View Full Version : Watched Farenheit 911

Vicki Richter
10-16-2004, 05:48 AM
So Lenny sent me Farenheit 911 (you know Lenny right Seanchi). That is really really depressing. I don't really know what to think now. It's a pretty powerful movie in humanizing the war. I guess someone made a counter movie called Farenhype or something (of course my parents would know about it to tell me). What doesn't really make sense is if all that is true, why do something like 69% of military families support Bush.


Obviously it feels like a lot more Iraqi innocents are dying (died?) than was my perception. However, I haven't seen a lot of mainstream media reports on that either. Like I said, I would have an extremely different outlook on things if everything posed in the movie could be taken at face value. I've heard quite a bit of counter-arguments so I don't really know what to think. Michael Moore is a kook. A kook with a big heart who seems to mean well, but he's still a bit whacky.


ps - Allanah this surgery suxors. How did you hide while you were recovering? I had to goto the grocery store, but I try to goto my mailbox as late at night as possible. Did your chin ever look like Dick Tracy (because of the swelling people). Mine did until today. I wasn't really worried about it, but damn it was ugly.

10-16-2004, 06:05 AM

Check the Hormone Effects thread.


10-16-2004, 06:05 AM
Much of what Moore says is lies. There was a website that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the film but I don't have the link on me right now.

I think the main reason so many military families support Bush, is because there's a long history of children being in the army in their families. From the great grandparents, to grandparents, to fathers, brothers, sisters, etc. So it's normal to them. Plus people in the military are paid exceptionally well these days.

10-16-2004, 06:07 AM
i cried in the theater holding hands with my friend watching F 911.

i think many military families support the war until they lose a close one as in the movie. i don't know.

i watch too too much news and read the NY Times since 9/11 and it is mind boggling to me that with the consistent reports of how we are failing in Iraq that people support it. the facts are out there but people aren't looking.

the govt is simply a large corporation that will cater to what the public wants to hear in order to support them.

Kennedy handled the Cuban Missle crisis better and Cuba is 90 miles away! not thousands!

i'm rambling. i can't get my mind around it.

with China as an emerging economic power and quickly becoming the largest consumer of crude oil where are they in this? makes you question this administrations motivation.

as someone who was trapped in Manhattan on 9/ll trust me you never want to be that scared. to see the largest city in the US completely stop moving is surreal.

i absolutley would never wish that on the civilians of Baghdad or any place for that matter.

and yes Michael Moore is wacky and manipulative but how do we know who is manipulating us? Be sure to see his other movies. Even if you don't agree with him they are generally funny and get you thinking. if you told him that it got you thinking on your own outside the box but hated him i bet he would be happy with that. just a guess of cours

10-16-2004, 06:10 AM
who knows how accurate this Iraqi death count is. but here it is. where is the humanity?


10-16-2004, 06:49 AM
For those that want to watch a REAL movie about the Iraq war I suggest you rent the DVD or see the film 'Control Room.' It was made by the same director as Startup.com and shows the Iraq war through the eyes of Al-Jazeera, the 'evil' Middle East news agency. Much better than F911 and when you are done it will make you look at the war and the people over there differently.

Control Room is what F911 could have been.

Here is a link to a review


10-16-2004, 06:59 AM
Much of what Moore says is lies. There was a website that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the film but I don't have the link on me right now.

There is also a website that said that much of what was in the movie is accurate. I think he reached on the Saudi connection, but Moore has still got a long way to go before he reaches those "paragons of probity", namely Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, et all, who do this kind of cherrypicking for a living daily, all while repressing or overlooking dissenting viewpoints. If Moore cherrypicked, and he did I will admit, he learned it by possibly watching the aforementioned masters of falsehoods, slant, and spin; he still has a long way to go before he reaches their sullied status though.

Republicans, in desperation, are reaching for anything and everything to attack Dubya detractors after Dubya fumbled along and lost all three debates, thus a drop in the polls. Today I saw Bush 41 refer to Moore as slime.

We are carefully sheltered to other views of this world here in this country, Vicki. There's a lot we don't see or hear.:(

10-16-2004, 10:06 AM
"We are carefully sheltered to other views of this world here in this country, Vicki. There's a lot we don't see or hear" -well said, Realgirls4me.

Hey, what do all of you guys think of the following attitude, "If your not with us, you are with the terrorists"? I think the majority of America's collective consciousness, is starting to reflect Nazi Germany's. I mean, what ever happened to the golden rule? You know, the do unto others one... There seems to be something deeply and philosophically wrong with our race. Somethings got to give! All men are created equal. How would we like it if we had missile stikes against us in our backyards 24/7? Words like faith, tolerance, and altruism are slowly slipping from our vocab and being replaced with fear and aggression.

P.S. sorry for the schizophrenic rants...


10-16-2004, 10:18 AM
Oh yeah, the reason I am responding to this post is because I saw F911 for the first time yesterday as well. I will say that the subject matter did appear to be undeniable events that have certainly transpired. Great flick.

Violence breeds violence...

10-16-2004, 11:09 AM
Much of what Moore says is lies. There was a website that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the film but I don't have the link on me right now.

There is also a website that said that much of what was in the movie is accurate. I think he reached on the Saudi connection, but Moore has still got a long way to go before he reaches those "paragons of probity", namely Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, et all, who do this kind of cherrypicking for a living daily, all while repressing or overlooking dissenting viewpoints. If Moore cherrypicked, and he did I will admit, he learned it by possibly watching the aforementioned masters of falsehoods, slant, and spin; he still has a long way to go before he reaches their sullied status though.

Republicans, in desperation, are reaching for anything and everything to attack Dubya detractors after Dubya fumbled along and lost all three debates, thus a drop in the polls. Today I saw Bush 41 refer to Moore as slime.

We are carefully sheltered to other views of this world here in this country, Vicki. There's a lot we don't see or hear.:(


There's the link to Moore's lies.

I wouldn't say Bush "fumbled along" in the debates. He wasn't strong in the first one, but the second and third ones he was fine. Most every political anaylst has agreed he won the 3rd debate. Which is sad considering domestic policy is supposed to be his weakest point, and Kerry's strongest point.

10-16-2004, 06:43 PM
I mean, what ever happened to the golden rule? You know, the do unto others one... There seems to be something deeply and philosophically wrong with our race. Somethings got to give!


The golden rule died when we stopped taking responsibility for our actions and found that it was easier to point the finger and lay blame at the feet of others.

The reasons why people are voting for Bush go much deeper than religion. I know athiests that are voting for Bush because they are to lazy to listen to the news or read the papers. There are a significant amount of executives that are voting for Bush because they support tort reform and with a former trial lawyer as vice-president see no chance at reform. People do not see Kerry as a viable candidate. Rather, they see him as a lesser of two evils and remember the statement 'It is better the devil you know than the devil you do not.'

On the other side there are a signifcant amount of people that are voting for Kerry because they hate Bush. That alone is no reason to vote for someone because it is just as bad as the people the vote for someone without researching a candidate.

I have been studying this election and country since March and it does nothing more than make me ill. If I vote for Bush then it is an affirmation of the policies from the past 4 years of which I do no agree. If I vote for Kerry I ask myself if I can see myself voting for him in 2008? I really like Dean and see no shot for him before 2012 if Kerry wins.

A buddy said something to me that made total sense when we were discussing the election and that is 'You put 250 million people together and ask them to make a decision. Is it any surprise they can't make up their minds?'

10-17-2004, 08:17 AM
[quote="J"]y does bush have so much supprt?

A posssible fans on who will most likely pull the lever for 43 in the '04.

A Field Guide to Bush Supporters: A List of the Top 22 'Species'
By Cheryl Seal

Having followed the policies, decisions, and manipulations of George W. Bush closely and in depth for over three years, I found myself wondering, with daily growing amazement: Who on God's green Earth still actually supports this man?

Well, yes, of course, the nation has been lied to by the media on a daily basis, which has made seeing through the scum on the White House pond more difficult. And the same media has spun every action and statement made by Bush into something that doesn't LOOK like it should smell as bad as it does. Even so, certain glaring evidence of something rotten in the District of Columbia is inescapable: nearly 1,000 soldiers dead in Iraq and the numbers rising. National landmarks and "public buildings" blocked by cement barricades and chain-link fences. Nearly 2 million missing jobs. Salaries that have plummeted. Nine million more people finding themselves without healthcare. Dozens of angry - VERY angry -- former allies. A deficit that could swallow a small planet. Worsening air quality heralded by skyrocketing asthma rates. And on and on.

So who are these holdout Bush supporters?

After pondering four years worth of my own interactions, pro-Bush postings at various websites, and the comments of callers to right-wing talk shows and C-SPAN, I have identified and compiled the following list of Bush supporter types.

1. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered women who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

2. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered men who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

3. People making over $100,000 per year whose primary focus in life is "getting theirs" (as in "who cares if anyone else does?").

4. Homophobics.

5. Black people who hate themselves and wish they were white.

6. Just about any minority people who hate themselves or at least hate one other minority group.

7. White people who hate all minorities.

8. People brainwashed into believing that the world revolves around just two issues: guns and abortion.

9. Executives whose companies spew toxic wastes into the air, soil and water.

10. Developers who would turn anything -- from farmland to nature sanctuaries -- into parking lots and strip malls if they could.

11. Co-dependent women who want a pat on the head from their patriarchal husbands or boyfriends for voting for HIS favorite candidate.

12. Angry white males who believe that only white males have a right to health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness and thus don' want to share the resources.

13. People who cannot find the capitol of the next state on a map, let alone Afghanistan or Iraq.

14. People who believe that they will be one of the 144,000 "chosen" who will be sucked up into heaven following an accelerated Armageddon provoked by Bush.

15. People who eat Freedom Fries.

16. People who claim to be pro-life while cheering on the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in poor countries.

17. People who claim to be pro-life while promoting the extinction of dozens of species by endorsing the removal of environmental protections.

18. People who claim to be pro-life but promote the often prolonged and painful deaths of thousands of fellow human beings by opposing affordable health care policies or the use of federal funds for clinics in poor nations because they may offer abortion.

19. People who think female breasts are nasty objects and should be hidden permanently from view, if not banned altogether.

20. People too unread, unimaginative, and unintelligent to grasp concepts that cannot be presented as "tiny sound bytes" and simple-minded slogans.

21. People who believe "liberal" is a dirty word because that's what Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the simple-minded slogansmiths have hammered into their heads.

22. People who believe that what really counts in a leader with the power to determine the course of events for hundreds of millions of people on Earth is whether you can picture having a beer with him.

10-17-2004, 08:22 AM
Doooh, I meant here's a take on who will pull the lever for 43 for the '04

A Field Guide to Bush Supporters: A List of the Top 22 'Species'
By Cheryl Seal

Having followed the policies, decisions, and manipulations of George W. Bush closely and in depth for over three years, I found myself wondering, with daily growing amazement: Who on God's green Earth still actually supports this man?

Well, yes, of course, the nation has been lied to by the media on a daily basis, which has made seeing through the scum on the White House pond more difficult. And the same media has spun every action and statement made by Bush into something that doesn't LOOK like it should smell as bad as it does. Even so, certain glaring evidence of something rotten in the District of Columbia is inescapable: nearly 1,000 soldiers dead in Iraq and the numbers rising. National landmarks and "public buildings" blocked by cement barricades and chain-link fences. Nearly 2 million missing jobs. Salaries that have plummeted. Nine million more people finding themselves without healthcare. Dozens of angry - VERY angry -- former allies. A deficit that could swallow a small planet. Worsening air quality heralded by skyrocketing asthma rates. And on and on.

So who are these holdout Bush supporters?

After pondering four years worth of my own interactions, pro-Bush postings at various websites, and the comments of callers to right-wing talk shows and C-SPAN, I have identified and compiled the following list of Bush supporter types.

1. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered women who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

2. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered men who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

3. People making over $100,000 per year whose primary focus in life is "getting theirs" (as in "who cares if anyone else does?").

4. Homophobics.

5. Black people who hate themselves and wish they were white.

6. Just about any minority people who hate themselves or at least hate one other minority group.

7. White people who hate all minorities.

8. People brainwashed into believing that the world revolves around just two issues: guns and abortion.

9. Executives whose companies spew toxic wastes into the air, soil and water.

10. Developers who would turn anything -- from farmland to nature sanctuaries -- into parking lots and strip malls if they could.

11. Co-dependent women who want a pat on the head from their patriarchal husbands or boyfriends for voting for HIS favorite candidate.

12. Angry white males who believe that only white males have a right to health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness and thus don' want to share the resources.

13. People who cannot find the capitol of the next state on a map, let alone Afghanistan or Iraq.

14. People who believe that they will be one of the 144,000 "chosen" who will be sucked up into heaven following an accelerated Armageddon provoked by Bush.

15. People who eat Freedom Fries.

16. People who claim to be pro-life while cheering on the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in poor countries.

17. People who claim to be pro-life while promoting the extinction of dozens of species by endorsing the removal of environmental protections.

18. People who claim to be pro-life but promote the often prolonged and painful deaths of thousands of fellow human beings by opposing affordable health care policies or the use of federal funds for clinics in poor nations because they may offer abortion.

19. People who think female breasts are nasty objects and should be hidden permanently from view, if not banned altogether.

20. People too unread, unimaginative, and unintelligent to grasp concepts that cannot be presented as "tiny sound bytes" and simple-minded slogans.

21. People who believe "liberal" is a dirty word because that's what Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the simple-minded slogansmiths have hammered into their heads.

22. People who believe that what really counts in a leader with the power to determine the course of events for hundreds of millions of people on Earth is whether you can picture having a beer with him.

10-17-2004, 10:40 AM
Sither - that site is just stupid, do I really need to go through the inaccuracies in it, no I think I'd just be wasting my time on a bonafide deadloss.
If the stuff Moore said was completely untrue the lawyers would be making a lot of money from this.
Go and vote for the real liar so the rest of the world has to suffer for your idiocy.

Vicki Richter
10-17-2004, 07:32 PM
I have to hand it to Kerry. He won all of his debates. I thought his answer to the social security problem was a lot better. It made me feel much more socially secure. At this point, if I were to vote, I would vote for Kerry just because he seems the safer of the two.

Felicia Katt
10-18-2004, 12:04 AM
Most every political anaylst has agreed he won the 3rd debate. Which is sad considering domestic policy is supposed to be his weakest point, and Kerry's strongest point.

as much as I hate for my first post on this board to be a negative one, what color is the sky in your world where Bush was the consensus winner of the third debate?? Every poll, and almost every commentator (even some staunchly republican ones) gave the third debate to Kerry. But don't take my word for it . Go to Bushwatch.com and there is a very good list of all the polls and political analysts who clearly declared Kerry the winner. If you believe that Bush won that debate, then you probably believe there are weapons of mass destruction still in Iraq, and that Saddam was just about to give them to his close buddies in Al Quaida.

Political debate is great, when its based on the facts. Having an opinion is great too. If you think he won, thats your opinion and we are pleased to hear you expess it. But don't try to lend it false factual support.

ok, claws in :)

hi everyone. despite this first post, I'm really not a bitch :) or even a registered Democrat. just a literal, libertarian t-girl from Socal.


10-18-2004, 01:04 AM
I have to hand it to Kerry. He won all of his debates. I thought his answer to the social security problem was a lot better. It made me feel much more socially secure. At this point, if I were to vote, I would vote for Kerry just because he seems the safer of the two.
If you were to vote? Vicki, I hope that someone as intelligent, articulate and enlightened as you will vote! Every vote counts (except in Florida...)

10-18-2004, 01:07 AM
ok, claws in :)

hi everyone. despite this first post, I'm really not a bitch :) or even a registered Democrat. just a literal, libertarian t-girl from Socal.

Meow! Welcome to the Hung Angels, Felicia. Great post. I definitely agree with you; even Fox News had Kerry as the winner of the third debate iirc. Question: are you a literal or a literate libertarian t-girl? Or both? Hmm, sounds great either way.

10-18-2004, 08:28 AM
Much of what Moore says is lies. There was a website that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the film but I don't have the link on me right now.

There is also a website that said that much of what was in the movie is accurate. I think he reached on the Saudi connection, but Moore has still got a long way to go before he reaches those "paragons of probity", namely Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, et all, who do this kind of cherrypicking for a living daily, all while repressing or overlooking dissenting viewpoints. If Moore cherrypicked, and he did I will admit, he learned it by possibly watching the aforementioned masters of falsehoods, slant, and spin; he still has a long way to go before he reaches their sullied status though.

Republicans, in desperation, are reaching for anything and everything to attack Dubya detractors after Dubya fumbled along and lost all three debates, thus a drop in the polls. Today I saw Bush 41 refer to Moore as slime.

We are carefully sheltered to other views of this world here in this country, Vicki. There's a lot we don't see or hear.:(

Actually he didn't go deep enough on the Saudi connections & his (Bush) own business dealings. Put it this way - if Martha's daddy was in line to be head of the CIA she wouldn't be in jail either...

10-18-2004, 08:40 AM
Actually he didn't go deep enough on the Saudi connections & his (Bush) own business dealings. Put it this way - if Martha's daddy was in line to be head of the CIA she wouldn't be in jail either...

He reached in simplification, Tee. Sorry if I wasn't clear the first time around. The imporatant thing is that he compelled thought into that area for those not familiar with one Bush connections.

Felicia Kat,

Welcome aboard! You were on TER's forum for a while there, but I haven't seen you there recently. I hope everything is alright with you.

Felicia Katt
10-18-2004, 10:10 AM
Felicia Kat,

Welcome aboard! You were on TER's forum for a while there, but I haven't seen you there recently. I hope everything is alright with you.

thanks :) I got too bored with that board. so I stopped posting. (you could say I had my own tongue, I guess :) )


10-18-2004, 11:57 PM
First let me apologize for the rant. It just sort of came out.
I do think most of Middle US are un-informed & are in the dark about what's really going on. They can't see anything past the corn growing on their farms.

:evil: [start of rant]
How could could a person become president & not be voted in. Gore won the Popular Vote, but as a back door the Elec Coll voted against the popular vote...Huh? The Supreme court Elected Bush not the people. Bush can't answer the fact that Iran & China now have Nukes & are starting to build even more....Huh? We attached the only country in that damn region without WMD. The fact is Iran has always wanted to get rid of Iraq....& they fooled a fool (bush) into doing it for them. Then realized that they paid the Iran Informant that gave the US false info 4 million bucks for bad intel.

Just think how can you stop an person from doing something before they do it? What is this Minority Report! They say Saddam was 10-15 years away from having WMD. I see it as 10-15 more years those 1000+ dead soldiers could have had to live.

One think I want any pro-war person to think of.....
Bush said in his last debate "The UN sactions weren't working because Saddam was still in power". That is an exact quote. In that moment he forgot the reason he quoted in front of the entire world was WMD. That was a slip. His objective was to topple Saddam he could have cared less about WMD. A personal hate for one person isn't the war on terror. If that was the case Bin Laden would need to be captured. You know Bin Laden the mastermind behind 9/11 anyone remember that day? The issue has become liberating a country who didn't ask for our help, oil & spreading the Catholic Religion. Not to mention letting The VP company dupe US taxpayers for Millions.

What makes me really mad was the Republicans put Bill Clinton through HELL, bringing up anything they could have. If Clinton would have done anything like Bush is doing he would have been booted from the white house. Clinton left the country in the best Economic state EVER. NO one can deny that. But what do the Repulicans want us to remember him for: "Whitewater" & "Lewinsky". Fox News is run by the Repub's this in known. CNBC is a little more objective. I actually think Kerry will win by a bigger margin than everyone is forecasting.

I still don't know how Rep's are trying to make Kerry's Veitnam record an issue when Bush was too fucking scared to go anywhere near 'Nam.
[end of rant]
:wink: I feel much better now.

10-19-2004, 05:07 AM
First let me apologize for the rant. It just sort of came out.
I do think most of Middle US are un-informed & are in the dark about what's really going on. They can't see anything past the corn growing on their farms.

Don't apologize, Longman. We, this country, needs more like you. Rant on !!!

Those on the middle of this country are exposed to what ? Country music and talk radio. Walk into any Circle K or 7/11 and what is the radio on ? Rush, or some other Conservative fraud (many who never served their country by the way) filling their heads with gunk. These people wouldn't know their own state senator if he or she jumped them, but ask them whether we should go to war with a country that had no meaningful connection to 9/11 because Bush says we should, and they follow along like the vacumn heads they are. Oh, and they (Rush,et all) mention nothing about the fact that we were in bed with Saddam, among other dictators for the last 50 years. Facts get in the way and confuse.

There's my mini rant! :)

10-19-2004, 06:08 AM
Doooh, I meant here's a take on who will pull the lever for 43 for the '04

A Field Guide to Bush Supporters: A List of the Top 22 'Species'
By Cheryl Seal

Having followed the policies, decisions, and manipulations of George W. Bush closely and in depth for over three years, I found myself wondering, with daily growing amazement: Who on God's green Earth still actually supports this man?

Well, yes, of course, the nation has been lied to by the media on a daily basis, which has made seeing through the scum on the White House pond more difficult. And the same media has spun every action and statement made by Bush into something that doesn't LOOK like it should smell as bad as it does. Even so, certain glaring evidence of something rotten in the District of Columbia is inescapable: nearly 1,000 soldiers dead in Iraq and the numbers rising. National landmarks and "public buildings" blocked by cement barricades and chain-link fences. Nearly 2 million missing jobs. Salaries that have plummeted. Nine million more people finding themselves without healthcare. Dozens of angry - VERY angry -- former allies. A deficit that could swallow a small planet. Worsening air quality heralded by skyrocketing asthma rates. And on and on.

So who are these holdout Bush supporters?

After pondering four years worth of my own interactions, pro-Bush postings at various websites, and the comments of callers to right-wing talk shows and C-SPAN, I have identified and compiled the following list of Bush supporter types.

1. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered women who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

2. Scared, under-informed, and disempowered men who have been brainwashed into believing that there are Al Qaeda bogeymen behind every door and only G. W. Bush can save them.

3. People making over $100,000 per year whose primary focus in life is "getting theirs" (as in "who cares if anyone else does?").

4. Homophobics.

5. Black people who hate themselves and wish they were white.

6. Just about any minority people who hate themselves or at least hate one other minority group.

7. White people who hate all minorities.

8. People brainwashed into believing that the world revolves around just two issues: guns and abortion.

9. Executives whose companies spew toxic wastes into the air, soil and water.

10. Developers who would turn anything -- from farmland to nature sanctuaries -- into parking lots and strip malls if they could.

11. Co-dependent women who want a pat on the head from their patriarchal husbands or boyfriends for voting for HIS favorite candidate.

12. Angry white males who believe that only white males have a right to health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness and thus don' want to share the resources.

13. People who cannot find the capitol of the next state on a map, let alone Afghanistan or Iraq.

14. People who believe that they will be one of the 144,000 "chosen" who will be sucked up into heaven following an accelerated Armageddon provoked by Bush.

15. People who eat Freedom Fries.

16. People who claim to be pro-life while cheering on the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in poor countries.

17. People who claim to be pro-life while promoting the extinction of dozens of species by endorsing the removal of environmental protections.

18. People who claim to be pro-life but promote the often prolonged and painful deaths of thousands of fellow human beings by opposing affordable health care policies or the use of federal funds for clinics in poor nations because they may offer abortion.

19. People who think female breasts are nasty objects and should be hidden permanently from view, if not banned altogether.

20. People too unread, unimaginative, and unintelligent to grasp concepts that cannot be presented as "tiny sound bytes" and simple-minded slogans.

21. People who believe "liberal" is a dirty word because that's what Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the simple-minded slogansmiths have hammered into their heads.

22. People who believe that what really counts in a leader with the power to determine the course of events for hundreds of millions of people on Earth is whether you can picture having a beer with him.


10-19-2004, 11:04 AM
Just to clarify, and I hope I don't get murdered for posting this but, Bin-Laden was not the mastermind behind 911. The Top-Dogs (secret government) were. They killed Kennedy, invented the "Cold War" implemented Vietnam, put bush in office and a whole shitload more...just ask. Massive human events in the world are orchestrated by these elite billionairs in light of gaining power, money, invoking fear, and serving as distractions to what is really going on. Check out www.letsroll911.org or www.911inplanesite.com or how about www.physics911.org

10-19-2004, 04:12 PM
Haha Vicki!

I told you it was going to be horrible!
Darling, I looked like Dick Tracy for a while. (Elephant man right after)
It's a nasty recovery-You will get very depressed for a while so it is normal.
It took me a long, long time to get over it.
Like 6 months.
I suspect u will look normal in about 3 months.
It took me months before I could tell a difference.
Right after, I had no neck.
Sad thing is, he has to ix a few details on it.

Oh and by the way- anyone reading this
dont ever use Restylene
I have a had a horrible reaction to it
and its supposed to be inert like silicone-
alas, silicone gets my vote again

Vicki Richter
10-19-2004, 07:07 PM
Is Restylene that goop which has brain coral in it that he uses to fill in the space in the chin area?