View Full Version : How to let it be known,or stop hiding it.

01-18-2007, 01:55 PM
I have loved shemales for a long time.Although i do not consider myself gay(although i guess i am).Most of the planet would consider that i'm gay since i only find shemales and transexuals sexually attractive.I'm tired of hiding it.I do not find traditional males attractive(YUCK).Plus i'm thinking of getting into the biz.I currently live in a fairly small town.I'm not worried about the the name calling or people jumping me(they know better).But i am worried about my job and the social aspect of deal with the name calling with a level head..How do you "let it out " easily.I know this a topic that has been done to death but any help would be appreciated and welcome.

sincerly yours,Kurtis

01-18-2007, 03:07 PM
why is there always an impulse to ask the 'does this mean im gay question'?

ive gotten to like tgirls also, but in my case, i still very much like gg women just as much. i do not consider myself gay, nor do i think i am bi. personally, i have zero interest in men. i just am accepting of a hot woman with a cock.

as far as coming out, what needs to come out? is anyone demanding to know your sexual orientation? generally, by default, everyone assumes everyone else is heterosexual. but if youre not, it is not any ones business except to anyone you are going to know on a sexual basis.

Smog Boy
01-18-2007, 03:21 PM
The 11th Commandment: Liking T-Girls Does Not Make You Gay.

01-18-2007, 03:48 PM
I'm not concerned with people thinking i'm gay.If they don't like it then f*ck them.I am only curious as to how everyone else did it in respect with their job,family,friends.For me to acknowledge it in the open will be a shock to everyone i know.A big shock.And although i find gg's attractive,i no longer find them sexually attractive(lacking a certain organ).Hence the difference.Now for a question to YOU.Why is it that when someone new to this asks for advice and really needs help that someone has to make a sarcastic or callous remark just to make themselves seem cool or soooo a part of "the scene".If you do not have any helpful advice then please be quiet.If you read my post it was not the typical "i am gay post'.But rather how to more easily break the news.And on a lighter note.I admit that If i only get a erection or want to have sex with a person who looks like a girl but has dick and balls that i'm pretty damn gay.

01-18-2007, 05:28 PM
I've answered the question of how to tell people in a couple of threads on here, but for Loki's benefit here we are again.
All my close friends and the majority of the people I work with know that I like Transexual Girls and they also know that the lady I'm in love with is also a TS. As I work on an army camp I have had to be careful about who I told as liking TS's doesn't fit in with the army's macho attitudes. However all the people in my immediate department know.
No-one has thrown snide remarks or criticism my way and on the whole, they are not bothered at all. The only bad reaction came from my parents but as they are fanatical Jehovahs Witnesses I was not too surprised or bothered.
When I decided to tell people I didn't make a big deal of it. I either steered the conversation to where I wanted it to go and then said what I needed to, or I used photographs of TSs - I think it was Allanah Starr and Joanna Jett - and made the point from that. Most people have been interested in why I've gone in that direction but they are not bothered. Most think I'm still the same person so what does it matter. 8)
My advice therefore would be to pick your moment and not make a big deal out of it. Just drop it into a conversation at an appropriate point. Also think on this - anyone who gives you a hard time and decides they don't want to associate with you when they hear the news was never worthy to be called a friend in the first place.
I wish you luck :)

01-18-2007, 07:20 PM
This smells a bit like another am I gay thread in disguise. Chill out im sure people will label you gay for dating or liking a TS. But what matter's is what you know deep down if you know your not attracted to masculine features then your probably not gay. There is no formal word to describe us transgender girl admirer's and fuck labels anyway. It's natural for a straight guy to be attracted to feminine features, it just comes down to whether your comfortable enough with your sexually to enjoy something as truly beautiful as a girl with a cock. Ive said it before when I saw a TS for the first time (Vanity on a television programme standing there naked) it was like something that should look so wrong just looked so right and I fascinated by the contrast of her womenly beauty combined with the fact she had a cock. And only after this did I begin to think about sucking a cock or being fucked, (both by a TS I might add). Listen it's about what the person is now and how they feel and not what they were. It really does not just come down to genitalia. You would not call a guy who is attracted to a Female to Male Transsexual straight just because the TS has a vagina, That would make him gay because he likes masculine features. Just as guys who like Male to Female transsexuals are more straight than gay as they like feminine features. [/quote]

Smog Boy
01-18-2007, 07:30 PM
I'm not concerned with people thinking i'm gay.If they don't like it then f*ck them.I am only curious as to how everyone else did it in respect with their job,family,friends.For me to acknowledge it in the open will be a shock to everyone i know.A big shock.And although i find gg's attractive,i no longer find them sexually attractive(lacking a certain organ).Hence the difference.Now for a question to YOU.Why is it that when someone new to this asks for advice and really needs help that someone has to make a sarcastic or callous remark just to make themselves seem cool or soooo a part of "the scene".If you do not have any helpful advice then please be quiet.If you read my post it was not the typical "i am gay post'.But rather how to more easily break the news.And on a lighter note.I admit that If i only get a erection or want to have sex with a person who looks like a girl but has dick and balls that i'm pretty damn gay.

Is there an exact reason to tell people what you're into? Now, I've told barely a soul for one reason - none of their fuckin business, if someone asks about trans girls I'll say whatever the situation warrants. If I'm dating a TS and someone starts with the shit I have no problem beating the shit outta them. If you feel a need to share your interests with family / friends fine! Do so. I've said more than a few times on HA that I'm Pansexual and I didn't bat an eyelid, if someone doesn't like it, then it's tough titty for them, because life isn't a fuckin' popularity contest.

If you're planning on staying on HA for a while, please remember this: kick back and have a laugh, don't get uppity and be careful around the Social Order here (Rookie's are the bottom of the pile, CTE's are impeachable and TS's wield Deity like powers).

01-18-2007, 07:44 PM
I don't like masculine either but sometimes I like feminine guys... But I will not stick my dick in some dude except a tranny and gg..

I don't mind getting fucked by a guy so I guess I'm bi-sexual/tranny boy girl toy... :) I'm such a crazy person... :P

Smog Boy
01-18-2007, 07:47 PM
This smells a bit like another am I gay thread in disguise. Chill out im sure people will label you gay for dating or liking a TS. But what matter's is what you know deep down if you know your not attracted to masculine features then your probably not gay. There is no formal word to describe us transgender girl admirer's and fuck labels anyway. It's natural for a straight guy to be attracted to feminine features, it just comes down to whether your comfortable enough with your sexually to enjoy something as truly beautiful as a girl with a cock. Ive said it before when I saw a TS for the first time (Vanity on a television programme standing there naked) it was like something that should look so wrong just looked so right and I fascinated by the contrast of her womenly beauty combined with the fact she had a cock. And only after this did I begin to think about sucking a cock or being fucked, (both by a TS I might add). Listen it's about what the person is now and how they feel and not what they were. It really does not just come down to genitalia. You would not call a guy who is attracted to a Female to Male Transsexual straight just because the TS has a vagina, That would make him gay because he likes masculine features. Just as guys who like Male to Female transsexuals are more straight than gay as they like feminine features. [/quote]

Very well put :claps

01-18-2007, 08:15 PM
Firstly thanks smog boy im sure we will disagree on many things in the future but it's good to know there's some other sensible people out there who are not confused about what they are.

Secondly for kianu

Kiano Said:
I don't like masculine either but sometimes I like feminine guys... But I will not stick my dick in some dude except a tranny and gg..

I don't mind getting fucked by a guy so I guess I'm bi-sexual/tranny boy girl toy... I'm such a crazy person...

A feminine Guy is still masculine to a certain extent. And definitaly more so than a true TS who lives as and feels like a women (look at say allanah or vanity the only thing masculine about the is there cock's) . Allthough I have nothing against your outlook on this it seems so fucking complecated. What your saying about when it comes to guys you receive but you don't give I don't see what that has to do with your sexuallity. You must be attracted to guy's even to be in a sexual encounter with one in the first place and that's cool. But there are lot of guy's out there who would never even consider a sexual encounter with a man but love TS cock. And I think it's that fact that people on the outside find hard to understand.

01-18-2007, 09:06 PM
I, too, had thought about telling my family and friends, but came to the realization that it's none of their damn business. I told a good friend of mine because I felt like sharing it and he was very cool about it. He was curious about what I found attractive in a TS, but he didn't judge me or anything (which I knew he wouldn't and felt comfortable enough to share it). I thought about telling my dad but he's a homophobe and even if I explained to him that I'm still straight and still love women just as much as before, he wouldn't get it. He'd be stuck on the penis issue. He even told me that if any of his kids were gay he'd hurt/kill them. At first I thought he was joking, but he said that on more than one occassion. What kind of shit is that to tell your own son?

So basically, if anyone finds out, it'll either be because they came to me and asked me directly (which I wouldn't lie about unless she wanted me to lie) or because my girl decided she wanted them to know. Not because I'm ashamed or want to keep it a 'dirty little secret' but because it's no one's business. Just like it'd be no one's business if a GG liked anal sex.

So, yeah, don't feel that you have to tell anyone. And if you want them to know, just make it something casual. And if anyone gives you shit about it, they ain't your friend.

01-18-2007, 09:10 PM
What tv show featured a naked Vanity?
Good Times?
Who's the Boss?
(You can tell it's been a while since I watched much television...)
I know...Deadwood!

01-18-2007, 09:14 PM
Why is everyone hung up by the terms gya, lesbian and hetero? Jesus God almighty, sex is sex and is meant to be enjoyed by all. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own confines is their business and theirs alone.

01-18-2007, 09:42 PM
suckseed wrote:
What tv show featured a naked Vanity?
Good Times?
Who's the Boss?
(You can tell it's been a while since I watched much television...)
I know...Deadwood!

Suckseed the programme was sexcetera made by the Playboy Channel which is also shown on Bravo in UK. It showed her naked but not fully hard. Since then they have done show's featuring allanah and the simply gorgeous TS magazine. They also have done a feature on the stunning seren love (www.serenlove.com) the intersexed women (female born with male genitals). As I said it was when I saw the Vanity show I first became attracted to transsexuals.

01-18-2007, 09:57 PM
And to Fox

Fox wrote:
, too, had thought about telling my family and friends, but came to the realization that it's none of their damn business. I told a good friend of mine because I felt like sharing it and he was very cool about it. He was curious about what I found attractive in a TS, but he didn't judge me or anything (which I knew he wouldn't and felt comfortable enough to share it). I thought about telling my dad but he's a homophobe and even if I explained to him that I'm still straight and still love women just as much as before, he wouldn't get it. He'd be stuck on the penis issue. He even told me that if any of his kids were gay he'd hurt/kill them. At first I thought he was joking, but he said that on more than one occassion. What kind of shit is that to tell your own son?

So basically, if anyone finds out, it'll either be because they came to me and asked me directly (which I wouldn't lie about unless she wanted me to lie) or because my girl decided she wanted them to know. Not because I'm ashamed or want to keep it a 'dirty little secret' but because it's no one's business. Just like it'd be no one's business if a GG liked anal sex.

So, yeah, don't feel that you have to tell anyone. And if you want them to know, just make it something casual. And if anyone gives you shit about it, they ain't your friend.

I sympathise with you and I know exactly what your saying about your dad, mines not much different. Unless someone has the same attraction (to transgender women) most are not going to understand and just associate it with the whole gay thing and as you said the Penis. So you can try to explain it until your blue in the face but if someone has no real knowledge or understanding of the complexity of the subject then your wasting your time. So I agree with Fox if yoy feel the need to tell someone and they do not understand do not be surprised, but also do not let it control your life or get hung up on there opinions and judgements. As long as you know your reasons for the attraction thats what really matters.

01-18-2007, 10:31 PM
irish rose wrote:
Why is everyone hung up by the terms gya, lesbian and hetero? Jesus God almighty, sex is sex and is meant to be enjoyed by all. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own confines is their business and theirs alone.

I agree with what you are saying and as I said fuck labels. It's just that it is OK to define the difference between being attracted to men and transgender male to females. As they are two very separate attractions. However much it should not bother me I do not like to think of my self as gay as I am attracted to and turned on by feminine features and not masculine. Unfortunately there will always be labels in life and I do not feel that ours are simply of homosexual men because we appreciate girls who have cocks.

01-18-2007, 11:15 PM
I've already said so much on this subject that I'm thoroughly convinced that either nobody will ever get it or nobody ever cared about what I've had to say which is basically this:

1.Not gay
2.No shame
3.Who gives a shit?
and 4.Why are you asking us?

This is the last time I even acknowledge this type of post. I'm sick of it. The only thing worse than asking a stranger if he or she thinks you are gay, for liking the same thing they like, is convincing them that its gay because they like it. Fuck that.

01-19-2007, 12:25 AM
fockzilla wrote:
I've already said so much on this subject that I'm thoroughly convinced that either nobody will ever get it or nobody ever cared about what I've had to say which is basically this:

1.Not gay
2.No shame
3.Who gives a shit?
and 4.Why are you asking us?

This is the last time I even acknowledge this type of post. I'm sick of it. The only thing worse than asking a stranger if he or she thinks you are gay, for liking the same thing they like, is convincing them that its gay because they like it. Fuck that.

I too am sick of these am I gay threads and hope to never see one again. But the sad fact is if I do I will probably stupidly dignify it with an answer again.
But there is a deeper issue and that's about what people like your friends and family will make of your attraction to transgender women. And going back to what fox said people who do not know or understand pre op male to female transsexuals will mostly just associate them with the penis.
So it's not just about how you feel but also the people who are around you and especially people who are important in your life. And that subject does dignify a response.

01-19-2007, 02:08 AM
Who's hiding it? :wink:

Let's face it, the 'Am I Gay' thread will never die. It's like the Random Glitch virus. It blips a pop-up to your screen that sez "I am the random glitch. Catch me if you can!", throws itself to the RAM, erases the file, and rewrites itself somewhere esle on the drive/network.

Like the AIGT, the RG virus is amusing at first, then slightly annoying, then a serious pain in the ass. Yet it will keep popping up and we'll keep doing the dance forever and ever and ever.

Personally, I don't get my panties all in a bunch over them. Some people are having some serious sexual identity issues on this forum (And anywhere else they encounter TS/TGs) and I've known people that have eaten a bottle of pills or a few grains of lead because they couldn't get their shit together over this stuff. Bad endings for stoopid reasons that could have been worked out with a little bit of support.

True, we could use a...


...for those that are too anxious or lazy to find the link above, but it's human nature to launch into a party conversation and say "Guess what!?!" rather than mingle and inquire discreetly among the guests.

Besides, how else would we get to wave all those cool images that we have in our arsenals? :lol:

arc angel
01-19-2007, 02:46 AM
so, the judge has spoke !, gay we must be called?..... HMMM????..
I just went thru this type shit some ( employes) , just came to me and asked why i had so many transexuals as myspace friends ? why is it you are always goin to boston and nyc on the weekends?
I simply told them if your man enough to wounder , the girls await....with that i told the few. i do date t -ladys and if there was a problem let it be known.
If you call a guy who dates ggs and tgs , gay so be it..........I am who i am, and it is what it is . .......

01-19-2007, 04:08 AM
bearded one wrote:
Who's hiding it?

Let's face it, the 'Am I Gay' thread will never die. It's like the Random Glitch virus. It blips a pop-up to your screen that sez "I am the random glitch. Catch me if you can!", throws itself to the RAM, erases the file, and rewrites itself somewhere esle on the drive/network.

Like the AIGT, the RG virus is amusing at first, then slightly annoying, then a serious pain in the ass. Yet it will keep popping up and we'll keep doing the dance forever and ever and ever.

Personally, I don't get my panties all in a bunch over them. Some people are having some serious sexual identity issues on this forum (And anywhere else they encounter TS/TGs) and I've known people that have eaten a bottle of pills or a few grains of lead because they couldn't get their shit together over this stuff. Bad endings for stoopid reasons that could have been worked out with a little bit of support.

True, we could use a...


...for those that are too anxious or lazy to find the link above, but it's human nature to launch into a party conversation and say "Guess what!?!" rather than mingle and inquire discreetly among the guests.

Besides, how else would we get to wave all those cool images that we have in our arsenals?

arc angel wrote:
so, the judge has spoke !, gay we must be called?..... HMMM????..
I just went thru this type shit some ( employes) , just came to me and asked why i had so many transexuals as myspace friends ? why is it you are always goin to boston and nyc on the weekends?
I simply told them if your man enough to wounder , the girls await....with that i told the few. i do date t -ladys and if there was a problem let it be known.
If you call a guy who dates ggs and tgs , gay so be it..........I am who i am, and it is what it is . .......

I think bearded one's point had less to do with calling people gay and more to due with the fact that this subject comes up about once a week, and if people used the search option to find this topic alot of there questions would be answered there. Which to be fair is a valid point. On the other side, however many of the am I gay posts are here, they seem to draw people like bee's to honey or fly's to shit. Including myself. So no more please I don't want to be dragged in again.

01-19-2007, 03:11 PM
Secondly for kianu

Kiano Said:
I don't like masculine either but sometimes I like feminine guys... But I will not stick my dick in some dude except a tranny and gg..

I don't mind getting fucked by a guy so I guess I'm bi-sexual/tranny boy girl toy... I'm such a crazy person...

A feminine Guy is still masculine to a certain extent. And definitaly more so than a true TS who lives as and feels like a women (look at say allanah or vanity the only thing masculine about the is there cock's) . Allthough I have nothing against your outlook on this it seems so fucking complecated. What your saying about when it comes to guys you receive but you don't give I don't see what that has to do with your sexuallity. You must be attracted to guy's even to be in a sexual encounter with one in the first place and that's cool. But there are lot of guy's out there who would never even consider a sexual encounter with a man but love TS cock. And I think it's that fact that people on the outside find hard to understand.

But you know there are feminine guys who look girly and do dress up and shit but they don't do it all the time so I kind of like those... Like I said I don't like masculine guys... I consider myself a trans and I like being around other trans... There was a time I wanted to go through with the whole enchilada but society/family, money problems forbids me... I'm happy with myself now so no need to change myself...

And if you don't think that playing with dick don't make you little bit gay... You're in denial...

Smog Boy
01-19-2007, 04:42 PM
Where's the guy who started this thread gone? Seems mysteriously absent, still I knew a 3 dollar was coming here.

01-20-2007, 05:30 AM
kianu wrote:
But you know there are feminine guys who look girly and do dress up and shit but they don't do it all the time so I kind of like those... Like I said I don't like masculine guys... I consider myself a trans and I like being around other trans... There was a time I wanted to go through with the whole enchilada but society/family, money problems forbids me... I'm happy with myself now so no need to change myself...

And if you don't think that playing with dick don't make you little bit gay... You're in denial...

Firstly keanu the word gay it's self derives from an ancient word for being happy . And the term homosexual applie's to someone who is attracted to someone of the same sex and not a cock. A transgender person is not the same sex as me, it's a transgender person as the name suggests. What you are doing is associating the term gay or homosexual with genitalia and that's the fundamental error in your argument. My attraction is to pre op male to female transsexuals the cock is just part of the attraction just are you are attracted to Effeminate men and the cock is also just part of the attraction. Look if you read what I said I was not getting on your case about your life descisions, I was mearly pointing out that being with a feminine man is still a same sex encounter and being with a transsexual is somewhat different. What you do is cool and I am certainly not homophobic or in denial. I admit fully to liking cock but only on transgender people who live there life as a women (oh and them happening to be fucking hot helps but that's beside the point). But seriously don't just get caught up on the genitalia thing, think more about the person that genitalia belong's to. But thanks for reply all the same.

01-20-2007, 05:41 AM
What tv show featured a naked Vanity?
Good Times?
Who's the Boss?
(You can tell it's been a while since I watched much television...)
I know...Deadwood!

Hey wasn't Allanah on Deadwood too??

01-20-2007, 11:10 AM
kianu wrote:
But you know there are feminine guys who look girly and do dress up and shit but they don't do it all the time so I kind of like those... Like I said I don't like masculine guys... I consider myself a trans and I like being around other trans... There was a time I wanted to go through with the whole enchilada but society/family, money problems forbids me... I'm happy with myself now so no need to change myself...

And if you don't think that playing with dick don't make you little bit gay... You're in denial...

Firstly keanu the word gay it's self derives from an ancient word for being happy . And the term homosexual applie's to someone who is attracted to someone of the same sex and not a cock. A transgender person is not the same sex as me, it's a transgender person as the name suggests. What you are doing is associating the term gay or homosexual with genitalia and that's the fundamental error in your argument. My attraction is to pre op male to female transsexuals the cock is just part of the attraction just are you are attracted to Effeminate men and the cock is also just part of the attraction. Look if you read what I said I was not getting on your case about your life descisions, I was mearly pointing out that being with a feminine man is still a same sex encounter and being with a transsexual is somewhat different. What you do is cool and I am certainly not homophobic or in denial. I admit fully to liking cock but only on transgender people who live there life as a women (oh and them happening to be fucking hot helps but that's beside the point). But seriously don't just get caught up on the genitalia thing, think more about the person that genitalia belong's to. But thanks for reply all the same.

Yes, I know you're not attacking me and I know what gay means... :wink: I'm not trying to attack you either... I'm trying to understand how other people think of these things... When I was younger I was so confused... I knew I wasn't really "homosexual" but I knew I was different and trying to find people like me was rather hard but I do find them in some gay clubs...

You like pre-op... A man who has gone through plastic surgery and hormones who work on their bodies... Yet you like cock only if they're pre-op with girl features... So for you it's just an image thing? Or do you like cock? LOL

Trying to put a label on people like me is rather hard... I know Allanah went through the same kind of ordeal... Allanah considers herself as a trans/bi-sexual... That's what I consider myself...

01-20-2007, 07:39 PM
Kianu wrote:
Yes, I know you're not attacking me and I know what gay means... I'm not trying to attack you either... I'm trying to understand how other people think of these things... When I was younger I was so confused... I knew I wasn't really "homosexual" but I knew I was different and trying to find people like me was rather hard but I do find them in some gay clubs...

You like pre-op... A man who has gone through plastic surgery and hormones who work on their bodies... Yet you like cock only if they're pre-op with girl features... So for you it's just an image thing? Or do you like cock? LOL

Trying to put a label on people like me is rather hard... I know Allanah went through the same kind of ordeal... Allanah considers herself as a trans/bi-sexual... That's what I consider myself...

Ok all of this is fine but it doesn't really make any sense. You have not seen the main point in my last post so I will say it again. To have sex with another man, feminine or not is a Homosexual (same sex) encounter. And that's not merely name calling that's a fact. As I said before a Transsexual is not the same sex as me it's a Transsexual so therefore shoud be catagarised as something very different. Also if you believe that a Pre Op Male to female Transgender Person is just a man who has had a bit of plastic surgery and has happened to take a few hormone's, that's ridiculous and frankly offensive to these girl's who struggle from a young age with there identity and inside truly feel like a women. Listen I understand what your saying, your not attracted to masculine feature's in general and the thought of being with a big hairy bear like man probably repulses you as much as it does me. But to have sex with another man who is dressed as a women, but does not choose to live there life as women or does not truly feel like a women then that's a Same sex encounter and therefore a Gay or Homosexual encounter. And that was my original point. Also Allanah probably considers her self Trans/Bi because she is attracted to MEN, women and other transsexuals. So to be of this sexual orientation means that you have to be attracted to men which also answer's your original question. Finally to say it's a image thing to me is crazy and quite hypocritical. Considering one of your point's was you kind of like guy's who dress up and shit. Surely that's much more of an image thing than say appreciating a Trannsexual for being truly feminine and having the feauture's and more importantly the mind set of a female.

01-21-2007, 12:37 AM
Where's the guy who started this thread gone? Seems mysteriously absent, still I knew a 3 dollar was coming here.I'm right here.I decided not to give a crap what people think nor go around yelling it to everybody.I see who i want and if they don't like it then to hell with them.Do you want your $3 in quarters or dimes. :actionsmiley.Sorry i couldn't help it,i just love that emoticon.

Smog Boy
01-21-2007, 12:55 AM
[quote="loki"]I'm right here.I decided not to give a crap what people think nor go around yelling it to everybody.I see who i want and if they don't like it then to hell with them[quote]


01-21-2007, 01:03 AM
Sometimes i can actually be level headed about things.

01-21-2007, 12:04 PM
Kianu wrote:
Yes, I know you're not attacking me and I know what gay means... I'm not trying to attack you either... I'm trying to understand how other people think of these things... When I was younger I was so confused... I knew I wasn't really "homosexual" but I knew I was different and trying to find people like me was rather hard but I do find them in some gay clubs...

You like pre-op... A man who has gone through plastic surgery and hormones who work on their bodies... Yet you like cock only if they're pre-op with girl features... So for you it's just an image thing? Or do you like cock? LOL

Trying to put a label on people like me is rather hard... I know Allanah went through the same kind of ordeal... Allanah considers herself as a trans/bi-sexual... That's what I consider myself...

Ok all of this is fine but it doesn't really make any sense. You have not seen the main point in my last post so I will say it again. To have sex with another man, feminine or not is a Homosexual (same sex) encounter. And that's not merely name calling that's a fact. As I said before a Transsexual is not the same sex as me it's a Transsexual so therefore shoud be catagarised as something very different. Also if you believe that a Pre Op Male to female Transgender Person is just a man who has had a bit of plastic surgery and has happened to take a few hormone's, that's ridiculous and frankly offensive to these girl's who struggle from a young age with there identity and inside truly feel like a women. Listen I understand what your saying, your not attracted to masculine feature's in general and the thought of being with a big hairy bear like man probably repulses you as much as it does me. But to have sex with another man who is dressed as a women, but does not choose to live there life as women or does not truly feel like a women then that's a Same sex encounter and therefore a Gay or Homosexual encounter. And that was my original point. Also Allanah probably considers her self Trans/Bi because she is attracted to MEN, women and other transsexuals. So to be of this sexual orientation means that you have to be attracted to men which also answer's your original question. Finally to say it's a image thing to me is crazy and quite hypocritical. Considering one of your point's was you kind of like guy's who dress up and shit. Surely that's much more of an image thing than say appreciating a Trannsexual for being truly feminine and having the feauture's and more importantly the mind set of a female.

I give up with you.. You're way out there... There's all kind of transgendered people out there... It's just not people like Allanah or the busty pics of these girls here... Not everything is black and white...

You don't even know what I'm trying to say for those guys who do dress up... They do it because it's inside of them... It's not an image thing for them... You in the other hand have nothing in common with any of us except that you're attracted to trannys long as they went through the whole get up before the actual change... A tranny chaser who tries to understand is like trying to teach a straight man how to be gay...

01-21-2007, 08:26 PM
Kianu wrote:
I give up with you.. You're way out there... There's all kind of transgendered people out there... It's just not people like Allanah or the busty pics of these girls here... Not everything is black and white...

You don't even know what I'm trying to say for those guys who do dress up... They do it because it's inside of them... It's not an image thing for them... You in the other hand have nothing in common with any of us except that you're attracted to trannys long as they went through the whole get up before the actual change... A tranny chaser who tries to understand is like trying to teach a straight man how to be gay...

Kianu im sorry, as it seems I have offended you by pointing out actual fact's which I hasten to add you have not proven to be wrong. If you take the time to revert back to your original post, I commented on the fact that your motivations are different to alot of guy's here which I also said was completely cool too. You see there are lots of people who are only attracted to full time transgender people as they are only attracted to women/females and always have been but are turned on by and fascinated with a female who has a penis (a full time pre op male to female transsexual). If that make's me a tranny chaser then so be it, I did not choose the attraction it chose me and I am happy to embrace it. It seems to me as if you have an identity crisis which is not a jibe or a negative comment it's just an observation. Im sorry but someone who lives there life as a man and in your own word's is comfortable how they are, but wear's women's clothing because it makes them feel good is not a transgender person, that's a cross dresser. You keep coming back to image, listen it's not about image it's about mind set if you truly feel like a women and in your mind are one, then I apologise and your encounter's with men feminine or not have not been homosexual and I am wrong. But someone who truly feel's like a women would not be comfortable living as a man, that's why so many of these girls deal with all sorts of major obstacles to be who they are today. To sum up I could only be with someone who truly feel's like a women on the inside (whether they have a penis or not) and that's why I don't see it as being Homosexual. I do not think that it is the same for you. And I was certainly not discriminating against you for that just merely pointing it out.

02-17-2007, 09:09 PM
I have loved shemales for a long time.Although i do not consider myself gay(although i guess i am).Most of the planet would consider that i'm gay since i only find shemales and transexuals sexually attractive.I'm tired of hiding it.I do not find traditional males attractive(YUCK).Plus i'm thinking of getting into the biz.I currently live in a fairly small town.I'm not worried about the the name calling or people jumping me(they know better).But i am worried about my job and the social aspect of deal with the name calling with a level head..How do you "let it out " easily.I know this a topic that has been done to death but any help would be appreciated and welcome.

sincerly yours,Kurtis
let's not forget the fact that your are married to a gg.

02-17-2007, 09:35 PM
let's not forget the fact that your are married to a gg.

:shock: Whoa this is your first post, are you his wife by any chance? :lol:

02-17-2007, 10:17 PM
let's not forget the fact that your are married to a gg.

:shock: Whoa this is your first post, are you his wife by any chance? :lol:

no just a friend trying to bother him-he's not really married.

02-17-2007, 10:21 PM
no just a friend trying to bother him-he's not really married.

8) Loki seems a good guy. I thought for a second we were gonna get some of this...............

02-18-2007, 01:23 AM
just enjoy yourself without any tags/labels on your back..

02-18-2007, 04:08 AM
Why would you have to tell anyone? It's not like everyone goes around discussing their sexuality anyways. People always just assume, and that's just fine. if it ever came to the point where you were extremely obligated then yes, but until then, no one really needs to know.