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12-01-2006, 09:42 AM
Democrats, terrorists and 'brotherly way'

By Vasko Kohlmayer
Special to World Defense Review

In one of the most startling incidents in our history, America's sworn enemy used the term 'brotherly' when referring to one of our major political parties. The remarkable pronouncement came amidst the celebrations that erupted in the terrorist ranks after the democratic victory in the latest elections.

Given all that the democrats have done, the affection in which they are held by our foes is neither unjustified nor surprising. They have more than earned it by systematically subverting this country's war effort while simultaneously proffering assistance to those who have pledged to destroy us.

Democrats' devious deeds are too numerous to be fully recounted, but here at least are some of the highlights:

* They have tried to prevent us from listening on terrorists' phone calls
* They have sought to stop us from properly interrogating captured terrorists
* They have tried to stop us from monitoring terrorists' financial transactions
* They have revealed the existence of secret national security programs
* They have opposed vital components of the Patriot Act
* They have sought to confer unmerited legal rights on terrorists
* They have opposed profiling to identify the terrorists in our midst
* They have impugned and demeaned our military
* They have insinuated that the president is a war criminal
* They have forced the resignation of a committed defense secretary
* They have repeatedly tried to de-legitimize our war effort
* They want to quit the battlefield in the midst of war.

To see just how bad things really are, ponder this question: If the terrorists were represented by a party in our political system, how would their foreign policy program substantially differ from that of the present-day democrats?

By effectively becoming a political arm of our sworn enemy, the Democratic Party has staked out a position that is unparalleled in our country's history. They have gone so far that now even the terrorists toss about the term 'brotherly' when celebrating their electoral success. This is truly something to marvel at, since democrats are infidels too and as such should be anathema in Islamists' eyes. How many times have they told us that in their world the Allah-less must either convert or die? So helpful have the democrats been, however, that even these virulent fanatics are willing – for the time being at least – to overlook their faithlessness and instead speak of them in the most endearing of terms.

The suspicion that many democrats are not on our side has been grating on the American psyche for some time now. But since most people can't fathom why some Americans would want us to lose, the suspicion has not coalesced into a firm conviction. To put it differently, there is a reluctance to conclude the obvious, because we don't want to believe that such treachery could possibly reside in American hearts.

The inability to grasp their motive, however, should not preclude us from making the correct inference based on the evidence of their actions. And the mass of that evidence points overwhelmingly toward this conclusion: America's liberal elites want us to lose this war and they are using the Democratic Party to accomplish their objective.

It would not be the first time they have tried to do this. Some three decades ago, they did all they could to bring about our disgrace in Vietnam. In the end they succeeded and the United States suffered the most humiliating and ignominious defeat in its history.

It is as revealing as it is worrisome that almost all of the current democratic leadership was actively involved in that effort. Bill and Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi were all in one way or another personally engaged in the anti-war movement. And when at last it bore its disastrous fruit, they gloated and danced in the streets. Exhilarated and jubilant, they deemed America's disgrace their finest hour. In their skewed world, America's defeat came to represent their personal triumph.

Today these very people hold the reins of the Democratic Party and are trying to achieve in Iraq what they did in Vietnam. Should they succeed, we will face consequences too terrible to contemplate. While the Vietnamese communists were content with humiliating us on their own soil, the Islamists will come after us with a vengeance which is something they have pledged over and over again. This time the toll will not be confined to our military casualties, but will translate into death and mayhem in our midst.

The terrorists' exhilaration at the election results show just how certain they are where the democrats' allegiance lies. Even though they live behind the ocean, they understand something we have tried so hard to overlook: The Democratic establishment will give them its support and assistance all the while stripping America of the tools and abilities to carry on the fight.

It is time that the American people finally realized what the terrorists know all too well: America's liberals are not on our side and will do all they possibly can to bring about our defeat. The fact that most of us cannot relate to their dark desire does not mean it's not real. An honest look at their behavior reveals just how powerful it really is and to what lengths they are willing to go to see it fulfilled.

Wise men and prophets throughout the ages have warned against the darkness that lurks in the human heart. That this darkness takes many forms is attested by the ignominy and perfidy that comprise much of mankind's history. In our time and place, hatred of one's country is one of its most insidious manifestations. Sadly, the Democratic Party has become a willing receptacle for those who under its spell.

Not all democrats dislike their own country, but some clearly do. Most importantly, this dislike is endemic among the liberal leadership of the Democratic establishment. So embittered are they that they are willing to do virtually anything to demean America, even to have her beaten by our enemies. Thirty years ago they brought about our humiliation at the hands of the Vietnamese communists and today they seek a repeat with Islamic terrorists.

It is unsettling that even after the agonizing lessons of Vietnam these people are once again succeeding in duping many well-meaning citizens into supporting policies that cannot but result in a defeat that will be even more painful and dire.

The terrorists have grasped the truth about the Democratic Party some time ago. Let's hope that the American public will do so before it's too late.

12-01-2006, 10:33 AM
It is as revealing as it is worrisome that almost all of the current democratic leadership was actively involved in that effort. Bill and Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi were all in one way or another personally engaged in the anti-war movement. And when at last it bore its disastrous fruit, they gloated and danced in the streets. Exhilarated and jubilant, they deemed America's disgrace their finest hour. In their skewed world, America's defeat came to represent their personal triumph.

And this is the crux of the liberal elite's agenda. Personal glorification.

Whore for the support of America's enemies. Coerce America into believing it can't win in any struggle through psychological warfare and then once defeated, rebuild America side by side with the likes of communists and terrorists and attain the award for doing so.

Liberal leaders have been attempting to separate the people into convenient, coercable herds. Unions, Gay community, Black Community, Latino Community, Poor people, Working people, Transgender, "GUILTY WHITE LIBERALS".... you name it.

"If you don't vote liberal, you have no place in our community", to steal WMC's word. You will be "ostracized" if you get out of line with your community.

For communism to succeed, it must demoralize the individual American. It must make the individual believe that he or she is powerless. That the individuals power rests with their "Community". That the individual must throw in with the entire liberal agenda, otherwise, he or she will not survive.

They're attempting to achieve this through media, drugs, class warfare and social programs. Subjugating the weak to bring them under the control of liberal racketeers.

It's just like a brave new world. The state gives unlimited access to endless stimulation.... as long as you cede certain freedoms and authority... in other words, put aside your principles and vote dem no matter what.

For more examples see this youtube link-


I like how he says "You just allow some "AIRHEAD" to be president and send him to Washington." Bueller.... Bueller..... Gore... Kerry... Hart... Mondale....?

"Divide the people from their government"

Which runs contrary from our constitution "A government OF THE PEOPLE"

The people are the government. The constitution guarantees that. If our government gets out of line, we have the right to have a gun. We are empowered to put that gun to the head of the government if it gets out of line. WE are empowered to overthrow the government if need be.

This is why the LIBERAL elite are for gun control. It's castration. Take away a mans power to fuck you back and you can fuck him forever.

Alright, bring it on sect followers. Bring like you sing it. Especially if you vote for your herd and not your balls, brain and heart.


12-01-2006, 01:44 PM
"For communism to succeed, it must demoralize the individual American. It must make the individual believe that he or she is powerless. That the individuals power rests with their "Community". That the individual must throw in with the entire liberal agenda, otherwise, he or she will not survive."

The average American is powerless. Communism means collective care for its individuals. But communism has never existed, so itīs easy for you to "abuse" the Soviet stalinist terror for your own "views" that are tragically restricted in a vincinity of 90°. But America wasnīt different. At the same time of Stalinīs last cleaning-tournaments, McCarthy has destroyed a lot of lifes thanks to his paranoia. There are no american individuals. There are those who got it and those who lick their fingers and those are the majority. Stop blaming something that has never existed and that was never a danger for you. Itīs still not a danger for you but I hope it will be one day.

And yeah: Castro is not a communism, so donīt worry, youīre safe.

12-01-2006, 08:05 PM
The average American is powerless. Communism means collective care for its individuals.

It's a system which breeds mediocrity by removing the desire to suceed. As with all socialist systems. There is also no dissent. No freedoms as found in countries like the US.

But communism has never existed,

Oh yes it has. Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba,...the list goes on and on. It just goes to prove that these systems are what Communism transpires to be.

so itīs easy for you to "abuse" the Soviet stalinist terror for your own "views" that are tragically restricted in a vincinity of 90°.


But America wasnīt different. At the same time of Stalinīs last cleaning-tournaments, McCarthy has destroyed a lot of lifes thanks to his paranoia.

The subversives who were caught served time. The black listed writers and directors were soon able to find work and they did. Which opens a new door to the current black list in hollywod which prevents right wing leaning writers and directors from being hired.

No such luck for soviet dissidents. They all got a bullet in the back of their head.

There are no american individuals.

Sure there are. They called right wing Americans. The people who want to be part of the Borg collective are on the left. Pretty obvious really.

12-02-2006, 01:53 AM
"Of course Americans should vote Democrat,"

Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, and infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

"As Arabs and Muslims we feel proud of this talk.Very proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance. This success that brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal."

Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin on the Democrats policy of full retreat.

“This proves the strategy of the resistance is the right strategy against the occupation.We warned the Americans that this will be their end in Iraq.”

Abu Abdullah, a leader of Hamas’ military wing in the Gaza Strip.

12-02-2006, 02:35 AM

12-02-2006, 02:44 AM
McCarthy has destroyed a lot of lifes thanks to his paranoia.

Hubert Humphrey, Democratic U.S. senator from Minnesota, later a vice president and 1968 presidential candidate, admitted, "McCarthy's real threat to democracy was the fact that he had immobilized the liberal movement."

12-03-2006, 12:58 AM
The average American is powerless. Communism means collective care for its individuals.

It's a system which breeds mediocrity by removing the desire to suceed. As with all socialist systems. There is also no dissent. No freedoms as found in countries like the US.

But communism has never existed,

Oh yes it has. Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba,...the list goes on and on. It just goes to prove that these systems are what Communism transpires to be.

so itīs easy for you to "abuse" the Soviet stalinist terror for your own "views" that are tragically restricted in a vincinity of 90°.


But America wasnīt different. At the same time of Stalinīs last cleaning-tournaments, McCarthy has destroyed a lot of lifes thanks to his paranoia.

The subversives who were caught served time. The black listed writers and directors were soon able to find work and they did. Which opens a new door to the current black list in hollywod which prevents right wing leaning writers and directors from being hired.

No such luck for soviet dissidents. They all got a bullet in the back of their head.

There are no american individuals.

Sure there are. They called right wing Americans. The people who want to be part of the Borg collective are on the left. Pretty obvious really.

Only a few of writers and directors survived that paranoid witch hunt. One of them was Dalton Trumbo, the author of Spartacus and the great movie Johnny Got His Gun that was too non-american for guys like you and you are the majority in America. Sorry but you lost ALL wars.

The only country in the world that had something of communism in itself was the former Yugoslavia. The Soviet Union was run by the so-called "red bougeoisie" and so were all the eastern european countries. Thatīs why that block failed. The reason why the system survived that you prefer is that your leaders know better how to controll people and how to give them some games to play to distract them from the real problems. People like you, TFan and WMC. Your only reality is the media thatīs served to you.

12-03-2006, 01:36 AM
Only a few of writers and directors survived that paranoid witch hunt. One of them was Dalton Trumbo, the author of Spartacus and the great movie Johnny Got His Gun that was too non-american for guys like you and you are the majority in America.

What are you talking about? Some spent up to a year in jail for contempt, but they all went on working and spewing their communist propaganda for the rest of their lives. For the most part they all sucked at their trade and were supported in the industry because of their communist leanings. They were brainwashers, propagandists how do you think you became a communist sympathizer? Your will was just not strong enough to resist their programming.

Sorry but you lost ALL wars.

The UK & US did kick that Austrian paper hangers ass pretty good didn't we? The Soviet Union is now a pile of dust and Red China - you might as well call them Capitalist China.

12-03-2006, 02:45 PM
The UK & US did kick that Austrian paper hangers ass pretty good didn't we? The Soviet Union is now a pile of dust and Red China - you might as well call them Capitalist China.

What the hell? Do you think you got me pwned with the first phrase? People in Austria are not supporting EVERYTHING that is austrian. Not like you. Weīre glad itīs over with Hitler. If you talk Nazi-bullshit in the streets or wear some clothes witz fascist-symbols, youīre gonna be jailed, man. Not like in California where you can do it all. Yes, in California you can walk around with swastika without any trouble.

Iīm glad you came in WWII and destroyed Hitlerīs empire. What kind of mind have you got? But we know that you havenīt come to Europe to liberate us. You came for the bomb before the Russians take it and thatīs the bomb youīve thrown for nothing on innocent people in Hiroshima. Yes, itīs a german bomb. Good work, thatīs what your brave army does since the independence of the US. But no, itīs not fascism when you do it.

Letīs return to the Hollywood Ten. Hereīs the link and youīre the last one to talk about democracy.


We have faced our past and we know it was wrong. Have you faced your past? Ever apologized for the genocide on Native Americans? And what about the slavery? What kind of civilization is that......

12-04-2006, 07:32 AM
We have faced our past and we know it was wrong. Have you faced your past? Ever apologized for the genocide on Native Americans? And what about the slavery?

Genocide? That's when you line up a particular ethnic group and force them into a shower room only to have Zyklon B (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B) coming out of the shower heads. More to the point have the Bavarians ever apologized to the Slavs for taking their land? Regardless...being that I nor anyone I know ever killed a native American or owned a slave I personally have nothing to apologize.

Concerning the Hollywood Ten...democracy? They weren't the Hollywood Ten who stood for democracy. They were the Hollywood Ten who were COMMUNISTS. There is nothing democratic about communism. The Hollywood Ten can all rot in hell for all I care.

12-04-2006, 09:41 AM
LMAO...only the lunatic fringe would still spout the type of red-baiting drivel that typified Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover and the rest of those bedbugs...

Not to worry though...

The American people have spoken at the ballot box...

And what did they say?



So what if there are still a few screeching vermin clinging to the rapidly sinking USS SHRUBYA....

All the better to watch them as they drown... :lol:

Bye Bye Bushland Uber Alles! :P

12-04-2006, 10:09 AM
...and what does that rant have to do with the price of tea in China?

12-05-2006, 11:36 AM
The average American is powerless.

Socialism may have sold you on the the idea that you're a near-sighted, limp-dick motherfucker with no power, but in this country, AMERICA, the constitution guarantees power to the individual. With your logic, it's easy to see why you're so easily subjugated. Maybe you're too big a whiny-pussy to accept the responsibility that power carries? Or maybe your just too soft to accept the power yourself.

Communism means collective care for its individuals. But communism has never existed, so itīs easy for you to "abuse" the Soviet stalinist terror for your own "views" that are tragically restricted in a vincinity of 90°.

Communism never existed? LOL. I'm gonna let that bullshit stand by itself in all it's glory.


But America wasnīt different. At the same time of Stalinīs last cleaning-tournaments, McCarthy has destroyed a lot of lifes thanks to his paranoia.

Stalin killed people. McCarthy killed careers. Especially the careers of communist sympathizing faggots.

Big difference.

there are no american individuals. There are those who got it and those who lick their fingers and those are the majority.

Well guess what, limp dick.

They make the world go 'round. Not broke motherfuckers. If we gave the money to broke motherfuckers, they'd blow it on sneakers and Playstation 3. They wouldn't create jobs with it. They wouldn't put it on the market.

They'd piss it all away. That's why they're poor.


Stop blaming something that has never existed and that was never a danger for you. Itīs still not a danger for you but I hope it will be one day.

We already kicked communisms ass. You continue to not make sense.