View Full Version : Sports illustrated 2023 Swimsuit edition - trans cover girl

05-19-2023, 11:59 PM
Sports illustrated 2023 Swimsuit edition - trans cover girl Kim Petras - Times they are a changing


https://swimsuit.si.com/.image/c_fit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw _620/MTk3OTM5NzQyNjU2OTY0NDcw/mtk3odcznjkwmdg2ntq5mzy2.jpg

05-20-2023, 03:35 PM
wow very nice!!!!

05-20-2023, 10:15 PM
Nikka - its been forever and a day - how have you been? Im glad to see a familiar face still on HA - the rest of these new fuckers are too shy to talk to me I guess...

wow very nice!!!!

05-20-2023, 11:01 PM
I can't believe what 2023 has gotten the LGBT community so far
Look at Kim Petras right next to an issue with Megan Fox

14200711420070142006914200671420068142006414200651 420066

05-21-2023, 12:10 AM
You know what I dont get is why some people feel the need to hate on her and Sports Illustrated for giving her a cover - nobody is being forced to buy that issue - or look at the cover - plus shes fucking beautiful so whats the big deal if she was born male - if you dont want to look just turn the fucking page.

I swear to god that the right wing MAGA crowd are some of the biggest snowflakes on the planet

Imagine being so offended by a single beer can given to an internet celebrity as a personal gift that the whole MAGA movement loses their collective minds for 2 months over it and starts shooting up cases of bud light and driving over it with their trucks... one fucking can - given directly to her - and they lose their shit.

Cant wait to see what happens with the Sports crowd over this - somebody bring the popcorn...

I can't believe what 2023 has gotten the LGBT community so far
Look at Kim Petras right next to an issue with Megan Fox

14200711420070142006914200671420068142006414200651 420066

05-21-2023, 04:20 AM
You know what I dont get is why some people feel the need to hate on her and Sports Illustrated for giving her a cover - nobody is being forced to buy that issue - or look at the cover - plus shes fucking beautiful so whats the big deal if she was born male - if you dont want to look just turn the fucking page.

I swear to god that the right wing MAGA crowd are some of the biggest snowflakes on the planet

Imagine being so offended by a single beer can given to an internet celebrity as a personal gift that the whole MAGA movement loses their collective minds for 2 months over it and starts shooting up cases of bud light and driving over it with their trucks... one fucking can - given directly to her - and they lose their shit.

Cant wait to see what happens with the Sports crowd over this - somebody bring the popcorn...

Several members of this very forum are no better. Have you seen the Bud Light topic?

05-21-2023, 05:44 AM
No I havent - is it something I need to go have a look at or am I just going to want to kick somebody in the balls over it?

The Bud Light girl isnt even a year into her transition - she's goofy and giddy with herself and she hasnt even been on hormones very long and she hasnt had all the surgery the porn girls usually do but thats no reason to give her shit - personally I think she's a goof ball but she's got over 12 million followers on tik tok and one 15 second product mention from her gets her paid about 80K - not bad work if you can get it... Id do it but nobody wants to pay me that kind of money to tell people to go fuck themselves...

Several members of this very forum are no better. Have you seen the Bud Light topic?

05-21-2023, 06:26 AM
No I havent - is it something I need to go have a look at or am I just going to want to kick somebody in the balls over it?

The Bud Light girl isnt even a year into her transition - she's goofy and giddy with herself and she hasnt even been on hormones very long and she hasnt had all the surgery the porn girls usually do but thats no reason to give her shit - personally I think she's a goof ball but she's got over 12 million followers on tik tok and one 15 second product mention from her gets her paid about 80K - not bad work if you can get it... Id do it but nobody wants to pay me that kind of money to tell people to go fuck themselves...

You'll want to kick multiple people in the balls over it.

You don't need to go have a look if you don't want to add to your stress/rage.

But if you want to look, this is it: http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?112535-So-real-men-don-t-drink-Bud-Light

KnightHawk 2.0
05-21-2023, 07:57 AM
Sports illustrated 2023 Swimsuit edition - trans cover girl Kim Petras - Times they are a changing


https://swimsuit.si.com/.image/c_fit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw _620/MTk3OTM5NzQyNjU2OTY0NDcw/mtk3odcznjkwmdg2ntq5mzy2.jpgVery very nice. And gorgeous photos as well.

05-21-2023, 10:07 AM
Honestly, is this for real??

05-21-2023, 09:12 PM
Nice toes!

05-21-2023, 10:28 PM
Honestly, is this for real??

Here are the variant covers at the official si.com site. (https://swimsuit.si.com/model-years/2023)

05-22-2023, 12:36 AM
Yes very real - and shes not even the first Trans gal to appear in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue

Honestly, is this for real??