View Full Version : Ever notice...

01-15-2007, 10:38 PM
how, when choking the bishop, things that seem like a good idea, in fact a 'Must do in the near future', seem completely outlandish when it's cleanup time? just an observation. Things like
'I'm going to fly to Vegas and hire tgirl escorts for three days straight!'
and other such nonsense?
I'm fairly convinced that these fantasies are often just as much fun and a lot safer/saner when not acted upon.
This is not to say that the reality of doing this wouldn't be mind-blowing, just that, as sex originates in the mind, these thoughts tend to amuse me sometimes with their intensity, only to vanish like smoke minutes later.
Anybody know what I mean?

Smog Boy
01-15-2007, 10:44 PM
Sure, you get worked up and think "I'll slap on the lube!" and when you've finished, it's like "OMG, look at the fuckin' mess!" and then it's "I can't get the smell off my hand and my mother-in-law is due soon!"

Seemed like a good idea at the time...

01-16-2007, 12:41 AM
Well, I wasn't talking about the actual act as much as the thoughts that go along with it...but smogboy did remind me of an embarrassing incident. I used to be in a touring rock band. One morning I found myself alone on the bus as everyone had gone into the hotel. As we all shared rooms, this was a rare moment alone. I decided to try my hand at sex, as they say. Minutes later, having only dried things off somewhat with a tshirt, I had just opened the door to the front lounge en route to the bathroom and there was the tour manager sitting with an attractive woman - our new publicist. She smiled and extended her hand to me to shake it....and as I couldn't think of any reasonable explanation not to, I had to shake hands with her. One of those random 'why me' moments. Fortunately I never saw her again...

01-16-2007, 03:42 AM
You mean like thinking about grand'ma while you're wankin' it and then to your horror you find that you're into it, then you bust and clean it off with a dirty sock and think, "goddam I just wanked it to grand'ma!" Yeah that happens to me all the time! :D

01-16-2007, 05:15 AM
I'm happy to say i never think of family members, animals, guys, or fruits and vegetables...
As my old girlfriend from college would say..."Ewww."
(I love it when girls say that...it's the one word of Valley Speak they all seem to know...too cute.)

01-16-2007, 05:17 AM
Damn, for a second there I almost thought I had something in common with someone on the boards.

01-16-2007, 05:25 AM

factor in some of the $$$ had some guys who practice this saved and spent elsewhere............

01-16-2007, 07:18 AM
You mean like thinking about grand'ma while you're wankin' it and then to your horror you find that you're into it, then you bust and clean it off with a dirty sock and think, "goddam I just wanked it to grand'ma!" Yeah that happens to me all the time! :D

Boy.. I know what you mean. I once wacked my Willy to Buck Angel.... Damned! What was I thinking... http://devoproductions.com/120104n_no.gif

01-16-2007, 07:43 AM
That's why it's called "fantasizing."

01-16-2007, 08:22 AM
well, yeah,...but most sexual activity is fantasized about first, no?

Smog Boy
01-16-2007, 02:31 PM
Three days ago I did fantasize about watching Lilly Munster and Morticia Addams lezzing up, only after did I think, "I just whacked off over 2 dead women".

Or at least I think the original Morticia is dead.

01-16-2007, 07:55 PM
well, yeah,...but most sexual activity is fantasized about first, no?

Yeah just look at Honda. :lol:

I love pouring salt in the wound! 8)

Oh yeah, on the original thread topic: Last night I noticed something that I can only remember in the heat of passion :P it was that sometimes I feel like doing really dirty kinky shit with myself, like eating cum, then at the moment of orgasm some chemical gets released and I get all grossed out and slightly pissed off with myself and feeling really uncomfortable.

01-16-2007, 08:51 PM
I think it is a combo of the fantasy and the need for an orgasim. Sort of like why men watch porn. And sometimes the reality is not as good. A sudden stream of conscience. Guilt? And the money you save can buy alot of porn.
I found th eonly way to do it is top determine to live the fantasy, and just go out and do it. At least youcan say you experienced it, whatever it is.
I remember walking to Vapor my first time. I saw someone acrosss the street staring at the club. When I went out for a cigarette he was still there. I went across the street and asked him if he was considering going in. He said he was sort of scared and not sure if he would be able to do anything but look. I said that everyone in the club was there for the saem reason and he could relax. I think he was busy staring at Sunny outside the door and the reality of seeing in the flesh ( so to speak) what he had seen in pics was a bit too much for him. I left him to go back inside. I am not sure if he ever went in.
I can assume he went home and opened HA and masturbated his little heart out.