View Full Version : LOLZ!!! Punk ass student gets PWN3D!!! (Tazed)

11-16-2006, 09:28 AM

Video Shows UCLA Police Using Stun Gun On Student

LOS ANGELES -- An administrative review was under way after a 23-year-old student was administered multiple stun gun shocks by UCLA Police Department officers in the Powell Library computer lab.

More at link...

LOL! When you watch the video you get to hear the punk. At first he's talking brave, getting smarmy like "I'll leave." But he intentionally fails to follow police orders to leave IMMEDIATELY. LOL!!!

The best part, my FAVORITE part is when he starts screaming like a little girl as thousands of volts shoot through his body.

He tried to be a hero and got OWNED instead!

11-16-2006, 10:26 PM
I bet that kind of stuff gives you an erection huh fringing lunatic but really you shouldn't be talking about anyone getting owned,you got owned by allanah and arianna went crying away like a little bitch.

11-16-2006, 11:11 PM
I bet that kind of stuff gives you an erection huh fringing lunatic but really you shouldn't be talking about anyone getting owned,you got owned by allanah and arianna went crying away like a little bitch.


11-17-2006, 01:25 AM
I bet that kind of stuff gives you an erection huh fringing lunatic but really you shouldn't be talking about anyone getting owned,you got owned by allanah and arianna went crying away like a little bitch.


Let me cosign the fuck outta this one :lol: :lol:

11-17-2006, 03:05 AM

11-17-2006, 06:09 PM
TFan, if you got zapped by a stun gun, you'd probably shit your pants.

Go on laugh. Dude, guys like you bring down the collective IQ of the US. Arrogant and intolerant people like you make the rest of the world dislike the US. In Britain, they'd call you an utter wanker. Thankfully, most Americans are not like you.

I really don't see what is so hilarious about a young man being treated like a terrorist when he had done nothing wrong.

Maybe his name and appearance didn't help his case. It seems that in America every Muslim or Middle-Eastern looking guy is a suspect now.

In any case, I bet you found the Abu Ghraib incidents a barrel of laughs too.

11-20-2006, 11:16 PM
TFan, if you got zapped by a stun gun, you'd probably shit your pants.

You're right. I probably would. That's why I don't go about life trying to be a liberal hero by getting smarmy with cops. It's immature behavior like that, typical of young liberals (and lets face it, the guy is likely), that make a police officers job all the more difficult. When you don't respect the law, for lack of a better word, you get PWN3D and you deserve it! When a cop tells you to do something reasonable, you do it because he is there to protect you and the general public. End of story.

Go on laugh. Dude, guys like you bring down the collective IQ of the US.

I don't sweat that shit. I believe the officer was right and the idiot was wrong. I also believe he deserved what he got.

That's not being arrogant. It's being right.

Arrogant and intolerant people like you make the rest of the world dislike the US.

Pffffft. I don't strive to be adored by anyone but myself and my family. I am committed to American principles. The American system of Law and Order is one of them, locally and globally.

In the words of the Martyr Tony Al-Aqsa Montana-

I only got 2 things in this world. My word and my balls and I don't break em for nobody. You wanna go on with me, you say it. You don't, then you make a move!

In Britain, they'd call you an utter wanker. Thankfully, most Americans are not like you.

No offense to anyone british, but what do I care what they think? They got their country we got ours and lets just leave it at that. Everytime we fight, they lose.

I really don't see what is so hilarious about a young man being treated like a terrorist when he had done nothing wrong.

LMAO. Now you're in full spin mode. The police and the terrorist himself both openly admit that he was not in compliance to the police orders. Not only not in compliance, but openly taunting the police by continuing to disregard their commands. LMAO.

Maybe his name and appearance didn't help his case. It seems that in America every Muslim or Middle-Eastern looking guy is a suspect now.

Especially muslim punks who don't obey the law.

In any case, I bet you found the Abu Ghraib incidents a barrel of laughs too.

Nah, I thought it was wrong. What I did find a barrel of laughs is faggots who were APPALLED and SHOCKED......

Now that's funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter

11-21-2006, 09:32 PM

Here I go being sucked into responding to you....

I'm sorry, but it looks like you didn't even bother to read that the guy was a student and not a terrorist. You also have a hatred of muslims and...well..everybody else it seems.

I'd suggest therapy. Maybe they can do something about your fucked up sense of humour too.

11-21-2006, 09:55 PM

Here I go being sucked into responding to you....

I'm sorry, but it looks like you didn't even bother to read that the guy was a student and not a terrorist. You also have a hatred of muslims and...well..everybody else it seems.

I'd suggest therapy. Maybe they can do something about your fucked up sense of humour too.

Yeah I know he was a student. In fact, the title of my thread, "Video Shows UCLA Police Using Stun Gun On Student" would indicate that.... wouldn't it?

Maybe if you took the time to absorb all info instead of committing your usual emotional reactionary bullshit, you'd understand not only simple english but also this story and thread.

Just a thought from the TFan.

11-21-2006, 10:19 PM

No more thoughts please, I beg you! We're knee deep in bullshit already!

After all, you said:

LMAO. Now you're in full spin mode. The police and the terrorist himself both openly admit that he was not in compliance to the police orders. Not only not in compliance, but openly taunting the police by continuing to disregard their commands. LMAO.

Read your own posts, dude.

And by the way, you seem to laugh your ass off real often. So glad you can see the humour in it all.

As for me, I think I'm gonna take a long break of reacting to your drivel.

11-21-2006, 10:37 PM

No more thoughts please, I beg you! We're knee deep in bullshit already!

After all, you said:


LMAO. Now you're in full spin mode. The police and the terrorist himself both openly admit that he was not in compliance to the police orders. Not only not in compliance, but openly taunting the police by continuing to disregard their commands. LMAO.

Read your own posts, dude.

And by the way, you seem to laugh your ass off real often. So glad you can see the humour in it all.

As for me, I think I'm gonna take a long break of reacting to your drivel.

Yeah, well you're an expert in tongue in cheek. So I'll leave that one for you to discover..... I know you can do it.