11-23-2006, 12:46 AM
hehe, so its that fun time of year, the time we lie to the lil kids, and to our selves and pretend its all wonderful;) we pretend that all the turkey and gravy and flowers and stuff will make us forget what a bunch of murderers, rapists and degenerates our ancesters were;) and of course its a time for u conservatives to get pissed off at liberals like me who wont forget the past and wont just shut the fuck up and let good ole americans wave their flags and rewrite history :)

If you want to live in the past that's up to you.

i wonder how many native americans are sittin around this time of year with their family and whooping it up being thankful for the wonderful people who came across the ocean years ago and brought them gifts and made a party? i think not too many;)

This is a desperate bait attempt, but I'll bite.

That would be me. Amerindian. Thank you. Now crawl back into your troll hole.

well obviously not too many since we murdered most of them

We? :lol: So the evidence says you are just another guilty white liberal repenting for things which neither one of us has anything to do with.

LMAO. I'm busy living my life, if you had one too you'd have little time to worry about things that do not involve you.

but even the 13 or so we left alive, i think they have a differant name for this time of year...somehow i doubt thanx or giving is in the title...hehe, can u actually believe this holiday?:) i mean its straight up hilarious...we came on a few baots with guns, we basically wiped out as many people as we had bullets, raped the women, robbed the land, then gave the remaining few some gifts containing smallpox they werent immune to in the hopes wede kill em off quicker...and then we threw a big fuckin party;) yippie...

Childish drivel from you

and to top it off, we have the balls to complain when the few remaining poor souls from these people wanna smoke some weed or get tax deferments....hehe, no, dont let these ruthless law breakers have any slack, fuck em, like we fucked their grandparents...god, its so outrageous, its really comical...imagine if they prosecuted people back then for war crimes, like we did to sadaam now, hehe, how fuckin hard would the scam artists who write our history books have to work to come up with twisted tales of what happened...how many more bullshit holidays would we have today? im sure there would be a sad one comemorating the unfair lynch trials of our forefathers...oh god...then again im just a fuckin party pooper that cant let go of things and wants to ruin some good ole football:) haha, enjoy sheep, enjoy;)

More childish drivel from you.

God I kick ass!

11-23-2006, 01:07 AM
J, you are such an ahhsole (But I say that in a kind, friendly, loving sort of way). :lol:

I agree on the basic precept of T-day, but it can mean anything you want it to mean. Personally, I will be thankful that a client just today brokered a payoff of a note I was holding thereby saving me from foreclosure, bancruptcy, homelessness, dogs and cats living together, etc. I will do this over a feast of processed turkey slices and nuke-ro-waved Manwich with crackers, and beer.

Cheap beer (Because, after the sixth one, does it matter?).

Yah, the Pilgrims escaped from religious persecution only to inflict their culture on an indigenous race, thereby propogating the sin.

That's life. Life sux. Grab a turkey leg, swill a beer, watch the game or parade, and move the fuck on. :roll:

Oh, and gawd bless the Seneca Casino. :lol:

11-23-2006, 01:12 AM
haha, the prosecution rests its case

It is now time for JUDGE TFAN to render his verdict-

11-23-2006, 01:29 AM

11-23-2006, 01:34 AM
...i have no problem with setting aside a day for each of us being thankful for whatever the fuck we want...hell, i have alot to be thankful for...but its the lies this country is built on, why the fuck make shit up?

I just read an article today (It was either in Cecil Whig - MD - Baltimore Sun, or Wimmenten Snooz Urinal [My spelling]) about the falacies of Thanksgiving. From the school of you-learn-something-everyday, I discovered that T-day dates to Lincoln's time, in an effort to find a common ground between north and south (I thought it was a holiday declared by FDR - Maybe that was the definitive last-day-of-November decree).

...just make a holiday commemorating good things in life...that ide be for...

Well, theoretically, that's what it is. Non-sectarian celebration of good fortune.

...but this whole white guilt rewriting of history is just an insult to anyone who has a brian and more importantly, a heart...i wouldnt be surprised if in 200 years we come up with some holiday telling the tales how we shared meals and had cotton bail hurling contests with the blacks during the 19th century...

You know it will happen. Each generation, in its own way, rethinks its respective ancestry. The bible isn't truth, it is the truth that its scribes perceived.

11-23-2006, 01:38 AM
anyone who has a brian


Gotta love the typos! :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-23-2006, 02:28 AM

And he can lick himself too. :lol:

11-23-2006, 02:37 AM
hehe, so its that fun time of year, the time we lie to the lil kids, and to our selves and pretend its all wonderful;) we pretend that all the turkey and gravy and flowers and stuff will make us forget what a bunch of murderers, rapists and degenerates our ancesters were;) and of course its a time for u conservatives to get pissed off at liberals like me who wont forget the past and wont just shut the fuck up and let good ole americans wave their flags and rewrite history:)

i wonder how many native americans are sittin around this time of year with their family and whooping it up being thankful for the wonderful people who came across the ocean years ago and brought them gifts and made a party? i think not too many;) well obviously not too many since we murdered most of them, but even the 13 or so we left alive, i think they have a differant name for this time of year...somehow i doubt thanx or giving is in the title...hehe, can u actually believe this holiday?:) i mean its straight up hilarious...we came on a few baots with guns, we basically wiped out as many people as we had bullets, raped the women, robbed the land, then gave the remaining few some gifts containing smallpox they werent immune to in the hopes wede kill em off quicker...and then we threw a big fuckin party;) yippie...

and to top it off, we have the balls to complain when the few remaining poor souls from these people wanna smoke some weed or get tax deferments....hehe, no, dont let these ruthless law breakers have any slack, fuck em, like we fucked their grandparents...god, its so outrageous, its really comical...imagine if they prosecuted people back then for war crimes, like we did to sadaam now, hehe, how fuckin hard would the scam artists who write our history books have to work to come up with twisted tales of what happened...how many more bullshit holidays would we have today? im sure there would be a sad one comemorating the unfair lynch trials of our forefathers...oh god...then again im just a fuckin party pooper that cant let go of things and wants to ruin some good ole football:) haha, enjoy sheep, enjoy;)

J, I'll admit it myself, there is plenty of truth in "The Lie", and sometimes it can get in the way of the Holiday spirit........one thing that feels good, is to load a couple of shopping carts full of toys for kids whose ages are still young enough to believe in "The Fat Man in Red", and drop em off in a collection for needy kids.......Works for me :)

11-23-2006, 02:45 AM
...forget what a bunch of murderers, rapists and degenerates our ancesters were;) and of course its a time for u conservatives to get pissed off at liberals like me who wont forget the past and wont just shut the fuck up and let good ole americans wave their flags and rewrite history:)

i wonder how many native americans are sittin around this time of year with their family and whooping it up being thankful for the wonderful people who came across the ocean years ago and brought them gifts and made a party? i think not too many;) well obviously not too many since we murdered most of them, but even the 13 or so we left alive, i think they have a differant name for this time of year...somehow i doubt thanx or giving is in the title...hehe, can u actually believe this holiday?:) i mean its straight up hilarious...we came on a few baots with guns, we basically wiped out as many people as we had bullets, raped the women, robbed the land, then gave the remaining few some gifts containing smallpox they werent immune to in the hopes wede kill em off quicker...and then we threw a big fuckin party;) yippie...

The Pilgrims lived side by side with natives. They traded and lived peacefully with the Massasoit,Nauset,etc. While other natives were hostile to one or all of the others. Remember tribes fought,massacred and enslaved each other.

Here`s a passage from Mourt`s Relation 1622:

One thing was very grievous unto us at this place; there was an old woman, whom we judged to be no less than a hundred years old, which came to see us because she never saw English, yet could not behold us without breaking forth into great passion, weeping and crying excessively. We demanding the reason of it, they told us she had three sons who, when Master Hunt was in these parts, went aboard his ship to trade with him, and he carried them captives into Spain (for Tisquantum at this time was carried away also) by which means she was deprived of the comfort of her children in her old age. We told them we were sorry that any Englishman should give them that offense, that Hunt was a bad man, and that all the English that heard of it condemned him for the same: but for us, we would not offer them any such injury though it would gain us all the skins in the country

11-23-2006, 04:05 AM
Remember tribes fought,massacred and enslaved each other.

I bet you use the the fact that African's had a slave trade if anyone brings up the slavery in the US also....
... v.poor, Bob, V.poor.

11-23-2006, 05:40 AM
First of all, White_Male_Canada lives in Canada, apparently. So, he can STFU.

As for TFan, I'll bet my bottom and/or top dollar that he has no Native American in him. And if I'm wrong, might I suggest he make peace with his blood, his history instead of running away from it.

/Iroquois blood

11-23-2006, 05:41 AM
Oh...and right on, J.

11-23-2006, 06:02 AM
Itīs surprising good that someone starts a thread about the Thanksgiving Day. Itīs a sad thing the historical facts should finally been accepted and discussed over and over again. This is happening in Austria over and over again. You can watch every day documentaries what happened here during WWII or read newspapers articles. It shouldnīt be forgotten and trying to slip your mind would be a crime.

WMC writes: "Remember tribes fought,massacred and enslaved each other."

What do you think what was going on in Europe at that time? Europeīs got a lot of blood on her hands and the Pilgrims were Europeans, too.

But remember what J means. He wants to point out how America was founded. With genocide.

11-23-2006, 06:29 AM
Okay, captain sees both sides weighs in.
First off, I'm a liberal too I guess.
I think America has done a lot of shitty things, and I've taken part in some environmental protests (Denver, Boulder, Yellowstone) where I got the chance to hang out with some really cool native americans. By and large they weren't living in the past as much as trying to keep their culture alive and pure.
But, what I like about what Tfan says is the part about standing on your own two feet, and not blaming others for your misfortunes. Refusing to be a victim. I hate to be this 'can't we all get along' voice here all the time, but again and again I see how people whose ideas I can get behind, or are fucking funny guys, or both, go to their corners and just dismiss the other person, call them a dumb fuck or something, and the good points both make get lost in the shit-slinging. I remember a few months ago reading what i perceived to be Chefmike's hate-filled invectives, and I set out to fuck with him, only to realize later that I largely share his views if not his approach. And if TFan says from where he stands a lot of poor minorities need to get off their ass and work for what they want, I say good for him for saying so. Most Mexicans I've worked with seem like totally cool guys that work hard at blue collar jobs and don't ever really get ahead. Maybe that's cool for them, they have their wives and families and friends and they have some fun, but at least TFan's saying there's an alternative that doesn't involve a handout from the government.
Yeah, I do feel guilty about how Americans got to be where they are.
And it probably does no one any good for me to feel this way. But it seems wrong as a white boy to say 'tough shit' to all the people that helped build this country up but didn't get to enjoy the spoils. There's something missing between 'those poor minorities' and 'take it like a man, we all take our chances.' People need to really get it at some point that the power to change their lives is in their hands. I see lots of people on the streets in Portland that are obvious alcoholics, speed freaks and wastoids, and they're just the most visible example of people who've lost that inner drive to make it in this world. There's exponentially more working poor of all races who seem destined for nothing more than being a cashier at safeway or gas jockeys. What do you do if you'd like to help people? For me, in spite of my socially liberal politics, it's added up to 'Not much.'

11-23-2006, 07:55 AM
coroner, while i thank u for ur contribution, and yes, austria is a great example of people recognizing their country's history, i actually was focusing more on the cover up than the genocide...im no fool, i realize that every empire and every nation basically did terrible things to establish themselves...but like u said, be honest about it, be ashamed of it, dont cover it up...i mean my parents are israeli, and while the arabs are really to blame for most of their own problems, and their own leaders have treated them way worse than any palestinians have had it in israel...still, i wont deny that atrocities happened during the founding of israel, and guess what, every israeli child knows of the struggles and often terrorist activities of the founding fathers of israel, they dont dress it for pr purposes...nothing, nothing compares to the sin of rewriting history and pretend its all lovey dovey...thats our specialty in this country...the marketing and wholesale of bullshit...this country was founded by a bunch of slave owning, homophobic, sexist white land owners who told us all people are created equal;) haha, thats a classic

Iīve been watching a documentary about kids in Israel (both, israeli and palestinian kids) and their own views on this conflict. And there was this 9 years old Israeli who said that Israel was given to Jacob by god (??) and that thereīs no place for Palestinians. Man, it was scarry to look into his eyes. Thatīs how people grow up and Israel is just one case.

People in America grow up with that trendsetting culture. You know, Coca Cola is cool but nobody talks about their criminal activities in Columbia. Thatīs why Coca Cola is banned from the italian city Torino and from several universities in Europe. And what was shocking to me is that theren are a lot people in America who still donīt realize what was happening in Europe during WWII. In California you can walk around with swastikas and other nazi-crap.

The fate of Native Americans should be a topic in the states. They are american citizens and people must confront with their history. For example, Turkey wants to join the European Union but this is impossible before they recognize the genocide their army commited on Armenians in 1915. That was the first genocide in the 20th century and they still dispute that!

11-23-2006, 08:27 AM
You can't focus on Americas transgressions. We ignore and justifiy them. Just as every race, country, religion in the world has done since the beginning of time when they find themselves with a bit of power and a chance to expand theire wealth. It's not peculiar to any race, country, or religion, it seems to be human nature. Although, race, country, or religion seems to always be the rallying cry when dirty work has to be done by the masses to make those in charge more wealthy.

So how do you fix this? Answer this and you change the world. Write all you want condemning it. Great writers have been doing it since the beginning of time. People listen, applaud, and then go off and seek to better their position, stepping on who they have to.

The brains of humans have to evolve a lot further, before they can control themselves from biting each other. :cry:

11-23-2006, 11:50 PM
Iīve been watching a documentary about kids in Israel (both, israeli and palestinian kids) and their own views on this conflict. And there was this 9 years old Israeli who said that Israel was given to Jacob by god (??) and that thereīs no place for Palestinians. Man, it was scarry to look into his eyes. Thatīs how people grow up and Israel is just one case.

Well it's true. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it any less true.

Also, are you attempting to take shots at Israel's legitimacy yet conveniently forgetting to mention that Israel was also given to the Jews by-

UN and the 1947 Partition Plan?

Please don't forget stuff like this. It makes you look biased.

People in America grow up with that trendsetting culture. You know, Coca Cola is cool but nobody talks about their criminal activities in Columbia. Thatīs why Coca Cola is banned from the italian city Torino and from several universities in Europe. And what was shocking to me is that theren are a lot people in America who still donīt realize what was happening in Europe during WWII. In California you can walk around with swastikas and other nazi-crap.

Do you intend to libel Coca Cola and then fail to tell us what you're talking about? Are you talking about the typical Latin American Union strong arm tactics of murder and defamation? The eyewitness accounts of union racketeers?

Please say you are.

The fate of Native Americans should be a topic in the states.

As an Amerindian, I already know what my fate is, especially today.

I'm going to my parents house with this chick I met. I'm going to eat some butterball turkey, eat some ham, some mash potatoes and drink some Coca Cola and then later, a rum and coke. Then after that, me and my girl might go dancing and after that I'm gonna bring her home and ejaculate as deeply as possible into her womb.

There's the fate of a Native America in "the states" for you. :lol:

And the whole way I'll be LMAO at white liberals feeling guilty over my Native American plight. :lol:

11-24-2006, 01:04 AM
As an Amerindian, I already know what my fate is, especially today.

You called yourself "Mexican" in another thread.

So which is it?

Maybe you should try claiming to discover a Jewish heritage next, like defeated racist GOP ex-Sen. Allen desperately attempted...

Or does your ethnic heritage depend on what kind of "I'm a bona fide minority, but bigotry makes damn good sense" BS you're spewing today, pilgram?

11-24-2006, 01:34 AM
i was gonna say that i think tfan is ann coulter with a penis, but then i realized its simply redundant...

as for ezed, ur right, i have problems with these things all over the world, i focused on this one due to thanxgiving and me being american...as for the solution, to me its simple...destroy religion...all over the world, the less religion there is, the less problems...religion doesnt teach true morality, but a subjective version, which allows for genocide or other atrocities, in the name of some good, usually a silly god or something...

as for coroner...let me guess, it was on CNN? who really hates israel...but be fair..u were hearing words that didnt come out of an ISRAELI kids mouth...no no no, u heard words that came out of a JEWISH kids mouth...big big difference...while they usually overlap...its the religious jews in israel who are just as bad as the religious muslims..they both dont want peace....they both dont wanna live in harmony, and they both believe that they have a right to the land due to some divine prophecy...no securlar israeli kid (which are the majority of people in israel) would ever be raised to utter those words...and im sure most secular arabs desire a true peace and hate violence as well...the only problem is that the ratio of secular to religious in the arab world is alot less than in the israeli world...

I see nothing here to disagree with. :!:

11-24-2006, 02:53 AM
Remember tribes fought,massacred and enslaved each other.

I bet you use the the fact that African's had a slave trade if anyone brings up the slavery in the US also....
... v.poor, Bob, V.poor.

White guilt for transgressions I never comitted,stereo-typing and condeming whole groups. If I didn`t know any better,you`re the same type you yourself criticize when they stereo-type Transexuals.

Ever read the whole Mourt`s Relation 1622.

11-24-2006, 02:57 AM
Of course you don't. We knew that.

11-24-2006, 03:39 AM
As an Amerindian, I already know what my fate is, especially today.

You called yourself "Mexican" in another thread.

So which is it?

Maybe you should try claiming to discover a Jewish heritage next, like defeated racist GOP ex-Sen. Allen desperately attempted...

Or does your ethnic heritage depend on what kind of "I'm a bona fide minority, but bigotry makes damn good sense" BS you're spewing today, pilgram?

LOL nice one

LOL. I own my own company and live in a nice neighborhood. I was taught early on that because I am mexican, I would have it harder but to never stop believing in myself. I come from mexican parents from East LA. My parents were poor and so were my parents parents. Never ever was I taught that I can't make it because of whitey. Mom and dad were my first education. Life is the real education.

11-24-2006, 04:18 AM
I'm just Thankful someone fucked an Indian or I wouldn't be here :lol:

For more along these lines but more current. You might want to tune into CNN Headline News at 7pm EST tomorrow (11/24) to see what Glenn Beck has to expose about the realities of the Iraq war.

Damn that bird tastes good........................

11-24-2006, 03:01 PM
hehe, so its that fun time of year, the time we lie to the lil kids, and to our selves and pretend its all wonderful;) we pretend that all the turkey and gravy and flowers and stuff will make us forget what a bunch of murderers, rapists and degenerates our ancesters were;) and of course its a time for u conservatives to get pissed off at liberals like me who wont forget the past and wont just shut the fuck up and let good ole americans wave their flags and rewrite history:)

i wonder how many native americans are sittin around this time of year with their family and whooping it up being thankful for the wonderful people who came across the ocean years ago and brought them gifts and made a party? i think not too many;) well obviously not too many since we murdered most of them, but even the 13 or so we left alive, i think they have a differant name for this time of year...somehow i doubt thanx or giving is in the title...hehe, can u actually believe this holiday?:) i mean its straight up hilarious...we came on a few baots with guns, we basically wiped out as many people as we had bullets, raped the women, robbed the land, then gave the remaining few some gifts containing smallpox they werent immune to in the hopes wede kill em off quicker...and then we threw a big fuckin party;) yippie...

and to top it off, we have the balls to complain when the few remaining poor souls from these people wanna smoke some weed or get tax deferments....hehe, no, dont let these ruthless law breakers have any slack, fuck em, like we fucked their grandparents...god, its so outrageous, its really comical...imagine if they prosecuted people back then for war crimes, like we did to sadaam now, hehe, how fuckin hard would the scam artists who write our history books have to work to come up with twisted tales of what happened...how many more bullshit holidays would we have today? im sure there would be a sad one comemorating the unfair lynch trials of our forefathers...oh god...then again im just a fuckin party pooper that cant let go of things and wants to ruin some good ole football:) haha, enjoy sheep, enjoy;)

11-24-2006, 05:06 PM
As an Amerindian, I already know what my fate is, especially today.

You called yourself "Mexican" in another thread.

So which is it?

Maybe you should try claiming to discover a Jewish heritage next, like defeated racist GOP ex-Sen. Allen desperately attempted...

Or does your ethnic heritage depend on what kind of "I'm a bona fide minority, but bigotry makes damn good sense" BS you're spewing today, pilgram?

Why can't he be an Amerindian if he's of Mexican heritage? Most mexicans have native blood, far more than Americans have.

11-24-2006, 05:55 PM
A Thanksgiving Prayer for Dick Cheney's Heart

I give thanks O Lord for Dick Cheney's Heart, that brave organ which has done its darn-tootin' best on four separate occasions to do what we can only dream about.

O Lord, give Dick Cheney's Heart, Our Sacred Secret Weapon, the strength to try one more time! For greater love hath no heart than that it lay down its life to rid the planet of its Number One Human Tumor.

I give thanks O Lord that we're getting to kick The Lame Duck when he's down. Thank you too Lord for making impeachment unfeasible so's we get to kick him and kick him and kick him, have him to kick around for two more long years, kick him so bad his stupid quacking beak comes out his own greasy-feathered DA.

I give thanks O Lord that because of the sanity, decency and plain commonsense of the American voter, the whole world has finally had this self-evident truth confirmed: George Bush is what the whole world knew him to be the second it laid eyes on him: a talent-free, petulant, pea-brained bully.

Allow me to enlarge somewhat O Lord upon this particular thanks. Despite six years of suppurating drivel from his catamites about leadership and inner strength and Christian fortitude and courage under fire: George W Bush is, was and always will be that sneering, leering little creep who came to school in a chauffeur-driven car, yelled racist epithets at the scholarship kids, tripped up the guy on crutches, stuck his paw up the dress of any girl he pleased, had his toadies beat up anyone smart or weak or different, insulted teachers to their faces - and got away with it all, because his Dad had just endowed the new sports stadium.

And while we're on the subject of his Dad Lord, I give thanks for the delicious sight of that craven, racist, traitorous, class-ridden old fool having to hoist his withered Yankee hams out of the comfy billion-dollar no-show job the Carlyle Group found for him, in a desperate attempt to save a dynasty built on graft, treason,war crimes and good old-fashioned brown-nosing.

I give thanks to thee Lord for the hilarious notion that 41 is in any way superior in skill-sets, smarts or statesmanship to 43! O Lord thou dost indeed make it a cake-walk these days, for the clowns and jokesters! Thy comedic munificence is boundless Lord!

And before I leave this rich vein O Lord I give Thee thanks for the possibility - at long last - that this axis of incompetent evil is OVER. That a crime family who gave us two disastrous Presidencies in the space of a decade might finally be bound for the oblivion it so richly deserves. For Thou knowest Lord in Thy infinite wisdom that with truly evil stupid people - the Nazis spring to mind - it always takes TWO defeats to finally bring them to their knees. So let it be with Bushdom. (And perhaps one of these fine days the neo-Confederates).

But to return O Lord to that for which I give Thee the most thanks: that dinged and dented old jalopy, democracy. Countless millions of miles on the clock but still getting us to our destination safe and sound. Above all O Lord I gave Thee thanks for that which keeps the old jalopy running, the aforementioned ordinary American voter. Maligned, demeaned, taken for granted, treated like a sheep or bug or robot, her intelligence insulted by mail-order demagogues, his actions blithely predicted by arrogant non-entities, as if he had no more free will or character than a chip in a calculator.

But in the final analysis proving once again, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the ruled are always smarter than the rulers.

I give thee thanks O Lord that Thy glorious sun is finally breaking through the viscous, vomit-colored cloud-cover of Republican bigotry, repression, fear-mongering, greed and graft. A blighted carapace of despair and depression that has blotted out the clear blue sky from horizon to horizon for six long years, O Lord, like a billion pairs of enormous morbidly obese buttocks sitting on our heads.

I give Thee thanks O Lord for those same sagacious voters of all persuasions, creeds and ethnic origins, who saw the carnage in Iraq for what it is. I pray Lord that those who voted to launch the carnage might be inspired by your Holy Congressional Spirit to take a long hard look at their guilt in the murder of 200,000 entirely innocent people who never lifted a finger against the United States. Most especially those Democrats who, to curry crass political favor, voted for war in the teeth of their own lifelong principles.

Touching which, O Lord, when the white dove of Thy peace descends upon Washington to hover over the new Congress, may it take a long, wet crap on Hillary's hundred-dollar hairdo.


Ruba-dub-dub! Thanks for the grub! Yay God!
