View Full Version : Sign the huffington Post Petition

01-12-2007, 10:12 PM
The socialists/marxists are taking it up the ass on this one 8) Wonder if CM signed it yet :


We endorse the Greg Gutfeld off Huffington Post! Petition to Huffington Post.

Read the Greg Gutfeld off Huffington Post! Petition

Name Comments How progressive are you? (1-10, 10 being most) Gore-Conyers 2008? Clinton-Obama 2008?

250. Alfred E. Newman What, Me Worry? Just Mad No No


248. al-Maliki Wow! This is how democracy and free speech really works? How come no one tells me this? I can put this in place in Baghdad tomorrow! Making little progress lately. No No

247. Red Rufnsor He makes me ruff and sore! 4.777483554 No No


245. Greg Gutfield Even I want to be off this horrible web site 10 No No

244. Barry Goldwater This is too much fun! I should be working! 10 No No
243. Greg Gutfeld Arianna, you ignorant slut! 11 Yes Yes

242. I. Support W. Hooray for Conservatism! 10 No No

241. Ronald Reagan Forever Free Speech is For Everybody! 10 No No

240. Wan Hung Wel Imperialist free thinking pig! Since you are inAmerica, I can only vote against you. If you have the courage, come to PRC. I promise, we will make you a CORRECT THINKING individual. to the point of despotism!

239. Hugh G. Rection Arianna is a dick. 10 Yes No

238. R That's what I love about the left... they make acomplete mockery of themselves... 10 No No

237. Darlin' Person Censorship is, well, sooo much easier than thinking. 10 A true progressive upholds conservative ideals No No

236. Obama Bin Ladin ( Possible Prez Candidate ) the intrawebs must be a liberal wonderland with your wife, very No No

235. John Richardson He's as bad as Arianna's book on Pablo Picasso 10 No No

234. Hugh Demann Censor, Arianna, Censor 10 Yes No

233. OZZ I own Huff PO cause I post such underwhelming stuff. 11 Yes Yes

232. Aaron Allermann Resistance is futile, Gutfeld. Your blogging uniqueness will be added to our own.

231. Carlos Latuff Shoot the conservatives and their children. Give their money to the poor 10 No Yes

230. Dogstar Free speech must be eliminated! We must only hear what reinforces our previously held beliefs! No No

229. Joseph Goebels I fully support diversity of everything but thought. 10 Yes Yes

228. Adriana Huffington Blows I hate free speach and love Greg. How can I stop this madness? Abortion is murder! Cindy is a wacko jacko! negative 10 No No

227. Noodles Noodlemann So Progressive means suppressing free speech? Hey, how about the B. Boxer smacking down Condi because she doesn't have any kids? That was nice. Maybe if Condi aborted a few that would be OK? Any idea what Senator Mikulski (D-Lesbos) had to say? -10 No No

226. Jacko I am a Democrat ,so I am right if you disagree shut up or die because I am Democrat

225. God Why so many penis jokes when it obscured by his belly? 15 Yes

224. Righty McNutter The Consitution guarantees every American the right to free speech and the right to blog at the Huffington Post. libruls hate free speech 10 No No

223. Rufus T. Firefly Whatever it is, I'm against it!

222. Jim Robinson Visit freerepublic! I like to blow goats and eat my own feces! 1 No No

221. Lefty Braindead I'm thrilled to be included with such a freethinking, tolerant group. 110\% Yes Yes

220. Rosie O'donald OINK OINK 11 No No

219. Bill Clinton I did not have sexual relations with Greg Gutfeld. 768 No No

218. Ariana Huffington Enough of the truth! Let's get back to our marxist agenda! 10 Yes No

217. Free Speach Hypocrites

216. Satan 10 Yes

215. Hurrayfor FreeSpeech

214. Jon Effen Carey I voted for Greg Gutfeld before I voted against Greg Gutfeld 11 No No

213. Eric Cartman Screw you guys, I'm going home! 10 No No

212. Osama bin Forgotten Please, his jokes are counterproductive to our efforts, PLEASE STOP HIM! 10 Yes Yes

211. Peppy LePew No No

210. Phuque Yew What? No freedom of speech for conservatives? 10 Yes No
209. Progressives only? Whites Only! Pick an only!

208. Puffington Host aka Puff Ho 1-10 Yes

207. Karl Marx Yes! Our echo chamber must stay pristine!

206. James We must put a stop to speech which offends our progressive values! 10 Yes No

205. Saddam Hussein I think he made fun of me once. No one makes fun of the Saddam. PS Tell Jimmy Carter that we have one of the best cooking pits reserved for him down here in hell. And please ask him to bring some good bonded scotch with him. On second thought, get Ted Kennedy to bring his private stock. His pit is right next to Carter's. Progressively decomposing

204. Liberals Are Stupid Just when you think the tin hat wearing lefty traitors can't get any more retarded, comes this idiotic petition. 10 Yes Yes

203. Ramirez to Burkett to Rather Gut gutfield! 10 Yes

202. Ashur Dusmelbad How can one be a true progessive with these dissenting opinons appearing? Ban Gutfeld. No, better yet, let's ban all speech that we don't approve of! Pelosi-Ahmedinejad 2008!!!!!!! 2.37e10 No No

201. Joe Blow For people who claim to champion free speech you all certainly don't like to entertain dissenting opinions. Oh yeah. It's people like you who favor the "Fairness Doctrine" when you can't crack the marketplace of ideas on radio but scream about a "bias" on FoxNews when you have the MSM in your hip pocket. But then again, that's the typical liberal answer...when you can't win an argument on facts silence your opposition. 0 No No

200. Beelzebub 2 thumbs up for the morons, er, I mean future clients at the Huffpo! infinity Yes Yes
View Signatures : 250 200 150 100 50

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