View Full Version : Transexuals and media coverage is one-sided

12-26-2006, 08:15 PM
Ever notice how if a tranny appears on a TV show (Other than Maury and such) they ONLY feature ones who are getting srs and NOT the ones who keep their dicks? To me, it sounds like they want people to think that none of them keep their dicks and the ones that do, are just guys in drag. I really hate this interpretation.

What's that about?


12-27-2006, 05:19 AM
I am pretty sure some of them are planning on keeping their stuff down there intact. :) *shrugs*

Kurdy M
12-27-2006, 09:54 AM
Ever notice how if a tranny appears on a TV show (Other than Maury and such) they ONLY feature ones who are getting srs and NOT the ones who keep their dicks? To me, it sounds like they want people to think that none of them keep their dicks and the ones that do, are just guys in drag. I really hate this interpretation.

What's that about?


From what i have heard and read the "real" transsexuals are women born in a man's body. Right? So they are hating themselves because of being a man and everything that comes along with it. Their main goal is to be a woman right? The most famous dutch t-girl Kelly wrote in her book that as a child she was disgusted by her penis and that it kept growing as she got older. A lot of people can understand that.
But even after her srs she still cannot find the guy who want's to be in a relationship with her (and she is very nice and very beautiful)

I can understand that there a girls who keep their dicks to work in porn a make a lot of money for whatever. Or keeping their dicks to work as hookers to say it rude to make a lot of money.
And a lot of them use that money to pay for the srs
A lot of people can understand that.
But a lot of people don't understand that there are girls who keep their dick for whatever reasons.
Most of the girls who keep their dicks will never have a "normal"relationship with a man. Never period. I can hear you say "But what about Allanah Starr?" Not a good example, she is dating a guy who already is involved in ts-porn. Nothing wrong with that but they keep to their own little circle of people. I doubt it if she ever met the inlaws but maybe i am wrong.
I do think that tv show don't show girls who keep their dicks because they don't want to give them free pr.
Like i said most of the people see t-girls as persons who a trapped in a wrong body. They don't want to see a t-girl who is showing them otherwise.

Smog Boy
12-27-2006, 10:01 AM
Didn't Olivia Love quit because she was getting SRS, she could afford it with all the dough she made doing porn. I don't know if she ever went through with it.

Ever notice that in movies Transsexuals are often serial killers or psychos?

Kurdy M
12-27-2006, 10:09 AM
Didn't Olivia Love quit because she was getting SRS, she could afford it with all the dough she made doing porn. I don't know if she ever went through with it.

Ever notice that in movies Transsexuals are often serial killers or psychos?

That was her intetion yes. For me i don't care wheter the girls keep their dicks or not for whatever reasons. It is their body.
And Olivia didn't make a lot of money by doing porn. She made more by being an escort.

We had a tv show some 12 years ago about a prison for women, there was a t-girl in it but she was there for stealing (in that show)
Ofcourse we are more tolerant and liberal then almost anyone else in the world towards gays, t-girls etc

Smog Boy
12-27-2006, 10:13 AM
And Olivia didn't make a lot of money by doing porn. She made more by being an escort.

I thought it was something like that. I think it's due to money now that every other girl now has their own series, they make more cash.

12-27-2006, 07:38 PM
No, I think everyone missed my point.

I mean:

They ALWAYS do stories on trannies who WANT to get srs

They NEVER show ones that DON'T want srs

What is that all about? I think they want people to think that every tranny wants a pussy and none keep their dicks, I heard that 60% keep them in one way or another that's what I meant by the media coverage being one-sided. Is it an attempt to get people to like them by thinking "Oh, they hate having dicks, they are really women", this is false advertising since most of them keep their dicks and anyway, they're already women, who says women can't have dicks?? Also, they never mention that they get fucked in the asshole dozens of times before they get a pussy.

It's like the Iraq war footage they show us, they ONLY showed people who hated Saddam but they never said who they were, those people they showed knocking down his statues were the other Iraqis who hated him, most Iraqis didn't really mind Saddam so see? Same thing with trannies, they're showing you the side they WANT you to see.

I've seen a few documentaries about "Transexuals" and I was always confused in the end, but when I saw tranny porn, I understood everything. This was back before I knew about trannies, I only started liking trannies (because I didn't know about them before) about 4 years ago. I think every documentary should have a note at the end "In reality, most transexuals do not get srs because of various reasons but that doesn't make them any less of a woman" or something like that.


Kurdy M
12-28-2006, 11:18 AM
No, I think everyone missed my point.

I mean:

They ALWAYS do stories on trannies who WANT to get srs

They NEVER show ones that DON'T want srs

What is that all about? I think they want people to think that every tranny wants a pussy and none keep their dicks, I heard that 60% keep them in one way or another that's what I meant by the media coverage being one-sided. Is it an attempt to get people to like them by thinking "Oh, they hate having dicks, they are really women", this is false advertising since most of them keep their dicks and anyway, they're already women, who says women can't have dicks?? Also, they never mention that they get fucked in the asshole dozens of times before they get a pussy.

It's like the Iraq war footage they show us, they ONLY showed people who hated Saddam but they never said who they were, those people they showed knocking down his statues were the other Iraqis who hated him, most Iraqis didn't really mind Saddam so see? Same thing with trannies, they're showing you the side they WANT you to see.

I've seen a few documentaries about "Transexuals" and I was always confused in the end, but when I saw tranny porn, I understood everything. This was back before I knew about trannies, I only started liking trannies (because I didn't know about them before) about 4 years ago. I think every documentary should have a note at the end "In reality, most transexuals do not get srs because of various reasons but that doesn't make them any less of a woman" or something like that.


No we didn't miss the point. The first time i have heard about a transsexual was someone who told she was a woman trapped inside a man's body. She wanted to be a woman.
That is what a transsexual is about: someone who want's to change gender. male to female or female to male.
Trannies who want to keep their dick do that for making money, either by prostitution (they call it escorting but it is the same) making porn or doing both. Personally i don't care.
But a tv show doesn't want to make a story about a trannie who want's to keep her dick. And why would they? That would be a promotion for the trannie. What is her story? I want to make money so i keep my dick..