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View Full Version : For My Conservatives On Here: (Fahrenheit Republican Style)

10-16-2004, 07:04 PM

It's political season, I wouldn't believe much from either side honestly...

10-18-2004, 07:26 AM
just another republican distraction. The GOP does control most of the media.

Along with the F'Heit 911 DVD that was released (last week I think) Michael Moore has a book due out before the election. Its a collection of emails & letter sent from US troops from Iraq (could swing a few voters).

I was kinda mad to hear Bush's answer to a question in the last debate:
His answer to someone who's job was outsourced overseas & was laid off would be to help the person go to community college.

I can see it now, I can't pay my rent this month but I can go to English Lit Class. :lol: I guess the person & family can sleep @ the school.

Nothing surprises me with what comes out of his mouth.

From a bumper sticker:
No One Died
When Clinton Lied

10-18-2004, 08:16 AM
Pretty high tech using dem new fangled TV's and all. Hell - out my way they just tear up the Democratic voter registrations...

10-19-2004, 03:21 AM
What about the Cole!!! I think the fact that the guards on board were not allowed to carry live ammo was a major factor in its attack. That was straight from Clinton. How quick certain Voters are to forget. As far as Kerry In my mind he is a tradior. He call myself and all Vienam Vets Baby killers. Some were and some had reasons but not all of us. I buried to many friends to have them to be called a baby killer by a person that was in country only 4 months. Why did rich boy stay 4 months and I stayed 13?

10-19-2004, 04:49 AM
What about the Cole!!! I think the fact that the guards on board were not allowed to carry live ammo was a major factor in its attack. That was straight from Clinton. How quick certain Voters are to forget. As far as Kerry In my mind he is a tradior. He call myself and all Vienam Vets Baby killers. Some were and some had reasons but not all of us. I buried to many friends to have them to be called a baby killer by a person that was in country only 4 months. Why did rich boy stay 4 months and I stayed 13?

Far be for me to pick an argument with someone who I suspect served his country loyally, faithfully, and honorably, but what about the 253 killed in Beirut due to Reagan's carelessness ? See how this reciprocation can work ? Get away from talk radio. It will turn any critical thinking skills you might have to mush.

Kerry did not implicate all active personel or veterans, but moreso a policy that made those horrific acts possible. How many My Lais occurred which the American public never got wind of for example ? A child or privilege, he didn't have to go to a war he didn't believe in, but he wanted to know more about it firsthand, so he volunteered. Who, pray tell, is more qualified and entitled to protest an unpopular war than one who saw action, including also seeing friends die as he did ? I don't know how -- HOW!? -- anyone can call Kerry a rich boy and in the same vein ignore Dubya's silver spoon upbringing and his dodge of action in Vietnam ? And can we have one -- just one -- person come forward that actually served with him in the dangerous jungles of Alabama ? Just one ! Sounds to me that the real traitor is George Dubya Bush. Not only did he not answer the bell when it rang in the 60s, but he and his NeoCons have singlehandily placed a bulls-eye on anyone and anything American for decades to come by unneccessarily invading a country that had done nothing to this country, and thus made this country the bane of all evil, particularly in the middle east. We're hated everywhere around the globe thanks to King George. How is that good for Americans ?How is endangering Americans wherever we go somehow displaying patriotism ? How is costing future generations of Americans their social services and placing higher taxes on them (In order to address the debt) a patriot or good for America ? Should I go on ?

John Kerry made his service a campaign issue, so it's fair game for discussion and probing as far as I'm concerned, but don't anyone attempt to blur the patriotism and service records of Bush and Kerry. Kerry pre-empted the bell, volunteered, went, and came back to try to end this wildly unpopular war that had no purpose. Dubya utilized strings to stay out of Southeast Asia by flying, apparently ingognito, somewhere in Alabama. It is a no-brainer as to who the real patriot is, and who the cowardly little rich boy is. Don't anyone even attempt to put them on the same level. Bush isn't qualified to carry Kerry's duffle bag.

I'll end this with one simple question: If one's service to this country -- actually seeing action -- must be a qualification to serve this country as its top Commander-in-Chief, where is Dubya's swift boat account ? What did he do when the bell tolled ?

10-19-2004, 05:32 AM
It seems from your post that you like to rant and not answer the questions I posted. Your disrespect for the Commander and Chief is well noticed in your slang. When did you serve? What are your feelings? Or are you another that speack from no base in fact.
I had a total of 5 trips to Vietman. I and MANY of the other real Vets,that I see at the VA hospitals and meetings, say' and have always said long before the Bush service questioins the following. "If a person was lucky enough to get out of going more power to them." Except the cowards that went to canada or like Clinton lied and had high friends write false letters so he could run to Europe. I even mean the people that stayed in college I hold nothing against them. I am 100% disabled from the service and I have more purple hearts than Kerry and more medals. To the real soldiers the medals for the most part means you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Look at it that way.

10-19-2004, 06:02 AM
Okay, what about the Cole ? Are you stating or implying that Bill Clinton as Commander-and-Chief purposely got those service personel killed ? I noticed you didn't address any of my questions, but in typical Neo-Con speak, twisted things to fit your prejudices by ignoring the facts.
No, I didn't serve, just as Cheney, Perle, or the slew of other NeoCons who foisted this ridiculous war upon us. You conviently and predictably slam Bill Clinton for getting out of his service to Vietnam, but let Bush off the hook via some trite maxim. You can't have it both ways. Your cherrypicking is obvious and your logic inconsistent. How do you feel about Rush, Newt, or Hannity's service to their country ?

Did you ever see Bill Clinton as your Commander-and-chief, by the way ? I mean, he did actually win the presidential election. If someone doesn't want to view Dubya as their president based on election results, they have every right to given the machinations that went down.

10-19-2004, 11:10 AM
No One Died When Clinton Lied...

10-19-2004, 11:25 AM
Your disrespect for the Commander and Chief is well noticed in your slang.

You people need to get over this. He's an elected President, why does he need to be respected if you didn't vote for him or agree with his lying policies?
One of the main issues, is that many many Americans think it's "un-American" to criticise what their goverment is doing in times of war? Although the "Freedom of Speach" is pulled out any time that supports their theories. It is okay, to criticise the goverment, you are not a traitor to say that the Iraq war is wrong or to say that the "Patriot Act" an agenda with has less to do with protecting us and more to do with controlling us.

If those idiots out there vote for Bush and he gets in then the rest of the world and USA has to suffer for his greed and religious fervour.

10-20-2004, 12:55 AM
What about the Cole!!! I think the fact that the guards on board were not allowed to carry live ammo was a major factor in its attack. That was straight from Clinton. How quick certain Voters are to forget. As far as Kerry In my mind he is a tradior. He call myself and all Vienam Vets Baby killers. Some were and some had reasons but not all of us. I buried to many friends to have them to be called a baby killer by a person that was in country only 4 months. Why did rich boy stay 4 months and I stayed 13?

I absolutely believe YOU as a VETERAN of WAR have every right to voice your objections to what Kerry may or may not have said...You earned that through service...I don't believe however that MEN who have never stepped foot in a WAR or even thought about service in a WAR (Cheyney or BUSH) have the right to criticize someone who's actually been there.
Put simply, if your ass didn't serve in the war...............Shut the FUCK up! Don't tell me or question me about my duty if you didn't step foot in the fucker, if you didn't have to shoot it out or burry friends...just my opinion of course. And no.................if you actually read what the fuck he said, he did not call you baby killers...It fucking amazes me how so uniformed the general American public is....STOP GETTING YOUR AMERICAN NEWS FROM FOREIGN INTEREST...this is on both sides...Liberals with the BBC (Brittish owned and operated) and Conservatives with FOX (Austrailian owned and operated)...research, use the fucking libary...READ...get off the internet...

If you don't like a man, you don't like him but do you realize that you are doing yourself a bigger diservice by knocking a fellow veteran....and to your last comment, I think that was can be attributed to hatred....I mean you're knocking him cause he was a rich military man?...the fuck you think George Bush grew up in the hood...lol...the fuck outta here...lol

Felicia Katt
10-20-2004, 04:19 AM
I had a total of 5 trips to Vietman.

Why did rich boy stay 4 months and I stayed 13?


5 tours in 13 months? that seems pretty unlikely. I thought a standard tour was one year (thats how long my dad was there)

if you served there, honorably, then we owe you a debt of thanks and respect. You owe the same to Kerry. Kerry volunteered, served with distinction, and then was instrumental in the protests that ended the war. He didn't call everyone who served a baby killer (why would he, when he had served, himself) but he did correctly testify to the abuses if not atrocities that were taking place. That took courage. The easy route would have been to campaign as a war hero, not a protestor. Bush, by the way, claimed to be an air force veteran in his first campaign.

If the length of Kerry's services bothers you, the total lack of service by Bush should really gall you, but you give Bush a pass on that and apparently on his poor record on Veterans in general. His administration is closing VA hospitals. Under his administation, there are more Vets without health care insurance, and their numbers are growing at a higher rate than the rest of the public. That was just in the news today.

the medals for the most part means you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Look at it that way

I think if there was a wrong place at that wrong time, it would be in Texas and Alabama. but thats just me


10-20-2004, 11:51 AM
I would fight for a cause I believed in without any problems what so ever. Would I go to Iraq? Hell No. Why would I let some Jerk with 2 brain cells (Bush) tell me what's right & wrong. I'll be AWOL but I'd be ALIVE. I saw Jimmy Carter on the Tube just yesterday he said "I know my decision to not go to war with Iran probably was the unpopular decision & costed me many votes for re-election but it was the right thing to do." Every single one of those hostages came home ALIVE. Not with bodies & heads seperated. He chose peace instead of division & death.

The US Govt spends 10 billion on armed forces. some countries don't even gross that much. We are lucky enough to be a super power.... Why grossly flaunt it? We can destroy anything. Destroying is easy. Loving, caring & building is what makes a person a true Human Being. There was no reason for war this war. Every week when I see the list of dead I get sick. just kids 21-25 on the most part. If the CEO of any company ran their company like Bush runs America, they would have been fired & replaced by someone that has a better chance of doing the job right.

Some say that they don't like Bush, but they are not sure bout Kerry. Huh? What the F#@K? when do you know what a pres is going to be like. Did anyone know bush was off his rocker 4 years ago. No. Its ok to not know. The problem is when you do know what a president has done & is doing, know that its a horrible job & will still vote for him anyway. He has mis-led America, ran us into a deficit unlike no other president in history. Just Monday a story was out saying the Fed Govmt doesn't have any money to payits bills due to the fact that congress has to vote & increase fed deficit limit. Congress wants to wait till after election to do so. It may look Bad for Bush to do it right now. So in the meantime Fed spends our Social Sec money & will replace it when Congress meets to approve a bigger debt. Only In America!

10-21-2004, 07:50 AM
I would fight for a cause I believed in without any problems what so ever. Would I go to Iraq? Hell No. Why would I let some Jerk with 2 brain cells (Bush) tell me what's right & wrong. I'll be AWOL but I'd be ALIVE. I saw Jimmy Carter on the Tube just yesterday he said "I know my decision to not go to war with Iran probably was the unpopular decision & costed me many votes for re-election but it was the right thing to do." Every single one of those hostages came home ALIVE. Not with bodies & heads seperated. He chose peace instead of division & death.

The US Govt spends 10 billion on armed forces. some countries don't even gross that much. We are lucky enough to be a super power.... Why grossly flaunt it? We can destroy anything. Destroying is easy. Loving, caring & building is what makes a person a true Human Being. There was no reason for war this war. Every week when I see the list of dead I get sick. just kids 21-25 on the most part. If the CEO of any company ran their company like Bush runs America, they would have been fired & replaced by someone that has a better chance of doing the job right.

Yes, most of those are kids -- KIDS -- coming back in those flag draped coffins, or without a limb, not to mention how many innocent Iraqis have died unnecessarily because of dipshit's arrogance and ignorance. Yes, one can argue that when one joins the service, that that's the risk every service person takes, but for this unwarranted assinine endeavor ??? This in no way is in defense of this country, but it must be couched that way in order for an idiot American public to easily consume and go along with. My guess is that many of those returning in coffins probably had little choice, but to join the service. After all, what other alternatives are there for kids nowadays who can't matriculate into college for one reason or another -- work at a Walmart or flip patties at a Burger King ? The poor kids fight so that rich kids such as Barbara and Jenna Bush can go to college. Listen to CCR's Fortunate Son.

And, yes, you are right. George Dipshit Bush squandered the world sympathy we had as a result of what took place on 9/11. Like it was said immediately afterward by many countrymen from every country and corner of the world, "We all became Americans on 9/11..." Thanks to dipshit, we are now hated, reviled, and condemned worldwide for launching this pre-emptive strike on a country that had no meaningful connection to 9/11. The world knew it, but not our ignorant blood thirsty populace. We needed to fight someone, anyone, and to hell with world condemnation of our thirst for revenge and blood.

The highest proof of virtue, is to hold boundless power, and not abuse it.

I forgot who is credited with that (Some British admiral during WWII I believe ?) quote, but Dipshit proved to the world that this country certainly lacked virtue when it invaded Iraq. To the rest of the world, Bush represents a remorseless, careless, unthinking, psychotic 250 lb musclebound bully picking on an anemic 75 lb weakling just for kicks. The world's lone superpower picking on a third world country. Yeah, that's something for one take pride in.

Fuck the dumbest excuse for a president ever -- EVER. Dumbfuck can't get through one -- ONE -- appearance anywhere without fumbling a line, and this is who his followers entrust with our country and future ? That is one dumb fucker.

Okay, I'm through with my rant for the day. :)

10-21-2004, 02:34 PM
I'm hoping Kerry with get a Red Sox bounce to help him come from behind to put Bush down just like the Sox put the Yanks down--and surely Bush deserves it more.

10-21-2004, 03:20 PM

This is what gets me upset.
This is an actual photo from the Base in Dover.
We've accomplished nothing by going to war.
Now there are even more terrorists willing to step up.

The US pays over $50.00 for a barrel of oil.
Iraqis pay $5.00.
Just the facts..

10-21-2004, 03:22 PM
People don't realize how many bodies come back.
we've had pretty much 1,000 dead soldiers AFTER bush stood up with the mission accomplished banner! AFTER they took over the country....1,000.

Things are supposed to get better for those people not worse!
Things are supposed to get better for U.S. people not worse.

Folks something is wrong with the counrty right now.
I say lets make it Better Nov 2, 2004.


10-21-2004, 03:37 PM
The US pays over $50.00 for a barrel of oil.
Iraqis pay $5.00.
Just the facts..
And that's just the cost/barrel, without factoring in the cost of running this war or collateral expenses to keep our Middle Eastern "allies" happy enough to keep the price down to $50/barrel.

Where are the hydrogen cars Bush promised? (Oh, wait, he needs to go to Mars first, probably open a hydrogen factory there....) :P

10-21-2004, 03:57 PM
I think the whole going to mars deal is that bush wants company.
He's been on another planet for years now.

10-21-2004, 04:14 PM
I think the whole going to mars deal is that bush wants company.
He's been on another planet for years now.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-23-2004, 06:24 PM
Even after all of this, plus the Florida Electronic Voting Machine fiasco
that's going on right now I bet you nothing is done about the republicans.

Substitute teacher Adam Banse wanted a summer job with flexible hours, so he signed up to knock on doors in suburban Minneapolis and register people to vote. He quit after two hours.

"They said if you bring back a bunch of Democratic cards, you'll be fired,"
Banse contends. "At that point, I said, `Whoa. Something's wrong here.'"

He isn't alone. In several battleground states across the country, a
consulting firm funded by the Republican National Committee has been accused of deceiving would-be voters and destroying Democratic voter registration cards.

Sproul declined to name the states in which his company conducted
registration drives. His political consulting firm was founded last year and
has received nearly $500,000 from the RNC since July, according to federal election records.

In Pennsylvania this week, former Sproul canvassers said they had been
instructed to not register Democrats. About 40 to 50 also complained they
had not been paid

In Pittsburgh, library patrons protested that Sproul employees were
pressuring people to register as Republicans at tables set up outside a
Carnegie Library branch.

One incident was reported in Oregon.

Bragg, who filed a complaint earlier this week with the West Virginia
secretary of state's office, said Friday that canvassers were given a script
that read at the bottom, "Our goal is to register Republicans."

Eric Russell of Las Vegas told The Associated Press that he watched a Sproul supervisor tear up eight to 10 registration forms completed by Democrats and managed to grab some of the shredded documents as evidence. State officials are investigating his claim.

Can you believe that bullshit?

10-23-2004, 09:24 PM
If the highjinks that happened in Florida in the last election has happened in any other country it would have been called a non-election and Bush would not have been recognised as a legitimate president by the rest of the world. This is meant to be a democracy?
Surely, even the most ardent Bush supporter can see this crap is damaging and potentially dangerous - it might get this lying dimwit back in power this time but in the future, another facist extremist with more brains could manipulate the system.

10-23-2004, 09:30 PM
bingo. that's the scary part. Its a political machine. Now elections can be scammed or stolen. I though that sort of thing only happened in 3rd world countries.