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View Full Version : France launches 24/7 news channel

12-06-2006, 12:44 AM
Look at this-

France goes head-to-head with CNN and the BBC from Wednesday with the launch of its state-funded 24/7 news channel, part of
President Jacques Chirac's efforts to make his country's voice heard.

What's he saying? That only he and his appointees have a realistic view of how things are? It's just a matter of time before clowns like this do like they're doing in Iran. Soon they won't be competing at all. Soon they are going to BAN CNN and the BBC completely, because afterall, they are not the country's real voice.

Hello Euro-China!

12-06-2006, 02:40 AM
" You zink dey will like an emerican anounzzer een France ? "

12-06-2006, 04:54 AM
" You zink dey will like an emerican anounzzer een France ? "

LOL. I saw that picture and I heard this guys voice-

02-08-2007, 02:00 PM
Will it be called "The Surrender Network?" And the ticker at the bottom will be on a constantly waiving white flag.

I know they helped us in the revolutionary war, but since then....
If it weren't for us and Brittan France and the Middle east would be speaking German, hell if Hitler had gotten ahold of the oil in N.Affrica we all might be. And I hate to say things like this because there are good people everywhere it's the governments that F' everything up.

02-08-2007, 03:56 PM
So the French helped you in your battle of independence, gave you the Statue of Liberty as a gift and and were the only friend willing to actually tell you they thought you were wrong. A true friend has the courage, after all, to tell you the truth even when they think you're an asshole.

And what did you do? You branded them traitors and cowards! Isn't that nice...