View Full Version : War on Terror Victory(Somalia)

01-02-2007, 08:42 PM
Radical Islam loses again and the left-wing media cries out loud as the enemy of their enemy fails:

Islamists in Somalia feel unsafe
By Edmund Sanders
Los Angeles Times

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Their leaders slipped out of this capital under the cover of darkness. The best jobs are gone. Their former offices were the first to be looted in a spasm of vandalism last week by angry young men. (Awww poor terrorists 8) )

Monday, Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi renewed his offer of amnesty to mid-level officials and fighters of Somalia's now-defunct Council of Islamic Courts who lay down their weapons. He also issued a three-day deadline for everyone in Mogadishu to turn in their guns.

But for the Islamists left behind in Somalia's long-troubled capital, the ordeal is not over. While top Islamist officials escaped south toward Kenya last week, thousands of employees, fighters and other court supporters remain trapped in Mogadishu, struggling to comprehend the new reality. (yeah the new reality, freedom from islamofascism)


DEBKAfile reports: Special US forces from Djibouti join the pursuit on the Somali-Kenyan border for three most wanted al Qaeda leaders in the Horn of Africa

Smog Boy
01-04-2007, 12:18 AM
Damn, sounds like Black Hawk Down II.....