View Full Version : When You Realize It's More Than Just Crossdressing!

11-23-2023, 02:35 AM
Dr. Z again...


11-27-2023, 01:30 AM
What a deceptive, click bait title for a video.

This Doctor Z still proudly pushes the Bullshit DSM disorder "Transvestic Fetishism", which is the very definition
of Transphobia. By labeling Crossdressing as a mental disorder she and her industry have done irreparable harm
to all people on the spectrum.

She proudly gives the haters a reason to label all Crossdressers as suffering from a mental disorder. SHame on her.

If you need treatment for real Gender Dysphoria stay away from all quacks like her that still label Crossdressers as mentally deranged.

11-27-2023, 02:03 AM
I don't usually bother to watch these videos, but perhaps Mr Fanti would like to explain why he keeps pushing this Dr Z as some kind of authority.

11-27-2023, 02:29 AM
The only Dr. Z worth watching:

11-27-2023, 01:34 PM
She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, her 2014 Dissertation was titled

Interpretative phenomenological analysis of projective drawings of pre-operative male-to-female transgender individuals' perception of their genitalia

And you can read it here (76 pages of text followed by Appendices and References)
Interpretative phenomenological analysis of projective drawings of pre-operative male-to-female transgender individuals' perception of their genitalia - ProQuest (https://www.proquest.com/openview/4612c1643bdb843b14c7ae4d4e95521f/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750)

11-27-2023, 02:40 PM
^^ get ChatGPT to read it and boil it down to a pass notes format ;-D

11-27-2023, 07:05 PM
^^ get ChatGPT to read it and boil it down to a pass notes format ;-D

Will it give us the drawings too?

11-28-2023, 02:28 AM
What a deceptive, click bait title for a video.

This Doctor Z still proudly pushes the Bullshit DSM disorder "Transvestic Fetishism", which is the very definition
of Transphobia. By labeling Crossdressing as a mental disorder she and her industry have done irreparable harm
to all people on the spectrum.

She proudly gives the haters a reason to label all Crossdressers as suffering from a mental disorder. SHame on her.

If you need treatment for real Gender Dysphoria stay away from all quacks like her that still label Crossdressers as mentally deranged.

Would love to know what your take is on the Crossdresser and Transgender communities getting along with each other....

12-01-2023, 12:05 PM
So she thinks a personal interest is a "mental disorder", if that's the case gun fetishism should be more of a mental disorder

12-02-2023, 02:42 AM
So she thinks a personal interest is a "mental disorder", if that's the case gun fetishism should be more of a mental disorder

IMHO, I don't have a right to say whether she's right or wrong - but here are her credentials.
Dr. Natalia Zhikhareva, known as Dr. Z, is an internationally recognized transgender specialist, a clinical psychologist, writer, speaker, and court-appointed expert witness.
Dr. Z is holds a Doctor of Clinical Psychology Degree and active licenses in California (PSY28888), New York (024701), Texas (#39338), and Florida out-of-state telehealth provider (#197).

12-02-2023, 07:31 AM
IMHO, I don't have a right to say whether she's right or wrong - but here are her credentials.
Dr. Natalia Zhikhareva, known as Dr. Z, is an internationally recognized transgender specialist, a clinical psychologist, writer, speaker, and court-appointed expert witness.
Dr. Z is holds a Doctor of Clinical Psychology Degree and active licenses in California (PSY28888), New York (024701), Texas (#39338), and Florida out-of-state telehealth provider (#197).

As a Florida resident, I can tell you that Florida certification is a red flag regarding the trans community (as is Texas certification).

12-02-2023, 07:55 AM
All she can do is make general statements, as in a clinical setting, it is a dialogue between the clinician and the patient. And while some, perhaps many patients share the same issues, each patient must be assessed on their own terms. We have no idea who her patients are, whether they are satisfied, whether or not she feels she was a success or a failure.

It is a YouTube channel that promotes her, and that is surely the key point.

12-03-2023, 03:13 AM
So she thinks a personal interest is a "mental disorder", if that's the case gun fetishism should be more of a mental disorder

The same could be said of religious fanaticism or obsession with acquiring wealth and power. It's always been the case that what gets defined as abnormal behaviour depends on prevailing views in society about what behaviours are normal and acceptable.

To be fair to Dr Z, I don't think she's saying that an interest in crossdressing is inherently a sign of a mental disorder, only that it may be a manifestation in some people. That would apply also to the other behaviours mentioned above.

The general criteria for defining mental disorder these days is mainly about whether it impairs normal functioning in a way that is likely to harm the person or others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_disorder