View Full Version : Susan Shah - RIP

10-11-2004, 08:00 PM
Reported in New York Post. Very sad, met her once in Vegas and was an extremely receptive and nice individual.

October 11, 2004 -- A transsexual porn model who recently starred in a film about her troubled life leaped to her death from the 20th-floor window of her luxury apartment in Manhattan yesterday, cops and friends said.

Susan Shah, 36, had been depressed over health problems that included her 10-year battle with AIDS, said Dimitris Berylese, co-writer of Shah's film, "A Step Ahead," which chronicles her sex change from a man into a woman.

Berylese said Shah had tried to kill herself twice in the past week, and that he and others had thwarted her attempts.

Berylese was not at home when Shah jumped to her death at her West 24th Street apartment in Chelsea at around 4:30 a.m.

Police confirmed it was a suicide. Two friends had been staying with her, but were asleep when the tragedy occurred. Berylese was told Shah walked directly to the window and jumped before the friends could stop her.

She did not leave a note.

"She had the hardest life you could imagine," said best friend and photographer John Tennler, who also edited the film.

"You can imagine: She was born a boy and wanted to be a girl."

Tennler said he had received a call from Shah on Friday and that she seemed upbeat.

But her next-door neighbor, Grace Kim, 18, said that on Friday afternoon, "I heard a guy yelling at her. It sounded like they were in a fight. Then I heard a thump. Like something hit the floor.

"He walks out and slams the door, then I heard her crying for a little while. Then it stopped."

Her friends said Shah attended the New York Film Academy because she wanted to make a movie about a particularly wrenching chapter in her life about marriage to a man who cheated on her, said Tennler.

On her Web site, she wrote that if she learned filmmaking, "my life might turn around for the better."

Her 16mm movie was shot in New York City and California, where she also lived.

Shah maintained two popular, X-rated, pay-per-view Web sites.

She also appeared in an X-rated video "Rogue Adventures #16."

Additional reporting by Larry Celona

10-11-2004, 08:24 PM
How incredibly tragic. I was just admiring her beauty on Tennler's site last night. Rest in peace, beautiful lady. Rest in peace.

10-11-2004, 08:34 PM
wow thats awful. god bless.

10-11-2004, 11:04 PM
My condolences to her family and friends. It goes to show how hard a life it can be for some mtf transsexuals. I only know Susan by her photos and some nice things a ts friend of mine has said about her. I had heard she was struggling with AIDS. My heart opens for her and for those who survive her.

10-11-2004, 11:41 PM
Am I missing something here?
She had AIDS for 10 years and escorted the whole time. Who knows how many other people she gave it to.
And people feel sorry for her?

10-11-2004, 11:45 PM
Can someone post a pic so I can see who we are talking about? Is she on Yum? I will say a prayer for her and hope I she is at peace now.

10-11-2004, 11:52 PM
Lobo, Nobody confirmed that she had AIDS.
She was a very nice person, met her at one of Allanah's party and after that would periodically run into her over by NYU.

10-12-2004, 12:41 AM
Can someone post a pic so I can see who we are talking about? Is she on Yum? I will say a prayer for her and hope I she is at peace now.


If it helps, here is Tennler's TS gallery site where she is in a lot of the photo sets. Just peruse the left column's galleries and you'll find her.



Your post is premised on many assumptions. Do you always reach like that ?

10-12-2004, 01:09 AM
The article that mentions her death quotes the person that co-wrote the film with Susan Shah that she had AIDS.
That sounds like a pretty good source to me.

10-12-2004, 01:17 AM
The article that mentions her death quotes the person that co-wrote the film with Susan Shah that she had AIDS.
That sounds like a pretty good source to me.

Yes, I can read. Where in the article does it leapfrog into the assumptions you have made, though? Maybe she did or maybe she didn't, but you jumped the gun in my book.

...I guess that was maybe your expression of heartfelt condolences ???

10-12-2004, 02:42 AM
oh, and im sure she was a great girl and this may be insensitive, but can we please stop saying prayers or blessing people, its the year 2004, enough with the silly superstitions...u can grive, mourn, feel sorry, sad, etc...but cmon...some magical thing in the sky is gonna take into consideration some shmuck praying for someone? damn u must be important if so...why havent u prayed urself a new jaguar and condo if u have such pull.Your silly superstition is someone else's deeply held belief. This is why John Kerry supports a woman's right to choose even though he personally finds, as an article of faith, that abortion is totally wrong: as he said the other night, he cannot impose his article of faith upon someone else who does not share that belief. For me, God or magic is not "some magical thing in the sky" but the deepest, most human part of us all, and if one believes in that, and wishes the best for another from that inner place, where's the harm? Blessed be.

10-12-2004, 03:34 AM
How sad to read that article. I remember asking a while back if she left CA for NY for good. I almost planned a drive up to northern CA just to meet her and then saw she moved.

The pain she must have been living with must be very hard to understand. My condolences to those who knew her as a person.

10-12-2004, 04:54 AM
The article that mentions her death quotes the person that co-wrote the film with Susan Shah that she had AIDS.
That sounds like a pretty good source to me.

Yes, I can read. Where in the article does it leapfrog into the assumptions you have made, though? Maybe she did or maybe she didn't, but you jumped the gun in my book.

...I guess that was maybe your expression of heartfelt condolences ???

The fact that she was escorting with AIDS isn't enough to make that assumption off of?

10-12-2004, 05:13 AM
Wow!!! How tragic! It is times like things that a person needs to become aware of depression. Depression is a very serious condition that can be treated. Exercise is the best combat against stress, anxiety, and depression. Anxiety and depression is usually do to a lack of serotonin (or an imbalance), a chemical in the brain. Therapy is good for people suffering for a long term problem. Therapy and Paxil helped me through a rough period in my life. I suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after a car accident. I thought I could handle my problems myself, but I found out my condition was very serious. My symptoms were indigestion problems, food allergies (never had a problem before), soft stools for 6 months, IBS, sleeping disorders (slept an average of 2 hours a night for at least two months). Now I am back to my normal life for two years now.

10-12-2004, 05:20 AM
had been depressed over health problems that included her 10-year battle with AIDS

I have to say I do agree with Lobo on a point here, although it's a bad thing which happened to her (although she made her choice) the fact that she escorted for 10 yrs with HIV (the above quote categorically states she knew she had AIDS) and endangered others is unacceptable. How did she pass the HIV test for Rogue Adventures would be another question I'd need to ask also.
Hey if the prayers and superstitions work for you keep them to yourself. Nobody else needs to hear them.

10-12-2004, 05:40 AM
the harm comes in the murder of billions throughout history for their "deeply held beliefs"... u may be the exception to the rule, but religion in any place in any time through out history has meant bloodshed..so please, believe what u like, but dont make me respect seomthing that i hold responsible for all the troubles in the world...

nothing personal..im sure ur a great guy...First of all, I can't--and would never try--to make you respect something which you don't respect, no matter what it is. That's wholly up to you, not me. That was the point of my post. I don't know why you have such a twisted view of religion--or even why you dragged religion into a discussion where people were simply expressing their best wishes for Susan Shah's family and friends and regret at her tragic loss, but you're the one who's way over the line here. Your generalization is absurd and vastly overstated; religion doesn't cause bloodshed, people in the name of their own distorted views of religion do. Do you honestly believe that billions of people of faith (any faith: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, paganism, Mithraism, or even atheisim (which is the faith that there is not a God since such belief can no more be proven than that there is one)) harm one another over faith all the time? That's a very sad and lonely perspective imho.

In any event, I really couldn't care less what your personal feelings are about religion. I just think you should respect those who have faith (however defined) as much as you would have them respect your choice to reject it. (And please don't make assumptions about my faith--which happens to be Buddhist, in case you were wondering.)

10-12-2004, 05:48 AM
I met her at one of Allanah's parties last year, took a few pictures of her and she gave me her email to mail them to her. I also had posted them on this board.

It bothers me that she did a porn movie and escort work while she knew had HIV. I just hope she insisted on condoms.


10-12-2004, 06:39 AM
i personally would never wish HIV onto anyone in the world, it is a horrible horrible virus and no one deserves the fate it delivers. Along with HIV I think Suicide is in the same boat... it is a sad sad time in the universe when a person is so alone and in pain that the only relief they can find is in suicide. All I can say is I hope she will finally find peace (if there is indeed an afterlife.)

10-12-2004, 07:44 AM
great point lobo..im sure she wasnt and isnt the only girl out there taking the whole ship down with them..its amazing how many girls are willing to fuck without condoms....think about that guys..


Lobo made the same faulty assumptions about her as you're doing. Unless you know from firsthand experience, how do you know she wasn't taking precautions whenever and wherever possible ? I'm sure there are infected people like that (taking the whole ship down...) out there, but how do you know SHE was one of them ? How do you know she made hobbyists the bane of all that is evil ?
I don't know if she practiced risky behavior or not after she became infected, but to jump the gun about how she lived her life isn't warranted or necessary until all the facts are in. Would you like it that upon your death the rumor mill about you ran ahead of the facts ? Let her rest in peace, huh ?

10-12-2004, 07:51 AM
The fact is she was a sex worker and therefore having sexual activity with individuals either as an escort or a movie. According to these articles she knew she was HIV+.
An individual who is HIV+ or carries any STD or virus has a choice to have sexual activities with another person. They should inform that other person of their health status and allow them to make the same, informed choice.
Practising safe sex as someone who doesn't have HIV/STD's is one ballpark. Practising safe sex, knowing you do have HIV/STD's and not telling the other person is different and if that individual passes it on, it should be regarded as criminal negligence.
The fact that this Susan's suicide has brought this topic up, does not mean everything should be directed at her - I'm sure there are many other individual out there doing the same thing and WE need to be thinking about them when we have sex.

10-12-2004, 08:05 AM

Yes, I've taken into consideration that she stayed active in escorting and porn movies, but the point I've been trying to make is that Lobo and "J" seem to be assuming that Susan was the reckless, heartless type out to bring anyone and everyone she could. I don't know, and I hope she was the type to disclose the information of her illness to the sexual partners of her milieu, but I just can't stand it when those without the benefit of all the facts assume the worst of another, particularly one recently deceased. It just rubs me the wrong way.

Vicki Richter
10-12-2004, 08:19 AM
I think Mega has gone over the fact that he knows some well known girls who escort with HIV. He doesn't name names, but it's just something I think people should consider when they see an escort or have sex with someone in general.

Seanchi, adult film people in shemale porn don't always get tested. They should and it's actually getting better. I've done it since my first movie TSBQ 15. I know Joanna also gets tested before movies and so does Danielle. I also know Vaniity has a history of getting tested for movies.

Anyway, I am very religious, and I feel bad for her as she seemed pretty together on her website and was very pretty. You have to wonder what drives someone to do something like that. I also feel bad for anyone who is now going to have a lot of anxiety in their life for having been with her now that her secret is out. I hope God looks after all of them.

10-12-2004, 10:32 AM
Well I hope this tragedy puts the fear of AIDS in some of your guys lives,,,yes I agree its wrong to practice escorting as it not only affects you but me as a sex worker myself. I know of atleast 5 girls who are HIV positive who have active ads on EROS and it scares the shit out of me when a guy tells me he has seen that girl, but I ALways use protection and treat every guy as a potential health risk. I like Vicki also get tested once a month not only for HIV but std's also and ask to see the guys paperwork from AIM if Im doing a video..........I am blessed that Joanna asked for test from all her talent and as did Kim Christy and Joey who I shot for this past week. I hope this is becoming a trend in the adult industry but I just recently seen a girl on a big named video release who I know is positive so it makes me wonder how she slipped by.

Just remeber guys sex can be fun and you NEVER know who or what you are getting yourself into so be safe.

As a transsexual I am sadden to think that Susan let her life get away from her but we can not assume how she felt and or what was going on in her mind.


10-12-2004, 11:33 AM
I just found out that Susan died through this thread and I am devestated.
Susan was a one of the sweetest people u could ever meet. She was bright, articulate, and very friendly. I had not seen her since The Cowboy party and she looked great then.

I am really at a loss for words but I hope that she is in a better place for now.

I am mad that this topic has turned into a big AIDS thing.
It is your responsibility as well to take precautions when u have sex with anyone-ESPECIALLY AN ESCORT.
I don't think guys coming to visit escorts are disclosing their medical history as well.
What about people having casual sex who have stds and spreading them because they did not use condoms? Is that OK because they are not charging a fee?
There is no proof, evidence, that Susan infected anyone with HIV or that she was unsafe sexually.
EVERYONE is at risk if you are having sex- for alot more than HIV.
If you want to be at no risk then stop having sex or get out of the sex business.
Thats all I have to say.

I will miss Susan.


10-12-2004, 01:15 PM
It's natural that this would turn into this topic just because how it was reported in the newpapers, stating that her "battle with HIV" could have been a factor in her choice to take her own life. If threads like this can wake some individuals up to the realities of needing to have save sex then we can't not talk about it - it is relative to the topic.
I agree completely with what you say, EVERY or ANY individual having sex knowing they have an STD/virus needs to make that other person aware, whether sex worker, porn star, client, tom, dick or harry.
It makes no difference if you've met that person down the local bar in Bumsville, Utah - you have to assume that everyone has the potential to pass on something unless you know better.
I didn't see any posting which stated this only applied to people who charged fees.

10-12-2004, 04:34 PM
Allanah I do too agree that the topic took a spin however imagine if you was one of her clients that she did NOT tell, I could easily see how the topic could and would take the AIDS spin. You and I both know of plenty of girls still working whether you and I agree thats not our business we are friends, co-workers, and work in the industry with these girls. You and I and others choose to turn our heads and continue to live our lives with protected sex as it should be done: however just because you and I choose to keep our mouths shut doesnt mean when such a story comes out in the open that people especially clients or potential clients are not going to feel deceived.

I totally agree that I have never had a client provide papers to me but we assume (which isnt always the right thing to do) that the person would be as we are, LOL big mistake huh.

Anyhow I was in no way implying she was wrong and or right because I am not here to judge anyone but myself and MY choices in life.

I again stress I just hope this sheds a light on something that alot of clients are in the dark about.


Vicki Richter
10-12-2004, 04:47 PM
Threads never stay on topic because people say inflamatory things which can't go unchecked. I'm sorry this digressed into an HIV discussion instead of a commemorative thread for the short life of a seemingly very sweet transsexual. However, J throwing out his "God is fake" stuff is really frustrating. I am always trying to support other's beliefs and their right to believe things differently than me, but it seems that people don't feel that right is mutual. Almost always here, if you have a different opinion or belief than someone else, someone calls you stupid or naive, or some other insult. It's unacceptable to insult someone elses beliefs or intelligence in a debate as a means of stressing your own points.

As far as Susan, I knew almost nothing about her. I can only see what I see from this article and her web sites. It seemed like she was really trying to do more with her life and she wasn't totally fixated on making pornography/sex a permanent career.... which I really respect.

I'm the last person to say that I am different, but it would be nice to see more shemales pulling themselves up/out by doing things other than the sex trade. Transsexuals do it all the time. I don't see it so often with shemales. For some reason, I see shemales using the exploitation of their bodies (or the bodies of our fellow shemales) as a means of making money.

10-12-2004, 06:52 PM
I don't know her, but she's definately a great looking girl. Reading about shemales commiting suicide makes me always kinda sad because it shows me how hard it is to life in this world with a lot of prejudices and rejection towards transsexuality. On the other hand i have to think about the pressure and pain working in sexbiz with the fear of being possibly a deadly threat to other people. Condoms are never 100% save and i personally would be scared as shit going on with my lifestyle being hiv+, i would have problems sleeping at night.

Probably this statement will arouse some criticism, anyway. I'm atheist and i'm not scared of death. After all it's is the only, really only, thing that is quaranteed in life. Everybody has to die one day and i don't criticise when somebody decides to go by his/hers own hands. I'm a supporter of all kinds of "exit" organizations and living with aids is for me a reason to think about moving on in a peacefull, self choosen manner. Living with aids and having no other oportunities to make a living other than sexwork is a pressure i can hardly imagine. I just hope she felt in peace when jumping and had a smooth transition into the etherneal hunting grounds. Also i hope the people she was close with get over the pain loosing somebody and are able to accept the thought that the has choosen to go and that it also can be a relief. I shared my opinon very honestly without any sarcasm at all, i have experience with suicides among friends and depressions on my own. I hope nobody get's to mad at me because having a very own opinion about death.

Of course this threat also has another component. As an adult model that enjoys shooting bareback with reliable talents. As a person with a very long history of regular std testing (in Europe we even test HAV, HBV, HCV and some more than at AIM, and yes, we have PCR-DNA too) it freaks me totally out to read that she not only did shoot porn with a hiv+ status, but also was shot for one of the biggest and best known producers in shemale porn. No wonder the agency Spiegler Girls get's rid of a talent when they hear that she or he was working with a shemale. For me it's really an issue to get accepted by mainstream porn as reliable and professional actors and it looks like we have still a looooong way to go.



Vicki Richter
10-12-2004, 07:15 PM
I think you have to understand the history of shemale porn before any judgements are made Sarah. Historically speaking, shemale porn was viewed the same way as gay porn. In case people don't know, they don't do testing in gay porn and many performers are infected. In the case of shemales it was viewed as two people with dicks fucking each other which to the laymen sounds an awful lot like gay porn.

Anyway, only within probably the past one or two years, certain shemales in the industry have been able to begin changing this perception, requiring tests, and helping influence the industry to allow us to film with higher end mainstream genetic female pornstars and without condoms.

Your statements about Spiegler girls is ignorant. The porn companies in L.A. that matter have already reached a level of acceptance with certain shemale performers and that only stands to improve.

10-12-2004, 07:20 PM
This throws back to a discussion that Vicki and I had a little while back - it's down to personal choice whether you want to trust in those tests or not, personally I could not which is why I always make my risk a lot less by wearing protection. I think the HIV crisis in the adult industry earlier this year in which a number of high profile performers contracted the virus shows the ignorance some performers have to the testing.
In my opinion, unless with a mutually exclusive couple all penatrative porn should be covered - both as an example to others and as a safety measure.

10-12-2004, 07:29 PM
Vicki, of course i know that shemale porn used to be (and partially still is) put into the same corner as gay porn. But i think you also know very well how wrong this is because no gay men are interested into shemales.

My statement about the Spiegler Girls shouldn't be ignorant. I quoted that statement from adultdvdtalk, i think it was the threat where Melissa Lauren asked for advice if she should try shooting with a shemale. Although she personally would very much enjoy this experience most of the people there told her not to do so and somebody mentioned that thing with Spiegler.

Of course i also noticed that we are moving forward and i'm glad we do. Just threats like the one on ADT i mentioned makes my heart bleed.

(were very much off topic here. sorry, but i had to reply to your posting)


Vicki Richter
10-12-2004, 07:32 PM
I don't know that the performers infected were high profile Seanchi.

Again, I quoted percentages previously and I think they showed a 99.994% safety rate in the mainstream adult film industry since 1998. Ariana Jolle just did a 60+ person cream pie scene in Progue. Everyone was tested and after the scene she is still negative. Seems like the testing is a pretty good preventative to transmission. I think better than condoms if you run the numbers.

10-12-2004, 08:28 PM
You don't think Darren James was high profile?
I'll send you some back issues of AVN!

Vicki Richter
10-12-2004, 09:34 PM
Darren was an accomplished male performer no doubt. However, when I think of high profile, I think of big name female performers. Anyway, I think you making that an issue is more misdirection than anything. Yes some human beings got infected.

However, the statistic I quoted I don't think is being disputed.

10-13-2004, 01:19 AM
J, you keep making sweeping, derogatory, and unfounded generalizations about all religion, and that's simply offensive. Not all religions nor all religious people fit your grossly over-exaggerated point of view, and, in fact, I would argue exactly the opposite. Buddhism in particular has never, in its 2500 year history, been the driving force behind war or violence, and is inherently highly tolerant of other belief systems (and, in point of fact, makes no statement regarding the existence of God, only of the interdependence of all sentient and insentient beings). But all that's beside the point; what gives you the authority to dictate to all others that their beliefs--whatever they may be--are false, foolish, and dangerous to others? Your statements seem far more destructive to me. You may hate "it" (again with the sweeping generalizations), but please take your tirade elsewhere.

10-13-2004, 03:33 AM
Well its my first post as I just recently found this board. In respect to Susan, I am always grieved to hear of someone taking their own life. As a therapist who works with people who have substance abuse, depression, and anxiety problems I always wonder if there could have been a better solution. As far as her HIV+ status was concerned, I believe that Senchai is right in saying it is technically illegal not to make someone aware of your status prior to sexual contact, but to put a more positive spin on this, does anyone here recommended types of testing other than the standard anti-body tests? As someone who is sexually active and practices safe sex during intercourse, I would be curious to hear of alternatives to antibody testing that people can access privately and affordably. I test myself 2-3 times a year through my doctor, but for a variety of reasons, I would prefer another route that doesn't force me to sit in a public clinic for 3 hours on a work day. Any thoughts?

PS Religion talk always causes trouble. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and I don't think it's helpful to bash people and call them "stupid" because of their faith. I don't notice anyone in this thread bashing atheists, right? I'm no fan a religion in general, but if someone wants to say "God bless her" I take it as a warm and heartfelt sentiment and leave it at that.

10-13-2004, 04:28 AM
Cool, J. Let's leave it at that, shall we?

Castabyss, welcome to the forum. I'm in complete agreement with your comment:
if someone wants to say "God bless her" I take it as a warm and heartfelt sentiment and leave it at that. This is exactly the point I was trying to make. As to your question about testing, I believe Vicki has addressed this elsewhere in some detail regarding the testing done in the porn industry (though apparently it's not quite so universal there as it should be). Maybe a search of the forum will turn up the info?

10-14-2004, 12:19 AM
Am I missing something here?
She had AIDS for 10 years and escorted the whole time. Who knows how many other people she gave it to.
And people feel sorry for her?

What kind of half baked shit is this?

Yes I know she didn't give AIDS to herself but to continue to escort knowing you have and can transmit a life threatening disease is a bit too much for me to just say...damn...it's not like the shit was syphilis or crabs, it was fucking AIDS people!

Contrary to popular belief, condoms don't stop AIDS, and as i'm sure you all know when dealing with anal sex, vaginal condoms break often.

10-14-2004, 12:23 AM
I have had anal sex for m any years and have NEVER EVER
had a condom break on me.

10-14-2004, 12:40 AM
I have had anal sex for m any years and have NEVER EVER
had a condom break on me.

Most condoms are not intended for anal penetration unless specifically noted on the packaging. I know this for a fact.

At anyrate, some of the stances taken by the women on this board "It's the tricks responsibility" have made me a happy man not to have partaken in the whole trade.

I am a human first and treat all humans accordingly.

In the fair interest to the persuit of life, love, and happiness I would never pit one person against another, when it comes to a life and death decision.

Wrong is wrong, plain and simple.

Two wrongs never make one right.

If you know that someone is carrying aloaded shotgun and just because they choose to not directly use it on you, you look the other way, doesn't make it one red bean better.

That's just WRONG. You aren't helping fight the beast, you're just contributing to it's destructive path.

And by saying that it's your/my responsibility to "strap-up" either A) proves that you've become so hard and dissillusioned with the lifestyle you live, that you've forgotten what it's like to have simple human compassion for all humanity or B) you see the whole sex trade them as an "us" vs. "them" mentality

10-14-2004, 12:47 AM
listen dont make any assumptions about me
because you don't know me
i refuse to argue with ignorant people

Vicki Richter
10-14-2004, 07:03 AM
does anyone here recommended types of testing other than the standard anti-body tests? As someone who is sexually active and practices safe sex during intercourse, I would be curious to hear of alternatives to antibody testing that people can access privately and affordably. I test myself 2-3 times a year through my doctor, but for a variety of reasons, I would prefer another route that doesn't force me to sit in a public clinic for 3 hours on a work day. Any thoughts?

Here you go. This is pretty much the best test out there today. PCR-DNA. Good stuff.


10-14-2004, 07:10 AM
had been depressed over health problems that included her 10-year battle with AIDS

I have to say I do agree with Lobo on a point here, although it's a bad thing which happened to her (although she made her choice) the fact that she escorted for 10 yrs with HIV (the above quote categorically states she knew she had AIDS) and endangered others is unacceptable. How did she pass the HIV test for Rogue Adventures would be another question I'd need to ask also.
Hey if the prayers and superstitions work for you keep them to yourself. Nobody else needs to hear them.

Like so many , i was also stunned and saddened by the news of Susan's
unfortunate suicidal death.
But i couldn't help but ask the very same question that others
have asked themselves with her being able to pass the HIV test to
be able to perform in the Rogue film also popped into
my head as well.

Please enlighten me if i fail to understand this,
but does this also tie into the recent HIV-scare that
temporarily cause the close down of some adult film industries ?

Vicki Richter
10-14-2004, 08:11 AM
Again, until recently, HIV testing hasn't frequently taken place in the transsexual segment of the adult industry. Transsexuals were viewed similarly to the gay industry where testing just doesn't happen.

I would say a benchmark for you is if condoms are used in a scene, even to this day, there is a possibility that the performers weren't tested. Anabolic who does condomless shoots, as well as Evil Angel, Joanna Jet Productions, and a few others are requiring testing much more frequently.
However, I've been ostrasized by some companies for requiring my male talent to have a test since condoms were being used in the scene. All things are not equal in transsexual porn yet.

10-15-2004, 07:48 PM
Great post Vickie. AIDS is not going away. Why not just play safe and have fun!