View Full Version : Hormone Effects Questions ...

10-15-2004, 01:55 AM
The term "mones" has been thrown around here lately like confetti at a wedding reception, and it's compelled me to ask this question to those of you who know TS women who take them: What exactly are their effects ? So far I've deduced from the myriad of postings in here for the last several months that it will affect a woman's voice, attitude, breasts, skin, sexual drive, hair, and -- and -- morpholigical build if taken early, say during puberty, such as Sapphire (my avatar) purportly did. That would help explain her feminine features (face, hands, feet, joints, etc) if they were in fact responsible for them. I've also seen women at Peanuts with incredible beautiful hourglass figures that simply defy description; they're better looking that GGs. Outside of lipo, and the removal of ribs (Is that really done ?), are hormones responsible, or partly responsible, for those dreamy figures ?

Addendum: Do they also play a role in what one is attracted to as far as partners go ?

So, what are the complete effects of taking hormones, and do they also vary from girl to girl ?

Thank you all (Mega, Allanah, Vicky, Wendy, et all) in advance for anything you can enlighten this ignorant TS fan with. :)

Has the laughter subsided ? ;)

Vicki Richter
10-15-2004, 03:17 AM
As I am laid up with surgery and have nothing productive to do, of course I will respond.

Hormones do not:
- affect the voice at all (maybe if taken at < 15 or before the voice changes)
- greatly affect body fat distribution unless taken relatively early on in life, also most T's are lucky to get a b-cup naturally using hormones in almost any condition.
- for me, hormones don't affect my moods at all. I've heard funny stories of girls breaking up with guys saying it is the hormones, or blaming them for all types of psychosis.

Hormones do:
- apparently affect the moods of other transsexuals, just not me
- affect the sex drive
- affect the functionality of the stick pussy
- affect the skin, excellent for facial skin softening I have found
- prevent hair loss (male pattern baldness if it has not already set in)

I talked to mega last night and he says rib removal is common with NYC transsexuals. Per the doctor I just went to, this is an ugly procedure and temporary as the ribs will actually regrow. Most of the girls get their bodies by injecting silicone, which is very dangerous. Lipo is a good mechanism. You are right on about Saphire, hormones taken early enough will do awesome things for transsexuals in early development. Overseas, they can buy them OTC. Here, I would say 99.99% of parents would flip out if their kid told them they were T.

10-15-2004, 04:25 AM
Thank you, Vicki! Granted, you might indeed not have anything to do given your convalescing, you should still be resting and recovering and absolutely the last one to respond to anything right now. Thanks! Much appreciated given your condition.

Well, you've clarrified a few things for me, particularly the voice thing myth. I had always thought a girl's feminine voice -- that is, if a girl has one -- was definitely linked to taking hormones. All in all according to your response, it seems those who take hormones see a net gain on the physical front (hair,skin,et all) at the cost of the physiological front. That's also why I included the query on whether it also changes one's "hard wiring" in terms of what one might be attracted to -- That is, now that nature has been tampered with in a sense, does nuture take over, or is it way too complicated for that ? Am I on track with my summation on the physical/physiological front ?

By the way, two days ago I received TS Beauty Queens 15 with you in it. You have got some body there, my dear. :)

Thanks again, and gawd, what a awesome avatar! You go, girl! :)

10-15-2004, 04:40 AM
Oops, I forgot to touch on the overseas point.

If they can buy them over-the-counter there, then it would lead one to believe that many might indeed start early given the lack of oversight, and thus responsible for many of their beautiful feminine features and lines. Some of those Thai girls are soooooo cute! :)

On the rib removal front, how are they removed ?

...I'm obviously not an expert on cosmetic surgery here, folks. :(

10-15-2004, 05:31 AM
What a great summation as usual, Vicki. I think hormone effects fall into two camps: those effects which you may achieve if you start taking the hormones before or at least during the early onset of puberty, and those effects which you will achieve regardless of when you take them. Of course, the degree of effect will also depend upon your body type, genetics, and chemistry. I wonder about the effect on the voice, even in those who start young; I suspect that it can happen, but not always, or that a low voice would have been even lower--say, a baritone might have been a bass without the hormones. One Thai girl I know started taking hormones at puberty, and her voice, while quite nice, is definitely in the low range for a woman.

All the evidence I've seen in photos suggests that very few will get more than a b-cup from hormones alone; however, hormones can induce milk production in the male body, though from what I understand not quite the quality or quantity normally that a nursing mother would produce. One girl I know told me that she has produced milk--darn, not when she was with me! (Of course, given the raised bar on HIV awareness here of late one should note that HIV can be passed in mother's milk.)

Hormones have wonderful benefits for softening and feminizing the skin, also the smell, since that's partly connected to hormones. Preventing hair loss--now that could cause a lot of guys to start thinking of hormone treatment therapy :lol: (Fortunately at 52 I still have the same full head of hair with no grey in sight that I had 30 years ago!)

Probably everyone here knows the negative effect that hormones can have on stick pussy function. I like top or versatile girls, but I've been a tad disappointed a couple of times when a favorite girl wasn't able to get very hard or for very long. But hey, that happens to me at my age, so who am I to complain? There's plenty of options.

One girl tells me that T's can have mood swings similiar to gg's thanks to the hormones, affecting sex drive and emotional states. But at least T's don't get PMS :P

10-15-2004, 07:58 AM
the mood swings the girls get from the hormones is 100 times worst than pms my friend.

10-15-2004, 09:08 AM
the mood swings the girls get from the hormones is 100 times worst than pms my friend.

Ouch! Really ?! How often do they occur, or does that vary from girl to girl ? Day to day ? Minute to minute ?


It's interesting that they (hormones) seemingly control the coarseness of hair ("feminizing the skin") and thus smoothness of skin, yet simultaneously, prevent it from falling out. Go figure, huh ?

... How does it affect a TS woman's weight or better, shape ?

10-15-2004, 10:10 AM
Oops, I forgot to touch on the overseas point.

If they can buy them over-the-counter there, then it would lead one to believe that many might indeed start early given the lack of oversight, and thus responsible for many of their beautiful feminine features and lines. Some of those Thai girls are soooooo cute! :)

On the rib removal front, how are they removed ?

...I'm obviously not an expert on cosmetic surgery here, folks. :(

there was a rumor way back that raquel welsh had her ribs removed.

10-15-2004, 01:20 PM
There are 2 methods to modify the ribs.

U can break them and then wear a corset like cast for a month so they heal in the new shape
This technique is mostly performed in Mexico and some other countries around the world.

In the US (this is only performed by very few doctors here)
The ribs are actually removed. They can remove 1-2 ribs depending on the patients build. The incision is made either through a "tummy tuck" incision or under the breast fold. I have a very good friend who had this done with a doctor in LA who is probably one of the few in the US doing this. Ribs do not grow back because bone does not regenerate itself. If you cut your arm off, the bone won't grow back.
According to my friend, who has had everything done u can think of.
This was the most painful surgery.

It is important to know that rib removal will not make your waist smaller- it will make your rib cage appear in a more "hour glass" shape.
The biggest difference after this surgery is usually achieved with lipo suction and silicone injections.

10-15-2004, 02:25 PM
Realgirls4me, that's what I've been told regarding the hair; of course, male pattern baldness is genetic, so perhaps the hormones if taken in time reduce this incidence. I don't have any more info on this, so I really don't know. Must make for an interesting study.

Regarding rib removal, consider this:

"Rib removal is used to create an hourglass figure as an adjunctive procedure to abdominoplasty which elevates, redrapes and tightens the abdomen and waist. The floating ribs (numbers 11 and 12) do not come all the way around to meet the breast bone in the front. Number 12 is only on the back and sides while 11 does come to the front of the body. Most of ribs 11 and 12 and occasionally 10 are removed to give patients a more feminine hourglass figure via an abdominoplasty incision. This operation should not be treated lightly. It is not reversible and should be done in the hospital with an overnight stay. The patient has to be a candidate for an abdominoplasty before rib removal is performed. The ribs do not grow back." [source: http://www.aaronstonemd.com/RibRemoval.shtm]

A quick google of the topic will yield lots of info, including many cautionary reports of possible very bad side effects. Not a procedure to undertake lightly.

10-15-2004, 09:21 PM
Thanks all of you for your responses. You've helped clear up some things ( I thought for sure that hormones had an affect on a woman's voice ), and that rib thing Allanah and Ecstatic described sounds painful, as well as risky and dangerous given what the ribs are there for in the first place. I must then assume that the girls I've seen at Peanuts went for the lipo/silicone route given rib removal rarity. Whatever they had performed, they did have spectacular figures let me tell y'all. ...Incredible figures.

... I hope will someone can clear up this mood swing thing. How often ? How severe ? What kind of moods ?

10-15-2004, 11:03 PM

Real that is so funny that you posted that from Dr. Stone's website
I was reffering to Dr. Stone in my earlier response and those pics happen to be the pics of my friend I was also talking about.

Funny ;).

10-15-2004, 11:24 PM
Actually, Allanah, that was me who quoted Dr Stone and put up the link to his site. :lol: It really is a small world, innit?

Real, I think it depends upon the girl and the amount of hormones. My friend describes her mood swings as similar to a genetic girl's, but then those vary widely too (just ask my wife...ouch, sorry hun!)

10-16-2004, 12:24 AM
Can I add a couple of dumb questions? How often do most girls take the hormones? and when they start wearing off, does she get more functional?

Vicki Richter
10-16-2004, 12:46 AM
There are 2 methods to modify the ribs.

U can break them and then wear a corset like cast for a month so they heal in the new shape
This technique is mostly performed in Mexico and some other countries around the world.

In the US (this is only performed by very few doctors here)
The ribs are actually removed. They can remove 1-2 ribs depending on the patients build. The incision is made either through a "tummy tuck" incision or under the breast fold. I have a very good friend who had this done with a doctor in LA who is probably one of the few in the US doing this. Ribs do not grow back because bone does not regenerate itself. If you cut your arm off, the bone won't grow back.
According to my friend, who has had everything done u can think of.
This was the most painful surgery.

It is important to know that rib removal will not make your waist smaller- it will make your rib cage appear in a more "hour glass" shape.
The biggest difference after this surgery is usually achieved with lipo suction and silicone injections.

Here is my source on the rib regrowing thing:






For completion of overall effect, body contouring may be very important. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) by suction assisted lipectomy or surgical assisted excision will greatly improve ones lower trunk contour, with the incision and resulting scar placed low on the abdomen, just above the groin. By lateral narrowing (muscle plication), the abdominal shape can be markedly improved towards a feminine contour. The waist line can be reduced. While abdominal femininity can generally be improved, the overall results will greatly be affected by one's overall size and total body weight (obesity).

I personally do not recommend lower rib excision, as the scars at the excision site are bad, and the ribs generally redevelop. The body needs the ribs for breathing and, with rare exception, will redevelop. The improved contouring from rib excision is generally not maintained.

Vicki Richter
10-16-2004, 12:52 AM
Can I add a couple of dumb questions? How often do most girls take the hormones? and when they start wearing off, does she get more functional?

I stop taking mine ~ 2 weeks before a movie. However, even fully hormoned up I can get hard... I just don't have the staying power. So since I've been making movies every 2 months this past year it's been like 5 weeks on, 3 weeks off, etc etc...

Oh I also forgot to mention that while hormones do nothing for facial hair, they do very nice things for body hair reduction. I used to have a hair trail from my belly button to my thing and that is completely gone now.

10-16-2004, 04:40 AM
I stop taking mine ~ 2 weeks before a movie. However, even fully hormoned up I can get hard... I just don't have the staying power. So since I've been making movies every 2 months this past year it's been like 5 weeks on, 3 weeks off, etc etc...

Vicki, since we're talking hormonal manipulation, do you take anything to enhance your amazing cumshots? I'm thinking the movie where you're strapped to the s&m board. Have you tried things like clomid, hcg, ginseng, avena sativa?

hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) might be especially interesting for your purposes (TS with on & off movie scheduling) . it has the seemingly contradictory effects of estrogen buildup, along with temporarily increasing ball size, potency and seman volume.

p.s. epimedium also increases seman volume and enhances orgasm, but I don't like the sides (seems to suppress thyroid function).

Vicki Richter
10-16-2004, 08:17 AM
That was au'natural baby.

10-16-2004, 11:19 AM
That was au'natural baby.

well then the HCG would turn you into the Tranny Peter North! try it, you'll like it. :evil:

09-19-2008, 01:12 AM
I am happy that here are so much shemale personals:) I live in Stockholm but in real life I'm not really connected with escorts and I've got limited informations on surgeries...my biggest deal is my torso/ribcage-it is ugly square and makes me look fat:o Rib removal looks unnatural I've seen a few pics I am more interested in this "breaking the ribs and wearing a corset after that" what Allanah mentioned because I would die for a feminine cone-shaped ribcage.
In my pic you can see despite I have my hips done my waistline is still board:(
Does anybody know a surgeon who do this?
Thank a lot, Annika