View Full Version : Jon Carry gets PWNED

11-03-2006, 02:51 AM
LMAO when you see this.


11-03-2006, 03:40 AM
LMAO when you see this.


Jena Pierre Kereee : “Why not engage in a bi-lateral negotiation and get the job done.That`s what the Clinton administration did “

John Bolton: “ Very poorly since the North Koreans violated the Agreed Framework almost from the time it was signed”

The President`s policy is working:

Squeeze on North Korea's money supply yields results

Cash crunch seems to have helped bring nation back to talks.

By Josh Meyer, Times Staff Writer

washington — For three years, the Bush administration has waged a campaign to choke off North Korea's access to the world's financial system, where U.S. officials say the nation launders money from criminal enterprises to fuel its trade in missile technology and its efforts to build a nuclear arsenal.

That effort has started to pay off.


November 2, 2006

11-03-2006, 03:42 AM
PS: Don`t use the neologism PWNED.

It confuses and confounds the locals to no end. 8)

( Ahem Quinn)

11-03-2006, 04:00 AM
Ahh,what the hell. These idiots need an education : :P

Adapted from Reuters Text: First PWNING! 10.25.04

Experts and etymologysts were dancing in the street today upon the discovery of the first ever written evidence of a range of neologisms.

The following note was recovered from a Victorian mail van, predicted to have been travelling along Kent road on 12.12.1611. The carriage and its contents were preserved in a thick bog, leaving a range of incredible documents relatively undamaged after 400 years! The note appears to be correspondence between William Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde, thus making it one of the most important documents ever!

One suspected reason that it was not delivered sooner is that the two men lived over 45miles and 200 years apart.

11-03-2006, 07:28 AM
One suspected reason that it was not delivered sooner is that the two men lived over 45miles and 200 years apart.