View Full Version : Passable black T girls?

11-12-2006, 10:40 AM
I read on an earlier thread where someone said he finds black t girls un attractive because they tend to look masculine. That made me think. Ive seen many passable oriental, Brazilian, US, UK t girls. I havent seen that many really passable black t girls.

Has anyone got a pics of any passable black t girls to prove me wrong?

11-12-2006, 01:34 PM
I think many people don't find Black feminine beauty to be as feminine as other races. Of course that stems from racist views of what is considered beautiful but I will not make the assumption that those people and the poster are racist, I'll leave that for others.

It amazes me that people could even venture to say such things. These pictures that I am posting are just off the front page of Black Tgirls and girls that I personally know, girls that I have seen pass without issue anywhere and everywhere. In contrast, in looking at Shemale Yum, I didn't find as many passable white girls.

Anyone who has been to the run of the mill drag ball (not to mention the bigger ones) would never make such a ridiculous statement.

In terms of sheer numbers, I find more Black transwomen to be passable than most other American TS women other than Asians and ceratin Latins. In going to events like Miss Continental, EOY, Miss National and the like, if you separate the passable girls from the clockable ones you will see a disprortionate number of Black girls.

If these girls don't look like typical Black women I guess real Black women just look like men to you guys. I ain't gon call you racist but...

11-12-2006, 01:38 PM

11-12-2006, 01:41 PM
Never meet these girls but damn who would ever know they were not genetic females without them telling you or them showing you thier dicks?

11-12-2006, 01:44 PM

11-12-2006, 01:54 PM
try these cuties...all quite pretty

11-12-2006, 02:03 PM
few more to salivate over

11-12-2006, 02:31 PM

11-12-2006, 02:33 PM

11-12-2006, 02:36 PM

11-12-2006, 02:37 PM

11-12-2006, 02:42 PM
Blondie and Courtney

Courtney is a girl that know. I can go anywhere with her. I have been places with her where if she were read there would have been major problems.

11-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Please allow me to apologise for wording of my original post which I rushed through without thought or pre reading before sending. I can see how it could cause offence and make me look like a knucklehead at best or twisted ignoramus and racist at worse.

It came out of a tongue in cheek discussion I had with someone after the said post. I had in mind seeing regular cuties similar to say Halle Berry, Beyonce, Jada Pinkett, Naomi etc. Maybe I get carried away by the praise heaped on likes of Patricia Araujuo, Madison, Allana, Gia etc and how passable they...

In London I dont see many black t girls, as the numbers are smaller the c cute ones may be harder to find. Yes I have seen many ugly unpassable cross dressers calling themselves t girls. The majority are white. That is b ecause most on the scene are. Its about numbers.

Secondly you did put up a few cuties. I have seen some of them before but I assumed some were 'Brazilian' covering other racial groups like latino, hispanic, white etc. In other words those of mixed race could be mis read as 'brazilian' and not black, when there are blacks in brazil.

Again please accept my apologies. I should have known better before putting my foot in before engaging brain

11-12-2006, 04:06 PM
I have seen some of them before but I assumed some were 'Brazilian' covering other racial groups like latino, hispanic, white etc. In other words those of mixed race could be mis read as 'brazilian' and not black, when there are blacks in brazil.

None of the pictures that I put up were Brazial girls. However Black girls exist in Brazil, the same as do white girls. Being of mixed race covers most African Americans on some level. You don't have to go back too far to find whites in the lineage of most Blacks. Hence the varied range of hues in skin color.

You said that you 'had in mind seeing regular cuties similar to say Halle Berry, Beyonce, Jada Pinkett, Naomi etc.' On what planet are those regular women? That is part of the racist ways that some non Blacks view Black beauty. I don't think it is on purpose or hate filled but if you don't look like a model or actress you aren't seen a attractive by white standards. Other than Naomi, all of the women you listed look biracial. In fact Naomi is biracial (Asian and Black).

What percentage of white TSs are on the level of Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie, Natelie Imbruglia.? How many Latin TSs are on the level of Giselle Bunchin, Jennifer Lopez, or Paulina Rubia. What percentage of women in general are on the level of supermodel, pop star, and Hollywood actress? Yes there are some, but the numbers are just as low for any race as it is for Black girls. Views like yours are one of the reasons why you won't see a Black girl get the chance to market herself the same way that Allanah, Gia or Vaniity can. As Latin women, they would not find the level of acceptance were they darker Latinas.

No need for apolgies though. I don't think you meant anything by what you said. Your views are quite common in a Eurocentric world. If more people were honest they would agree with what you said (that goes for some Blacks as well). Most of us have been raised in a white is right, white is prefered, white is superior frame and it affects how we look at the world around us.

11-12-2006, 05:13 PM
some of us happen to like a little firmness in our gurls! strong legs/thighs...are not a turn off.

11-13-2006, 09:43 PM
recently studies have been done with babies to show that beauty is universal and not subjective--- I kinda believe that--- everybody knows the pacer was an ugly car, no matter how you were brought up!
There ARE genetic issues that lend to certain people making more passable transsexuals, but I don't think that's the real issue with the black TS. I have found they are less likely (in general) to have work done, more likely to have someone unqualified to pump them and more likely to go way overboard and get the animated look (big joker cheekbones,banjo hips), when they do get work done.
Couple that with the fact that the movement these days in the black community,male female and shemale, is to look "hard" (and no I don't mean erect), I can see how middle America can have a hard time understanding the attraction.

11-14-2006, 01:40 AM
everyone has his/her preferences. But let's keep the biased statements out. Referring to "straight out of prison" shows intense ignorance.

11-14-2006, 04:22 AM
Well usually the lighter skinned African Americans are considered more beautiful in the black community and in the media as well.... I have some black girlfriends and they all live for light skinned black men and it's no different for the men....

__________________________________________________ __________________________________

You've come up with your little negative comments on quite a few occasions it would seem.

Btw, for the record, Light skin black guys "out" in the late 80's....Dark skin black men are more "in" now. :wink:

He's absolutely right about this, FH. Speaking as a Sicillian who has dated almost exclusively dark skinned black women, light skinned black women are in far more demand than darker skinned sisters amongst black men's preferences. I'm on the opposite side of the coin. I prefer very dark skinned women with natural black features, meaning I prefer natural black features over women who have has their noses, chins, and jaw lines surgically altered to appear white in characteristics.

11-14-2006, 04:27 AM
I read on an earlier thread where someone said he finds black t girls un attractive because they tend to look masculine. That made me think. Ive seen many passable oriental, Brazilian, US, UK t girls. I havent seen that many really passable black t girls.

Has anyone got a pics of any passable black t girls to prove me wrong?

Usually, I would be forced to respond to a post
such as this, but as it is totally devoid of merit
and ludicrious in its content, I shall limit my response to:


I will however encourage those that adhere to this
viewpoint to perhaps broaden their worldview, and
to consider a less Eurocentric standard of beauty.

And to RangeHova, way to 'represent', my Caucasian
brother, I will see to it that you are issued a 'coochie
coupon', and a lifetime 'hood pass' forthwith 8)

11-14-2006, 04:30 AM
I get what was meant by the straight out of prison reference. Yeah, it was a bit rough but I do think that a lot of Black girls that go the porn route are the girls that exist closer to the street. From what I have seen, a lot of the more visable Black girls in the porn and escorting world are not the best looking ones. That seems to be changing though.

The problem is that a lot of guys judge TS women only by what they see in porn and by who escorts. If you only view these girls by what you see on Black Tgirls or on the corner you might be more apt to think that the average Black girl is less likely to pass, more prone to being overly silicone injected, and rough around the edges.

From what I have seen going to pageants, balls, and Black clubs in general some of the finest and passable girls that you will ever find here in the states are Black.

Look at the contestants for each and every major national pageant, damn near half of them are Black and most of them are gorgeous and stunning. Yeah, a small number of them have done porn and/or escort but that can kill a girl's abilty to compete in the minds of some judges and fans.

I think a lot of Black girls get ostrasized, on some levels, by other Black girls when they do porn and escort (especially in the more visual and open way). While some Black girls might turn a trick after a show many wouldn't dare post an ad on the internet.

11-14-2006, 04:39 AM
Well usually the lighter skinned African Americans are considered more beautiful in the black community and in the media as well.... I have some black girlfriends and they all live for light skinned black men and it's no different for the men....although i wouldn't say ALL black tgirls are hard looking some of the Muglers, Revlons, Escadas, Chanels and Blahniks are sickning...if you're refering to the girls u see on blacktgirls.com, well they get their girls straight out of prison who get pumped at swapmeets and bargain basements so perhaps this is why u feel that way...... but i will say there's a lot more white tgirls who are extremely manly looking.... I'm white myself ....however... I'm already very feminine looking so there are exceptions so no offense to anyone, but for the most part no other race of trannies can compare to the latina, the ganza girls for example! NOBODY CAN TAKE THEM CUNTS! Luckily I look like a PR Tgirl when I'm dressed so I'm sure I'll look ever better when I'm a TS! lol

__________________________________________________ __________________________________

You've come up with your little negative comments on quite a few occasions it would seem.

Btw, for the record, Light skin black guys "out" in the late 80's....Dark skin black men are more "in" now. :wink:


They say that "Youth Is Wasted On The Young'.
Thus many of the things that you have said I
have attributed to your relative youthfulness.

Since your first day here, you have made statements about the 'artificialness' of Tgirls,
other interesting utterances, and now today's comment.

You truly know how to win friends and influence people,
(title of a Dale Carnegie book, you may want
to consider reading). :roll:

11-14-2006, 04:47 AM
PumpDaddy said,

He's absolutely right about this, FH. Speaking as a Sicillian who has dated almost exclusively dark skinned black women, light skinned black women are in far more demand than darker skinned sisters amongst black men's preferences. I'm on the opposite side of the coin. I prefer very dark skinned women with natural black features, meaning I prefer natural black features over women who have has their noses, chins, and jaw lines surgically altered to appear white in characteristics.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Listen Haywood, There's no need for you runnin up behind me and quoting or referencing me or anything. This isn't Redbook and I'm not really interested in having a conversation with or even about you. I'm not into dudes and I'm not lonely for you your rhetoric. Lets just leave it at that bro.

11-14-2006, 05:12 AM
PumpDaddy said,

He's absolutely right about this, FH. Speaking as a Sicillian who has dated almost exclusively dark skinned black women, light skinned black women are in far more demand than darker skinned sisters amongst black men's preferences. I'm on the opposite side of the coin. I prefer very dark skinned women with natural black features, meaning I prefer natural black features over women who have has their noses, chins, and jaw lines surgically altered to appear white in characteristics.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Listen Haywood, There's no need for you runnin up behind me and quoting or referencing me or anything. This isn't Redbook and I'm not really interested in having a conversation with or even about you. I'm not into dudes and I'm not lonely for you your rhetoric. Lets just leave it at that bro.

Haywood???? You STILL think I'm Super_B??? And what are you telling me? That I should stay out of your threads? Who the fuck died and made you boss, you hapless, Narcissistic twit? Who the fuck wants to have a conversation with you. Yeah. I LIVE to converse with YOU. Trust me, you're the only self-centered asshole whose interested in you. I was pointing out that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about in your post. All pure drivel. So go fuck yourself, bro.

11-14-2006, 06:24 AM
RangeHova, way to 'represent', my Caucasian
brother, I will see to it that you are issued a 'coochie
coupon', and a lifetime 'hood pass' forthwith 8)[/b]

I'll glady take that coochie coupon but I'm Black, Domincan and Black but so many Black people falsely claim to be mixed it makes me damn near not want to claim my mother's side, for risk of sounding like the phony mixed Blacks.

11-14-2006, 06:32 AM
I am not too happy how this thread has gone, but it was started by my initial post with the racist and ignorant statement I unknowingly at the time used.

To save the trouble, I should have just asked for pics of passable black t girls, with out making comments about beauty which were stereotyped. However since the thread has started I have found many very atractive and passable black t girls. As it was stated above, not all are escorts and some just do beauty pageants or normal modelling. I am happy to have proven myself wrong, from what I asked in the first post of this thread. Yes there are many passable and beutiful black t girls. They are all not lighter skinned either

11-14-2006, 06:36 AM
I get what was meant by the straight out of prison reference. Yeah, it was a bit rough but I do think that a lot of Black girls that go the porn route are the girls that exist closer to the street. From what I have seen, a lot of the more visable Black girls in the porn and escorting world are not the best looking ones. That seems to be changing though.

The problem is that a lot of guys judge TS women only by what they see in porn and by who escorts. If you only view these girls by what you see on Black Tgirls or on the corner you might be more apt to think that the average Black girl is less likely to pass, more prone to being overly silicone injected, and rough around the edges.

From what I have seen going to pageants, balls, and Black clubs in general some of the finest and passable girls that you will ever find here in the states are Black.

Look at the contestants for each and every major national pageant, damn near half of them are Black and most of them are gorgeous and stunning. Yeah, a small number of them have done porn and/or escort but that can kill a girl's abilty to compete in the minds of some judges and fans.

I think a lot of Black girls get ostrasized, on some levels, by other Black girls when they do porn and escort (especially in the more visual and open way). While some Black girls might turn a trick after a show many wouldn't dare post an ad on the internet.

We should remember one thing. Any black, man or woman, who has ever been incarcerated is well aware of the fact that puting blacks in prison and keeping them there is HUGE business in the USA. If you build jails and courthouses you have to fill them, right? Who better to fill them with than folks who are economically situated that they're worth more to you on the inside than the outside (Lawyers vs. public defenders). Sad, but true.

I date almost exclusively black women. Guess how many times I've gotten stopped by a cop while driving around in the early morning hours by myself? (here's a hint. ZERO). Now guess how many times I've been stopped (just a nonsense stop), driving at the same hour but with a black passenger. HUGE difference.

Racial profiling is alive and well in NY, and don't think otherwise. Cops see a black head in a car and get sweaty palms.

11-14-2006, 06:41 AM
PumpDaddy said,

Haywood???? You STILL think I'm Super_B??? And what are you telling me? That I should stay out of your threads? Who the fuck died and made you boss, you hapless, Narcissistic twit? Who the fuck wants to have a conversation with you. Yeah. I LIVE to converse with YOU. Trust me, you're the only self-centered asshole whose interested in you. I was pointing out that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about in your post. All pure drivel. So go fuck yourself, bro.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Pump, Haywood, foghorn,
Again, you don't need to point out, reference, quote, or shit for me. You keep to your own shit and we'll be cool period.

11-14-2006, 06:43 AM
RangeHova, way to 'represent', my Caucasian
brother, I will see to it that you are issued a 'coochie
coupon', and a lifetime 'hood pass' forthwith 8)[/b]

I'll glady take that coochie coupon but I'm Black, Domincan and Black but so many Black people falsely claim to be mixed it makes me damn near not want to claim my mother's side, for risk of sounding like the phony mixed Blacks.

Es verdad Papi,

People of many races can be self loathing.

You have Blacks, who indeed will say they are of racial backgrounds that they are not.

Latinos, who only want to acknowledge their Castilian blood, while refuting their indigenous, or African heritage.

Asians, who shun other more dark complected Asians.

And then if people of the 'Caucasion persuasion' thought they were getting away scott-free, let's not over-look, 'wiggers'.

So in all races, there is 'hating' going on, sadly in many instances it is 'of self'. :?

11-14-2006, 06:52 AM
Haywood???? You STILL think I'm Super_B??? And what are you telling me? That I should stay out of your threads? Who the fuck died and made you boss, you hapless, Narcissistic twit? Who the fuck wants to have a conversation with you. Yeah. I LIVE to converse with YOU. Trust me, you're the only self-centered asshole whose interested in you. I was pointing out that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about in your post. All pure drivel. So go fuck yourself, bro.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Pump, Haywood, foghorn,
Again, you don't need to point out, reference, quote, or shit for me. You keep to your own shit and we'll be cool period.

Or what?? You're the boss here? Tell you what. If you want to give me orders, I'll give you the proper coordinates. We can have a personal sit-down and we'll see how giving me orders in person plays out for you. Sound good, FH? I'm all for it. Always honored to meet a fellow afficionado.

You don't give orders on message boards. BALLS give orders. Grow a pair, come see me in prison, and then give me my orders, if you can find the words face to face.

11-14-2006, 06:58 AM
ok bro

11-20-2006, 11:15 PM
I love black women, would really like to hook up with someone but cannot find anyone in the vancouver area....sad

11-20-2006, 11:27 PM
Oh so passable...

11-21-2006, 01:43 AM
viva los lobos

11-21-2006, 03:22 AM
Es verdad Papi,

People of many races can be self loathing.

You have Blacks, who indeed will say they are of racial backgrounds that they are not.

Latinos, who only want to acknowledge their Castilian blood, while refuting their indigenous, or African heritage.

Asians, who shun other more dark complected Asians.

And then if people of the 'Caucasion persuasion' thought they were getting away scott-free, let's not over-look, 'wiggers'.

So in all races, there is 'hating' going on, sadly in many instances it is 'of self'. :?

So when can I redeem my coupon?

11-21-2006, 03:28 AM
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


11-21-2006, 03:48 AM

You've come up with your little negative comments on quite a few occasions it would seem.

Btw, for the record, Light skin black guys "out" in the late 80's....Dark skin black men are more "in" now. Wink

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

When I said that I said it as kind of a joke. But even though it was a joke it has ironic truth (it's been used by comedians before).

The truth is light skinned black men used to get more play in the 80's and early 90's. But something happen by mid to late 90's that caused darker skinned black men to become more prominent in mainstream Movies, TV and other forms of entertainment, and just all-round in general. Such as Wesley Snipes of Blade, Mekhi Phifer, Morris chestnut, Taye Diggs, Tyson Beckford, Omar Epps, and lots others.

So while I said it in jest, it definately does have some truth.

11-21-2006, 03:52 AM
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


Check this link out AGTFB:


You should find your set there :lol:

11-21-2006, 06:24 AM

11-21-2006, 06:25 AM

11-21-2006, 06:27 AM

11-21-2006, 06:29 AM

11-21-2006, 06:53 AM
black t-girls are my achille's....

11-21-2006, 07:05 AM

11-21-2006, 10:59 AM
wonder why they never had any video shoots with this beauty

11-21-2006, 01:33 PM
Wow, I had forgotten about Cierra and her big dicked fine ass...

11-21-2006, 01:35 PM
Regarding Nikkie mentioned below or the cutie immediatley above, does anyone know where they are based, or if they esocort or have contact details?

AGTFB wrote:
Kabuki wrote:
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


Check this link out AGTFB:


11-21-2006, 03:53 PM
cool :roll: 8) :lol:

11-21-2006, 10:13 PM
Regarding Nikkie mentioned below or the cutie immediatley above, does anyone know where they are based, or if they esocort or have contact details?

AGTFB wrote:
Kabuki wrote:
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


Check this link out AGTFB:


Wow, thanks! It's so hard to find any pics of her. If you know of any more, please let me know.


11-22-2006, 01:09 AM
Boy I leave for a few days and people think it is safe to clown on black T-girls.

Earlier someone said that when they saw a passable black TS they thought they were Brazillian.... I have experienced people including other TS's thinking I was hispanic. The point was almost made that black people are all generally a mix of races, but missed the fact that Hispanic's are also a mix of races in general. (In particular in mexico and central America many of those people are like 1/3 native).

As for what the original poster said. He is only reflecting what society shows. I perm my hair or wear a wig to make my hair straight. Not the other way around. Cest le vie.

11-22-2006, 03:14 AM

One more thing I think I wanna add is I think a lot of people here think "passable" means very pretty or "hott". Those really are 2 different things. There are lots of white, black, hispanic, asians, and others ethnicities, whom are ts's, that are just regular looking chicks but who are "passable".

Just thought I'd add that.

11-22-2006, 03:51 AM
Well most of the posters here are consumers of porn, don't really get to know TS's in 3D. They are spoiled. They are seeing pictures that are taken in near ideal conditions posing etc and comparing us to those.

11-22-2006, 07:25 AM
mo fine beauties..... :P :) :)

11-22-2006, 07:46 AM
damn they look good......

11-22-2006, 07:48 AM
You know,

I kinda like Aimee.

11-22-2006, 07:53 AM
i've seen better black tgirls than the ones on this thread... black-tgirls live and in person are just lovely...

11-22-2006, 07:55 AM
good point.....bookaboom....I agree, but some of these gals are gorgeous

03-11-2007, 12:01 AM
this there any more shots of
that girl tiffany thats on the first page?

03-11-2007, 12:40 AM
these r all sexy as black tgirls in my opinion black tgirls r the sexiest of all races, but i love all types of girls but black tgirls just top it, especially with my 2nd fav dream girl nerfertiti

03-11-2007, 04:17 AM
i shot this pic of my friend josephine ... looks passable to me... only 5'5 and 120ish

03-11-2007, 06:37 AM
ohh man i love Black tgirls.
got any more photos?

03-11-2007, 06:36 PM
Well I think some of the black t-girls are the most beautiful I have ever seen and that includes several of them in this folder. Of course the way a person looks is only half the story, but if the personality and the hearts inside matched the outside of some of the people on here, I could be waiting at the aisle tomorrow. :O)

Of course feel free to insert the Mission Impossible theme tune here (though not on my wedding day please...)

03-12-2007, 07:42 AM
love em.keep this thread goin.i have had two very long term relationships with btg's and i loved em both to death..i felt very lucky to be with them...ah the good old days...

06-09-2007, 07:40 AM

06-09-2007, 07:45 AM
A point is a point! Personally I like Muscular girls. Masculine is different than muscular. There is a feminine Muscular. I'm not meaning the Arnold Swartznager(sp) type muscular. just the very fit and good looking type! But That is just MO!

06-09-2007, 07:47 AM
Oh yeah, and Black Tgirls are (IMO) just like all Tgirls! For the most part, HOT!

06-09-2007, 01:07 PM
beauties, all

06-09-2007, 02:18 PM
well i have met white and asian tgirls in person, but no t-sista yet. so all my observations r from various sources mostly the net. top notch black t-girls are amongst the most sensual transwomen you could ever find.

besides, i have NEVER seen anyone black falling into the " hairy,truckdriver,wearing lingerine - yet telling everybody how damn sexy and feminine they are "- types.

keep up the good work sistas, always in a little jungle-fever ;)

06-09-2007, 03:27 PM
black tgirl sexy pics big cock

06-09-2007, 04:07 PM
This girl is passable! I believe her name is Noriko, but she also goes by Doll. Am I correct? She has that "Around Da Way Girl" look. I would approach this girl in a club or any other setting, so I can see where her head is.

06-09-2007, 04:12 PM
I would argue that Nefertiti and Natassia Dreams are two of the most passable TS ladies out there as well as being beautiful... but once again, it's always about preference. Hell, there are plenty of people who think that ALL black women look masculine (fucked in the head? Yes, but they still think that way).

08-13-2007, 01:52 PM
Lets Be Honest. Black tgirls on-line tend to be ugly, with huge dicks.

The reason isnt found in racism rather in a numbers game and culture of transition.
Asian and Latin American shemales are better quality because of quanity. The reason for quanity is that teenaged boys aren't discouraged from transitioning as in other countries. The support system is entrenched in these societies giving aestetic and surgical support. Importantly that support encourages them to start hormones early, which faciliates femininity.

The American White TS community is next. Whilst lagging behind the abovementioned, they lead the black community. Due to a quanity, a support system and money to aid in transition aestetics.

The black community is more conservative and thus fewer willing or encouraged to transition. The few transitioning tend to do it as men not boys (which is a big no-no). And the 'girls' tend to lack subtlety, rather; heavy tattooing, blonde wigs and pubic afros.

The Japanese Nyuhalfs community is itself lagging behind its asian counterparts (Thai and Phili), due to Japanese conservative society which had supressed the TS culture. Thus demonstating that regardless of race if the TS community is fairly new, the quality will seem lacking.

PS. My favourite shemales are Janet a Black TS, Natassia Dreams, Mirany (preta brasileira) and Areeya (Thai).

08-13-2007, 04:38 PM
Lets Be Honest. Black tgirls on-line tend to be ugly, with huge dicks.

That is just a matter of your personal opinion. I'll bet based on what you say below you don't like black GG's either.

The reason isnt found in racism rather in a numbers game and culture of transition.
Asian and Latin American shemales are better quality because of quanity. The reason for quanity is that teenaged boys aren't discouraged from transitioning as in other countries.

So the fact that so many of them are thrown out of their homes or run away from home is a sign of how accepting their culture is of transsexuality? uh huh. :-?

The black community is more conservative and thus fewer willing or encouraged to transition. The few transitioning tend to do it as men not boys (which is a big no-no). And the 'girls' tend to lack subtlety, rather; heavy tattooing, blonde wigs and pubic afros.

Since you are not a TS yourself you should not act like an expert on something like this. Allow me to educate you.

The facts are.
NO western culture is really very accepting of transsexuals.

Where ever you see Latina transsexuals African American transsexuals are not too far out of sight. Most of the transsexuals I know are Hispanic and balck and hispanic transsexuals....from teenage years right up to adulthood have the exact same resources. I assert the apparent lack of pretty black transsexuals is because many people look at us and if we are pretty assume we are not black. Another reason is because many providers who are part black, who in other conditions might just identify themselves as black downplay their apparent African Ancestry.

Now I can't call your personal preferences racism. Just do not try to call it a "fact" that all black TS's are universally in all eyes "ugly".

08-13-2007, 06:46 PM

08-14-2007, 03:42 AM
scrumptious talent.... :P :roll: :D :lol:

08-14-2007, 06:54 AM
The reason isnt found in racism rather in a numbers game and culture of transition.
Asian and Latin American shemales are better quality because of quanity. The reason for quanity is that teenaged boys aren't discouraged from transitioning as in other countries. The support system is entrenched in these societies giving aestetic and surgical support. Importantly that support encourages them to start hormones early, which faciliates femininity.

I really think you are way off base. I have always found Asian girls to be the most passable but it has nothing to do with the high numbers or the acceptence. Asian males are much more likely to have smaller structures. Having a smaller frame, a smaller face, and smaller features give any transwoman a HUGE advantage no matter what race they are.

In most facial feminization the doctor's job is to make the client's facial fetaures smaller. One of the biggest obstacles in any TS passing having masculine builds or bone structures. The fact is, Asian males are much less likely to have those issues.

08-15-2007, 07:01 PM
Hey Brenda,
I can agree with your point.

I assert the apparent lack of pretty black transsexuals is because many people look at us and if we are pretty assume we are not black. Another reason is because many providers who are part black, who in other conditions might just identify themselves as black downplay their apparent African Ancestry.

Yup, the tendency does exist to downplay black ancestory by both models and observers. For instance 'Natassia Dreams' highlights her Italian hertiage. Whilst onlookers prolly dont see 'Mirany' as black; however shez on a Black shemales website.

I think my initial comment of ugly Black TS' online is due to the popular sites using less attractive black TS. There's is one site Black TS site (from brazilian) which has only beautiful chocolate girls. Mainly chocolate and few mixes. So if that site were the most popular on teh net, i wouldnt have made the statement. Sorry.

PS. I love black TS, and GGs; all my girlfriends were black. I'm a black Jamaican.

08-15-2007, 07:06 PM
I agree with sites MOSTLY having beat up manly black tgirls. But TRUST ME black tgirls can be some of the best and I love black tgirls.

08-15-2007, 07:09 PM
I like black girls because they have DSL that make Angelina Jolie jealous. Otherwise i'm not so much into them...prefer latina's and asian women, or mix caucasion etc. But i've seen some hawt black TS women who've rocked what they got

09-01-2007, 01:59 PM
I have to agree. I'm black and don't think that most black t-girls are very attractive. I have seen a few , but not many. I'm nostly attracted to white and latin tgs.

09-01-2007, 07:32 PM
Guess what folks ...

Some women are simply beautiful. The come in all shapes and sizes, as well as all colors. Once you understand that ... then you understand that there is not a single group that has cornered the market on beauty.

Now can we move on to something more important.

09-01-2007, 07:56 PM
I do like all races and yes some of them will be attractive to me while others are not, I don't want people to start saying I'm a rascist because I think that girl or T-girl is ugly.

09-02-2007, 10:51 PM

09-02-2007, 11:13 PM
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.

AGTFBJust a side note. I heard that she is now a post op, Is this True? She is definitely one of the most passable girls ive ever seen. And hottest!

09-02-2007, 11:16 PM
Some of y'all need to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

It never FAILS!!
Every time someone starts an all black t-girl pic thread, a bunch of losers gets on here and cries about how some black tgirls are ugly or something negative.

Then you get these cowards that wanna say "I not racist because I don't like black tgirls.","My opinions doesn't make my racist!","I'm not racist, I love everyone!!" or "I'm not white!"

I got a plan! Don't click the thread if it says "BLACK" in the topic description!

If you have an opinion cool, but you know what, no one ever does this in threads with white girls or other nationalities in it.
And don't tell me that the other pics on here that y'all post aren't ugly because I've seen y'all drool over emo boys, cross dressers and club kids.

09-03-2007, 01:43 AM
^ OWNED! lol There's TONS of pics on eros on REALLY sexy black tgirls that should be posted but would take hours to do so. Those are just a handful. :D

09-03-2007, 02:25 AM
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


I have a full set and a couple of partial sets. Here are a few

09-03-2007, 02:28 AM
3 Nikki

09-03-2007, 02:47 AM
I've gone through this entire thread, and I can't believe that Diana ( aka Nicky) has not been posted! It can't be because she was in the USA from Brazil (since I see a lot of Brazilians in this thread), or because she's had SRS (since the Nikki above had SRS!), and I just can't believe my tastes are so different from everyone elses! Anyway, here are some Diana pics for the sake of pornographic completeness.

09-03-2007, 02:50 AM
More Diana

09-03-2007, 02:54 AM
^ She's post-op now.

09-03-2007, 02:59 AM
^ She's post-op now.

I noted that two posts above

09-03-2007, 10:43 AM
Guess what folks ...

Some women are simply beautiful. The come in all shapes and sizes, as well as all colors. Once you understand that ... then you understand that there is not a single group that has cornered the market on beauty.

Now can we move on to something more important.

True. here's the link to a grgeous black tg: http://www.tgirllovers.com/isis/

09-03-2007, 12:29 PM
True. here's the link to a grgeous black tg: http://www.tgirllovers.com/isis/

Who occasionally post here. :)

09-03-2007, 03:47 PM
True. here's the link to a grgeous black tg: http://www.tgirllovers.com/isis/

Who occasionally post here. :)

Gorgeous black tg. No tatoos, looks like she's clean sahven. sweet face. now that is a lady. she could be in Silvera's or Vidal's movies. Beautiful black tg. Love her

09-03-2007, 04:28 PM
Well we are living in a very PC world today which I hate. I'm even wearing a shirt which has on it:

"Political correctness is for faggots"

09-03-2007, 06:35 PM
let's get back to posting pics of our favorite girls.
here's one of mine

09-03-2007, 07:25 PM
Some tgirls in this thread couldn't be passable on their best days.

12-19-2007, 06:23 AM
Well i saw the post and just thought i would add my pic. BTW this is my first post. 9 moths on hormones as of tomorrow. Get at me boyz if u like what u see.


12-19-2007, 06:27 AM
Well i saw the post and just thought i would add my pic. BTW this is my first post. 9 moths on hormones as of tomorrow. Get at me boyz if u like what u see.


Welcome to the party. theres cake and punch over by allanah, and a few other girls getting their bums kissed over in the other room. :P

12-19-2007, 07:03 AM
Oh so passable...

Oooh! I love her! That's Nickie. Does anybody have more pictures of her, or at least the full set for that one? I asked about her about a week or 2 ago and nobody had any pics but it seems on every other thread, someone has pics of her.


I have a full set and a couple of partial sets. Here are a few

damn nikki is on fire here.

12-30-2007, 09:34 PM
fine specimens, all :P