View Full Version : Black voters overwhelmingly support LGBTQ rights except when it comes to trans athlet

12-07-2022, 04:07 AM
Black voters overwhelmingly support LGBTQ rights except when it comes to trans athletes

12-07-2022, 04:40 AM
Non-black voters aren't big on trans athletes, either. It's been a very successful wedge issue.

12-07-2022, 04:58 AM
Non-black voters aren't big on trans athletes, either. It's been a very successful wedge issue.
Makes me wonder what Thailand's view is on this in conjunction with Thailand planning on recognizing 'Third Gender' in a new constitution
==> https://www.huffpost.com/entry/thailand-third-gender_n_6476582

Old Jimbo
12-07-2022, 05:12 PM
If we had a "Third Gender" Olympics this would help solve the problem

12-08-2022, 02:45 AM
There is already the regular Olympics and Paralympics, so I doubt there's going to be room for a third Olympics. That would require $$$, which have to come from advertising revenue.
I can't conceive of Translympics being shown on commercial TV because it would be too controversial and only appeal to a niche audience.

12-10-2022, 04:29 PM
Non-black voters aren't big on trans athletes, either. It's been a very successful wedge issue.

I think opposing MTFs in women's sports is a successful wedge issue because most people inherently know that trans athletes competing in women's/girl's sports is unfair to genetic females.

Common sense seems to prevail in the public at large when they see Lia Thomas standing next to her genetic female competitors.

As with a lot of things in life there is no good answer to this problem, other than asking the Trans community to have a little bit more self-awareness as to what is fair and what is not fair to the greatest number of people.

12-15-2022, 11:02 PM
I think most people who wish trans people every happiness and freedom to live their lives to the fullest still have issues with trans athletes. Looking at Lia Thomas the Penn swimmer I find it hard to imagine a lot of fair minded people not seeing a problem. Respecting peoples rights becomes problematic pretty quickly when it starts creating clear victims. I think insisting that trans athletes have a right to complete with genetic women hurts the movement of trans rights over all.