View Full Version : Who is the Cause of Terror in Middle East

01-19-2007, 08:48 PM
The neo-marxists,socialists,commies will love this website.

It is the official Hamas website.

Reads like Kos,DU or Huffington. Lots of praise for guys like jimmy carter,etc 8)

It`s a poll, vote now cm,lg,sk,q.

Your boys are losing the vote, HURRY ! 8) :


Who is the Cause of Terror in Middle East
The U.S

01-20-2007, 04:40 AM
The answer is simple .... retarded people with no marketable job skills who desire to remain that way. Sorry, don't do multiple choice questions.

01-20-2007, 05:37 AM
whew........I thought I would get the blame on this one :shock:

01-20-2007, 10:26 PM
I doubt this retardīs into T-girls. Heīs just here to spread this bullshit. Seems you got too much time, WMC.

01-23-2007, 04:58 PM
specialk wrote:

whew........I thought I would get the blame on this one


Personally, I'm not even going to bother wasting my time voting in WMC's little poll. I have better things to do, like living a life, doing my work, getting out of the house and going to the toilet. Even going to the dentist is more enjoyable than reading his posts.

But WMC doesn't have anything better to do. He's made more posts than I have in a third of the time I've been here. That's nearly 3 posts a day since April and it seems all of them have been in this category (Politics and Religion) and the vast majority of them have been inane. Judging from the sources he comes up with, I shudder to think how many hours he spends looking for conservative propaganda and hot air every day. And, sadly he's suckered us into wasting our precious time trying to knock some sense into him.

I think we should stop bothering with him. If we ignore him then maybe he'll go away.

01-23-2007, 07:50 PM
Personally, I'm not even going to bother wasting my time voting in WMC's little poll.

It`s not my poll. It`s your ideological allies`s poll, the official english language Hamas website.

But WMC doesn't have anything better to do. He's made more posts than I have in a third of the time I've been here. That's nearly 3 posts a day since April and it seems all of them have been in this category (Politics and Religion) and the vast majority of them have been inane. Judging from the sources he comes up with, I shudder to think how many hours he spends looking for conservative propaganda and hot air every day. And, sadly he's suckered us into wasting our precious time trying to knock some sense into him.

That merely proves I can think and chew gum and earn a living at the same time. You on the other hand...

I think we should stop bothering with him. If we ignore him then maybe he'll go away.

Of course, the left love to ignore reality when it intrudes on their fantasy utopian world of " the truth and law is whatever we say it is".
But my posts are never ignored merely because they enrage the kook left. You people just seeth,gnash your teeth and rip your flesh when anyone dare challenge your marxist fantasies.
Perfect example,the global warming chicken little kooks who wish to fire any meteorologist and place any scientist on trial for daring to challenge their junk science.