View Full Version : Confusing passable with feminine/ Miriam Victoria

12-04-2006, 04:52 PM
There has been a lot brought up about passable. Passable can be a 300 pound ugly girl. I am more interested in if a gir is feminine looking. A great case is Miriam Victoria. She could go anyplace in the world and no one would ever queston her. Speaking of her, does anyone know what happened to her? I heard once tht she was an escort but that you couldn't touch her. That would be torture! If anyone has any pics of her or of any very feminine girls I would love to see them.

12-05-2006, 02:58 AM
There has been a lot brought up about passable. Passable can be a 300 pound ugly girl. I am more interested in if a gir is feminine looking. A great case is Miriam Victoria. She could go anyplace in the world and no one would ever queston her. Speaking of her, does anyone know what happened to her? I heard once tht she was an escort but that you couldn't touch her. That would be torture! If anyone has any pics of her or of any very feminine girls I would love to see them.

Do searches here for Victoria and Miriam Rivera

I also would kill to be with her although she got HORRIBLE reviews for being a bitch.

I'd take the chance.

Check it out and her show she did in the UK
"There's something about Moriam"

12-05-2006, 06:27 AM
Yeah, the most passable girls that I have ever seen were not the kind of girls that most of us would really want to date. One girl i meet had me shocked that she was a TS. She was actually masculine acting, I'm talkin butch but she seemed like a butch lesbian. I'm talking chin on her wallet and everything. It was odd, and even more odd that she liked men.

I dated a girl when i was in college and I told her how I could always tell. She started challenging me by showing me all of these plain jane, extra homely, very passable friends of hers. Many were overweight or just not cute. But still it was amazing just how passable some girls can be.

It is just so much better when you find them cute.

12-05-2006, 09:52 AM
som e of the most passable girls can be real heffers too..go to a ms.heavenly at large pageant of some sort..passable but not portable..

05-12-2007, 07:17 PM
Passable means that you can go out in public and not get called out, it actually has nothing to do with feminine or pretty, I know some ugly girls who are "passable". Sometimes prettier, more feminine girls don't pass, because as some guys say they are "too perfect" to be a real girl. I fit somewhere in the middle, as I am passable, but not the most feminine, I am very tall with strong features. But the guys still whistle and crash cars staring at me :twisted:

05-12-2007, 07:40 PM
I think passable makes it sound a little competitive and brings to light that there is "something" to pass or some defined way to be- hence: do you pass or not. It's as though its an attempt to fit comfortably into society and be accepted.
Most of the time, generally ofcourse, most of the girls many agree on to be passsable aren't. They're either really popular, admired by girls and/or girls alike or just pretty faces, which doesn't mean they necessarily pass. Often they do but more often than not they don't. I think a lot of men are attracted to the androgonous aspect of a transwoman more than anything else.

05-12-2007, 09:22 PM
I think passable makes it sound a little competitive and brings to light that there is "something" to pass or some defined way to be- hence: do you pass or not. It's as though its an attempt to fit comfortably into society and be accepted.
Most of the time, generally ofcourse, most of the girls many agree on to be passsable aren't. They're either really popular, admired by girls and/or girls alike or just pretty faces, which doesn't mean they necessarily pass. Often they do but more often than not they don't. I think a lot of men are attracted to the androgonous aspect of a transwoman more than anything else.

About the androgonous thing... Surely there are some guys into that, but I know that this isn't my thing personally. I am interested in girls that are passable, which I define as looking like a woman. I am further interested in girls I find attractive. These are two different things, of course. A girl can indeed be passable and not be attractive, as you've said, but if she isn't passable, for me she can't be attractive anyway. It's like a three step process... Is she passable, is she attractive, (and if she escorts) are her prices reasonable. That simple really.