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View Full Version : Getting topped for the first time-what can I expect?

10-06-2004, 09:02 PM
Hey all! I posted this question in the Reviews section, but I wanted to ask here, as it seems more folks check out this board.

Anyway, I am meeting with a T-Girl on Friday, and based on her ad and the SER reviews, I think I'd like to be versatile with this girl. I'm going to be open minded and try and have her top me. She seems very caring and trustworthy, if her reviews are any indication. She won't try and rush things, in other words, and cause me pain.

This will be my first experience being topped, and I am understandably a little nervous. What can I expect? Should I get a slim vibrator and try to loosen things up a bit? I figured I should use an enema. Can I expect lots of pain my first time? Any bleeding? I know this varies depending on the size of the girl's cock.

Anyway, wish me luck on exanding my horizons, and any advice will be MOST APPRECIATED!!

10-06-2004, 09:30 PM
If you've never been bottom before, then I definitely recommend loosening up, with a series of progressively large dildoes going for the size you expect to encounter. My first top was a thick (4.5" around) 7" long girl, and the first time it was too much, I just couldn't take her in. So I bought a fairly slender (maybe 2" circumference) dildo to loosen myself up and get used to the penetration, then gradually went up to a much thicker toy, about 5" in circumference. Don't try for bigger first if you're unused to it.

Relaxation is the key; if you're tense down below, it won't go well. Pushing out when she enters you can help. Those of us who have discovered the joys of being bottom know that the sensations can be truly exquisite. Masturbating with a toy like this can be a great pleasure in itself, and when you see your provider, you will be ready for her.

I also highly recommend using a rectal syringe beforehand. I've had very good results using warm water and several subsequent applications, but not too much at a time--just enough water to wash the rectum (you're not looking to do a high colonic). Fleet enemas are too strong and caustic and not needed, though the quantity of water is appropriate. It's good to wash the anus and just inside the anus with a little mild soap and warm water, then apply the enema/syringe. For more useful advice, visit www.the-clitoris.com (http://www.the-clitoris.com/f_html/anal.htm).

Another point that can't be emphasized enough is to be sure to use plenty of lube when you engage in anal sex--whether on your own with a toy or with a partner--because (this should go without saying) the tissue of the rectum is fragile and can easily tear with friction. This is the primary cause of HIV transmission in anal sex: tiny (perhaps not even visible) tears in the tissue due to friction. But lube will prevent this, and of course using a glove prevents skin-to-skin and fluid contact between the cock and the anal cavity.

So wash the anus with mild soap and warm water; use an emema or rectal syringe to rinse the inside thoroughly with warm water (using no more than a pint of water at a time); and use plenty of lube for the act itself. As to how soon before the encounter? I usually do this the last thing before my 45-minute drive into the city to see my girl. You expect her to be clean, the same goes for you. Also shower well beforehand. There's tremendous pleasure for a guy in receiving--thanks to the way our anatomy is arranged--for which there's no substitute. A dildo feels great, and is ideal for loosening yourself up, esp. if you're going to see a big girl, and you can work yourself up from say a 6"x2" to a 10"x 5" or bigger dildo. In my experience, these two things--syringe/enema before the session, and practice with a dildo--are essential to a great experience. Some may not need or want the dildo, but everyone has to be clean. Everyone here who has enjoyed the unrivaled pleasures of being topped knows what I'm talking about. And if you love these girls, you really should give it a go, at least once.

10-06-2004, 09:59 PM
^^Dude, thanks so much for the wealth of information! I'll try and hit the Adult World before Friday, if I can, and get a small to medium-sized dildo. I think this girl is pretty large and thick, so it may not work the first time. But I am DEFINITELY up for trying.

I am very fastidious and clean anyway, but I will pay special attention to my anus. There's nothing I hate more than a girl (genetic or T-girl) who is less than clean, so I always am very clean myself. I'll stick with a fleet right before I leave to meet her. I'm more familiar with them, and of course I'll clean very thoroughly in my anus while in the shower.

Of course, everything will be absolutely protected with condoms.

Two more quick questions:

I've used a slim vibrator while in the shower a couple of times, and it feels good (not on vibe of course!) but I get the sensation that I have to evacuate. In other words it makes me feel like I have to take a dump. Can I avoid this in any way?

Also, and I ask this in complete sincerity: will I be able to sit down for the rest of the day? Will I be in pain?

Thanks so much, I will let you know how things go!

I am DEFINITELY excited now![/quote]

10-06-2004, 11:00 PM
Good luck, I hope you have a great first time. If the girl is large and thick, don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out the first time. In fact, it may help to bring that dildo with you to the session and have her start you with that. The biggest "trick" is totally psychological; when you haven't done it before, there's a natural resistance which tightens things up. But since you have used a slim vibrator before, you're probably familiar with that "point" where you relax to let it in. That's really all there is to it. That, and lots of lube. Of course, I recommend seeing a girl who isn't too big for a first time encounter since it's easier, but if you're ready to go with a girl, then that's great.

I think the evacuation thing is natural, especially in a shower, so don't worry about that. If you've "flushed" things out ahead of time, that's not a problem and should help you accept her size. As for the old joke about not being able to sit for a day (or a week), I've never had that experience. Yes, it's been intense; I had two girls in three days once, which was amazing, but not a problem. Perhaps if she's really hung (a Suzanna Holmes), but if she's in the normal range (6"-8", 3.5"-5" around), then I don't think you'll have a problem.

Have fun!

10-07-2004, 05:46 AM
Ecstatic, thanks for taking the time to anwer my questions. With your input (no pun intended!) I am sure I can now properly prepare to have a great and memorable experience.

I'll share the results of my foray, if the girl doesn't mind.

Thanks again, I appreciate you helping out this rookie!

10-07-2004, 07:56 PM
Ecstatic, thanks for taking the time to anwer my questions. With your input (no pun intended!) I am sure I can now properly prepare to have a great and memorable experience.

I'll share the results of my foray, if the girl doesn't mind.

Thanks again, I appreciate you helping out this rookie!

To all on this thread - Thanks!! as a long-time admirerer I am finally getting up the nerve to "take a walk on the wild side". I have found a provider here in NE Mass. that I think will usher my entrance into the world of T-Girls well. I can't wait!! :D


10-07-2004, 11:32 PM
Hey, have a great time, Scott. Play safe, have fun.

10-07-2004, 11:54 PM

If all else fails you gotta try poppers.
Dildos are great for opening up and you should definatly practice before your encounter.
Poppers help you to relax , people either love them or hate them, its worth a try.
Let us know how your experience turns out.

10-08-2004, 12:42 AM
Im glad someone is washing their butt before having anal sex.

Stay away from Poppers, VCR head cleaning fluid (thats what it is)
studies have shown that continual use of it
can cause KS (Karposi Scarcoma) SKIN CANCER

10-08-2004, 02:17 AM
Im glad someone is washing their butt before having anal sex.

Stay away from Poppers, VCR head cleaning fluid (thats what it is)
studies have shown that continual use of it
can cause KS (Karposi Scarcoma) SKIN CANCERI wouldn't dream of not washing my butt beforehand, Allanah. Have syringe, will travel. I want my girls to be clean, and I want to be clean for them. Much nicer that way!

As for poppers, well, I stopped doing recreational drugs before ecstasy appeared on the scene (so that's NOT what my nick implies), so I wouldn't know, but I think that's good advice in general. Makes me think of the old hippie joke: "You gotta try this shit, man. They put horses to sleep with this shit, man." (PCP) Back in the day, that was considered good advice.

10-08-2004, 05:43 AM
Im glad someone is washing their butt before having anal sex.

I'm always amazed when a T-Girl has to advertise "clean, well-bathed men only". Are there really that many dirty fuckers out there?? Seriously, I would never dream of having sex (be it with a T-Girl or GG) without being absolutely clean. I always assumed most guys were the same, but apparently not!

Guys, wash yourselves, you're giving us all a bad name!

On a side note, let me add that it's sincerely an honor to be posting and "talking" with you, Allanah. You're a legend, and I thank you for gracing us mere mortals with your presence!

10-08-2004, 02:23 PM
Im glad someone is washing their butt before having anal sex.

Stay away from Poppers, VCR head cleaning fluid (thats what it is)
studies have shown that continual use of it
can cause KS (Karposi Scarcoma) SKIN CANCER

Earlier ideas about the cause of KS, such as the theory that it was linked to the recreational use of poppers (inhaled nitrites) by gay men, have now been discounted.

10-08-2004, 05:33 PM
I do have some contradictory studies
at home but I am in Paris right now-
Inhaling VCR Cleaners , wethere u believe the KS theories or studies,
kills your brain cells and I am sure is horrendous for you-filling yout systen with free radicals.

10-08-2004, 08:25 PM
Did you look at my link

Its not video head cleaner.
The most harmfull thing about poppers is a head ache and dont get it on your skin.

10-08-2004, 08:42 PM
As with most things, whatever you think it's more than that. Here's some more neutral set of opinions, from gay.com: "And -- as is the case with so many things that can make you feel good -- using poppers is not awfully good for you, though just how not good is a matter of debate. People with heart disease, blood pressure problems, glaucoma, and liver disease should stay away; in any of these cases, serious damage, up to and including death, may result. And the combination of Viagra and poppers can be deadly, too: who wants to be a stiff stiff?

"Back in the early days of the AIDS epidemic, some folks suspected poppers might be the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma, perhaps of AIDS itself. The KS link is now pretty well disproved. There is evidence that using poppers does lower immune function, though the damage is undone in at most a few days. People with impaired immune function should certainly think twice before taking a hit, but the idea that amyl use causes permanent immune-system damage is speculative at best." (more at gay.com...) (http://www.gay.com/health/sexuality/article.html?sernum=770)

Given that I have high blood pressure, I will not take that gamble. Fortunately, all I need is a hot girl...not that old yet (though viagra is helpful, and another reason I'll not be trying poppers personally). If you're young and healthy and have no bp or other at-risk issues, it's probably safe, based on what I've read.

10-09-2004, 12:18 PM
Poppers are for middle-aged men who need to stay hard while they get topped. If you're under 40 and using poppers for any reason, you're insane.

10-10-2004, 05:20 PM
The Anal Shower Shot Kit is THE best device for staying clean.
If you have a hand held shower handle all you have to do is buy the end piece.
If you have a stationary shower head attached to the bathroom wall you need to buy the whole contraption.
It will fit onto a sink faucet, the faucet in your bathtub, or the tap that is attached to your shower head.
If it doesn't fit the type of faucets you have in your house, you unscrew and remove the shower head from the wall and replace it with the hose from the kit (which is what I do).
It works amazingly well and it's not a big hassle.
The end nozzle has little shower head-like holes where the water shoots out. It gets you 100% totally clean, no fuss no muss.
It's very popular with the porn girls that do lots of anal, they swear by it.
Prices are in Canadian dollars (the store is in Canada), but I'm sure it can also be found in the US.

Anal Shower Shot Kit



Anal Shower Head



Anal Shower Head #2 (Mushroom end)



Anal Shower Shot Head #3



Micro Shower



10-12-2004, 02:50 PM
Poppers are for middle-aged men who need to stay hard while they get topped. If you're under 40 and using poppers for any reason, you're insane.
You dont know what your talking about , poppers have nothing to do with staying hard.