View Full Version : Pelosi"most honest, ethical, and open Congress"LOL

12-02-2006, 02:10 AM
First Pelosi stood shoulder to shoulder with socialist/neo-marxist Code Pink Abscam co-conspirator Murtha for House majority leader.

Then wanted impeached and convicted Alcee Hastings as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee!

And now, Alan Mollohan is in line to Chair the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Science, State, Justice, Commerce and Related Agencies.

Democrat Mollohan is actively being investigated by the FBI for possible violations of the law arising from his sprawling network of favors and money which connects him to good friends via questionable charities, alarmingly successful real estate ventures, and hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarked funds.

And here`s the kicker,as Chairman of the subcommittee that handles the budget for the law-enforcement agencies that have him under investigation,Mollohan could choke off funds to the very FBI that is investigating him !!!

Was Pelosi merely being sarcastic when she stated, "We pledge to make this the most honest, ethical, and open Congress in history."