all transwomen are
sex workers, and this is far from the case.

This viewpoint is based on the fact that the transwomen that
society sees has for the most part allowed herself to be visible,
often-times for economic reasons.

For the most part most transwomen would prefer not to be known
and would rather blend in with the rest of the female populace, ie,
'be stealth'.

Unfortunately as has been stated due to societal discrimination, and
other factors, many transwomen see the sex trade as their only

I personally have no moral objections to that women's choices as
long as she uses it as a means to an end. Hopefully she has a goal
and a plan for the things that she is doing.

For as we all know there is no IRA, pension, social security, etc
awaiting her at the end of her career. If she hasn't managed and
or invested her money well, or has other career options when she
is done with the sex industry, then her future may be bleak.

The career of an escort, or an adult entertainer is analogous to an
athelete, or any other entertainer. Like the athlete an escort may
see her peak earnings years from 18 to a maximum of 38. This is
barring an injuries, and also assuming tht she is one of the in demand

For as we know everyone is not a superstar, and somebody must ride
the bench. Not every girl can ask for and receive $300 an hour and
maintain a client base that will pay all of her bills.

In my opinion, it almost seems as if the market has become saturated
with transwomen who are asking for $150 - $300 per hour, I wonder
if the 'pie' of men who are interested in transwomen will accomodate
all of these women.

Having said all of the above, I will summarize that ,no, not all
transwomen are in the sex trade, however those that are
may want to keep their eye on the future, for 'tempus fugit' - time flies.

01-28-2007, 09:48 PM
No offense to anyone out there, but haven't you noticed geek that most people who end up becoming transsexuals because of their own choice end up doing porn stuff as well?

lol really? and where is that theory based on?

07-23-2007, 05:33 PM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale. I'm just wondering if there are any real people out there that actually are NICE and beautiful. By that I mean not everything is based on your cock and mine. Sex should be part of a wonderful relationship based on friendship....not the basis for one. Just wondering..... :)

"I get my kicks above the waistline, Sunshine" :roll:

Seriously, as:

I don't base myself on sex- my career is partly based on sex but it is my career not my entire life, or being.

Believe it or not- I am, and a lot of girls who are adult entertainers, are real people, with opinions and ideas, and are much more than the fantasy we project.

I think a lof of people equate transexual=sex business, because we are the most visible. However, there are a lot of stealth transsexuals out there and others who have non sex industry careers that are not so visible.


"Most transsexuals abhor this type of medium and forums and would never consider coming here. I say most and I mean most. The adult industry is a very small part of the transsexual community. Here you have sex workers or people with something to sell relating to sex. The real world just isn't that way.

Most young TS, who don't have family financial support, probably end up in the sex industry. However, a lot of TS transition a bit later than teens and some have established careers. You wouldn't see girls like that in here. There are TS lawyers, doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc... Not likely to see them on Hung Angels.

As well as:

My second point though is that I really don't think that people working in the adult industry should ever have to defend their choice. Defending your position means that you feel like it needs defending, which it doesn't.

It has been theorized that perhaps 33% of transsexuals are in the
adult entertainment industry. Admittedly that is a fairly high percentage
for this group.

Yet that would leave 67% who are not engaged in this line of work. Many
in society are under the mistaken assumption that all transwomen are
sex workers, and this is far from the case.

This viewpoint is based on the fact that the transwomen that
society sees has for the most part allowed herself to be visible,
often-times for economic reasons.

For the most part most transwomen would prefer not to be known
and would rather blend in with the rest of the female populace, ie,
'be stealth'.

Unfortunately as has been stated due to societal discrimination, and
other factors, many transwomen see the sex trade as their only

I personally have no moral objections to that women's choices as
long as she uses it as a means to an end. Hopefully she has a goal
and a plan for the things that she is doing.

For as we all know there is no IRA, pension, social security, etc
awaiting her at the end of her career. If she hasn't managed and
or invested her money well, or has other career options when she
is done with the sex industry, then her future may be bleak.

The career of an escort, or an adult entertainer is analogous to an
athelete, or any other entertainer. Like the athlete an escort may
see her peak earnings years from 18 to a maximum of 38. This is
barring an injuries, and also assuming tht she is one of the in demand

For as we know everyone is not a superstar, and somebody must ride
the bench. Not every girl can ask for and receive $300 an hour and
maintain a client base that will pay all of her bills.

In my opinion, it almost seems as if the market has become saturated
with transwomen who are asking for $150 - $300 per hour, I wonder
if the 'pie' of men who are interested in transwomen will accomodate
all of these women.

Having said all of the above, I will summarize that ,no, not all
transwomen are in the sex trade, however those that are
may want to keep their eye on the future, for 'tempus fugit' - time flies.

Hi all,

I'm so glad I was able to get such great responses from all of you. There are many different perspectives here and although I may not agree 100% I respect them all. I now have a better grasp on what's going on out there in the real world of transexuality...lots of great people with hopes, dreams, emotions...the whole package (some really nice packages too!!) Again, thanks very much for taking the time to add your feelings and opinions.


07-23-2007, 06:45 PM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale.

By the by, I was remiss in not mentioning;

I am a woman, legally recognized by all governmental
entities as such.

I am a Black woman.

I am a post operative transwoman.

But I am not now, never have been, nor ever will be, a member of a
third sex, shemale, tranny, ladyboy, etc, etc, yada, yada....

And for the record neither I, members of my family, or any of my
associates are involved in any illegal or illicit activities.


07-23-2007, 09:12 PM
So much to respond to.

To the OP.... I consider myself to be an unemployed physicist still in graduate school waiting to either get a really good job offer or to graduate with a PhD. Until then just like anyone I need money. That is quite simply the reason I do sex work. It is not the basis for my existence, it's the means for my survival. Without telling you my whole life's story I basically have to totally support myself and partially support my family, all while spending most of my time from August to May studying, researching, and experimenting. Sex work allows me to earn allot of money in a short amount of time and more or less on my schedule. Plus what Alison Faraday said is so true the people you contract with at least want you for what you have if not what you are. Whereas in a legal workplace you will eventually be found out, all it takes is a good background check to out you. (the downside is at times guys only seem to call when I am in school and unavailable, looking of a lunch time special. :roll: )

To Vicky Richter

You say that doctors and lawyers and those educated established types would not post here. You are quite right but with one qualification.

There is a clear difference between someone who was a transsexual first who then latter became a scientist, doctor, or lawyer, etc... and someone who was a scientist, doctor, or lawyer then became a transsexual. One transitions young, with all the disadvantages as anyone else, survives "the life" and come out on the other end stronger. The other , if you take their usual story at face value, is basically too chicken to take the steps necessary to live the life they want to and lets other people tell them how to live for the first half century of their life. Only to assert themselves after they have done everything that anyone else could want them to.

The kind who waited would generally not post here. Though they might lurk. I have seen plenty of admirers who would eventually take it to the level of transitioning themselves.

To peggygee

You are also very right why would the people I described...who lived through the life and came out on the other end stronger... with a legal job and security that goes with that come here? Why should the place themselves in jeopardy? They would not. I know for a fact that If I ever attain that I will disappear so throughly that it will seem as if I never existed at all.

07-23-2007, 09:30 PM
So much to respond to.

To the OP.... I consider myself to be an unemployed physicist still in graduate school waiting to either get a really good job offer or to graduate with a PhD. Until then just like anyone I need money. That is quite simply the reason I do sex work. It is not the basis for my existence, it's the means for my survival. Without telling you my whole life's story I basically have to totally support myself and partially support my family, all while spending most of my time from August to May studying, researching, and experimenting. Sex work allows me to earn allot of money in a short amount of time and more or less on my schedule. Plus what Alison Faraday said is so true the people you contract with at least want you for what you have if not what you are. Whereas in a legal workplace you will eventually be found out, all it takes is a good background check to out you. (the downside is at times guys only seem to call when I am in school and unavailable, looking of a lunch time special. :roll: )

To Vicky Richter

You say that doctors and lawyers and those educated established types would not post here. You are quite right but with one qualification.

There is a clear difference between someone who was a transsexual first who then latter became a scientist, doctor, or lawyer, etc... and someone who was a scientist, doctor, or lawyer then became a transsexual. One transitions young, with all the disadvantages as anyone else, survives "the life" and come out on the other end stronger. The other , if you take their usual story at face value, is basically too chicken to take the steps necessary to live the life they want to and lets other people tell them how to live for the first half century of their life. Only to assert themselves after they have done everything that anyone else could want them to.

The kind who waited would generally not post here. Though they might lurk. I have seen plenty of admirers who would eventually take it to the level of transitioning themselves.

To peggygee

You are also very right why would the people I described...who lived through the life and came out on the other end stronger... with a legal job and security that goes with that come here? Why should the place themselves in jeopardy? They would not. I know for a fact that If I ever attain that I will disappear so throughly that it will seem as if I never existed at all.

Very profound feedback Brenda! I wish you much good luck and extend a warm thank you for expressing your feelings and opinions to all of us.


07-23-2007, 09:32 PM
I'm fairly new to HungAngels and greatly admire a beautiful shemale.

By the by, I was remiss in not mentioning;

I am a woman, legally recognized by all governmental
entities as such.

I am a Black woman.

I am a post operative transwoman.

But I am not now, never have been, nor ever will be, a member of a
third sex, shemale, tranny, ladyboy, etc, etc, yada, yada....

And for the record neither I, members of my family, or any of my
associates are involved in any illegal or illicit activities.


I stand so informed!!!

07-24-2007, 05:39 AM
I'm not in the sex industry. All the porn I've made is just for fun :-D Seriously, I just like to hang out and chat with some of the girls.

Like other people said, the vast majority of transsexual women are not related to the adult industry in any way shape or form. I don't know anybody in real life who is (granted, I only know a few TS in real life). The only women I know in the industry personally are GG pro-dommes from my time in the BDSM scene.

Also, don't think that people in the trade are sex-obsessed ~ that's the business. It'd be like asking an accountant why he's obsessed with taxes. Certain careers people have to work to get into... porn isn't really one of those, people just kinda fall into it.

Most women I've talked to will say that they wish they weren't in the industry but the other 99% of the world manages to avoid it... There are always other ways to make money. People just get caught up in the life.

People who are in porn or escort are real people with real lives and real feelings, they are not (usually) sex addicts or exist to fulfill your sexual fantasies. They're just everyday people trying to make ends meet.