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11-30-2006, 06:42 AM
I can afford some surgery now but I'm really conflicted about it. I have aboslutly no problems currently "passing" in society. Even my TS roommate's family didn't realize I was TS when we ate dinner together and neither have any of her friends. All have been very shocked if they are told. That being said, I still feel I need very subtle work here and there. I just fear ruining my natural look and actually looking more noticably transsexual or bad surgery requiring me to get more. Despite my #1 dislike of my face being my chin so many people have told me not to touch it and it's beautiful as is now. Most suggest if anything my forehead (which is what I can afford right now). I've heard other TS before talk about how just by looking at other TS girls you can tell what surgeon they've been to. I just don't want that to be the same for me.

Anyways, as of this week I'm getting professional teeth whitening (got my teeth molded today), Restylane (for lip augmentation), and beginning laser on my bikini area. Might also get Botox to raise my eyebrows. First changes other than laser/electrolysis and hormones. Should be an interesting next step forward.

Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of hormones. My mom recently told me she'd help pay for surgeries too (my how things change). Although I don't have a recent pic of the development at 1 year this is where I'm at at 9 months hormones...

I said it in another thread, but i think your absolutely beautiful just the way you are.

As for teeth...ouch! I had it done a month or so ago. Did I say ouch?

11-30-2006, 07:08 AM
I can afford some surgery now but I'm really conflicted about it. I have aboslutly no problems currently "passing" in society. Even my TS roommate's family didn't realize I was TS when we ate dinner together and neither have any of her friends. All have been very shocked if they are told. That being said, I still feel I need very subtle work here and there. I just fear ruining my natural look and actually looking more noticably transsexual or bad surgery requiring me to get more. Despite my #1 dislike of my face being my chin so many people have told me not to touch it and it's beautiful as is now. Most suggest if anything my forehead (which is what I can afford right now). I've heard other TS before talk about how just by looking at other TS girls you can tell what surgeon they've been to. I just don't want that to be the same for me.

Anyways, as of this week I'm getting professional teeth whitening (got my teeth molded today), Restylane (for lip augmentation), and beginning laser on my bikini area. Might also get Botox to raise my eyebrows. First changes other than laser/electrolysis and hormones. Should be an interesting next step forward.

Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of hormones. My mom recently told me she'd help pay for surgeries too (my how things change). Although I don't have a recent pic of the development at 1 year this is where I'm at at 9 months hormones...

I believe you're a natural beauty. I would suggest that you not touch your chin or use botox. I would introduce you to my family like you are right now. Try to stay as natural as possible. Just my opinion.

11-30-2006, 07:27 AM
a tip on the laser/electrolysis....

if you didn't already know.. electrolysis is fairly permanent with the removal (more painful also).. but the laser removal is not permanent, so several sessions have to be done to inhibit the hair growth for longer term.. if you can afford it, professional laser machines are avail. for purchase for all applications between $2k, and $4K for a pretty much top quality machine. FULL body laser runs about 700-800 a session if you goto a professional. and don't tan 2 weeks prior to laser treatment, itll leave little brown spots (not permament, but not good looking either)...but since you're getting the laser treatment soon, i guess they told you all this already, but if not...there.

11-30-2006, 07:32 AM
You are most right- trust me I endured four years of steady electrolysis on my face. But I would not trade the results for anything. I did havbe some slight scarring, well rasther enlarged poors and some peels helped that out- but it was only on the corners of my upper lip area. I think any ts can benefit from surgery- but the things you have posted are your choice and not dramatic so I would go for it. Of course I love Botox so I may be the wrong chick to ask :)

11-30-2006, 07:57 AM
I can afford some surgery now but I'm really conflicted about it. I have aboslutly no problems currently "passing" in society. Even my TS roommate's family didn't realize I was TS when we ate dinner together and neither have any of her friends. All have been very shocked if they are told. That being said, I still feel I need very subtle work here and there. I just fear ruining my natural look and actually looking more noticably transsexual or bad surgery requiring me to get more. Despite my #1 dislike of my face being my chin so many people have told me not to touch it and it's beautiful as is now. Most suggest if anything my forehead (which is what I can afford right now). I've heard other TS before talk about how just by looking at other TS girls you can tell what surgeon they've been to. I just don't want that to be the same for me.

Anyways, as of this week I'm getting professional teeth whitening (got my teeth molded today), Restylane (for lip augmentation), and beginning laser on my bikini area. Might also get Botox to raise my eyebrows. First changes other than laser/electrolysis and hormones. Should be an interesting next step forward.

Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of hormones. My mom recently told me she'd help pay for surgeries too (my how things change). Although I don't have a recent pic of the development at 1 year this is where I'm at at 9 months hormones...

I can't see how you could possibly make yourself any more beautiful than you already are. Although from the one avatar pic I have seen of you, there may be some things that might feminize you a bit more. But since you say that even your TS friends mother can't even tell that you are a TS yourself, I don't see that you could get any better than you already are.

I have met a few girls that have had surgury including my ex-girlfriend. Some of them do look better than they did before surgury, but I dont think any of them looked as feminine as you before surgury. The only surgury that my ex-girlfriend had was SRS. She is very much like you and is very very passable and feminine looking without surgury. She did tell me that she also wanted to get some work done and I had to tell her that I though it was a very bad idea. It is very hard to improve on perfection you know.

I have also seen some girls that have had some bad surguries too. And let me tell you, it did not look good at all. Many of them have scars that they hide with makeup, breast implants that are really fake looking and the scars are really bad too. Lips that look like they ran into a bee hive etc...

So, my advice is to stay just the way you are so that you dont have to risk any possibility of getting any bad work done to you. Just stay beautiful :D :D :D

12-01-2006, 01:56 AM
I recently underwent 7 point liposuction, it was quite painful.
At the end of it my body looked as if I had been fighting
a young Muhammad Ali :lol: Currently I am undergoing,
chemical peeling with micro dermabrasion, on a weekly
basis. Part of my 5 year tuneup :)

When I mentioned to a few of my family and friends that
I was about to have lipo, quite a few of them said
"oh, you are fine as you are", or "have you tried
dieting and exercise"? :roll:

Upon, further conversation with a few of them, they asked,
what is liposuction? :?

Of course they were all concerned about my wellbeing,
and for that I am greatful to them.

But much like a painter, musician, writer, or other artist
I had a vision in my mind of the results I was seeking.
I shared that vision with the surgeon, and now I am
seeing the fruits of my labors.

I would suggest that you give careful thought to what
your vision of 'you' is, and then proceed cautiously.
Talk it over with your surgeon, and see if they are
realistic expectations.

Also, try not to get caught up in, if a little was good,
more will be better. :smh

Good luck. 8)

12-01-2006, 08:51 AM
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) French novelist and aviator

12-01-2006, 08:59 AM
Big titties?


12-01-2006, 09:04 AM
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) French novelist and aviator

12-01-2006, 09:30 AM
i think you look great, but thats my personal thoughts on it.

its all up to you what you want to look like, i just dont want to see you go too far and then regret it later in life.

12-04-2006, 10:08 AM

Forget what he's talkin about.

You get some BIG TITTIES ok.


12-04-2006, 11:21 AM

Forget what he's talkin about.

You get some BIG TITTIES ok.


i have always liked the natural look, but thats just me
when bianca friere and laisa lins, two of my favorites, got implants i kinda lost a thing for them, but i still do think they are hot.

12-04-2006, 02:53 PM
You not only pass but as you have heard here you look good. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

12-04-2006, 03:15 PM
don't change a thing - you look great. and it is very good to hear you have support from your mother.

Looking 4 Now
12-04-2006, 04:25 PM
Leora you have been blessed with a lot of natural beauty. Stay the course... you look great!!!