View Full Version : Septum Piercings - Yes or No ?

11-23-2022, 04:26 PM
I quite like a nasal piercing on the right girl, but as far as a septum piercing - it's the fastest way for a cute girl to look ugly (well, after a face tattoo).

What are your thoughts?

11-23-2022, 04:52 PM
I'm not a fan of any piercings other than ears, and no fan of tattoos at all.

11-23-2022, 05:20 PM
Septum piercings have seemingly become synonyms with women who have haircuts that scream "I get offended by everything". Used to be indifferent but now those things knock a girl down a few.

11-23-2022, 05:53 PM
I love BODY tattoos on ladies in general..and the right body piercing can add a ton of sexiness to a woman (nipple and navel piercings…and, though I have only seen them on women in porn - certain genital piercings). A small stud on the side of the nose or a very thin ring can , quite often, add to the face of the individual - much like a mole or beauty mark…but I’ve NEVER seen any type of septum piercing work to enhance a face. To me, it just isn’t aesthetically pleasing - drawing too much attention to itself without adding anything positive. I actually hate septum rings. It’s like having a booger always hanging from your nose.

11-24-2022, 05:02 AM
I'm not a fan of any piercings other than ears, and no fan of tattoos at all.
honestly i agree

11-24-2022, 11:29 AM
It must be annoying as fuck...and a hassle to keep clean...
Not a fan...

11-24-2022, 11:42 AM
No, no septum rings ever, horrible things.

11-24-2022, 12:37 PM
A small, subtle septum ring can be very attractive . A big, dangly, ostentatious one - definitely a turn-off .

11-29-2022, 04:54 PM
Not a fan. In fact, it's a turn off for me.

Luke Warm
11-30-2022, 09:07 PM
It just depends. Small septum piercings can look nice. Big rings remind me of the rings that cows have to wear.

Don’t get me started on large gauge earlobe piercings… ugh. You’re stretching the wrong holes!

12-01-2022, 09:59 PM
I can appreciate a tiny nose ring on one side or the other (not both) but the septum ring is awful and an immediate turn off.