View Full Version : I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant

11-22-2006, 03:27 AM

In our lifetime, transwomen should be able to have children.

I can understand your apprehension, and indeed there
are some obstacles to overcome.

(Here is one proposed technique)
The uterus, not the cervix, fallopian tubes or ovaries would
be transplanted as indicated by the illustration.

Ideally a hysterectomy performed on a close relative would
provide a viable uterus, ie, one that would be less likely to
be rejected.

Further, the transplanted uterus would only be in place long
enough for the pregnancy to complete, and then would be
removed, so that the women would not have to remain on
drugs to prevent her body from rejecting the transplant.

Also note, the arteries supporting the blood flow, thus negating
the circulatory concerns you put forth.

By the way IVF stands for, in vitro fertilization. A method of
assisted reproduction that involves combining an egg with
sperm in a laboratory dish. If the egg fertilizes and begins cell
division, the resulting embryo is transferred into the woman's
+ uterus where it will hopefully implant in the uterine lining and
further develop. IVF may be performed in conjunction with
medications that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs
in order to increase the chances of successful fertilization and implantation.

At the current level of reproductive science, a transsexual woman,
would not be able to be impregnated in the conventional manner,
but rather would have to go this route.

Why, I can almost hear the pitter-patter, of little 'peggys' and little 'denzel's' feet.

Now, if we could only do something about the 'poopy diapers' and
his or her college tuition, we will be half way home :D

11-22-2006, 03:38 AM

11-22-2006, 03:42 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'who's
the baby daddy' :roll:

11-22-2006, 03:46 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'whose
the baby daddy' :roll:

I want proof, baby! :P

11-22-2006, 04:10 AM
I´ve read half of the text.... super-question: is it still science-fiction or is there already a possible future where someone´s gotta pay maintanence? :lol:

If you´re the one with that dream, Peggy, I´m sure it will come true.

11-22-2006, 04:14 AM
I´ve read half of the text.... super-question: is it still science-fiction or is there already a possible future where someone´s gotta pay maintanence? :lol:

If you´re the one with that dream, Peggy, I´m sure it will come true.

It appears that it may be a reality very shortly.

As for me with child, I think not, I am rather long in the tooth now.

Perhaps in another lifetime. :shrug

11-22-2006, 04:30 AM

Just think: The tgirl as the momma and not the daddy...

11-22-2006, 06:40 AM
Hey, I wouldn't mind trying one for the record books!

11-22-2006, 06:46 AM
I´ve read half of the text.... super-question: is it still science-fiction or is there already a possible future where someone´s gotta pay maintanence? :lol:

If you´re the one with that dream, Peggy, I´m sure it will come true.

It appears that it may be a reality very shortly.

As for me with child, I think not, I am rather long in the tooth now.

Perhaps in another lifetime. :shrug

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Wow...This is certainly eye opening.

But it raises a few other questions. Without trying to be insulting, a male body is stronger than a female body, so it may not be impossible for a 50 or even a 60 year old mtf transsexual to "deliver" a baby.

I didn't read the whole damn thing so I chose my words carefully.

11-22-2006, 07:48 AM
I´ve read half of the text.... super-question: is it still science-fiction or is there already a possible future where someone´s gotta pay maintanence? :lol:

If you´re the one with that dream, Peggy, I´m sure it will come true.

It appears that it may be a reality very shortly.

As for me with child, I think not, I am rather long in the tooth now.

Perhaps in another lifetime. :shrug

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Wow...This is certainly eye opening.

But it raises a few other questions. Without trying to be insulting, a male body is stronger than a female body, so it may not be impossible for a 50 or even a 60 year old mtf transsexual to "deliver" a baby.

I didn't read the whole damn thing so I chose my words carefully.

Delivering it isn't so much the problem, but rather taking
care if it for the next 18 years.

And yes, women at my age do have children, but I am not
sure I am up for chasing a little 'crumb snatcher' around,
single parent, etc.

Might have been a thought a few years back, and not totally
out of the realm of possibility for me now, but kinda towards
the 'outer limits'. :smh

On a serious, but somber note, the thought of no children,
or grandchildren to pass a legacy unto, or have visit you in
the 'old folks' home kinda tugs at your heart :violin

Makes one think. :?

11-22-2006, 08:04 AM
From the link-

And if a uterus can be successfully implanted in to a genetically female woman for fertility reasons (as is increasingly anticipated), there is no reason why the same cannot be done for a genetically male transsexual woman.

This is a long stretch of an assumption.

I wish you the best in your efforts and dreams on this, but this definitely won't happen within the lifetime of anyone existing on the planet right now today... nor their childrens lifetime nor their childrens lifetimes.

11-22-2006, 08:35 AM
From the link-

And if a uterus can be successfully implanted in to a genetically female woman for fertility reasons (as is increasingly anticipated), there is no reason why the same cannot be done for a genetically male transsexual woman.

This is a long stretch of an assumption.

I wish you the best in your efforts and dreams on this, but this definitely won't happen within the lifetime of anyone existing on the planet right now today... nor their childrens lifetime nor their childrens lifetimes.

I am not quite seeing the stretch, since we can transplant all of these:

Major Organs and Tissues Transplanted

Thoracic Organs
Heart (Deceased-donor only)
Lung (Deceased-donor and Living-Donor)
En bloc Heart/Lung (Deceased-donor only)

Abdominal Organs
Liver (Deceased-donor and Living-Donor)
Kidney (Deceased-donor and Living-Donor)
Pancreas (Deceased-donor and rarely Living-Donor)
Small bowel (Small Intestine) (Deceased-donor and Living-Donor)
Kidney-Pancreas (Sometimes simultaneous, sometimes in separate procedures) (Deceased-donor, Living-Donor, and combined deceased/living (e.g. kidney from living donor, pancreas from deceased donor))
Combined Liver-Kidney (Generally Deceased-donor only)
Combined Liver-Small Bowel (Deceased-donor only)

Other Organs
Hand (Deceased-donor only)[1]
Cornea (Deceased-donor only)[2]
Skin graft including Face transplant (almost always autograft)
Penis (Deceased-donor only)[3][4]

Tissues, Cells, and Fluids
Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas Islet Cells) (Deceased-donor and Living-Donor)
Bone marrow/Adult stem cell (Living-Donor and Autograft)
Blood transfusion/Blood Parts Transfusion (Living-Donor and Autograft)
Blood vessels (Autograft and Deceased-Donor)
Heart valve (Deceased-Donor, Living-Donor and Xenograft[Pig])
Bone (Deceased-Donor, Living-Donor, and Autograft)
Skin (Deceased-Donor, Living-Donor, and Autograft)

How big of a stretch, or how far away in time or technically unfeasible is this, to transplant:


By the way, I didn't realize that they could do penis transplants, I knew they could do re-attachments ala, John Wayne Bobbit, some of the guys may want to take note, and go for an upgrade. :twisted:

11-22-2006, 08:48 AM
Not to hi-jack my own thread, but isn't science wonderful.

Penis transplant ends in removal
The Associated Press
Wednesday 20 September, 2006 12:01 | More from this date | Today's headlines

Chinese doctors in Beijing said they successfully transplanted a penis on a man who lost his own in an accident, but had to remove it two weeks later because of psychological problems experienced by the man.

The case appears to be the first such transplant reported in a medical journal -- European Urology, published by the European Association of Urology.

The Chinese doctors could not be reached for comment, and their report does not explain how the 44-year-old man lost his penis. It says only that "an unfortunate traumatic accident" left him with a small stump, unable to urinate or have sex normally.

Surgeons led by Dr Hu Weilie at Guangzhou General Hospital performed the transplant in September 2005, a hospital spokesperson said Tuesday. The penis came from a 22-year-old brain-dead man whose parents agreed to donate his organ.

"There was a strong demand from both the patient and his wife" for a transplant, and the operation "was discussed again and again" and approved by the hospital's ethics committee, Hu writes in the journal.

Despite how shocking and radical the operation sounds, it involves standard microsurgery techniques to reconnect blood vessels and nerves.

From a medical point of view, "the main hurdle is the functional recovery," said Dr W.P. Andrew Lee, chief of plastic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

From arm and leg reattachments, it's known that nerve regrowth occurs at a rate of about an inch a month and often is insufficient to allow normal use, he said.

However, the ethical and psychological challenges in such cases can be even more paramount, as this and other recent transplants involving hands and faces illustrate.

"Some of the considerations for a penile transplant are the same as for a hand or face transplant," such as the need to take lifelong immune-suppressing drugs to prevent rejection of the new organ, Lee said.

The drugs can cause kidney and other damage, acceptable risks when the transplant involves a vital organ such as a liver or heart, but more ethically perilous when the operation is aimed at improving quality of life rather than extending it, Dr Yoram Vardi, a neurology and urology specialist at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, writes in an accompanying commentary in the urology journal.

Psychological issues are keenly important. The world's first hand transplant recipient stopped taking immune suppression drugs and later requested that the hand be amputated.

Lee recalled speaking with the recipient of the world's first double-hand transplant in France, who told him it took months for him to accept his new hands and stop referring to one as "it."

Fourteen days after the penis transplant, the recipient requested that the organ be removed the surgeons report in the journal.

Lab examination showed no sign of rejection, the doctors report.

If adequate attention had been paid to the need for counseling and other psychological concerns surrounding the transplant, "the need for penile amputation could probably have been avoided," Vardi wrote in his commentary.

11-22-2006, 09:00 AM
I am not quite seeing the stretch, since we can transplant all of these:

Major Organs and Tissues Transplanted

By the way, I didn't realize that they could do penis transplants, I knew they could do re-attachments ala, John Wayne Bobbit, some of the guys may want to take note, and go for an upgrade. :twisted:

Because those are TRANSPLANTS. Taking a womb from a gg and PLANTING it into someone who is genetically male would require the creation of new nervous and circulatory systems. I'm not saying that that amount of manipulation is impossible, I'm saying that it would require at least 5 or 6 decades of medical breakthroughs to allow science to create a suitable "Womb platform" to plant the womb into.

That said, once these breakthroughs happen we could all probably live forever and solve all this gender-dysphoria stuff even before birth.... negating the need.

11-22-2006, 09:40 AM
I am not quite seeing the stretch, since we can transplant all of these:

Major Organs and Tissues Transplanted

By the way, I didn't realize that they could do penis transplants, I knew they could do re-attachments ala, John Wayne Bobbit, some of the guys may want to take note, and go for an upgrade. :twisted:

Because those are TRANSPLANTS. Taking a womb from a gg and PLANTING it into someone who is genetically male would require the creation of new nervous and circulatory systems. I'm not saying that that amount of manipulation is impossible, I'm saying that it would require at least 5 or 6 decades of medical breakthroughs to allow science to create a suitable "Womb platform" to plant the womb into.

That said, once these breakthroughs happen we could all probably live forever and solve all this gender-dysphoria stuff even before birth.... negating the need.

I can understand your apprehension, and indeed there are some obstacles to overcome.

However only the uterus, not the cervix, fallopian tubes or ovaries would be transplanted as indicated by the illustration.

Ideally a hysterectomy performed on a close relative would provide a viable uterus, ie, one that would be less likely to be rejected.

Further, the transplanted uterus would only be in place long enough for the pregnancy to complete, and then would be removed, so that the women would not have to remain on drugs to prevent her body from rejecting the transplant.

Also note, the arteries supporting the blood flow, thus negating the circulatory concerns you put forth.

By the way IVF stands for, in vitro fertilization. A method of assisted reproduction that involves combining an egg with sperm in a laboratory dish. If the egg fertilizes and begins cell division, the resulting embryo is transferred into the woman's uterus where it will hopefully implant in the uterine lining and further develop. IVF may be performed in conjunction with medications that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs in order to increase the chances of successful fertilization and implantation.

At the current level of reproductive science, a transsexual woman, would not be able to be impregnated in the conventional manner, but rather would have to go this route.

Why, I can almost hear the pitter-patter, of little 'peggys' and little 'denzel's' feet.

Now, if we could only do something about the 'poopy diapers' and his or her college tuition, we will be half way home :D

11-22-2006, 05:16 PM
We have forgotten one major point in this thread. If a TS has been on hormones since early, say 15 or sooner, as is more common these days, then their body's bones will have grown in the female pattern. They will have the right shape and size etc to host female internal sex organs.

This would not be the same for a "man" because a man who has not done that hormonal work would not have the same shape as such a TS. Plus I think even the gayest man imagineable would have psychological problems with being a mother.

11-22-2006, 10:29 PM
We have forgotten one major point in this thread. If a TS has been on hormones since early, say 15 or sooner, as is more common these days, then their body's bones will have grown in the female pattern. They will have the right shape and size etc to host female internal sex organs.

This would not be the same for a "man" because a man who has not done that hormonal work would not have the same shape as such a TS. Plus I think even the gayest man imagineable would have psychological problems with being a mother.

I am not sure if you are alluding to the pelvic region in terms of the delivery of the baby. As stated, the baby would be delivered via a caesarian procedure.

As to hosting the internal sex organs, only the uterus would be transplanted not the other organs such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix.

Finally as to the 'gay male' aspect, this procedure would be geared towards post operative transsexuals, and non-fertile genetic females.

11-23-2006, 02:32 AM
Now I have a craving for pickles and ice cream.

Wait a minute, that ain't a pickle, and that damn sure ain't ice cream :roll:

That's how I got 'preggers' from jump street :lol:

03-14-2007, 08:15 PM

03-14-2007, 08:29 PM
tfan has a point a genetic male doesnt have the nerves nor the brain development needed to house female reproductive organs

03-14-2007, 11:44 PM
tfan has a point a genetic male doesnt have the nerves nor the brain development needed to house female reproductive organs

uhhhhhhh fafalsia, although we currently cannot do such a thing its not that hard to add (stem cell research) plus (the current research with fusing nerves with robotics) to end up sooner or later creating and or fusing nerves with a female sex organ with some of our nerves..... Eventually one day it should be possible, I guarantee that

03-15-2007, 12:31 AM
uhhhhhhh fafalsia, although we currently cannot do such a thing its not that hard to add (stem cell research) plus (the current research with fusing nerves with robotics) to end up sooner or later creating and or fusing nerves with a female sex organ with some of our nerves..... Eventually one day it should be possible, I guarantee that

show me where i doubted that
i just said its not gonna happen anytime soon

03-15-2007, 01:10 AM
The major issue that seems to be missed in this discussion is from whom the sperm and egg going to come for the in vitro? You would have to have some farsighted MTF who has stored their sperm in a sperm bank prior to taking hormones to be a viable candidate. Otherwise you are talking about a TS being a surrogate mother carrying a child that is not biologically hers. I do not know of any research institute that would perform such a procedure just so a transwoman could "experience" pregnancy.


03-15-2007, 01:15 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'who's
the baby daddy' :roll:

BeardedOne: you ARE THE FATHER OF PEGGy's baby.

*peggygee stands up shouting "You See you see." as BeardedOne storms to the back room.

03-15-2007, 01:44 AM
The major issue that seems to be missed in this discussion is from whom the sperm and egg going to come for the in vitro? You would have to have some farsighted MTF who has stored their sperm in a sperm bank prior to taking hormones to be a viable candidate. Otherwise you are talking about a TS being a surrogate mother carrying a child that is not biologically hers. I do not know of any research institute that would perform such a procedure just so a transwoman could "experience" pregnancy.


Unless I am misunderstanding your statement the sperm would be
coming from the SO of the transwomen in question.

Some transwomen are saving their sperm before transitioning, but
the idea of that transwoman using her own sperm to impregnate a
close family relative sounds like somthing out of the Dukes Of Hazard
or the Beverly Hillbillies.

It also doesn't sound medically ethical, wise or particularly desireable
from the Mothers point of view.

03-15-2007, 01:57 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'who's
the baby daddy' :roll:

BeardedOne: you ARE THE FATHER OF PEGGy's baby.

*peggygee stands up shouting "You See you see." as BeardedOne storms to the back room.

I've been trying to get the General out of the house for a while,
but he won't give me any rhythm.

He just sits there stroking and petting those pussies. :roll:

So, no I don't think he's the Father.


03-15-2007, 02:01 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'who's
the baby daddy' :roll:

03-15-2007, 02:04 AM

03-15-2007, 02:16 AM
Don't worry, none of you is the Father.

And we will not end up on the Maury Povich show,
in a tacky episode of 'that baby ain't mine, or 'who's
the baby daddy' :roll:

NYCE, another one that won't give me any rhythm.

I asked him the other day to go half on a baby, cause
he knows I'm sprung for Alpha males, but nothing.

The Hell with you all, I'll raise this baby by myself.



gummi baer
03-15-2007, 06:19 AM
"Uterus, not the cervix"??? What's that? Like a wine bottle without the neck (cork)? Sew the womb up like a ball? Need to do a little more research on the cervix. Volunteers welcome.

03-16-2007, 01:00 AM
my head just exploded.

03-16-2007, 01:25 AM
my head just exploded.

Like this?


05-15-2007, 04:52 PM
http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/bdbaby.gif http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nw_leftnavcov_070521.jpg

Related articles;



05-15-2007, 05:14 PM
When i read this article I called a surgeon friend of mine at Hahnemann University and asked him what he thought of it.

Im not sure about some of the particulars he related but the short easily understood story is its still science fiction as far as he's concerned. He said it was possible of course, but MS would have to be FAR FAR in advance of whats current, not even taking into account the ethics involved.

Ive known the guy for 9 years now, no reason to doubt him.

05-15-2007, 06:04 PM
When my friend told me about this a couple of months ago I was really excited.

But now that I know more about it and that I woulld have to have the baby via a caesarean section....well I dont think I want the baby anymore. Also the fact that I would have to have one of my close relatives let me use their uterues to do this is scary to me, what if they want it back but they cant get it back. I would not want to do that to any of my 3 sisters, unless they absolutely didnt want a baby.

05-15-2007, 06:17 PM
The major issue that seems to be missed in this discussion is from whom the sperm and egg going to come for the in vitro? You would have to have some farsighted MTF who has stored their sperm in a sperm bank prior to taking hormones to be a viable candidate. Otherwise you are talking about a TS being a surrogate mother carrying a child that is not biologically hers. I do not know of any research institute that would perform such a procedure just so a transwoman could "experience" pregnancy.


Unless I am misunderstanding your statement the sperm would be
coming from the SO of the transwomen in question.

Some transwomen are saving their sperm before transitioning, but
the idea of that transwoman using her own sperm to impregnate a
close family relative sounds like somthing out of the Dukes Of Hazard
or the Beverly Hillbillies.

It also doesn't sound medically ethical, wise or particularly desireable
from the Mothers point of view.

I was actually going to bring up the problem of the ovaries not being genetically the same as the recipient, but as weird as it sounds, the idea of using a transwoman's own sperm would actually solve this problem to a certain extent, because the resulting child would be genetically 50% the result of his/her mother (the transwoman that is). The other 50% would be from the uterus/ovary donor.

05-15-2007, 06:53 PM
I believe this thread ought to be deleted and forgotten as soon as possible. It reflects very poorly on the intellectual development of the transgender community. Not only is this beyond ridiculous and infantile, it will never be ethically conceivable. Imagine the cost and the likelihood of success. Imagine the search to find a mtf transsexual with a female relative who is young, willing to have a hysterectomy, and willing to risk the great possibility of that uterus being rejected and lost over the 12, 13 months this operation would requie. Imagine the amount of money that one would need to put into this operation, the fact that it would be sooo niche that there would be absolutely no surgeons practiced in the technique or willing to massacre the hippocratic oath in order to make someones dream of feeling pregnancy viable. Imagine gutting out the prostate and all the other male organs, sustaining said uterus with antirejection drugs, all the while pumping in hormones to allow the uterus to become viable enough to even allow hosting an embryo, let alone the hormones and cyclical dosing necessary to keep it viable for 9 months until that baby is ready to C-section. And find someone with the above qualifications willing to risk their life and future incontinence just to experience the pregnancy phase (b/c if all this person wants is a baby they can simply use the 6000 year old technique of sexual intercourse or 10 year old technique of IVF to create a genetic baby). This person also ought to have nearly unlimited funds. Yes, its possible in the world of paperbacks. definitely the stupidest thread i've ever seen. wow.

05-15-2007, 07:47 PM
No, trust me on this one, there are ones that are much dumber.

05-15-2007, 11:02 PM
I believe this thread ought to be deleted and forgotten as soon as possible. It reflects very poorly on the intellectual development of the transgender community. Not only is this beyond ridiculous and infantile, it will never be ethically conceivable. Imagine the cost and the likelihood of success.

Imagine the search to find a mtf transsexual with a female relative who is young, willing to have a hysterectomy, and willing to risk the great possibility of that uterus being rejected and lost over the 12, 13 months this operation would requie. Imagine the amount of money that one would need to put into this operation, the fact that it would be sooo niche that there would be absolutely no surgeons practiced in the technique or willing to massacre the hippocratic oath in order to make someones dream of feeling pregnancy viable.

Imagine gutting out the prostate and all the other male organs, sustaining said uterus with antirejection drugs, all the while pumping in hormones to allow the uterus to become viable enough to even allow hosting an embryo, let alone the hormones and cyclical dosing necessary to keep it viable for 9 months until that baby is ready to C-section. And find someone with the above qualifications willing to risk their life and future incontinence just to experience the pregnancy phase (b/c if all this person wants is a baby they can simply use the 6000 year old technique of sexual intercourse or 10 year old technique of IVF to create a genetic baby). This person also ought to have nearly unlimited funds. Yes, its possible in the world of paperbacks. definitely the stupidest thread i've ever seen. wow.

definitely the stupidest thread i've ever seen. wow

Thank you, Dr. House.

Though coming from you, I will
have to take that remark
'cum granis salis'

Feel free to Google :google
if you are a little rusty on your
latin, or if you went to a 'no-name'
medical school.


Well now onto responding to the rest of your post;

Imagine the search to find a mtf transsexual with a female relative who is young, willing to have a hysterectomy, and willing to risk the great possibility of that uterus being rejected and lost over the 12, 13 months this operation would requie. Imagine the amount of money that one would need to put into this operation, the fact that it would be sooo niche that there would be absolutely no surgeons practiced in the technique or willing to massacre the hippocratic oath in order to make someones dream of feeling pregnancy viable.

You know Doc, there's a reason why reading is fundamental.

Perhaps, you and the other orderlies, I mean Doctors should've taken the
time to read the entire article as suggested http://transwoman.tripod.com/pregnant.htm

I realize that it is quite lengthy and chock full of big words and medical
terms, but hey that's why you are Chief Of Surgery. As such you're
going to have to stay current with advancements in medicine, and cut
back on the Vicodin a bit.

But 'if' you had read the article you would have discerned that this
procedure is being proposed for the treatment of infertility in natal
females. The possibility of it being an option for post-operative
transwomen to bear children via IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a bonus.

As to your statement about the uterus needing to be taken from
a young relative, that is an erroneous conclusion.

Now I realize that there are many on HA who are 'strictly-dickly' and may
not be all that familiar with a womens reproductive organs and her
'female troubles', but the following are reasons for a woman to consider
a hysterectomy.

This from the New York State Department Of Health;

The following describe the more common reasons for recommending hysterectomies.


Additionally, in the uterine transplant technique was one proposed
treatment modality in the article that you neglected to read.

Other options are ectopic pregnancy, and genetic pregnancy;

If possible, before sex re-assignment surgery, she could have a sperm
sample frozen, indeed nearly half of MTF transsexual patients now make
this provision before their SRS. The unfozen sperm could then be used to
fertilise a donated ovum (egg) from an unrelated woman.

The mother would then have normal 50% shared genes with the baby,
but unfortunately the husband/partner would have no genetic relationship
unless the ovum came from a close female relative such as a sister.

If no sperm sample is available, then the transsexual's sister or even her
mother could donate an ovum for fertilisation by the father - in this
instance the transsexual mother will share 25% of her babies genes, and
her husband/partner a normal 50%.

In the next few years there may become available several new and
exciting options which use a cloning technique called "membrane fusion"
to create a fertilisable egg:

An unrelated woman donates an ovum. The nucleus, containing this
woman's DNA, is removed, and an "X" bearing nucleus from one of the
transsexual woman's sperm (again frozen from a sample taken before
SRS) is put in to its place, creating an unfertilised egg.

The new ovum can then be fertilised by the father's sperm and both the
mother and her husband/partner will have a normal 50% share of the
baby's gene's.

Several research teams have reported successes in creating such
reconstituted or "hybrid" human eggs, although none have [publicly at
least] so far been fertilised for legal reasons - indeed there is a real
possibility some countries will make this type of research illegal.

An unrelated woman donates an ovum. The nucleus, containing
this woman's DNA, is removed, and a nucleus with two sets of
chromosome from one of the transsexual woman's cells is put in to
its place.

Half the genetic material is removed, creating an unfertilised egg with
just one set of chromosomes.

The new ovum can then be fertilised by the father's sperm and both the
mother and her husband/partner will have a normal 50% share of the
baby's gene's.

1. Nucleus from a cell of the transsexual woman is removed and
transplanted into a donor egg cell from another woman.

2. The hybrid egg cell which now contains the genes of the transsexual
woman is fertilised.

3. Transsexual mother is implanted with the embryo, becomes pregnant
and eventually gives birth.

And finally, the most advanced and technically challenging option of all:

Human embryonic stem cells are developed in the laboratory into
primordial germ cells, a form of cell that can subsequently become follicle
eggs (or sperm).

This approach potentially allows an engineered egg to produced from a
transsexual woman. Research with mice has confirmed that the first
steps are possible, although many obstacles remain.

Approach 4 is perhaps the most promising in the short- to medium-term.

On 5 Sept 1999 the UK's Sunday Times reported a major advance by a
team headed by Zev Rosenwaks at the Cornell University Medical Center,
New York. (Wow, that's back to the FAR, FAR, future) :wink:

They had been able to take immature egg cells from the ovaries of a
donor, remove the nucleus (containing the donor's genetic material) and
replace it with genetic material taken from an ordinary body cell of
another animal. The researchers have found they can reprogramme the
DNA genetic blueprint from any living cell to make it behave like an unfertilised egg.

The donor egg cell thus acts as an "envelope" for the prospective genetic
mother's genetic material. Once the reconstituted egg cell is mature, it
could be fertilised in the laboratory using IVF techniques and the embryo
then implanted in to the womb or abdomen of the mother.

Rosenwaks said: "We are primarily working with animals, but the work is
also being pursued in humans. We have no human pregnancies yet.".

Well Doc, I realize that's been alot of reading, and your afternoon buzz
is most likely gone. But I've got to go, have to make rounds.

Oh, and by the by the peer review board has mandated that you
immediately enter into a substance abuse treatement program or your
license will be forfeited.

Thus at the end of the shift, please report to the employment assistance
program, you will be entering treatment, stat.

WELCOME TO BETTY FORD TREATMENT CENTER http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/bettyford.jpg



05-15-2007, 11:10 PM
. Imagine gutting out the prostate and all the other male organs, sustaining said uterus with antirejection drugs, all the while pumping in hormones to allow the uterus to become viable enough to even allow hosting an embryo, let alone the hormones and cyclical dosing necessary to keep it viable for 9 months until that baby is ready to C-section.

Oh, and Doc, you do realize that we are talking about post operative
transwomen, and natal females, thus there are no male organs.

Maybe you were high or sleeping during that class, but I will break it
down for you.

Girls have an 'innie', and boys have an 'outie'.

05-15-2007, 11:46 PM
I would in a heartbeat love to father a baby with a lady not for historic purposes i could care less instead just be overhjoyed me being a dad & her a mom sharing the kid togther

05-16-2007, 12:44 AM
When i read this article I called a surgeon friend of mine at Hahnemann University and asked him what he thought of it.

Im not sure about some of the particulars he related but the short easily understood story is its still science fiction as far as he's concerned. He said it was possible of course, but MS would have to be FAR FAR in advance of whats current, not even taking into account the ethics involved.

Ive known the guy for 9 years now, no reason to doubt him.

In all seriousness and earnestness please feel free to email your
friend who is a surgeon this article in its entirety, I truly would
value his input on it.

Further if he were willing to comment on any specious theories, that he
perceived, that also would be appreciated.

Perhaps you could submit his findings.



05-16-2007, 01:09 AM
technically speaking , even if a transplant were possible,you wouldn't really be the natural mother of the child ,the doner of the sex organs would be the real mother

05-16-2007, 02:22 AM
oh taht nice to hear

05-16-2007, 02:57 AM
Ill ask Seth if he would like to comment about it.

05-16-2007, 04:12 AM

05-16-2007, 08:25 PM
"peggygee" you make a number of ridiculous assumptions in your post. I'll be quite honest. Of course I didn't read that article. I didn't even read your post in its entirety. I keep up with my CME's and the day to day work is more than enough to occupy my time. Are you a practicing physician? I can't imagine a place where volume is so incredibly low that you would have time to post such lengthy science fiction stories in between rounds. What do I know? I just graduated 5 years ago and was schooled in an age of ethical considerations and genetics. You must have a better perspective, having graduated (and i can't imagine that you earned an md b/c i can't imagine a physician with notions like you) in the 1950's. By the way, I didn't bother to translate the latin phrase. Did you know that latin is useful in the medical profession in as far as every muscle and many nerves/arteries are latin names? Another notion of yours about modern medicine that I guess I've destroyed. And what is this hostility towards drug abuse? I'm not using anything except the occasional pot and clearly it cannot be good to be a heavily abusing physician, but you must know that physicians have some of the very highest rates of alcohol and substance abuse, far higher than the general population? If you didn't know this, maybe you can look it up in the NEJM. btw, this "house" name of mine? I've had that name as an email address since I was in high school like 12 years ago and i've never even watched the show but I do understand your reference to "dr house"...very witty. Regardless, my realities are based on reality, not television and the world of paperbacks.

05-16-2007, 08:34 PM
In all seriousness and earnestness please feel free to email your
friend who is a surgeon this article in its entirety, I truly would
value his input on it.
Further if he were willing to comment on any specious theories, that he
perceived, that also would be appreciated.
Perhaps you could submit his findings.

haha! dyou really think a practicing surgeons going to "peruse, and then submit his findings??"... you've definitely been watching alot of movies.

"in all seriousness AND earnestness"... What the hell is that? a higher level of seriousness?

I did a surgical rotation and i've assisted a few minor inguinal patchups. Let me save you the time. It's ALL specious. end of discussion.

05-16-2007, 09:51 PM
"peggygee" you make a number of ridiculous assumptions in your post. I'll be quite honest. Of course I didn't read that article. I didn't even read your post in its entirety. I keep up with my CME's and the day to day work is more than enough to occupy my time. Are you a practicing physician? I can't imagine a place where volume is so incredibly low that you would have time to post such lengthy science fiction stories in between rounds. What do I know? I just graduated 5 years ago and was schooled in an age of ethical considerations and genetics. You must have a better perspective, having graduated (and i can't imagine that you earned an md b/c i can't imagine a physician with notions like you) in the 1950's. By the way, I didn't bother to translate the latin phrase. Did you know that latin is useful in the medical profession in as far as every muscle and many nerves/arteries are latin names? Another notion of yours about modern medicine that I guess I've destroyed. And what is this hostility towards drug abuse? I'm not using anything except the occasional pot and clearly it cannot be good to be a heavily abusing physician, but you must know that physicians have some of the very highest rates of alcohol and substance abuse, far higher than the general population? If you didn't know this, maybe you can look it up in the NEJM. btw, this "house" name of mine? I've had that name as an email address since I was in high school like 12 years ago and i've never even watched the show but I do understand your reference to "dr house"...very witty. Regardless, my realities are based on reality, not television and the world of paperbacks.

My references to Dr. House was tongue in cheek,
and my attempt at being humorous, guess it went
over your head.


FYI, I didn't write the article, thus merely posted
it here, as I do on a variety of topics.

I'll be quite honest. Of course I didn't read that article. I didn't even read your post in its entirety.

Tell you what, get back with me when you have
read it, and can make an informed opinion.

05-16-2007, 09:55 PM
By the way, I didn't bother to translate the latin phrase.

Cum granis salis;

(With) a grain of salt is a literal translation of a
Latin phrase, (cum) grano salis. A pinch of salt
may also be used.

Much like I have taken your responses. :wink:

05-16-2007, 10:08 PM
Hmmm I must say, I love kids, I have some of my own and I love them dearly and am very proud of them. But the thing is... I definetly dont want anymore children and one of the things I can honestly say I love about having a relationship with a ts is the fact that they will never say say I have something to tell you!!!

hahaha, but oh nooooooo

05-16-2007, 11:04 PM
Hmmm I must say, I love kids, I have some of my own and I love them dearly and am very proud of them. But the thing is...

I definetly dont want anymore children and one of the things I can honestly say I love about having a relationship with a ts is the fact that they will never say say I have something to tell you!!!

hahaha, but oh nooooooo

Me being nosey, if I may ask, have you had an LTR with a transwoman,

How would you feel if they were desirous of having children. I understand
that you already have children but let's say they wanted to have
children with you, say through adoption. http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=19927&highlight=adoption

05-16-2007, 11:46 PM
No problem being nosey. I like it actually. I have tried to have a LTR with TS but I cant say I have met the right person yet. I would like to.

I do have friends who are TS who I talk to all the time and I am so thankfull for that because they are awesome and true friends. However I have dated TS on a regular basis but never became a very serious relationship.

I got a HA crush on Hara_Juku!!! I love an intellectual - thinking and witty - yet sexy girl like that, awesome!!!

I think that a ts having a child through adoption is a beautiful completion of transformation to true femininity and womanhood. Go girls!!! I also feel that either way anyone who decides to be a parent will have the hardest but greatest experience of their life. I personally have to say that I simply WILL NOT have anymore children and I make sure whoever im with knows that.

I struggled in a relationship that was amazing with a young GG that wanted children and sadly we eventually broke up. So the thought of a TS who is not interested in or capable of having children is atractive to me I guess...

05-17-2007, 12:12 AM
I have something to tell you... I'm pregnant

And you even put a pregnant pause in the title of the thread. Nice touch. :P