View Full Version : I'm a trans woman of color in an all-male prison. I had to sue the state to get gende

02-20-2023, 08:35 PM
I'm a trans woman of color in an all-male prison. I had to sue the state to get gender-affirming care behind bars.


One of the proudest moments of my life was in 2015 when I successfully represented myself without the assistance of counsel in a lawsuit against the Georgia Department of Corrections. In the case of Lynch v. Lewis, I advocated for my rights and the rights of other trans women in the prison system. I was fighting to ensure all trans women in prison had access to lifesaving gender-affirming medical care in the form of hormone-replacement therapy.

Representing myself was the single most daunting endeavor I'd ever undertaken. There were times that were extremely frustrating — especially the periods of waiting between varying stages of the case.

In the end, I proved to everyone who doubted — even myself at times, if I'm being honest — that I could win. I settled my lawsuit in July 2015, modifying the existing policy on access to gender-affirming care. I also earned myself access to HRT and got a guarantee of laser treatment for facial-hair removal.

After this victory, I started taking names. Prison officials dealt with me gingerly. I knew that if push came to shove, I could hold them accountable for any unconstitutional acts. For once in my life, I had some power, and it was glorious.

I went to prison at 21 years old as a transgender woman of color.
In the all-male prison, I couldn't get hormone-replacement treatment and the workers abused me.
I sued the Georgia Department of Corrections and won my right to hormones and laser hair removal.


02-21-2023, 09:38 AM
I’m surprised she hasn’t been paroled yet.

02-21-2023, 06:54 PM
I’m surprised she hasn’t been paroled yet.

She was paroled in 2018 but violated it. She claims it was because she took an undisclosed job at an Animal Hospital that was a bit closer to a Day Care Center than allowed by the rules of her registered sex offender status . Here’s an article on her original sentence - https://www.advocate.com/news/2012/03/08/drag-performer-gets-prison-time-pimping-kids

02-22-2023, 02:11 AM
I’d look at what she went in for…

02-22-2023, 12:13 PM
She was paroled in 2018 but violated it. She claims it was because she took an undisclosed job at an Animal Hospital that was a bit closer to a Day Care Center than allowed by the rules of her registered sex offender status . Here’s an article on her original sentence - https://www.advocate.com/news/2012/03/08/drag-performer-gets-prison-time-pimping-kids

The performer and former sex worker was apparently part of a two-person team with his former roommate, Steven Lemery (who was a go-go dancer at a local gay club under the stage name Steven Lang), who used social networking to lure gay and transgender teens from South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia to meet them in Douglasville, Ga., for sex. According to David Ibata at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Lemery would then allegedly lock the victims in his closet and later force them into prostitution.

This pervert should still be in there. Disgusting. Fuck her hormones

02-22-2023, 04:38 PM
The performer and former sex worker was apparently part of a two-person team with his former roommate, Steven Lemery (who was a go-go dancer at a local gay club under the stage name Steven Lang), who used social networking to lure gay and transgender teens from South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia to meet them in Douglasville, Ga., for sex. According to David Ibata at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Lemery would then allegedly lock the victims in his closet and later force them into prostitution.

This pervert should still be in there. Disgusting. Fuck her hormones

She did the crime, and has been doing the time.

The issue surely is the conduct of the prison service in Georgia with regard to Trans prisoners. I think we can see that as separate from the crime, wicked as it was.

Anyway, I assume that the devout Christians of Georgia will exercise their Christian duty to forgive all those who have committed crimes, and release them.

02-23-2023, 12:06 AM
The performer and former sex worker was apparently part of a two-person team with his former roommate, Steven Lemery (who was a go-go dancer at a local gay club under the stage name Steven Lang), who used social networking to lure gay and transgender teens from South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia to meet them in Douglasville, Ga., for sex. According to David Ibata at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Lemery would then allegedly lock the victims in his closet and later force them into prostitution.

This pervert should still be in there. Disgusting. Fuck her hormones

This feminist site offers even more info on this grifter. according to them - she was reincarcerated on charges of attempted armed robbery. https://reduxx.info/incarcerated-drag-queen-who-sex-trafficked-teens-now-a-trans-activist/ Towards the bottom of the article they bring up an even worse piece of work who is now a transgender activist :
“Earlier this year, Reduxx reported that a man who raped a toddler (https://reduxx.info/toddler-rapist-now-award-winning-trans-rights-activist/)was performing community outreach for an organization that advised incarcerated men on how to declare a transgender status.
Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffery Willsea, was convicted on 11 counts related to the sexual abuse of a 3-year-old girl. His sex offender registration categorizes him as a risk level 3 (https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/nsor/risk_levels.htm), which denotes the highest recidivism risk and that he is a threat to public safety. Yet despite his horrific history, Grandichelli has become an award-winning activist since his release, and has worked extensively with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project on behalf of trans inmates.”

It gets better (and by better - I mean worse):

02-28-2023, 05:24 AM
I don't think I'm "anti-Trans," but I don't what to pay for your "self-improvement" while you are behind bars.

Do your time as a man, and then if you want to transition do it on your own dime after you get out of prison.

I practiced criminal law for almost 10 years (many moons ago), and when I was practicing you really had to "work hard" at being a criminal to get sent to the state penitentiary.

By "work hard" I mean that you really had to hurt someone, steal a fairly large amount, or be dealing drugs (large amounts). Particularly for first or second offenses those generally could be plea bargained down to a less serious charge.

When I was practicing if it was a fairly low level crime, the accused would usually get a combination of county jail time, and then supervised release.

I hate these stone cold criminals who suddenly decide they are transsexuals after they get convicted (which I don't think happened in this case). It is like a bad South Park episode.

03-04-2023, 05:39 AM
I practiced criminal law for almost 10 years (many moons ago), and when I was practicing you really had to "work hard" at being a criminal to get sent to the state penitentiary.

I guess that explains your Laura Norder fixation.

Your information seems a bit off given the US has one of the world's highest rates of imprisonment. About 0.5% of the US population is currently in prison, compared to around 0.1% in most other developed countries.

I'm sure the fact that this hasn't resulted in lower crime rates is not going to affect your views at all.

03-04-2023, 11:37 PM
I guess that explains your Laura Norder fixation.

Your information seems a bit off given the US has one of the world's highest rates of imprisonment. About 0.5% of the US population is currently in prison, compared to around 0.1% in most other developed countries.

I'm sure the fact that this hasn't resulted in lower crime rates is not going to affect your views at all.

This is just stupid reasoning.

The burgeoning crime rates means we haven't locked up enough criminals yet. Take the criminals out of society and the crime rate goes down.

It is very hard to commit other crimes (especially against law abiding citizens) while you are in prison.

Look at the diference in the crime rates between the NYC of the Giuliani/Bloomberg eras when there was strict enforcement of the laws, and now (with elimination of cash bail and lax law enforcement). Real people are getting killed because radical politicians decided to become soft on crime.

03-05-2023, 12:01 AM
The burgeoning crime rates means we haven't locked up enough criminals yet. Take the criminals out of society and the crime rate goes down.

That's not how crime works (or criminals). There isn't a finite number of born criminals who can be detected and removed from society. There are conditions that lead people to crime. Simply locking everyone up who falls prey to the conditions won't end crime.

03-05-2023, 12:24 AM
The burgeoning crime rates means we haven't locked up enough criminals yet. Take the criminals out of society and the crime rate goes down.


How to stop gun crime in the US: take away the guns. Sorted.

03-05-2023, 02:40 AM
That's not how crime works (or criminals). There isn't a finite number of born criminals who can be detected and removed from society. There are conditions that lead people to crime. Simply locking everyone up who falls prey to the conditions won't end crime.

More Liberal nonsense.

I will return to the NYC model. Back when crimes were aggressively prosecuted the crime rate was lowered dramatically. When DeBlasio started his soft on crime experient, unsurprisingly crime rates shot upwards.

If it appears to the prospective criminal that his or her antisocial behavior will lead to significant punishment then a significant percentage of prospective criminals will make the choice not to do the crime.

The conditions that cause crime are varied, but punishing criminals harshly is not one of them.

When you punish enough criminals, others in society do eventually get the message. Even a tapeworm will turn away from pain.

When you go soft on crime you get NYC, Chicago, D.C., S.F., L.A, etc. (all cesspits of crime that were once great cities).

03-05-2023, 02:55 AM
The burgeoning crime rates means we haven't locked up enough criminals yet. Take the criminals out of society and the crime rate goes down.

You already tried this with the law on drugs, which was possibly the main reason why the imprisonment rate increased so much after 1980. Are you seriously claiming this was a success or that the problem could be solved if only more people were locked up?

To get back to the topic, do you actually believe convicted trans should be sent to male prisons to maximise the deterrent effect?

03-05-2023, 05:11 AM
This is just stupid reasoning.

The burgeoning crime rates means we haven't locked up enough criminals yet. Take the criminals out of society and the crime rate goes down.

It is very hard to commit other crimes (especially against law abiding citizens) while you are in prison.

Look at the diference in the crime rates between the NYC of the Giuliani/Bloomberg eras when there was strict enforcement of the laws, and now (with elimination of cash bail and lax law enforcement). Real people are getting killed because radical politicians decided to become soft on crime.

Let's see if you can go beyond rehashing right-wing talking points. Here's some data sources on imprisonment and crime rates by US states. I look forward to your explanation as to how this supports your thesis that crime is caused by left-wing politicians not locking up enough people. There appears to be no clear relationship to me, but maybe you are more creative.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_cri me_rate
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_incarcerati on_and_correctional_supervision_rate

03-05-2023, 06:43 AM
More Liberal nonsense.

I will return to the NYC model. Back when crimes were aggressively prosecuted the crime rate was lowered dramatically. When DeBlasio started his soft on crime experient, unsurprisingly crime rates shot upwards.

If it appears to the prospective criminal that his or her antisocial behavior will lead to significant punishment then a significant percentage of prospective criminals will make the choice not to do the crime.

The conditions that cause crime are varied, but punishing criminals harshly is not one of them.

When you punish enough criminals, others in society do eventually get the message. Even a tapeworm will turn away from pain.

When you go soft on crime you get NYC, Chicago, D.C., S.F., L.A, etc. (all cesspits of crime that were once great cities).

Bullshit. Lowered dramatically is not eliminated. Treating the symptoms only ever gives temporary gains. There are systemic issues in play. Also, if crime goes down and innocent people are persecuted (yes, there are plenty of bullshit arrests), then it's just a shell game.

Crime has always been a problem in "great cities." Every city you cited has always been known for high crime.

03-06-2023, 01:33 AM
I think that anyone can identify however they want.But A Trans woman who gets prostrate cancer will have to be treated as a Male because of the medication used. So if they feel their rights so strongly as a right to be female which we all respect would they deny treatment.

03-06-2023, 03:33 AM
"To get back to the topic, do you actually believe convicted trans should be sent to male prisons to maximise the deterrent effect?"

It is probably safer for the genetic females (who are incarcerated) for convicted trans folks (MTF) to be sent to male prisons. We have seen female prisoners abused by men who claimed they were transsexual after they were convicted (of rape among other things) and then sent to women's' prison.

At this point I'm sick of catering to the "rights" of prisoners (transsexual or otherwise).

If it were up to me, the U.S. would buy Devil's Island from the French and start incarcerating felons down there. I would have them wear striped pajamas and have them break up rocks into smaller rocks all day.

I will emphasize that there is difference between jail and prisons. If you get sent to prison you are an outlier and committed serious offenses, and are deserving of punishment.

03-06-2023, 04:23 AM
It is probably safer for the genetic females (who are incarcerated) for convicted trans folks (MTF) to be sent to male prisons. We have seen female prisoners abused by men who claimed they were transsexual after they were convicted (of rape among other things) and then sent to women's' prison.

I think you are dodging the question a bit. I'm not suggesting that they should be sent to female prison just on their say so that they are trans. The question is what do you think should happen to those who can show some prior evidence that they were transitioning.

03-06-2023, 04:35 AM
If it were up to me, the U.S. would buy Devil's Island from the French and start incarcerating felons down there. I would have them wear striped pajamas and have them break up rocks into smaller rocks all day.

You may not be aware of this, but that's pretty much what your own country was used for prior to independence. Sounds like you want to go back to those days.

03-06-2023, 06:55 AM
Whom are trans men jailed with?

03-06-2023, 07:29 AM
Whom are trans men jailed with?

I would think it would have to be in womens' prisons. To do otherwise probably would not be safe for the FTM, and it is not like the FTM is going to get the female prisoners pregnant.

Unlike MTFs actively seeking to go to women's' prison, I don't think FTMs are actively petitioning to get sent to the men's' penitentiary.

As for those folks (MTF) transitioning prior to committing a crime it is a somewhat tougher call, but in the end I would just send them to the men's prison (and caution MTF transsexuals that they probably should avoid a life of crime). It may be sad to say, but once you are a convicted criminal, I have (and I think society) should have little to no sympathy for you. Save your pity for the actual victims of crime.

03-06-2023, 08:22 AM
It may be sad to say, but once you are a convicted criminal, I have (and I think society) should have little to no sympathy for you. Save your pity for the actual victims of crime.

First, this goes against the grain of the fundamental purpose of prison, which is to remove a criminal from society for its protection, and to offer the prisoner an opportunity to repent and reform, so that he or she can be returned to society with the threat removed. It is sometimes referred to as 'Whig Optimism' on the basis that a Christian life will always emerge with tuition, and feeds into the argument that many criminals have turned to a life of crime to compensate for lost opportunities. And, indeed, there are many stories of ex-cons leaving prison and 'turning their lives around'. Should they be denied the opportunity to overhaul their lives to satisfy the revenge or resentment of another?

Second, if prison is just a dustbin, why should the taxpayer fork out millions of pounds/dollars a year to clothe, feed and house society's rejects? For that matter, isn't health care in prison free?

So why Devil's Island? Just build an incinerator and have done with it. Always assuming the condemned are guilty of their crimes. It was part of the Eugenics movement's arguments in the early 19th century, why not revive it now?

04-14-2023, 05:09 AM
When you go soft on crime you get NYC, Chicago, D.C., S.F., L.A, etc. (all cesspits of crime that were once great cities).

You forgot to mention Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa.

The research firm AH Datalytics tracked homicides in four Florida cities for which data was available — Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, and Tampa — and the number of murders per 100,000 people in 2021 was higher than it was for most of the 2010s, much less 50 years ago.

And the data suggests that the situation is getting worse: Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa had higher murder rates in 2021 than cities in blue states including New York City, Los Angeles, and Boston, according to AH Datalytics’s data. And between 2021 and 2022, homicides rose by at least 9 percent in those Florida cities.

As usual, reality is more complex that your simplistic morality tales; eg: crime is caused by Democrats going soft on crime; transphobia is caused by trans people getting too pushy.

08-24-2023, 06:55 PM

09-22-2023, 05:49 AM
Anyway, I assume that the devout Christians of Georgia will exercise their Christian duty to forgive all those who have committed crimes, and release them.

You can't be serious. Those folks may call themselves Christian but they sure don't act like it. More guns, less education! Hooray!!!

09-22-2023, 05:55 AM
This is just stupid reasoning.

Look at the diference in the crime rates between the NYC of the Giuliani/Bloomberg eras when there was strict enforcement of the laws, and now (with elimination of cash bail and lax law enforcement). Real people are getting killed because radical politicians decided to become soft on crime.

Pull your head out of your ass and someday, go visit New York, right wing tourist.Crime rate goes down....Brilliant professor!