View Full Version : TGirl: A Tribute To My Salvation

01-25-2007, 07:28 PM
There is no greater beauty than the beauty that only a tgirl can posses. More than any other women you know and understand your worth. You have a sense of confidence that know other woman has that has grown in strength based upon the life experiences that so many of share. When you become women you will always be FIRST CHOICE by the men that understand this value. You are the epitome of every man’s strongest desires and the envy of most women due to your unique combination of physical and mental strength coupled with unmatched beauty. You carry yourselves knowing that there is a special privilege in this world that was meant only for you.that was meant for only you. Those of us that are fortunate to be the men that you choose understand how hard you are to come by and once we have you we cherish you because you belong to us. We come to these forms to honor your beauty for you are the representation that we give to the world to show what beauty is and what a women should be. You are the first, the last, and all other women must stand behind you until YOU allow them to shine. These are the reasons that I will never look beyond you. You are my salvation.

01-25-2007, 08:17 PM
Very sweet sentiments, and very prosaic.

For now, I will give you the benefit of the doubt as to
their sincerity.

Out of curiousity what prompted them.

And for census purposes do you have
a preference for taco or sausage, or
does it depend on the individual?

01-25-2007, 09:58 PM
I agree with your statement. However the flip side is that some girls will not believe what you say, because deep inside they do not love themselves. So then they feel that something is wrong with you (us) for loving them. I understand that a lot of that comes from the general world, where they can be despised as well as loved.

The other thing is that there are a number of insencere men who have broken hearts by telling someone what they thought they wanted to hear and hid the truth. That makes them all cautious, gg's included.

But all in all, your words are the most positive side of the truth about our girls and yourself. Some will read it and be inspired. Others will just toss it aside and then run to the mirror to see what more they can do to change themselves physically, and ignore that inner beauty you speak of.

01-25-2007, 10:29 PM
more power to ya!

01-26-2007, 12:07 AM
Very insightful yodajazz. I think that I agree with alot of what you said and it's sad. The words that I wrote are infact my true feelings and then in a way some of the words are the true way that I wish things were. I wrote it honestly with the hopes of inspiring because I know that there are many women out there that love themselves internally and then this love projects to the way that they feel about there outer appearance as well. But the truth is that these women (gg and especially tg) are rare. If only they could see that there are men out here that appreciate them for who they are as much as what they are.

06-17-2008, 07:23 AM
Very sweet sentiments, and very prosaic.

For now, I will give you the benefit of the doubt as to
their sincerity.

Out of curiousity what prompted them.

And for census purposes do you have
a preference for taco or sausage, or
does it depend on the individual?

I have no preference. Only that she was born male.