View Full Version : A New Girl : Eternity

09-29-2004, 07:15 PM
Never saw her before, she has a few sets up on ShemaleExotica. Had the good fortune to meet her at Allanah's last shindig, nice kid.

09-29-2004, 07:24 PM
I remember seeing her there, though I didn't have the fortune to meet her. Very attractive, and oh, that lucious cock! hmmm-umm!

09-29-2004, 08:45 PM
Thanks for the info, Mega. She's a pretty girl, and I'm glad to hear she's doing what is right for her. I know girls who escort but won't pose for adult sites or even the softest porn, and others who enjoy posing but don't escort. It's all cool (though I'm happy to get mine now and then :lol: ).

09-30-2004, 01:10 AM
Renamed as Taliha on Shemale Yum (by Tony Vee)

09-30-2004, 01:13 AM
More Taliha from Tony Vee for Shemale Yum

09-30-2004, 04:21 AM
Wow :lol:

10-04-2004, 07:55 AM
Eternity said it would be ok to post her contact number. She's in midtown manhattan and is available for incalls and outcalls.

10-04-2004, 10:29 AM
So much for the good girl Mega???

10-04-2004, 05:51 PM
oh mega you silly boy.

10-04-2004, 06:49 PM
looks like mega just wanted to keep her for himself

10-04-2004, 11:44 PM
let's just say there are some of us who have this romantic notion that there are girls out there who don't escort. or if they do escort, they would prefer not to. if this makes any sense let me know.

10-05-2004, 12:24 AM
I think both are true: there are many girls who don't escort (probably the majority of transgendered mtf's, who simply live their lives as women, most likely going for srs), and there are many girls who would rather not escort. These are the ones to watch out for, I think, as many of these would not care to provide a quality service since they're not into it, only into the money that it generates. Of course, what I want and love are girls who enjoy escorting, girls who of course like the money but who also love the sex and the interaction with their clients, especially their regular clients. These lovely ladies are rarer but they are out there. If you're lucky enough to have found one or two (as I have), treat them well. They are stars in our lives.

10-05-2004, 01:05 AM
Seanchai when or where is her set due up???? She's divine!!!

10-05-2004, 04:18 AM
I agree with you Ecstatic. Everyone should proceed with caution and hope you find yourself a good one.

oh sweet lil brained Mega of course i'm all blah blah. why would i ruin being able to go out and enjoy myself anonymously by revealing myself to you. silly wabbit! but i'm done with you because your head is so thick that you can't hear the message. but be sure everytime i see you being a knucklehead i'll bust your shriveled up balls about it. hahah.

getting under your roasted skin is too easy.

woof! meow!

10-05-2004, 11:27 AM
Sorry Mega couldn't resist being the first to hit ya there!
Hillbilly - STFU - you know nothing, you do nothing, you opinion is worthless your nobody.

Hey guys, there are a few good ones who don't do esccorting but come on it don't make them bad because they do it. Fuck if a different chick would have paid me for sex every night when I was 21 I would have been doing it alongside college!

Reddman - this weekend my friend - rushed her up with video clips.

10-05-2004, 08:11 PM
no because i came on here just to goof on you.

man senchai guess i need to cancel my yum accounts. i'm just pointing out that mega mouth put his foot in his mouth again. so you are playing the i know everything about everything card too. yawn. don't want to betray mega.

fyi people have emailed me about my posts agreeing with me that mega is a tool. they just dont want to get knocked off the board. me? i couldn't care less.

just hear to point out that that mega is a blowhard and needs to use spell check as well if he can't handle english 101 too well.

oh yeah check out that sugar daddy post. seems that someone else thinks mega is an asshole too seanchai? hmm go figure.

oh well kisses!

10-05-2004, 08:42 PM
If you'd been around on this board at any time you'd see the amount of times I've called him an asshole and worse, why would I be frightened of him and I know for a fact the moderators of this board don't kick off anyone unless their are legal or outstanding moral issues, so anyone who stands up for what they believe in, I'm up for.
It's not about sides - as much as mega is delibrately antagonistic I think you've got underlying agendas.
If you want to cancel your accounts to any websites because of what I write on this board, go ahead, there is no gun at your head saying you need to stay a member, I'm not going tailor my retorts differently to members of this board who are also members of my sites than members who aren't.

10-05-2004, 08:54 PM
Hillbilly - STFU - you know nothing, you do nothing, you opinion is worthless your nobody.

no there is no gun here to my head. don't think i said there was. i know you don't need my accounts.

nonetheless you were talking to me directly weren't you in the above quote right? what is tha all about?

if you call mega an asshole all the time why does it matter to you that i do? you have the special opinion license.

no hidden agenda here. just busting his balls because its so so easy. pointing out the hypocrisy. does anyone care to address that?

i just don't remember disparaging you seanchai. did i?

10-05-2004, 09:40 PM
Hillbilly - if you're genuinely just causing ruckus and not the person I thought you to be, then I apologise 100%.

10-05-2004, 09:49 PM
dude i'm just fucking around with mega.

the dynamics of this whole board are great. its awesome.

not sure who you think i might be. i'm just here goofing around and came to realise that some of the people here i know from out in NYC.

people act like i stole food from them.


have fun be safe.

rock on senchai and keep up the great sites.

10-05-2004, 09:52 PM
Trying to - check out the girls I shot yesterday on the "when was your first time" post or something like that.

10-05-2004, 10:11 PM
cool man thanks. and your coming soons this week look great. you're the envy of north america. haha. and a class act.

thanks again!

10-07-2004, 04:32 PM
ok jackass it seems really hard for you to get this through your frankenstien neck so listen okay? go get a q-tip okay?

YOU YOU are the one WHO consistently comments and makes sweeping generalisations on this bulletin board about people YOU don't know. that was the point from my original post.

so i have no problem in the least goofing on you as you try to beat peole down on here. listen shit for brains if you are the professor of the TS scene i woudn't exactly be bragging about that.

"hey listen everybody i'm an expert on everything shady" says miniMEGA.

can you understand that bullet head?

now why did you stop calling me peaches sweety?

10-07-2004, 05:08 PM
now you see MEGA you consistenty don't address my questions.

and funny enough on INA's yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/inassilverswan/message/3268) with your usual cut and paste love letter where you sound like a COMPLETELY different person. you claim to your potential future girlfriends that you are AGAINST violence yet you continually talk about squishing my head or something to that affect.

how come i have never seen you at ina's? i think its because you LOVE being around the working girls which there are far fewer of at INA's.

try answering ME not talking around me.

10-07-2004, 05:18 PM
Here it is comment on it.

do you EVER try to explain any of yourself or only try to explain others.

you know all this crap is a reflection of your own self loathing. you don't hate the girls. you hate yourself for liking them.

if it so hard for you walk away. but i know you can't. hating yourself is all you know.

ah you are a constant source of entertainment for me with you name dropping and shit. oh vicki vicki you know i know you and we talk blah blah blah. thats all just your trivial shit to TRY and keep the boys on the board down.

now go play in traffic where you belong ok numbnuts?

good lil fella!

oh yeah where you ever a smurf? just curious. hahhahahhaha. now thats some funny shit!

oh yeah bottom line why are YOU alone? i know its much easier to blame it on the girls (like you lived a perfect life) how bout blaming yourself a little? got the courage? nah i didn't think so.

say hi to pappa smurf for me. he rocks! just wish i could pull his little white beard. where there any tranny's on that show? i can't remember. hahahhah. i must be really bored today.

i'll give it to you MEGA you do inspire the venom in me.

10-07-2004, 05:55 PM

yes of course i pay for ass. its like a buffet out there and it leaves when i'm done.

ranks? no i don't need to waste my time on the street with you smurfette.

you see you pretty consistently say the same put down. talking bout grabbing my balls. not sure what that is all about and calling me sissy? hahahhahah. awesome good stuff. i think you need the creative writing class there strawberry short.

talk to you later. i'm tired.

10-07-2004, 06:44 PM
ok last post for a little while peanut. you know you really are becoming a full time job for me.

spending time chatting with your charming self i have noticed a few things that you need help with. i have taken the liberty of putting together a few links that you will most definitely find useful. you can do these tasks in any order you like but i really think doing them in order will be most useful to you.

simply follow the links below:






i realize its a lot of work but i truly believe you will be a better man for it in the end.

best of luck gregg


10-07-2004, 06:46 PM
oh lil fella i am not here to entertain you. only myself. like my brother use to say "only boring people are bored"

10-07-2004, 06:56 PM
you see the point is still missing on you. you build yourself up by name dropping and in addition now saying you are in the national media. i don't even know what the fuck that means. pretty fucking cryptic to me.

don't forget to check out those links italian stallion.

oh yeah and please please get a dictionary and thesaurus so you can come up with some other words besides coward and sissy. i know its hard as i'm sure you heard a lot of that growing up.

here is a link where you can buy books. you'll need a credit card though.


if you want i can front you some cash for those books